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聚氨酯涂层织物防水、透湿性能的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
防水性能和透湿性能达到和谐统一是防水透湿织物需要解决的关键问题.这里基于对微孔亲水性和非亲水性聚氨酯(PU)涂层织物的防水、透温性能和结构参数等的测试和研究,来阐明织物防水、透湿机理,透过聚氨酯(PU)涂层织物的水气总量由气相的"孔隙扩散"、气相和液相的"吸附-扩散-解吸"和液相的"毛细管传递"组成,织物的防水性能与液相的"吸附-扩散-解吸"有关,并受到液相的"毛细管传递"影响.  相似文献   

织物的透湿性能与织物的空隙率大小和织物的吸湿散湿性能有关,在织物达吸湿平衡前,织物的传湿速率是变化的。本文自制了织物湿阻仪。用本仪器对织物动态传湿性能进行了测定,同时也对织物稳态传湿阻力进行了测定。测试过程可以在各种温度梯度和各种湿度梯度条件下进行,若同时调整织物距测试表面间的距离,就可以改变被测试样所在处的水汽浓度大小,因此本仪器具有较大的适用性。对织物稳态传湿性能的测定一般仅需半小时左右。  相似文献   

研究液态水在服装系统中不同织物间的传导,实验表明服装系统中的第一层,第二层织物的性能以及它们相接触的方式均对液体的传导量产生影响,双面的Aquator织物为第一层织物时的服装系统比其他织物所能传导的液体量多,在服装系统中引入保暖层对液体的传导量有不同的影响,在以Aquator织物为第一层织物的服装系统中引入保暖层也将提高液体的总体导量。  相似文献   

织物散湿曲线细探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
测试了5种不同纤维品种的织物在不同保水率的情况下的散湿曲线,采用分段拟和方法,发现散湿曲线都是由很好的直线段和指数段组成。直线段斜率与纤维品种无明显关系;指数段的系数与纤维品种(尤其是表面化学组成)有较大关系;转折点处含水量与纤维品种及纱线织物结构有美。  相似文献   

根据黄河三角洲地区沉积环境及气候条件.作者对该区表层沉积物的矿物学特征及沉积成因进行了研究.研究结果表明.本区非粘土矿物(碳酸盐矿物除外)的矿物学特征主要继承自黄河中游地区第四系沉积物、粘土矿物及碳酸盐矿物的矿物学特征还与黄河三角洲地区沉积环境、气候及海水等因素有关.沉积作用受到河流注入、海水的顶托及侧渗、蒸发浓缩、电中和等因素的控制.  相似文献   

喷水织机喷水动力学分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对喷水织机喷水动力学的研究,分析出影响射水流速度大小的喷水机构参数并进行优化,以进一步提高射流的稳定性,提高喷水引纬的速度和适当扩大织幅,同时指出主要通过增大弹簧刚度(常数)和减小柱塞面积来提高喷水速度及增长有放喷水时间。  相似文献   

外部压力对液体在织物间传导有很大的影响,较高的压力能触发液体在织物间传导的发生。至于外部压力对织物间液体传导速度的影响,则存在一个压力最佳值,在最佳压力值下,织物间液体的传导最快。湿层织物初始含水量高则明显地增加了织物间液体的传导量。由于单面毛绒织物的两面具有不同的毛细管尺寸,当干层织物的光面与湿层织物的光面和毛面分别接触时,液体在织物间发生转移,传导量前者大于后者;当干层织物的毛面与湿层织物的光面和毛面分别接触时,织物间没有液体转移现象发生。  相似文献   

A novel perfluorooctylated citric acid was synthesized successfully via allylation of triethyl citrate followed by perfluorooctylation, reduction and hydrolysis. The fabrics treated with this compound showed good oil repellent and moderate water repellent properties; the oil repellent rating and the water repellent score were 6 and 80 respectively. Even after 10 washing cycles, the repellent properties were kept at the same level. The finished fabrics also showed some wrinkle-resistant properties, and the dry wrinkle recovery angle was increased by 53°compared with untreated fabrics. The critical surface energy of the treated fabric surface was 20±1 mN/m. This multifunctional compound also showed good water solubility, which would be beneficial for the environmental protection.  相似文献   

