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报道在广西新发现的棕胸竹鸡、短嘴金丝燕、白腹幽鹛、黄眉林雀、白鹇榕江亚种和红角号鸟东北亚种的标本的数量、性别、量稀度、采集时间、采集地点和主要形态特征。对这些鸟类的分类和分布进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   

华亭 《世界博览》2012,(12):38-40
正中国传统餐饮高端食材竟是外来货从马来西亚采燕人的手里到中国高档餐厅的汤碗里,中间经历许多曲折。燕、参、鲍、翅,中国四大传统名贵食品以燕窝居首。近一个世纪,燕窝从皇室的贡品成为了普通人餐桌上的保养品,人们追求滋补养生的效用和精益求精的品质,却也因此产生了许多迷思和误区。  相似文献   

对虎耳草及三色虎耳草的形态特征及显微结构等方面进行了比较研究.结果表明:虎耳草的叶较小,近圆形,叶片宽阔肥厚,边缘圆齿状,深绿色,网状叶脉处有白色条纹,表皮细胞较小,表皮绒毛较多且长,叶柄细且长,葡匐茎,紫红色,颜色较浅,叶柄及叶内都有蔟晶分布,茎和叶柄内有较多淀粉,根内初生木质部呈六棱形.而三色虎耳草的叶较大,肾形,叶片较薄,近边缘处具乳白粉红斑宽边,翠绿色,背面有紫红色斑点,表皮细胞较大,表皮绒毛较少且短,叶柄粗且短,匍匐茎,紫红色,颜色较深,叶柄及叶内也有蔟晶分布,茎和叶柄内有很多淀粉粒,根内初生木质部呈三棱形.这些特征的比较为药材的开发和利用提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

秋天,从立秋开始,历经处暑、白露、秋分、寒露、霜降六个节气,其中的秋分为季节气候的转变环节。《内经·素问·四气调神大论》说:"秋三月,此为容平,天气以急,地气以明。"时至秋令,碧空如洗,地气清肃,金风送爽,万物成熟,正是收获的季节。秋季的气候是处于"阳消阴长"的过渡阶段,立秋至处暑,秋阳肆虐,温度较高,加之时有阴雨绵绵,湿气较重,天气以湿热并重为特点,故有"秋老虎"之说。"白露"过后,雨水渐少,天气干燥,昼热夜凉,气候寒热多变,稍有不慎,容易伤风感冒,许多旧病也易复发,被称为"多事之秋"。由于人体的生理活动与自然环境变化相适应,体内阴阳双方也随之发生改变。因此,秋季养生在对精神情志、饮食起居、运动导引等方面进行调摄时,应注重一个"和"字。  相似文献   

The demand for Li-ion batteries (LIBs) for vehicles is increasing. However, LIBs use valuable rare metals, such as Co and Li, as well as environmentally toxic reagents. LIBs are also necessary to utilize for a long period and to recycle useful materials. The reduction, reuse, and recycle (3R) of spent LIBs is an important consideration in constructing a circular economy. In this paper, a flowsheet of the 3R of LIBs is proposed and methods to reduce the utilization of valuable rare metals and the amount of spent LIBs by remanufacturing used parts and designing new batteries considering the concept of 3R are described. Next, several technological processes for the reuse and recycling of LIBs are introduced. These technologies include discharge, sorting, crushing, binder removal, physical separation, and pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical processing. Each process, as well as the related physical, chemical, and biological treatments, are discussed. Finally, the problem of developed technologies and future subjects for 3R of LIBs are described.  相似文献   

当我换上衣服,调度来电:李家窑被淹了,井下有25人,生死未卜。我惊魂未定,手机又响了,原来是县安监局询问我们这里情况,是否被水淹了?我说没事的,井下的人早上来了。雨,还在下着,像筛子往下泼。我烦燥不安,透过雨帘,心里惦记班显扬,甚至骂他,你个呆子,也不打个电话给我,知道我有多急吗?原来,班显扬带领十条壮汉,守住天沟,惟恐决口,一直坚持到雨停。班显扬下山时,不小心滑下了山坡,左脚崴  相似文献   

