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随着汽车工业的迅猛发展,汽车高速化趋势越来越明显,对制动液的使用提出了更高要求。因此,必须大力普及这方面的知识,严格制动液的使用管理,确保行车安全。  相似文献   

针对目前汽车制动液普遍存在的橡胶溶胀问题,进行了系统的研究和探讨.以核磁共振(NMR)为主要的结构分析手段,结合天然橡胶(NR),丁苯橡胶(SBR)和三元乙丙橡胶(EPR)制动皮碗在不同汽车制动液中溶胀前后的根径变化值、硬度下降值和体积膨胀率等数据.讨论及分析了橡胶制动皮碗的溶胀原因及作用,并提出了通过汽车制动液的主体结构、增加介质极性和利用界面活性剂等途径防止橡胶制动皮碗溶胀的方法.  相似文献   

以甲醇.乙醇、环氧丙烯及硼酸为原料,研究硼酸酯制动液基础液的合成条件,添加了1%三丁胺,0.2%双酚A,0.02%苯并三唑,对铁、铜、铝、黄铜有较好的缓蚀性能,产品达到了美国SAEJ1703f制动液标准及国际标准GB-10830-89J。  相似文献   

新型高级汽车制动液(HZ_5)编号:J990812汽车制动液的发展经历了醇型、醇醚型、硼酸酯型等几个阶段,在美国和日本主要是以DOT—3为主,市场比例高达60%~80%,其余均为DOT—4型或更高沸点的制动液,尤其在欧州不限车速的情况下,DOT—4以上的制动液被广泛采用.我国从90年代起,随着汽车性能的提高和公路条件不断改善,要求制动液有较高的干、湿沸点,防止高温产生气阻,因此DOT—4甚至更高沸点的制动液需要量逐年增加.据专家预测,到2000年我国汽车制动液需要量HZ_3型为1.72万吨,HZ_4型为0.72万吨,而到2010年,两者合计则为8万吨.武汉大学化学化工研究所继1996年研制成功HZ_3、HZ_4硼酸酯型制动液以后,又研制成功了HZ_5有机硅酯型汽车制动液.该制动液沸点比HZ_4型更高(平衡回流沸点为275℃,湿沸点为182℃),而且对各种金属无腐蚀,对橡胶皮碗不溶胀,高、低温流动性能指标都进一步得到提高,完全满足汽车制造技术的更新和车速不断提高的要求,保证汽车的行驶安全.合作方式:面议.  相似文献   

一种用于汽车液压制动系统的YD-130防锈汽车制动液,由杭州大学与余姚第一油脂厂联合研制成功,并已于1992年12月26日通过鉴定。汽车制动液经历了酒精—蓖麻油型、矿油型和合成型三个发展阶段。近十年的文献资料表明,国内外低沸点(130℃)汽车制动液大都采用醇—醚类化合物,高沸点(190℃以上)大都采用聚醚与硼酸酯。YD-130防锈汽车制动液的基础液选择化工廉价原料丁醇、丙二醇和三乙  相似文献   

“三乐牌”产品为何能走红市场──访生产汽车制动液老专家沈阳市工业硅溶胶厂厂长吴长荣本刊者苑西军沈阳市工业硅溶胶厂生产的“三乐牌合成型”JG系列汽车制动液、汽车防冻冷却液产品在本刊登出后,各地读者和用户反映强烈,纷纷来信、来电话询问产品有关情况。前不久...  相似文献   

令“洋人”兴叹的“三乐牌”产品──记“6201三乐牌合成型”JG系列汽车制动液、汽车防冻冷却液本刊记者齐延秀您用过“6201三乐牌合成型”JG系列汽车制动液、汽车防冻冷却液吗?据说,用过沈阳市工业硅溶胶厂生产的“6201三乐牌合成型”JG系列汽车制动...  相似文献   

