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An efficient transformation method mediated by PEG-protoplasts was developed for the newly commercial edible mushroom Pleurotus nebrodensis. Two plasmids were used to co-transform protoplasts of P. nebrodensis. One plasmid is pAN7-1 containing a positive selectable marker gene hph conferring hygromycin B resistance. Another plasmid is pBlue-GFP containing a reporter gene gfp conferring green fluorescent protein. PCR and Southern blot analysis showed that hph gene or/and gfp gene were integrated into the genome of P. nebrodensis transformants. The transformation efficiency of the positive selectable marker gene hph was 3 transformants per microgram of plasmid pAN7-1 DNA, which was about 30 times higher than that previously reported in thoroughly studied Pleurotus species such as Pleurotus ostreatus. The transformation efficiency of the reporter gene gfp was 9 transformants per microgram of plasmid pBlu-GFP DNA. The co-transformation efficiency was 23.68%. This is the first report that a "reporter" gene, green fluorescent protein gene can be successfully stably exoressed in this Pleurotus species.  相似文献   

采用能够转化细菌和真菌的双功能质粒pDL1,与部分酶切的糙皮侧耳(Pleurotusostreatus)基因组DNA片段进行体外重组。再用重组质粒DNA转化玉米黑粉菌(Ustilago,maydis)的原生质体,在平皿上筛选抗新霉素的转化子,转化率达800转化子/μgDNA,由此在玉米黑粉菌中建立了糙皮侧耳的基因文库。随机选出15个转化子提取其DNA,以32P标记的neur基因酶切片段作为探针进行打点杂交,全部显示阳性,证明抗性菌落不是来源于敏感细胞的回复突变。以李氏木霉(Trichodermareesei)的纤维二糖水解酶(Cellobiohydrases,简称CBH)CBHⅡ基因末端片段为探针,从阳性克隆菌株中提取DNA进行Southern转移并杂交,结果证明本研究已成功地克隆了糙皮侧耳纤维二糖水解酶CBHⅡ基因。基因的表达检测证明,克隆菌株具有纤维二糖水解酶活力。  相似文献   

分析菠菜叶绿体基因组全序列,选用了rbcL基因和accD基因的间隔区作为外源基因的定点整合位点,并从菠菜叶绿体基因组中克隆了rbcL基因全长和accD基因的5′端部分,长度分别为1956 bp和1320 bp。以这2个DNA片段作为同源重组片段,以烟草叶绿体基因的启动子Prrn和终止子psbA3′控制外源基因的转录,构建了包含筛选标记基因aadA基因(编码氨基糖苷-3′-腺苷酸转移酶,具有壮观霉素和链霉素抗性)和报告基因GFP(编码绿色荧光蛋白)的菠菜叶绿体基因组定点整合表达载体pRAGA。酶切结果显示构建正确。将该载体转化大肠杆菌,在激光扫描共聚焦显微镜下用488 nm蓝光激发,发现大肠杆菌发出强烈的绿色荧光,而对照菌体没有荧光,表明GFP基因在原核大肠杆菌中已经成功表达。实验结果说明构建的菠菜叶绿体定点整合表达载体pRAGA可以用于菠菜叶绿体转化。  相似文献   

A transposon-shuttle vector Hanpvid was constructed by using wild-type genomic DNA fromHeliothis armigera nuclear polyhedrosis virus (HaNPV). It could replicate inE. coli cells as a large plasmid and remain infectious when being induced into insect cells. Hanpvid comprises HaNPV DNA and a transposon cassette which includes a miniF replicon, a kanamycin resistance gene (kan), lacZa and an attachment site for Tn7 (attTn7). Recombinant virus rHa-FaGP was obtained after transposition of a donor plasmid carrying green fluorescent protein gene (gfp) and polyhedrin gene (ocu) into attTn7. SDS-PAGE analysis shows that both gfp and ocu genes were highly expressed inHeliothis armigera cells. Green Hemolymphocytes can be seen under a fluorescent microscope 4 d after recombinant virus rHa-FaGP infected the third-instar larvae. The infected larvae show strong green fluorescence 6 d post infection.  相似文献   

