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A pollen record from Haiyuan section in the southern part of Ningxia revealed a detailed history of vegetation variation and associated climate changes during the period from~13.0 to~7.0 14 C ka BP.A steppe landscape under a moderately dry(and probably cool)condition(~12.7-~12.1 14 C ka BP)was replaced by a coniferous forest dominating the landscape under a generally wet climate from~12.1 to ~11.01 4C ka BP.This generally wet period,corresponding to the European B?lling/All?rod period,can be divided into three stages:a cool and wet stage between~12.1 and~11.4 14 C ka BP,a mild and rela- tively dry stage between~11.4 and~11.2 14 C ka BP,and a mild and wet stage between~11.2 and~11.0 14 C ka BP.The coniferous forest-dominated landscape was then deteriorated into steppe landscape (~11.0-~10.6 14 C ka BP)and further into a desert steppe landscape from~10.6 to~9.8 14 C ka BP,being correspondent to the European Younger Dryas period.After a brief episode of a cool and wet climate (~9.8-~9.6 14 C ka BP),a relatively mild and dry condition prevailed during the early Holocene(~9.6- ~7.6 14 C ka BP)and then a warm and humid climate started the mid-Holocene(~7.6-~7.2 14 C ka BP).  相似文献   
台湾海峡南部二测站1997年8月温、盐垂直分布的时间变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据台湾海峡南部 2 个定点多周日观测站 1997 年 8 月的 C T D 资料,进行温、盐垂直分布时间变化的分析,结果表明:二测站调查期间基本上都存在温、盐跃层,跃层的强度和深度随时间变化较大,显示出较为复杂的温、盐垂直分布,与多种水系在此交汇有关.但二测站的下层稳定地存在低温高盐的海水,有向上涌升的趋势,并受潮流的影响,可见其所在的海域应为上升流区  相似文献   
赤峰南部-朝阳地区地热田成因及地质模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对赤峰南部—朝阳地区地热田中低温对流型地热系统,在研究其地质构造、水源补给、浅部冷水混合作用影响等特征及其成因的基础上,建立了该区地热田成因的地质模式。研究表明:在地形高差和相应的水力压差的作用下,近东西向导水断层汇集补给区大气降水,并成为地下深部径流通道,地下水经正常或偏高的大地热流加热后,在近东西向断层与导水性差的另一条断层交汇部位的构造破碎带上涌形成地热田。  相似文献   
扶余油层河湖频繁交替的比较沉积学依据   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对松辽盆地下白垩统泉四段扶余油层检查井岩心及测井剖面观察发现,扶余油层沉积环境快速多变,灰绿色、紫红色泥岩交替出现,隔夹层稳定分布,在油层上部采收程度较高的情况下,油层下部出现了未动用油层。总结扶余油层的岩性、沉积相变化,发现其沉积环境与现代鄱阳湖沉积类似,两者都具有湖泊相、河流相沉积频繁交替出现的特点。将扶余油层与现代鄱阳湖进行比较沉积学研究,对比了扶余油层与现代鄱阳湖的沉积特征,提出扶余油层为与鄱阳湖沉积环境相类似的河湖交替相沉积的观点。  相似文献   
徐家围子断陷营一段火山岩旋回测井响应特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在钻井取芯研究的基础上,应用测井资料,开展了松辽盆地北部徐家围子断陷营城组营一段高分辨火山岩旋回的划分,建立了营一段火山岩的旋回模式,并总结了营城组一段不同岩性、岩相的测井响应特征。研究结果表明,营一段划分为3个旋回,每个火山岩旋回的自然伽马和电阻率曲线值在底部一般为中高值,顶部为低值;在不同旋回界面,测井曲线振幅和变化频率明显增大,指示风化壳或沉积夹层等标志性界面的存在;并通过研究认为自然伽马、电阻率和密度3种测井曲线对火山岩岩性和岩相识别最为敏感。  相似文献   
Wen  HanJie  Zhang  YuXu  Fan  HaiFeng  Hu  RuiZhong 《科学通报(英文版)》2009,54(24):4756-4762
Over the past decade, as one of nontraditional stable isotopes, Mo isotope has developed rapidly and now become an important geochemical proxy to trace paleo-oceanic and atmospheric evolution through geological history. In this paper, Early Cambrian formations in southern China are investigated. The results indicate that δ 97/95Mo values of Early Cambrian seawater may have been larger than 1.4‰, values that are close to those of the modern ocean. It was also found that the variations in Mo isotope composition in samples from two sections (Huangjiawan and Gezhongwu in Guizhou) were closely related to changes in redox conditions during sedimentary processes. Combining our results with existing data, a preliminary model for the evolution of seawater Mo isotope composition through geological history was provided. It indicated that Mo isotopic variations were generally consistent with the evolution of atmospheric oxygen.  相似文献   
The Luobusa Ophiolite,Southern Tibet,lies in the eastern portion of Indus–Yarlung Zangbo suture zone that separates Eurasia from the Indian continent.An aeromagnetic reconnaissance survey has revealed an EWtrending Yarlung Zangbo River aeromagnetic anomaly zone,and it is considered to be caused mainly by the Indus–Yarlung Zangbo Ophiolite.The Luobusa Ophiolite reflects the eastern portion of the Yarlung Zangbo River aeromagnetic anomaly zone.Conventionally,the ultramafic rock in the Luobusa Ophiolite is considered as the origin of the high magnetic anomalies.However,results from the surface magnetic survey and the magnetic susceptibility measurements from drill cores indicate that the high magnetic anomalies are distributed inhomogeneously in the Luobusa Ophiolite.In some cases,the susceptibility exhibits more than 30 times difference between two sides of the same sample.A fact emerged that the susceptibility of dunite with serpentinization is higher than that of fresh dunite,harzburgite and chromite when we analyzed the measurement results.In order to understand the origin of the high magnetic anomalies,we measured the density and susceptibility of 17 samples,microscopic and electron probe analyses have been performed as well.The result indicates the presence of dunite with serpentinization containing an abundant of micro-fissures filled with magnetite.Olivine has a susceptibility of about 2.7–351(910-5SI),pyroxene about 16–320,and chromite about200–800.All these units feature relatively low susceptibility in ultramafic rock,and only the magnetite is characterized by a high susceptibility of about 200,000(910-5SI).Based on these observations,we conclude that the precipitation of magnetite in the process of serpentinization of the olivine caused by the geological process in the Luobusa Ophiolite is the origin of high magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   
古骆越方国是中国商周时期,以壮族祖先为主建立的地方政权,其范围大致在两广南部到今越南北部以及整个南海。中心在今广西郁江、邕江、左右江一带。骆越方国的主体族群壮侗语族各民族,开发了中国岭南南方直到整个南海,开辟了海上丝绸之路,对祖国做出了很大的贡献。  相似文献   
正公元536年,太阳变暗,全球降温,饿殍遍野,瘟疫爆发,国家崩溃。这一切究竟是因为什么?线索终于浮现出来。公元536年,拜占庭帝国(即东罗马帝国,395~1453,在欧洲东南部和亚洲西南部,由罗马帝国分裂而成)的历史学家普罗科匹厄斯刚刚抵达意大利南部。当时地中海的权力平衡充满变数:汪达尔人在公元455年洗劫了罗马,西罗马帝国于公元476年轰然倒塌;拜占庭皇帝查士丁尼一世誓言收复疆土,在公元530年前后打败北非的汪达尔王国后,他派军队去夺回了意大利。  相似文献   
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