刘建萍 《科技信息》2011,(27):I0259-I0259
在很多优秀作文中,整句的运用是十分突出的。或排比,或比喻,或反复,或古词的连用,或用特殊的句式联排,或段与段的整句对应等等,使得这些优秀作文多姿多彩,摇曳纵横,妙笔生花。那么,如何构建整句呢?(1)巧用修辞,构建整句,整句是指结构相同或相似的一组句子,其形式要整齐,声韵要和谐,气势要贯通,意义要鲜明。其实,构建整句  相似文献   

神光慧可禅师翻山越岭来到嵩山少林寺,拜谒达摩祖师,要求开示,并请为入室弟子,达摩面壁静坐,不理不睬,神光于是在门外伫候,时值风雪漫天,过了很久,雪深及膝。达摩看他确实求法虔诚,才开口问他:"你久立雪中,所求何事?"  相似文献   

九章算术著作的年代   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、九章算术是西汉中期齐国人民的作品我国算术,最古者当推周髀算经,及九章算术两种,魏刘徽九章算术注序云,「按周公制礼,而有九数,九数之流,则九章是矣,往者暴秦焚书,经术散坏,自时厥后,汉北平候张苍,大司农耿寿昌,皆以善算命世,苍等因旧文之残遗,各称删补,故校其目,则与古或异,而所论者,多近语也。」  相似文献   

1临床资料 患者,王某,男,48岁,因右胸刺伤7 d后入院,经胸透检查示右侧气胸,查体:体温36℃,P90min-1,R16 min-1,Bp18/10 kPa,双侧眼睑明显肿胀,颜面部呈充气样肿胀,可触及皮下捻发感,口唇略发紫,右侧胸较左侧肿胀明显,肋间隙消失.  相似文献   

对PKUAC-SCTE542藻蓝蛋白的耐热性进行测试, 探究其热稳定性能。同时, 在不同光周期和不同光质光源组合条件下培养嗜热蓝细菌PKUAC-SCTE542, 研究其生长情况和藻蓝蛋白含量, 探索适用于藻蓝蛋白生产的光照条件。选取30°C, 40°C, 50°C, 60°C, 65°C, 70°C, 80°C, 90°C为实验组, 25°C和4°C为对照组, 放置时间设为5小时和14天, 用紫外分光光度计测定藻蓝蛋白全光谱图, 考察不同温度和放置时间对藻蓝蛋白的影响, 再将E542-PC的α链和β链与蛋白质晶体结构数据库中藻蓝蛋白进行比对, 深入了解其耐热机制。分别在光波长为白光(400~800 nm) 、红光(654 nm) 、绿光(511 nm) 和蓝光(454 nm), 光周期为8L/16D, 12L/12D和16L/8D的条件下培养蓝细菌, 测定其生物质干重以及藻蓝蛋白含量。结果表明, PKUACSCTE542藻蓝蛋白在 65°C 环境可以保持稳定, 60°C放置14天仍表现出60%的热稳定性。光质为红光、光周期为16L/8D的条件下, 藻蓝蛋白绝对产量最大; 光质为红光、光周期为8L/16D时, 藻蓝蛋白产率最高。实验结果表明PKUAC-SCTE542藻蓝蛋白的耐热性能较好, 经过光照条件筛选, 藻蓝蛋白产量可提高近100 mg/gDCW。  相似文献   