以携带潮霉素B磷酸转移酶抗性基因(hph)的pBHt1作为转化载体,根癌农杆菌AGL-1作为转化介体,实施转化异角状拟盘多毛孢菌。研究发现,异角状拟盘多毛孢菌的最优转化体系为:异角状拟盘多毛孢菌分生孢子悬浮液浓度为1×106个/mL,根癌农杆菌OD600为0.3,共培养时间48 h,共培养温度为25℃,诱导培养基中乙酰丁香酮(AS)浓度为200μmol/L,选择培养基添加250μg/mL潮霉素B、250μg/mL头孢噻肟钠。1×106个异角状拟盘多毛孢菌分生孢子可以产生200~300个转化子,随机挑选10个转化子进行PCR检测,均能扩增出预期条带,且在不含潮霉素B的PDA培养基平板上转化子连续培养5代后,hph基因仍能稳定遗传,这表明T-DNA已经插入到异角状拟盘多毛孢菌的基因组中。此次建立的异角状拟盘多毛孢菌的转化体系可为该病菌的功能基因研究和寄主与病原菌的互作研究提供有效的工具。  相似文献   

The green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene from the jellyfishAequorea victoria as a vital reporter for gene expression in plants is considered to have several advantages over other reporter genes. The pBIN35S-mGFP4 plasmid DNA has been introduced into cotton embryos by the pollen-tube pathway method. A transformed seedling has been verified according to its GFP-related fluorescence and Southern blotting analysis. The results provided direct and convincing facts in cytology and molecular biology for the pollen-tube pathway method, an efficient transformation technique used in plants.  相似文献   

由于绿色荧光蛋白可在活组织或细胞中直接检出 ,因而近年已在转基因植物的研究中用作报告基因 ,这样可在植物生长的任何阶段进行活体筛选和鉴定。本研究利用线粒体定位序列对改良 gfp基因在转基因烟草中的表达进行了观察 ,结果表明 :将GFP直接在细胞质中大量表达会对植物细胞产生毒性 ,从而影响植物细胞的分化 ,而将其定位在线粒体中 ,则从转化细胞产生植株的频率明显增高。  相似文献   

本文采用我国自己分离的短小芽孢杆菌抗四环素质粒pCJ3转化枯草杆菌的各种突变体.质粒DNA经氯化铯—溴化乙锭密度梯度离心纯化后转化枯草杆菌的感受态细胞.结果表明枯草杆菌BR151,SB202,168,QB1130及QB1133都可作为质粒pCJ3的受体,转化效率在10~3左右,其中以SB202这株突变体为最高,从各种转化体中提取的质粒及经BamHI消化后的质粒的电泳图均与原质粒pCJ3及其BamHI酶切片段相同,并具有pCJ3的抗四环素转化活性.将pCJ3DNA经BamHI酶切后重新用T_4-DNA连接酶连接再转化枯草杆菌细胞,其转化效率比原质粒高1—2个数量级.研究了二价金属离子、pH及培养基成分对转化的影响,结果证明:Ca~(++)对枯草杆菌转化有促进作用,Cu~(++),Zn~(++)则有抑制作用,转化的最适pH在7.2—7.5之间;营养丰富培养能提高转化效率.  相似文献   

