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孔泉:越方的做法侵犯了中国领土主权4月19日,约60名越南游客和40名“特邀”官员乘坐越南海军一艘游轮,开始为期八天的赴南沙群岛的“旅游”。对越方这一做法,中方做出强烈反应。外交部发言人孔泉4月19日表示,越南方面不顾中方多次交涉和坚决反对,仍执意组织赴中国南沙群岛旅游,我们对此表示强烈不满。越方的上述做法侵犯了中国的领土主权,违背了双方就南海问题达成的有关共识,违反了中国与东盟签署的《南海各方行为宣言》所确立的原则,导致南海局势进一步复杂化,更无助于争议的最终解决。我们再次要求越方恪守承诺,立即停止任何导致局势复杂…  相似文献   

江淮 《世界知识》2011,(1):67-67
当今中国海疆正处于多事之秋,尤以东海、南海为最。中国隔黄海、东海、南海与朝鲜、韩国、日本、菲律宾、马来西亚、文莱、印度尼西亚、越南八个海上邻国的海岸相邻或相向,海洋边界线尚未明确划分,与其中一些国家还存在岛屿领土主权争端。特别是在东海,中日在东海大陆架和专属经济区划界、油气开发问题上的争端持续不断,围绕钓鱼岛归属的争端口益尖锐化。  相似文献   

根据《第六次中越边境地区无线电频率协调会谈纪要》的安排,中越无线电频率协调会谈(局长级)目前在中国海南省举行。近年来,随着中越两国经济的不断发展,两国在边境地区使用的广播电视、移动通信等无线电台站数量急剧增加,出现了多种无线电频率干扰,甚至影响到航空无线电导航业务。为此,我国无线电频率主管部门与越方进行了多次会谈,使上述问题得到了逐步解决。  相似文献   

 2011-2018年,国家自然科学基金委员会设立“南海深部过程演变”重大研究计划,同时推动实施了三次半的大洋钻探航次,使南海进入国际深海研究的前列,在深海盆洋陆相互作用、边缘海盆地的板缘张裂和气候演变的低纬驱动等3方面取得了突破性进展,挑战了源自西欧、北大西洋的传统观念。深海探索的进展,确立了中国在南海科学上的引导地位,下一轮的深入研究可望将南海建成世界海洋科学的天然实验室,进一步提升中国在海洋基础研究中的国际地位。  相似文献   

郭渊 《世界知识》2014,(11):62-64
<正>20世纪70年代,南海地缘政治格局发生了深刻变化,美苏在南海地区展开激烈争夺。伴随着中美关系正常化,美国对南海问题采取"中立"态度,而苏联此时则支持越南推行地区霸权主义,借以扩大自己在印度支那的势力范围,开始干涉中国捍卫南海主权的行动。在此背景下,菲律宾、南越当局、越南和马来西亚等强占南海岛礁、瓜分海域、掠夺资源,南海问题凸显。中国政府采取了一系列举措,以维护中国在南海的主权,最大限度地捍卫中国海洋权益。  相似文献   

越南:加强军力 虎视南海   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘琳 《世界知识》2011,(15):38-39
最近一个时期,越南在南海动作频频:5月底指责中国渔船割断其在南海石油勘探船的电缆,越民众接连数周举行反华示威游行:6月9日,越南总理阮晋勇表示,要以全党、全民、全军之力保护国家海域和岛屿。6月13日,越南海军在南海海域举行两场实弹演习,随后越南又颁布了新的征兵令。7月15日,越南和美国开始在越南岘港附近海域举行为期一周的联合演练。为了巩固其在南海的既得利益,  相似文献   

南海表面海温异常对南海季风影响的数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用P-σ混合坐标系区域气候模式模拟了4-7月南海季风的爆发、演变过程,并进行了3组敏感性数值试验,研究南海表面海温异常对南海季风的影响,得到以下结论:(1)南海4月份海温异常对南海季风的爆发日期影响不大,但对季风爆发后的强度有所影响,异常增温造成南海季风增强,异常降温则南海季风减弱。(2)南海季风爆发和强度的变化与南海本身的海温变化情况有密切的关系,尤其是5月份南海海温异常。5月份南海异常增温可以使南海季风提前爆发,季风增强,南海海温异常降低时,南海季风爆发的时间推迟,季风减弱。(3)南海海温持续异常可以影响南海及中国大陆的高低空环流变化,海温持续异常增温可以使南海季风提前爆发,显地加强南海季风,并有利于南海季风向北推进,但当海温在6月份进一步持续增温时,则有利于季风维持在较南地区,阻碍季风向北发展;当海温持续异常降低时,南海季风推迟爆发,且明显减弱。  相似文献   