研究了在北极格陵兰海(20°W-10°E,65°N-85°N),2003-2012年冰盖(ICE)、混合层深度(MLD)和海表温度(SST)的分布及之间的耦合关系.研究发现,ICE和SST在区域内存在着很强的负相关关系,相关系数达0.9以上,尤其是在750N-800N区域,峰值的时间间隔调整后.相关性更加显著.通过Eviews滞后回归分析发现,SST在70°N-750N和75°N-80°N分别滞后ICE7个月和4个月.而且ICE和SST之间存在着协整。说明这两者长期存在均衡关系.ICE和MLD在区域内为负相关关系.尤其是75°N-80°N区域,相关系数达0.82以上.回归分析发现,MLD在70°N-75°N和75°N-80°N分剐滞后ICE1个月和4个月.而且两者之间也有长期的均衡关系.总体来看:随着温度的升高,冰盖在8—9月达到低谷;海表温度夏天高、冬天低;混合层深度冬季深、夏季浅.冰盖的大量融化和海表温度、混合层深度有着很大的关系.  相似文献   

The microstructure and the stability of carbides after heat treatments in an H23 tool steel were investigated. The heat treatments consisted of austenization at two different austenizing temperatures (1100℃ and 1250℃), followed by water quenching and double-aging at 650℃, 750℃, and 800℃ with air cooling between the first and second aging treatments. Martensite did not form in the as-quenched microstructures, which consisted of a ferrite matrix, M6C, M7C3, and MC carbides. The double-aged microstructures consisted of a ferrite matrix and MC, M6C, M7C3, and M23C6 carbides. Secondary hardening as a consequence of secondary precipitation of fine M2C carbides did not occur. There was disagreement between the experimental microstructure and the results of thermodynamic calculations. The highest double-aged hardness of the H23 tool steel was 448 HV after austenization at 1250℃ and double-aging at 650℃, which suggested that this tool steel should be used at temperatures below 650℃.  相似文献   

An equiatomic FeSiBAlNi amorphous high-entropy alloy (HEA) was fabricated by mechanical alloying (MA). A fully amorphous phase was obtained in the FeSiBAlNi HEA after 240 h of MA. The bulk FeSiBAlNi samples were sintered by spark plasma sintering (SPS) at 520 and 1080℃ under a pressure of 80 MPa. The sample sintered at 520℃ exhibited an amorphous composite structure comprising solid-solution phases (body-centered cubic (bcc) and face-centered cubic (fcc) phases). When the as-milled amorphous HEA was consolidated at 1080℃, another fcc phase appeared and the amorphous phase disappeared. The sample sintered by SPS at 1080℃ exhibited a slightly higher melting temperature compared with those of the as-milled alloy and the bulk sample sintered at 520℃. The corrosion behaviors of the as-sintered samples were investigated by potentiodynamic polarization measurements and immersion tests in seawater solution. The results showed that the HEA obtained by SPS at 1080℃ exhibited better corrosion resistance than that obtained by SPS at 520℃.  相似文献   

An experimental study on the heating of a mixture of aluminum and lithium hydroxide (LiOH) powders in a reductive bed under air atmosphere is reported. The formation of aluminum nitride (AlN) during this process was the focus of this study. The formation of AlN was achieved using LiOH as an additive and heating the sample in a resistance furnace in a specially designed double crucible within a bed of a mixture of coke and filamentous calcium. The temperature range of the reaction was between 700°C and 1100°C. The optimum tem-perature of 1100°C and the optimum LiOH amount (5wt%) required to achieve maximum yield were determined by powder X-ray diffrac-tion (XRD) analysis. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs clearly indicated the transformation of grain structures from rods (700°C) to cauliflower shapes (1100°C).  相似文献   

为解决无轴承永磁同步电机(BPMSM)快速稳定启动的问题,提出了一种基于指令电流控制的转子初始定位方法.给出了BPMSM悬浮原理;分析了BPMSM实现准确转子初始定位的充要条件,初始定位中定位步距角的确定,初始定位的定位相序优化,同时确定了120°→240°→0°的BPMSM初始定位相序,并在BPMSM数字试验平台上进行了空载三步定位试验,给出了试验波形.结果表明:基于指令电流控制的初始定位方法可使定位精度控制在-1°~1°范围内,定位角度值最小分辨率为0.2°,电机转子的径向位移被控制在200μm之内,能准确地完成无轴承永磁同步电机转子的初始定位,确保电机快速稳定启动.  相似文献   