利用根癌农杆菌介导的转化方法改良木霉菌   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根癌农杆菌介导的转化系统在丝状真菌的研究中具有重要的意义。通过农杆菌介导,成功实现了丝状真菌绿色木霉菌(Trichoderma viride)遗传转化,转化率约为30~80个转化子/10^5个孢子。PCR检测和几丁质酶分析表明含有编码几丁质酶外源基因(Cli 113)的T-DNA已整合进木霉菌基因组中,而且转化子都能够稳定遗传。农杆菌介导的遗传转化方法具有转化率高、操作简便、遗传稳定等优点,在丝状真菌的遗传转化中具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Functional analysis for gene silencing suppressor of P14 gene of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus and S6 gene of Rice black streak dwarf virus was carried out by agro- infiltration with recombinant vectors of Potato virus X. The phenotype observation of green fluorescent protein (GFP)expression and Northern blot showed that the gene silencing of gfp transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana induced by homologous sequence was strongly suppressed by the immixture infiltration of either the P14 or the $6. In the suppressed plants, the gfp mRNA accumulation was higher than that in the non-suppressed controls and the symptoms caused by PVX infection became more severe, especially the gfp DNA methylation of plant genome was significantly inhabited when co-infiltrated with RBSDV S6 gene. These results suggested that these two virus genes were potentially to encode for proteins as RNA silencing suppressors.  相似文献   

J L Yates  N Warren  B Sugden 《Nature》1985,313(6005):812-815
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infects human B lymphocytes, transforming the infected cells into dividing blasts that can proliferate indefinitely. The viral genome of 172 kilobase pairs (kbp) is a plasmid in most transformed cells. We have identified a region of EBV DNA, termed oriP (nucleotides 7,333-9,109 of strain B95-8), which acts in cis to permit linked DNAs to replicate as plasmids in cells containing EBV DNA. We have postulated the existence of a trans-acting gene allowing oriP function. Here we report that this gene lies in a 2.6-kbp region of the viral genome (nucleotides 107, 567-110, 176) which encodes the EBNA-1 antigen. We show that circular DNAs containing oriP, the EBNA-1 gene and a selectable marker replicate autonomously in cells derived from at least four developmental lineages and from at least three species. We also find that the one-third of the EBNA-1 gene repetitive in sequence is not essential for the trans-acting function that EBNA-1 gives oriP.  相似文献   

人白介素-3是一种造血系统和免疫系统调节剂,在治疗造血系统疾病、肿瘤、先天或获得性免疫功能缺陷等方面发挥着重要作用.应用牛乳腺生物反应器生产人白介素-3的研究具有重要的临床应用和经济价值.研究选用具有红色荧光蛋白报告基因(R ed2)和新霉素抗性基因(neor)表达框架的pD sR ed2-1质粒为骨架构建人白介素-3乳腺表达载体.通过PCR方法分别扩增牛β-酪蛋白基因5′端上游调控序列、人IL-3基因以及CM V启动子序列,将它们按先后顺序分别定向克隆于质粒pD sR ed2-1的多克隆位点内,使牛β-酪蛋白基因调控序列位于人IL-3基因的上游,指导人IL-3基因在乳腺组织中特异性表达,而CM V启动子位于红荧光蛋白基因的上游,指导红荧光蛋白基因在所有的组织中非特异性表达.限制性酶切片段分析及部分DNA序列鉴定结果表明,所构建载体结构正确.  相似文献   

迟彦  Ping  Wenxiang  Li  Shanshan  Zhu  Jing  Ma  Xi  Gao  Fengshan  Zhou  Dongpo 《高技术通讯(英文版)》2008,14(1):92-97
Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated DNA transformation method was applied to transform Nodulisporium sylviforme fusant HDF-68, a taxol-producing fungus. We constructed a binary vector pBI121-43 carrying a hygromycin-resistant gene cassette between the right and left borders of T-DNA. Optimal co-cultivation of N.sylviforme with A.tumefaciens containing pBI121-43 led to 110~130 hygromycin-resistant transformants per million conidia. Putative transformants were found to be mitotically stable. The molecular analysis of transformants demonstrated the random integration of single copy of the T-DNA into the host genome. This transformation system serves as a basic tool for insertional mutagenesis in N.sylviforme fusant HDF-68, and the development of such system lays a solid foundation for constructing high-yied gene engineering strain and clarifying taxol biosynthesis pathway in this fungus.  相似文献   