2017年天然气水合物研发热点回眸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 2017年,天然气水合物研发领域散发出强劲活力,发生了一系列重大事件。本文回顾了2017年日本南海海槽天然气水合物试采、中国神狐海域天然气水合物试采、中国荔湾海域天然气水合物试采、天然气水合物作为新矿种等重大事件和进展,盘点了天然气水合物油气系统在中国南海神狐海域等主要地区的应用与研究、动力学抑制剂、开采方法、沉积物稳定性、环境效应等研究热点,部分展示了中国在天然气水合物领域作出的贡献,并进一步分析了天然气水合物未来研究热点。  相似文献   

<正>2015年9月15~18日,越南共产党中央总书记阮富仲对日本进行了为期四天的正式访问,这是阮富仲自2011年就任越共中央总书记以来首次访日。在与日本首相安倍晋三进行会谈后,双方发表了联合声明,旨在深化越日间"致力于亚洲和平与繁荣的广泛战略伙伴关系"。有观点认为:"日越各自需求显然不尽相同,安倍试图借越南之手搅局南海,而越方对日越关系的主要诉求在于经济,日方的企图恐难得逞。"笔者认为,上述判断恐怕有些  相似文献   

正对于菲律宾单方面发起的"南海仲裁案",五人临时"仲裁庭"7月12日给出了最终裁决。一边倒的结果出乎国际法学界与南海研究界大多数研究者的意料。中国政府明确表示,对整个案件的立场依然是不参与、不承认、不接受。裁决结果无疑强化了中国与东盟声索国特别是菲律宾之间的对立。在这样的情况下,中国还会坚持2014年提出的"双轨思路"么?笔者的回答是:中国将继续执行"双轨思路",但局部可能有所调整。  相似文献   

 珠江在早渐新世仅是涉及华南沿海地区的小河;到晚渐新世,向西延伸到云贵高原前缘地带;到中新世,现代珠江流域格局初步形成。证据显示,南海北部还发育过一条源自南海西部隆起区的大型水系-昆莺琼古河,后淹没在南海之中,但在南海的沉积充填过程中扮演了重要角色。南海北部水系及沉积环境的重建,对于深刻认识南海新生代早期古地理特征以及该地区的油气勘探均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Shao  Lei  Qiao  PeiJun  Pang  Xiong  Wei  GangJian  Li  QianYu  Miao  WeiLiang  Li  Ang 《科学通报(英文版)》2009,54(2):311-317
The chondrite-normalized REE distribution patterns in recent sediments from the northern South China Sea and surrounding areas are similar, with the HREE values being almost equal to or slightly higher, and the LaN/LuN ratio being lower, than PAAS standards. However, samples from the Xijiang River, a major branch of the Pearl River system, show opposite trends, i.e., with slightly lower HREE values and higher LaN/LuN ratio than PAAS. The distribution of Nd isotopes in sediments from the northern South China Sea was controlled by the Pearl River and the inshore area of South China, respectively. The volume of εNd(0) from inshore areas of southern China is apparently higher than that from the Pearl River, and εNd(0) values in offshore sediments and Taiwan Island are between these values. The results clearly show that εNd(0) volume in the northeastern South China Sea is higher than in the southwest part of the northern South China Sea, indicating different source rock types. The main source rock of the Pearl River sediment is carbonate types and affects sediment deposition in the southwest of the northern South China Sea, while the source rock in the inshore area of southern China, mainly Mesozoic and Cenozoic granites, contributes to sediments in the northeastern area of the northern South China Sea. Due to different source rock types, the HREE values and the volume of εNd(0) in recent sediments supplied by the inshore area of southern China are higher than those from the Pearl River. Over 80% of the rapidly accumulated sediments on the northern slope of the South China Sea in the southeast of Dongsha Islands area were derived from Taiwan Island and from inshore areas of South China, with only less than 20% from the Pearl River. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40276019, 40238060 and 40621063), and National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2007CB819501)  相似文献   

