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 2020年,国内外在深海装备研发领域取得显著的进展。围绕载人/无人潜水器的研发,重点介绍了2020年国际和国内的研究热点和亮点工作,分析了中国海洋技术所处的国际地位,并对中国深海潜水器领域未来的发展方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

 国家自然科学基金“南海深海过程演变”重大研究计划(2011-2018)取得了重大科学进展,最为重要的是3大突破性成果:  相似文献   

沈勇 《科技资讯》2012,(21):3-4
随着国际石油勘探向深海的发展,国内深水资源勘探开发的逐步开展,特别是在国内南海深水勘探开发取得了较大的进展,中国向深海进军的脚步也在不断加快。中海油深水开发利器深水钻井船海洋石油981和深水铺管船海洋石油201相继投入使用,中国在国际深水勘探开发上取得了国际先进水平,使中国的深水勘探开发取得了质的飞跃。如何保障深水作业的通讯安全,为深水作业的日常作业和应用提供通讯保障,成为了需要研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

<正>"海马"号,全名"‘海马’号4500米无人遥控潜水器系统",是我国迄今自主研发的下潜作业深度最大、国产化率最高的深海强作业型潜水器系统。4月,"海马"号在中国南海中央海盆接受了"深海大考",多次下潜,3次到达4500米海  相似文献   

 南海在距今34 Ma之前的始新世从陆地变为海洋,古水深不断加深,至距今24 Ma之前的中新世/渐新世之交,由于T60构造运动,南海海盆整体进入深海环境。但是,自中新世以来随着吕宋岛弧向欧亚板块碰撞,南海海盆的半封闭程度在距今10.0、6.5、3.0和1.2 Ma之前加剧,导致南海深部海水只能来自巴士海峡海槛深度2600 m以浅的太平洋。此后,巴士海峡两侧的南海与太平洋深部海水交换,由于全球海平面变化,呈现冰期/间冰期模式。  相似文献   

南海表层水温甚低频振荡的动力学机制   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
用一个简单的海洋模式,研究了东亚季风异常对南海表层水温(SST)的影响,发现南海表层水温的甚低频振荡是东亚季风异常风应力强迫所致。这种甚低频振荡主要反映在深水区,其空间分布呈椭圆形,几乎与南海海盆形状一致。从海盆中央到边缘振幅逐渐减少,SST的甚低频振荡是非行进波,无明显传播特征。  相似文献   

南海Sverdrup环流的季节变化特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
利用气候平均的风应力资料,计算了平底南海内区海盆尺度的Sverdrup输送,得到南海海盆尺度Sverdrup环流的季节变化基本特征.将这些基本特征与历史观测资料相比,证实了在冬、夏、秋季风生环流在南海表层环流中的重要地位.明确指出风的非均匀性是南海海盆尺度环流呈现多中心的重要原因之一,秋、冬季南海北部18°N纬带处的西向强流可仅由局地风生成,南海南部环流比北部环流具有更明显的季节变化,春季风场有利于在海盆的中部发生环流的季节转换,秋季气旋式环流的向北输送最大.  相似文献   

汪品先,教授,中国科学院院士。主要从事古海洋学和地球系统科学的研究。曾任国际海洋研究科学委员会副主席,中国海洋研究科学委员会主席,中国海洋湖沼学会副理事长,现任中国第四纪研究委员会副主任。曾获国家教委科技进步一、二等奖,国家自然科学二等奖和四等奖,中国科学院自然科学一等奖以及何梁何利科学进步美等奖项。作为首席科学家,主持了国际大洋钻探ODP184航次,标志着我国实质性跻身于这一国际合作大家庭之中,大大提升了我国在深海研究领域的国际影响。马在田,教授,中国科学院院士。现任上海市地球科学物理学会名誉理事长。主要从事…  相似文献   

汪品先 《科技潮》2005,(1):24-27
深海大洋到底有何奥秘?人类面临能源危机,为何要走向深海大洋?同济大学海洋地质系教授、中科院院士汪品先在2004科协年会上做了题为《走向深海大洋》的报告,初步揭开了深海大洋的神秘面纱。汪品先院士从地球演变历史及海洋板块说切入,探究深海大洋神奇海底的世界。  相似文献   

 依据大洋钻探井及地震剖面资料,定量确定南海同扩张期和后扩张期深海盆沉积充填差异及沉积物来源变化。研究显示,南海深海盆自渐新世(32 Ma)开始形成,随着南海二次扩张海盆范围逐渐扩大,海盆内主要充填火山碎屑角砾岩及火山灰,碳酸盐岩、超微化石软泥,泥质粘土、粉砂质粘土、泥岩及粉细砂岩。深海盆充填主要沉积物为晚中新世(11.6Ma)以来的陆源碎屑沉积,丰富陆源碎屑的供给与南海闭合过程中同期区域构造事件(如青藏高原快速隆升、菲律宾板块俯冲)密切相关,也与晚中新世以来东亚季风增强以及源区强烈的风化剥蚀有关。  相似文献   