自剪切内含肽纯化系统在大肠杆菌中已经得到很好的应用。为了在真核生物中应用该系统,以酿酒酵母为宿主,p HR质粒为表达载体,构建微型内含肽ΔI-CM intein酿酒酵母表达系统。以猪免疫球蛋白Ig G的Fc domain为亲和标签,绿色荧光蛋白gfp为报告蛋白,在酿酒酵母GPD强启动子作用下,表达出融合的Fc-intein-gfp蛋白。检测发现融合序列在起始密码子ATG前加入一段Kozak序列有利于gfp表达。在此基础上,将微型内含肽ΔI-CM intein序列替换成密码子优化的ΔI-CMintein-O序列,显著促进gfp蛋白的表达量,初步实现了ΔI-CM intein融合蛋白的高效表达。为新型自剪切内含肽酿酒酵母表达系统的建立和重组蛋白高效纯化的实现奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用基因枪法将含有潮霉素抗性基因(hpt),gusA报告基因和ap1基因的2个质粒(pJIMB15和pBiSAP1)共同转化同转化由粳稻品种鄂宜105号种 子在胚诱导的愈伤组织(2-3周龄)。ap1基因编码一种双亲性的蛋白。该蛋白能延缓因假单孢菌感染所引起的非寄主植物中的过敏反应。经过2轮潮霉素(30mg/L)筛选,抗性愈伤组织被转入含30mg/L潮霉素的再生培养基中再生植株。从轰击的186块愈伤组织中共再生出32株独立的转基因水稻植株(转化率为17.2%),PCR/Southern blot分析显示84%的转基因植株含有所有3个基因。  相似文献   

增强型绿色荧光蛋白基因真核表达载体的构建   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
构建增强型绿色荧光蛋白(enhanced green fluorescent protein,EGFP)基因的真核表达载体pCDNA3.1( )-EGFP,转染至培养的Hela细胞中成功表达,并发出绿色荧光,证明EGFP一种良好的报告基因和筛选标记.  相似文献   

Soybean is one of the crops most difficult to be manipulated in vitro. Although several soybean marker genes, all the selectable markers used were from bacteria origin. To find suitable selectable marker gene from plant origin for soybean transformation, a mutant acetolactate synthase (ALS) gene from Arabidopsis thaliana was tested for Agrobacterium-mediated soybean embryo axis transformation with the herbicide Arsenal as the selective agent. Transgenic soybean plants were obtained after the herbicide se- lection and the To transgenic lines showed resistance to the herbicide at a concentration of 100 g/ha. ALS enzyme assay of To transgenic line also showed higher activity compared to the wild type control plant. PCR analysis of the T1 transgenic lines confirmed the integration and segregation of the transgene. Taken together, our results showed that the mutant ALS gene is a suitable selectable marker for soybean transformation.  相似文献   

以含家蚕丝心蛋白重链基因同源片段的质粒pG350为出发质粒,插入增强型绿色荧光蛋白(EGFP)基因,构建成以EGFP为报告基因的同源重组质粒载体pMD-Fib-IE-EGFP,通过PCR及酶切鉴定表明EGFP以正确的方式插入到原始质粒中,通过脂质体介导法转染胃癌细胞能发出很强的绿色荧光,表明该质粒能够在真核细胞中表达,为进一步建立完善的家蚕转基因系统平台提供基因材料。  相似文献   

用冻融法将含有绿色荧光蛋白基因的质粒pGL2-GS导入农杆菌菌株LBA4404 (pTOK233),两个质粒发生同源重组,形成一个新的二元载体pTOK233-GS.农杆菌菌株LBA4404 (pTOK233-GS) 经叶盘法转化烟草,筛选具有卡那霉素抗性的愈伤组织,诱导成苗.PCR 扩增发现,绿色荧光蛋白基因在90% 的再生植株中存在.在荧光显微镜下,使用蓝色激发光观察再生植株的徒手切片和压片发现,80 % 以上的再生植株都能不同程度地发出绿色荧光.多数植株的根尖和叶脉都发光,一些植株的气孔、叶表皮或叶绒毛也发光  相似文献   

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