壮族及其同源的布依、侗、水、仫佬、毛南等民族是华南珠江流域的原始居民。《麽经布洛陀》是壮族麽教经文,其内容涉及稻谷种子的来源、野生稻驯化成为栽培稻、骆田与骆人、野牛驯养、石犁的使用与牛耕的出现、采集农业向稻作农业过渡、水稻种植时令及耕作制度的形成、早期的稻作农业祭祀等远古时代华南珠江流域稻作农业的起源和发展的有关问题。文章认为,从神话学的意义说,黄帝是黄河流域以粟作农业为代表的农业神,炎帝是长江流域以稻作农业为代表的农业神,而布洛陀则是华南珠江流域以稻作农业为代表的农业神,中华民族农业文明的巨流,主要是由这三大农业文明汇集而成的。  相似文献   

本利用多年欧洲中心格点风和中国降水资料,分析了夏季风建立期间,亚洲南部及其邻近海域上低层流场的变化和雨带在中国南方的活动。结果表明,夏季风于5月中在南海地区建立。低层流场的变化主要表现为副热带高压脊从南海的东撤和气旋性气流切变线从中国西南向华南沿海的东伸。相应地,雨带有一次从南移转向北推的过程。由于5月份中南半岛-南海区域一直为西南气流所影响,因此,很难从风向来判断气流性质的变化,相对而言,雨带北移能更好地反映出夏季风向北扩散的地理位置。  相似文献   

Late Miocene Red River submarine fan,northwestern South China Sea   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Wang  YingMin  Xu  Qiang  Li  Dong  Han  JianHui    Ming  Wang  YongFeng  Li  WeiGuo  Wang  HaiRong 《科学通报(英文版)》2011,56(14):1488-1494
A huge submarine fan is discovered through the research of the seismic and borehole data in the binding site of Yinggehai basin and Qiongdongnan basin in northwestern South China Sea.The fan,mainly formed during Late Miocene (Huangliu period) has an area over 10000 km 2 and maximum thickness of over 2000 m.It is characterized by a wedge-shaped oblique progradation configuration on the dip profile and a hummocky bidirectional progradation configuration on the strike profile.The core and Logging data from the well YC35-1-2 located in the front side of the fan indicate that sandy gravity flow deposits are predominant in lower Huangliu Formation and change to interbeds of sand and mud in upper Huangliu Formation.The fan is interpreted as a sand/mud-rich submarine fan in combination with the bathyal geological background of Huangliu period.A preliminary analysis of provenance indicates that neither the Guiren Uplift in the west nor the Hainan Uplift in the north can serve as the major provenance for the submarine fan.The provenance is considered to be from the Red River,based on the sedimentary facies study of the Huangliu Formation in Yinggehai basin.The fan is thus named as "Red River submarine fan".The Red River depositional system consists of the Red River submarine fan,the Red River delta,and associated submarine canyons.The discovery of the Red River submarine fan provides important information for the research of the uplift of Tibetan Plateau and the evolvement of Red River Fault Zone.Furthermore,it also points out a new direction for the deepwater hydrocarbon exploration in the northern South China Sea.  相似文献   

南海夏季风建立期间副高带断裂和东撤及其可能机制   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
使用1998年南海夏季风试验(SCSMEX)资料和日本气象研究所(MRI)所提供的TBB资料,分析了南海夏季风建立期间副高带断裂和东撤过程的主要特征及其可能机制。发现北半球副热带高压带的断裂(低层早于高层)和印缅槽(或孟加拉湾槽)的形成是南海夏季风建立的重要前期征兆之一,也为副高东撤和南海夏季风的建立提供了重要条件。斯里兰卡附近低涡的持续北移是副高断裂和印缅槽建立过程的显特征。分析表明,南海夏季风建立之前,印度半岛的感热加热和中南半岛的潜热加热所激发的气旋性流场在孟加拉湾地区是相互迭加的,这有利于孟加拉湾低涡活动和低槽的形成,这可能是副高断裂和印缅槽活跃的机制。伴随着印缅前西南气流和赤道副高东撤、季风加强和对流加热之间存在一种正反馈作用,这导致了副高的连续东撤和南海夏季风的“爆发性”以及各种要素的突变特征。当南海夏季风对流减弱后,西太平洋副高则会西伸。  相似文献   

