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Evaluating default correlation between securities in a portfolio is very important for credit derivatives pricing and risk management. Under the framework of the structural model proposed by Black and Cox, we assume that the asset values of companies are driven by Brownian motions in the worlds of the calendar time and the business time; they then could evolve continuously or by leap. We build the dynamic default correlations using the time-varying correlated Brownian motions in these processes. The sensitivity of default correlations to the key parameters is explored in the paper by numerical examples, and we apply the model to risk management as well. Because default times are unpredictable in the proposed model, the defaults might occur suddenly. Independent defaults and complete correlated defaults can be described in the model as well.  相似文献   
Traditional Amplitude Phase Shift Keying(APSK) consists of rings with points uniformly spaced. By giving up this uniform-spacing feature, we propose an APSK optimization method based on the uniform APSK with Gray labeling(Gray-APSK). The aim of the optimization is to maximize the Generalized Mutual Information(GMI)of Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation(BICM) for the targeted code rate and channel. We show that our optimized non-uniform APSK could offer further performance gain compared with the conventional uniform Gray-APSK and considerably outperforms the traditional quadrature amplitude modulation at the targeted SNR and channel.  相似文献   
As multi-core processors become the de-facto configuration in modern computers, the adoption of SMP Virtual Machines(VMs) has been increasing, allowing for more efficient use of computing resources. However,because of existence of schedulers in both the hypervisor and the guest VMs, this creates a new research problem,viz., double scheduling. Although double scheduling may cause many issues including lock-holder preemption,v CPU stacking, CPU fragmentation, and priority inversion, prior approaches have either introduced new problems and/or addressed the problem incompletely. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of Flex Core,a new scheduling scheme using v CPU ballooning, which dynamically adjusts the number of v CPUs of a VM at runtime. This essentially eliminates unnecessary scheduling in the hypervisor layer, and thus, boosts performance significantly. An evaluation using a complete KVM-based implementation shows that the average performance improvement for PARSEC applications on a 12-core Intel machine is approximately 52.9%, ranging from 35.4% to79.6%.  相似文献   
通过超声波(UW)、保鲜剂(PS)及超声波与生姜提取液(UPS)复合预处理对康乃馨品种"玛斯特"切花瓶插保鲜效果进行研究.结果表明:UPS处理有效推迟了切花鲜质量变化和水分平衡值的下降速度,延长了开花时间,增加了蛋白质和过氧化氢酶(CAT)质量摩尔浓度,降低了丙二醛(MAD)质量摩尔浓度,延缓了康乃馨切花的衰老.  相似文献   
以2个苦荞品种(晋荞2号和川荞1号)为材料,研究了干旱胁迫对苦荞麦农艺性状、产量和品质的影响.结果表明:晋荞2号在轻度胁迫处理下株高、主根长、根体积、侧根数分别为56.4cm,12.41cm,3.76cm3和13.0个,较正常灌水和重度胁迫处理分别增加13.4%~42.8%,22.3%~73.4%,16.4%~50.5%和33.1%~77.6%.川荞1号在轻度胁迫处理下株高、主根长、根体积和侧根数分别为35.1cm,16.3cm,3.66cm3和6.0个.较正常灌水和重度胁迫处理分别增加9.4%~33.3%,40.4%~50.0%;23.2%~46.5%,34.5%~69.7%.胁迫可增加苦荞的单株粒质量,两个品种均在轻度胁迫处理单株粒质量最高,分别为2.3g和2.3g.芦丁质量分数以叶片质量分数最高,但各胁迫处理间差异无统计学意义.黄酮质量分数以轻度胁迫处理最高,两个品种均以胁迫处理显著高于正常灌水处理,晋荞2号各器官间黄酮和芦丁质量分数均明显高于川荞1号.  相似文献   
车辆路径问题属于组合优化领域中的NP–Hard问题.针对带软时间窗的车辆路径问题,提出了一种区域划分—路径优化的数学模型.首先结合最小支撑树算法能产生全局最优解的优点,将客户划分为若干个子区域.然后再结合贪婪算法简单迅速的特点,对每个子区域中的路径进行优化.实验结果表明,该算法收敛速度快、搜索成功率高.  相似文献   
在野外调查、标本采集鉴定的基础上,结合文献资料,初步分析了重庆市北碚区外来入侵植物的种类组成、分布状况、原产地、危害程度,并且提出防治对策与建议.结果表明:北碚区有45种入侵植物,隶属于20科,其中菊科种类最多,有11种;原产地为美洲的种类最多,有29种;草本最多,有37种;空心莲子草Alternanthera philoxeroides、小白酒草Conyza canadensis和落葵薯Anredera cordifolia危害程度最为严重;其中歇马镇有入侵植物种数33种,危害程度最为严重.  相似文献   
运用文献资料、数据统计、归纳比较、聚类分析方法,对我国历届夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会金牌数、金牌项目分布以及获金牌运动员特征进行了研究,结果表明:我国共获得210枚奥运金牌,其中9枚冬季奥运会金牌,201枚夏季奥运会金牌,金牌总数呈上升趋势;辽宁、广东、湖北、北京与江苏等省市位列金牌榜前五位,新疆、青海、宁夏、海南、西藏、甘肃6省未获得奥运金牌;金牌项目主要集中在跳水、举重、体操、乒乓球、羽毛球、射击和短道速滑;技能主导类项群是我国奥运金牌的主要贡献者,尤其是表现难美性项目,其金牌贡献率达到30%;奥运金牌项目的区域分布呈现出强、较强和弱3个地带,不同纬度与经度的分布差异具有统计学意义,东西部竞技实力差距明显;女子获奥运金牌数多于男子,但"阴盛阳衰"的局面已在悄然改变.  相似文献   
针对无线传感器网络簇首需承担额外负载的问题,为了最大化网络寿命,提出了一种基于改进遗传算法的聚类算法.首先,将染色体表示为网关的一个字符串,通过考虑传感器节点与簇首之间的连接限制初始化种群;然后,构建适应度函数来评估初始种群的各个染色体;最后,利用遗传算法对染色体进行选择、交叉、突变,利用迭代算法完成聚类.结果表明,相比分布式自组织负载均衡聚类算法,本算法的执行时间可降低18.5%;相比基站控制自适应聚类算法,本算法收敛速度可提升50%;相比低占空比多管道调度算法,本算法平均负载标准差降低了81.2%;当网络轮数达到2 500时,相比其他几种较新的算法,本算法可降低至少40%的能耗.因此,本算法在WSN应用中可以很好地解决额外负载问题,延长了网络寿命.  相似文献   
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