表面改性对织物湿传递性能影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将实验用织物进行了亲水性和拒水性整理,使用织物微气候仪,利用汽态湿传递和液态湿传递方法研究了织物热湿传递性能。实验结果表明,无论经过亲水性整理或拒水性整理,织物的水汽湿传递性能均无明显变化,而织物液态湿传递性能却发生了显著变化。在织物液态湿传递过程中,影响其传递性能的主要因素是织物的毛细吸水效应。  相似文献   

On the base of the study on dynamics of water jet in water jet looms, the parameters of water jet mechanism which affect the speed of water jet are analyzed and optimized. So the stability of the water jet can be improved to raise the speed of water jet as well as weft insertion rate and to enlarge the width of woven fabrics a lot. At the same time it also points out that to increase water jet speed and to prolong its affective jet tune depend mainly on the accretion of spring rate (constant) of stiffness and the diminution of plunger's cross-sectional area respectively.  相似文献   

The monomer methacrylamido propyl trimethy ammonium chloride( MAPTAC) was copolymerized onto the fiber surface of polypropylene( PP) nonwoven fabric under ultroviole radiation. The weak acid red GN dye adsorption and adsorptive filtration performance of the resulted PP fabrics were investigated.The results showed that the grafting copolymerization preferred to happen in the inner layer of the fabrics. The water flux of the grafted fabrics decreases with the increase of grafting yield. The collapse of the grafted polymer chains causes the flux increase in acidic condition,or vice versa at alkaline version. The coiling of the polyelectrolyte chains upon the dye adsorption seems to violate the routine assumption of the rigid substrate, and this gets the adsorption energy constant negative. The static adsorption process follows the Lagergren's pseudo-second order kinetic equation. The removals of circa( ca.) 100% of the total permeation volume3 500 mL simulated dye wastewater was reached during permeation.The dye adsorbed fabrics were regenerated by the mixed media of the cationic surfactant / ethanol /water. The grafted fabric assumes stable fabric integrity and stability during permeation,and presents excellent dye adsorption capacity,easy desorption, and repeatable utilization.  相似文献   

We investigated the influences of liquid water transfer property of cotton fabric on human physiological responses, such as ear canal temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, stress hormone, during exercise and recovery. Long sleeves cotton knitted sportswear treated to have special liquid water transfer property were prepared; (1) Hydrophilic; ( 2 ) Hydrophobic; and ( 3 ) Moisture Management (MM). Wearing these garments, human subjects ran on treadmill according "to a pre-designed experimental protocol. It was found that during exercise hydrophilic cotton caused significantly higher mean skin temperature than MM and hydrophobic cotton fabrics, while during recovery, hydrophilic and MM cotton fabrics caused significantly higher mean skin temperature than hydrophobic cotton fabric. Hydrophilic cotton fabric caused significantly lower heart rate than MM cotton fabric, lower systolic blood pressure than MM and hydrophobic cotton fabrics. Hydrophobic cotton fabric caused significantly higher urinary catecholamine volume than hydrophilic and MM cotton fabric, indicating stronger physical stress. Hydrophilic cotton fabric caused significantly stronger thermal and humidity sensations than MM and hydrophobic cotton fabrics at the end of first and second exercise sessions. Hydrophilic cotton fabric caused significantly stronger discomfort sensation than hydrophobic cotton fabric at the end of first session of exercise. In the end of wear trial, MM cotton fabric caused significantly higher tiredness sensation than hydrophilic and hydrophobic cotton fabrics.  相似文献   

研究了配体制备过程中容易引起的Na2SO4对催化反应的影响,通过改变表面活性剂的量,配体与催化剂比例以及Na2SO4的加入量,对催化剂在两相体系中的分布影响进行了研究,发现加入Na2SO4可以引起胶束增溶作用和盐析作用,在一定量Na2SO4浓度范围内对反应比较有利。  相似文献   