魔方作为夸克禁闭模型,是美国数学家高洛姆众多创造性研究成果之一.本文介绍了其核心概念后,分析了它的缺陷和不足,提出了一种改进方案,将魔方角块的扭转状态从0°、+120°、-120° 3种扩充到0°、+120°、+240°、-120°、-240° 5种,从而大大提高了模型的表达能力,可以代表夸克禁闭所形成的各种介子和重子.   相似文献   

In a typical process, low carbon steel was annealed at two different temperatures (660℃ and 750℃), and then was temper rolled to improve the mechanical properties. Pre-straining and baking treatments were subsequently carried out to measure the bake-hardening (BH) values. The influences of annealing temperature and temper rolling on the BH behavior of the steel were investigated. The results indicated that the microstructure evolution during temper rolling was related to carbon atoms and dislocations. After an apparent increase, the BH value of the steel significantly decreased when the temper rolling reduction was increased from 0% to 5%. This was attributed to the increase in solute carbon concentration and dislocation density. The maximum BH values of the steel annealed at 660℃ and 750℃ were 80 MPa and 89 MPa at the reductions of 3% and 4%, respectively. Moreover, increasing the annealing temperature from 660 to 750℃ resulted in an obvious increase in the BH value due to carbide dissolution.  相似文献   

对华北地块沁水盆地下三叠统刘家沟组红层样品进行系统的岩石磁学、磁组构和古地磁学研究, 并用E/I (elongation/inclination)方法对其进行磁倾角浅化的识别与校正, 获得刘家沟组红层磁倾角浅化因子f = 0.6。岩石磁学结果显示, 刘家沟组红层的主要载磁矿物是赤铁矿及磁铁矿, 其磁组构具有典型的静水沉积特征。经地层校正后, 15个采样点特征剩磁分量的平均方向为Ds=318.8°, Is=30.9°(α95= 6.9°), 对应的古地磁极为49.3°N, 5.5°E (A95=6.7°), 磁倾角浅化校正后的古地磁极为53.5°N, 18.0°E。对包括本文数据在内的高质量的华北早三叠世古地磁极数据(Q≥4)进行平均, 得到校正前的古地磁极为55.3°N, 357.1°E (A95=5.5°), 校正后的古地磁极为60.8°N, 13.4°E (A95=5.8°)。经过古地磁倾角浅化校正, 华北地块早三叠世的古纬度有约10°的明显提高, 指示其东部早三叠世时与华南地块之间可能存在一定的纬度差, 但是该纬度差很可能并不代表华北地块东部早三叠世时与华南地块尚未对接, 而是指示华南地块下三叠统灰岩同样存在显著的磁倾角浅化现象。  相似文献   

C–Mn steels prepared by annealing at 800°C for 120 s and overaging at 250–400°C were subjected to pre-straining (2%) and baking treatments (170°C for 20 min) to measure their bake-hardening (BH2) values. The effects of overaging temperature on the microstructure, mechanical properties, and BH2 behavior of 600 MPa cold-rolled dual-phase (DP) steel were investigated by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and tensile tests. The results indicated that the martensite morphology exhibited less variation when the DP steel was overaged at 250–350°C. However, when the DP steel was overaged at 400°C, numerous non-martensite and carbide particles formed and yield-point elongation was observed in the tensile curve. When the overaging temperature was increased from 250 to 400°C, the yield strength increased from 272 to 317 MPa, the tensile strength decreased from 643 to 574 MPa, and the elongation increased from 27.8% to 30.6%. Furthermore, with an increase in overaging temperature from 250 to 400°C, the BH2 value initially increases and then decreases. The maximum BH2 value of 83 MPa was observed for the specimen overaged at 350°C.  相似文献   

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