The Major Research Program "Deep Sea Processes and Evolution of the South China Sea", or "The South China Sea Deep", launched in January 2011 by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, is the first large-scale basic-research program in ocean science in the country aiming to reconstruct the life history of a marginal sea. The overall scientific objective of the program is to dissect this typical marginal sea by studying its history of evolution and its modern processes, including the following three major components:(1) Development of the deep basin:utilizing new techniques to re-measure magnetic anomaly lineations, to explore the deep tectonic features, to drill the oceanic crust, and to study volcanic seamount chains; (2) deep-water sediments: observing the modern processes to reveal the patterns of deep-water circulations and sedimentation, analyzing deep-sea sediments to recognize paleoceanographic response to basin evolution, and subsequently to bridge the modern and paleo-studies of the deep-sea processes; and (3) biogeochemical processes:using a variety of techniques including deploying submarine observation and deep-water diving device to investigate the distribution patterns and environmental impacts of deepwater seepages and sub-bottom circulation, and to reveal the role of microbes in deep-sea carbon cycling. As compared with the open ocean and other marginal seas, the South China Sea enjoys many more advantages as a marine basin for reconstructing the life history. Meanwhile, the South China Sea Deep Program provides unique opportunities in studying the evolution and variations of the sea-land interactions between the Pacific and Asia.  相似文献   

南海问题与中国海权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪是海洋世纪,海洋对各国的发展起着越来越重要的作用。随着海洋产业迅速发展,海洋大国纷纷制定了自己的海洋战略。中国作为正在崛起中的大国,南海更是具有战略性意义。然而,我国南海权益却遭时常遭受侵犯。加强海洋意识,规划海洋战略,已经刻不容缓。  相似文献   

This paper briefly presents the progress of deep-sea pollen research in China since the beginning of ninetieths of the last Century. All the deep-sea pollen contri-butions mainly come from the South China Sea (SCS) and the East China Sea (ECS). The German-Chinese joint cruise (Sonne 95) and ODP 184 cruise initiated by Chinese scientists in the SCS provided excellent material for the deep-sea pollen research. So far a number of pollen results of 20-30 ka and million years from the SCS have been published. A couple of deep-sea pollen records from Okinawa Through of the ECS also came out. The high resolution pollen records obtained from the continuous deposits with high sedimentation rates and reliable age control of the deep-sea sediments provided a high time resolution history (hundred to millennial scales) of vegetation, environment and monsoon evolution of the pollen source areas (southern China and Japan). Spectral analysis of deep-sea pollen records from the SCS discovered orbital (100, 41, 23, 10 ka) and suborbital cyclicities(Heinrich and Dansgaard/Oscheger-O/D events) in the vegetation changes. Moreover, cross spectral analysis showed that the trend of vegetation changes in northern SCS was regulated mainly by changes of the ice volume in the Northern Hemisphere. The pollen record of the last 20 ka from the Okinawa Through of the ECS indicates that the marine environmental change lagged that on the terrestrail by about 1000 year. The asynchronous environmental changes between land and sea were probably caused by the time difference in thermohaline circulation. This study underscored the role of the deep-sea plant fossils as a bridge across the land and sea.  相似文献   

中国自由生活海洋线虫研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了海洋自由生活线虫研究的意义和我国海域自由生活线虫的研究现状和研究进展,分别报道了我国四大海区自由生活线虫的丰度和多样性情况,列出了各海区所发表的新种名录.目前,我国海域共鉴定报道了自由生活海洋线虫260余种,隶属于118属,36科,4目,其中包括3个新属和76个新种.  相似文献   

Advances in research on the deep South China Sea circulation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Deep sea circulation is important for world climate and has been a substantial research area in ocean science, leading to various breakthroughs and discoveries. With the rapid advance in research on ocean science, these matters have received increasing attention from the oceanography community. In this article, we attempt to convey the progress made in recent years. We first provide an overview of existing observations, theories, and simulations of deep South China Sea circulation. Finally, we discuss remaining issues.  相似文献   

Air-sea interaction is achieved by air-sea interface flux exchange. Therefore, general attention has been paid to connective researches of the air-sea interface flux exchange and the burst of the summer monsoon in the South China Sea. Some preliminary res…  相似文献   

 渔业捕捞及商业航运活动的塑料排放是南海深海塑料污染的主要来源。南海深海微塑料污染始于20世纪80年代,具有明显陆源输入的特征,陆架近岸区域微塑料污染严重。陆坡深海峡谷是塑料/微塑料向深海盆地输运的主要通道,近底浊流在输运中发挥了重要作用。综述了南海海底塑料垃圾深潜研究的最新进展,首次提出了深海塑料垃圾生态系统的概念。  相似文献   

中国海洋蓝藻门新分类系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
黄冰心  丁兰平 《广西科学》2014,21(6):580-586
结合文献资料,建立我国海洋蓝藻门新的分类系统,并分析各物种分布特征。我国海洋蓝藻门有5目20科56属161种及其变种,在我国海藻三区的区系分布为黄渤海29种、东中国海18种、南中国海148种,四小区的区系分布为黄海西区29种、东海西区18种、南海北区77种和南海南区96种。  相似文献   

气候变化背景下渤黄海海温时空特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
【目的】研究渤黄海海温时空变化特征及其与全球海温的关系。【方法】采用相关分析、小波分析等方法,对1985—2015年渤黄海海洋站的海温观测资料进行分析。【结果】渤海是中国内海,沿岸海温受陆地影响显著,变化幅度大,对气温响应快;黄海作为太平洋的边缘海,与外海水体交换通畅,水温变化幅度相对较小,水温变化与渤海相比具有一定的滞后性;各站海温变化周期特征不尽相同,但在2000年以后各站均有较为明显的8年周期;渤黄海海温与全球大部分海域一致,近30年呈现上升趋势,但上升速率与同纬度太平洋和大西洋相比较低,黄海海温上升速率高于渤海。【结论】渤黄海海温具有明显的月际、年际和周期变化特征,受海陆分布等因素影响渤黄海海温对气候变暖的响应低于同纬度太平洋和大西洋。  相似文献   

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