为研究制动系统在制动过程中温度场对制动系统内部流场的影响,采用理论分析和三维模拟分析的方法,运用Ansys软件对制动盘、制动块等进行三维建模,分析在制动过程中其温度场的变化;建立制动系统液压管路的简化三维模型,运用Fluent软件分别对单相制动液、制动液与空气的流动情况进行仿真,并对结果进行分析.研究结果表明:温度在制动盘与制动块上均呈现渐变的趋势,其中制动盘上的温度要远远大于制动块上的温度;制动系统内部流场为制动液与空气相混合的两相流状态,其内部流场相对于单相流时呈现出不稳定的状态,制动压力分布不均匀.研究结论分析了产生这样结果的原因,为汽车制动系统的优化提供一个方向.  相似文献   

阐述了汽车制动控制统统的历史、现状和发展趋势,着重分析了人力液压制动系统的工作原理,讨论了ABS防抱死系统的鲁棒性和BBW系统的基本原理,介绍了液压制动系统中液压油的使用要求.  相似文献   

面向制动踏板感觉,考虑结构间隙、弹簧预紧力、摩擦力、反作用盘刚度、气体质量流量变化以及制动液体积弹性模量变化,建立了包含关键结构件、气体和液体的真空助力器-制动主缸复杂系统动力学模型.在无真空助力、无/有制动液工况下,分别对真空助力器和制动主缸进行试验,辨识了模型的关键参数.在此基础之上,开展了面向制动踏板感觉的真空助力器-制动主缸系统特性仿真,以进程阶段真空助力器推杆力-行程、主缸油压-行程和主缸油压-推杆力形成的3象限图为评价体系,利用试验分别验证了制动主缸模型、真空助力器机械系统模型和真空助力器-制动主缸系统模型的有效性.  相似文献   

汽车制动系统是至关重要的安全系统,负责整车减速功能,制动油管则是制动系统的重要组成部分,负责承载制动液。在制动过程中油管需要承受很大压力,因此制动油管的疲劳强度对于保证整车寿命区间的制动性能意义重大。通过研究汽车制动油管疲劳强度的影响因素、路面输入对油管疲劳强度的影响机理以及进行制动油管布置时的设计改善要点,并运用CATIA对制动油管疲劳应力及共振频率进行简单CAE仿真,为研讨布置设计方案提供参考依据,大幅缩短了设计开发时间。  相似文献   

对作为新型汽车制动液的主体组份硼酸酯的合成进行了动力学分析,结果表明,在固体硼酸溶解前后,反应的动力学规律有所不同,溶解前,反应为准一级;溶解后,反应为二级,且对两种反应物分别为一级,表观反应活化能为98.3±2.5kJ/mol,频率因子为1.04×10~7L·mol~(-1)·s~(-1)。在反应过程中,若硼酸不过量,则硼酸自身脱水及醇醚分子间脱水均可忽略。同时,文中结合所得动力学规律对硼酸酯的合成进行了讨论。  相似文献   

通过对ABS工作过程中制动液流量的分析,确定了ABS电机的基本工作要求.结合ABS电机的工作特性,采用基于逻辑门限值的PWM控制方法控制电机.运用DSpace搭建快速原型试验台,对比在不同电机工作转速、PWM控制频率下的噪声和制动踏板感觉,优化逻辑门限值大小,得出合理的工作方式,使电机既能满足控制要求,又有较长的寿命.通过在不同路面的试验结果对该控制方法的两个关键参数进行了优化.最后进行不同工况的试验,结果表明:通过优化控制参数的PWM控制方法,具有较强的鲁棒性,能够满足ABS在任何工作条件下对电机的要求.  相似文献   

车辆采用ABS系统进行制动控制时,对制动压力响应能力提出了较高要求.当车辆制动管道较长时,管道内制动液体压力传递特性是影响这一能力的重要因素.由于制动管道内存在高频压力变化,对ABS制动管道压力传递的研究不适宜用集中参数模型,而应采用分布式管道参数模型.通过建立包含14个变量组成的制动系统仿真模型,可计算获得特定制动管道压力传递频域特性解.通过对频域特性解的辨识可进一步获得精确的管道压力传递函数表达式.利用传递函数表达式对具有不同参数的制动系统阶跃响应特性进行对比,发现制动液温度和制动管径的变化对管道的压力传递能力影响显著.车辆制动系统控制逻辑应根据管道参数的变化进行调整.  相似文献   