近年来高水材料广泛用于煤矿巷旁充填、注浆加固和堵孔阻漏等工程领域,但易风化仍然是高水材料固有缺陷。为探究高水充填材料风化后的物理力学性质及风化机理,通过ETM力学试验系统对不同风化天数的高水材料进行研究。结果表明:高水材料风化主要是由于空气中的二氧化碳与钙矾石晶体发生反应,且随着风化天数的增加,自由水的流失与钙矾石晶体的逐渐解体会降低材料密实度,间接加速二氧化碳与钙矾石的反应,因此高水材料失水速率与劣化度随着风化天数增加而增大,且呈上升趋势;风化后的高水材料由表及里会形成风化层-过渡层-未风化层结构,风化层呈粉末状,受压即会破坏脱落,几乎不具备承载能力,但过渡层和未风化层仍然具备一定的承载能力;未风化的试件受压过程中会有水分溢出,风化后的试件无水分溢出。未风化的试件破坏形式属于劈裂破坏,风化后的试件破坏则都是在端部出现剪切破坏,剪切带周围会出现许多微裂隙。可见高水充填材料耐久性与其所处环境湿度密切相关。  相似文献   

采用增强放电结构 ,在钢基材表面进行了离子渗 Mo试验 ,结果表明 ,离子渗 Mo层厚度是温度和时间的函数 ,碳含量及合金元素对渗层厚度有一定影响 ,渗 Mo后经淬火与回火处理可消除高温条件下造成的不利组织。  相似文献   

讨论了对密闭容器中痕量氢气样品利用钯合金吸氢的特性进行浓缩的方法,对钯合金的吸氢容量做了理论分析,采用样品气透过钯管的方式进行了实验研究。结果表明:利用钯合金吸氢特性设计的透氢装置,以高纯N:为携带气,在温度390~450℃、适当的样品气流速条件下,H2渗透率达70%-80%且恒定,可用于氢的痕量分析;经稳定性、可靠性实验证明该分析方法具有精度高、简便迅速等特点,对痕量氢气的检测极限可提高10-100倍。  相似文献   

合成纤维织物和棉织物热风干燥特性的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用合成纤维和棉织物作为实验样品,对纤维织物的热风干燥过程进行了实验研究,得到了在不同干燥工况条件下的纤维织物温度和干基含水率变化曲线,对合成纤维织物和棉织物的表面温度和干基含水率变化特性进行了仔细分析。在热风干燥中,织物温度与干基含水率均存在4个 阶段的变化,不同的织物具有不同的干燥特性。织物的干燥是在恒速干燥阶段完成,其干燥速率由水分表面气化速度所控制;纤维织物热风干燥的临界含水率约为10%左右,降低织物的临界含水率和延长织物的恒速干燥阶段时间均有助于提高织物的干燥质量。  相似文献   

圆梁山隧道毛坝向斜段深部承压岩溶水系统浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过地表调研、深孔勘探与抽水试验以及氢氧同位素测试 ,揭示向斜核部存在深部岩溶承压水系统 ,局部地带以绕轴与断层带局部承压径流的形式沟通向斜东西翼的水力联系 ,深部承压岩溶水系统在整个向斜水循环中所起的作用是很有限的。隧道施工时 ,应做好防水措施。  相似文献   

对不同纳滤膜(LES-90、NF-SH和Desal-DK膜)在水和4种有机溶剂(甲醇、乙醇、乙酸乙酯和丙酮)中的稳定性进行了观测。研究了压力对水、甲醇和乙醇透过以上3种纳滤膜的传递通量的影响情况, 结果表明, 在一定的压力下, 与纯水比较改变压力对甲醇有机溶剂的影响较大, 压实效应较明显。实验还研究了温度对传递通量的影响, 对Hagen-Poiseuille模型在有机溶剂中的适用性进行了验证.最后对不同的考马斯亮蓝-G溶液透过不同的膜的通量和溶质的截留率进行了研究, 由于在有机相中, 膜表面聚合链的迁移率和溶质-溶剂-膜的相互作用, 其溶质截留率远低于水相.  相似文献   

A sweating apparatus has been developed to permit simultaneous measurement for fabric temperature change and relative humidity change at outer still air layer of fabrics. In this paper, we compared the temperature and relative humidity changes for silk fabrics with polyester fabrics and got GM(1,P) relation models respectively between maximum fabric temperature change, maximum relative humidity change at outer still air layer and relative fabric character parameters. Furthermore, by comparing the objective experiments with subjective wear trials, it is found that the amounts of the change rate of fabric temperature and relative humidity at outer still layer are the most important factors which influence clothing comfort in dynamic moisture transfer condition. The more the changes of temperature and R.H., the more the mugginess and the thermal sensation.  相似文献   

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