Based on the analyses of the moisture transport structure in the whole layer of the troposphere along the Yangtze River valley during draught/flood years using the NCEP reanalysis data, this paper reveals that there exists a key region with a “Large Triangle” shape of transporting moisture for the Tibetan Plateau to Meiyu Belt and its“source/sink” structure; discloses that the interannual variation of the whole budget of inflow and outflow of moisture through the boundaries of a “Large Triangle” key region has the in-phase characteristic. Then a moisture transport structure over the skirt of the plateau and a conceptual model on the “transfer post” of moisture transport in the area of the South China Sea-Tibetan Plateau-Yangtze River valley in summer are put forward in this paper: the anti-phase feature of whole layer moisture transport flow patterns of Yangtze River valley during drought/flooding years is exhibited using the computational scheme of whole layer moisture transport correlation vector fields; a comprehensive dynamic model and its physical diagram of the teleconnection source/sink structure of the moisture transport of the Meiyu rain belt have been made. It shows that the moisture transfer effect over the skirt of the plateau from the ocean (Indian Ocean, South China Sea and west North Pacific) led to a moisture confluence belt in the Yangtze River valley and the teleconnection moisture transport source/sink structure over the “Large Triangle” shape area in flooding years.  相似文献   

Clay minerals have played a significant role in the study of the East Asian monsoon evolution in the South China Sea by being able to track oceanic current variations and to reveal contemporaneous paleoclimaUc changes prevailing in continental source areas. As one of the most important rivers inputting terrigenous matters to the northern South China Sea, the Pearl River was not previously paid attention to from the viewpoint of clay mineralogy. This paper presents a detailed study on clay minerals in surface sediments collected from the Pearl River drainage basin (including all three main channels, various branches, and the Lingdingyang in the estuary) by using the X-ray diffraction (XRD) method. The results indicate that the clay mineral assemblage consists dominantly of kaolinite (35%-65%), lesser abundance of chlorite (20%-35%) and illite (12%-42%), and very scare smectite occurrences (generally 〈5%). Their respective distribution does not present any obvious difference throughout the Pearl River drainage basin. However, downstream the Pearl River to the northern South China Sea, the clay mineral assemblage varies significantly: kaolinite decreases gradually, smecUte and illite increase gradually. Additionally, illite chemistry index steps down and illite crystallinity steps up. These variations indicate the contribution of major kaolinite, lesser illite and chlorite, and very scarce smecUte to the northern South China Sea from the Pearl River drainage basin. The maximum contribution of clay minerals from the Pearl River is 72% to the northern margin and only 15% to the northern slope of the South China Sea. In both glacials and interglacials, kaolinite indicates that the ability of mechanical erosion occurred in the Pearl River drainage basin.  相似文献   

应用NCAR/PSU中尺度非静力模式MM5模拟了南海台风"悟空2000"从一个热带扰动发展为强台风的过程。模拟结果表明,MM5模式能够很好地模拟出"悟空2000"台风的强度和最大风速,清晰显示出南海台风发展中具有的阶段性和爆发性。从水汽和位涡等诊断量的分析出发,分析了模拟的台风结构和台风眼生成的可能影响因素。敏感性试验结果显示,南海海面温度对台风发生发展有至关重要的作用:如果海表温度降低1℃,模拟的台风最大风速将降低近10m/s,风速达到台风级别(32.8m/s)的时间推迟约7个小时;如果海表温度降低2℃(SST仍高于26.5℃),该热带扰动将不能发展到台风的强度。  相似文献   

【目的】近海是接受陆源输入的主要地带,沉积物中的有机质有可能记录了流域环境与气候变化的信息。本文以中国东部海区表层沉积物中陆源细菌来源的支链类甘油二烷基甘油四醚脂(branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers,bGDGTs)为研究对象,分析其作为流域环境与气候变化指标的可行性。【方法】使用高效液相色谱-质谱联用仪(HPLC-MS)分析海域表层沉积物中bGDGTs的含量和分布,并进一步统计分析其与环境因子的关系。【结果】中国东部海区沉积物中bGDGTs的绝对含量呈现出区块状分布,在东海基本上随离岸距离的增加而降低,而在南黄海最高值出现在南黄海中心泥质区。支链和类异戊二烯指数(BIT)值除在长江口外上升流区外,基本呈现出随离岸距离的增加而降低的趋势。【结论】bGDGTs主要来源于陆源输入;有机质主要富存于细颗粒沉积物,且有海洋自生bGDGTs的贡献;相对于陆源输入,海洋自生bGDGTs以环状为主;除特殊环境,BIT仍可以作为衡量陆源输入相对多寡的指标;东部海区沉积物中的甲基化指数/环化指数(MBT/CBT)不能作为构建流域古气候变化的指标。  相似文献   

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