Japan started the national project “COURSE 50” for CO2 reduction in the 2000s. This project aimed to establish novel technologies to reduce CO2 emissions with partially utilization of hydrogen in blast furnace-based ironmaking by 30% by around 2030 and use it for practical applications by 2050. The idea is that instead of coke, hydrogen is used as the reducing agent, leading to lower fossil fuel consumption in the process. It has been reported that the reduction behavior of hematite, magnetite, calcium ferrite, and slag in the sinter is different, and it is also considerably influenced by the sinter morphology. This study aimed to investigate the reduction behavior of sinters in hydrogen enriched blast furnace with different mineral morphologies in CO–CO2–H2 mixed gas. As an experimental sample, two sinter samples with significantly different hematite and magnetite ratios were prepared to compare their reduction behaviors. The reduction of wustite to iron was carried out at 1000, 900, and 800°C in a CO–CO2–H2 atmosphere for the mineral morphology-controlled sinter, and the following findings were obtained. The reduction rate of smaller amount of FeO led to faster increase of the reduction rate curve at the initial stage of reduction. Macro-observations of reduced samples showed that the reaction proceeded from the outer periphery of the sample toward the inside, and a reaction interface was observed where reduced iron and wustite coexisted. Micro-observations revealed three layers, namely, wustite single phase in the center zone of the sample, iron single phase in the outer periphery zone of the sample, and iron oxide-derived wustite FeO and iron, or calcium ferrite-derived wustite 'FeO' and iron in the reaction interface zone. A two-interface unreacted core model was successfully applied for the kinetic analysis of the reduction reaction, and obtained temperature dependent expressions of the chemical reaction coefficients from each mineral phases.  相似文献   

The evolution of inclusions and the formation of acicular ferrite (AF) in Ca–Ti treated steel was systematically investigated after Mg and La addition. The inclusions in the molten steel were Ca–Al–O, Ca–Al–Mg–O, and La–Mg–Ca–Al–O after Ca, Mg, and La addition, respectively. The type of oxide inclusion in the final quenched samples was the same as that in the molten steel. However, unlike those in molten steel, the inclusions were Ca–Al–Ti–O + MnS, Ca–Mg–Al–Ti–O + MnS, and La–Ca–Mg–Al–Ti–O + MnS in Mg-free, Mg-containing, and La-containing samples, respectively. The inclusions distributed dispersedly in the La-containing sample. In addition, the average size of the inclusions in the La-containing sample was the smallest, while the number density of inclusions was the highest. The size of effective inclusions (nucleus of AF formation) was mainly in the range of 1–3 μm. In addition, the content of ferrite side plates (FSP) decreased, while the percentage of AF increased by 16.2% due to the increase in the number of effective inclusions in the La-containing sample in this study.  相似文献   

Graphene oxide (GO) wrapped Fe3O4 nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared by coating the Fe3O4 NPs with a SiO2 layer, and then modifying by amino groups, which interact with the GO nanosheets to form covalent bonding. The SiO2 coating layer plays a key role in integrating the magnetic nanoparticles with the GO nanosheets. The effect of the amount of SiO2 on the morphology, structure, adsorption, and regenerability of the composites was studied in detail. An appropriate SiO2 layer can effectively induce the GO nanosheets to completely wrap the Fe3O4 NPs, forming a core-shell Fe3O4@SiO2@GO composite where Fe3O4@SiO2 NPs are firmly encapsulated by GO nanosheets. The optimized Fe3O4@SiO2@GO sample exhibits a high saturated adsorption capacity of 253 mg·g?1 Pb(II) cations from wastewater, and the adsorption process is well fitted by Langmuir adsorption model. Notably, the composite displays excellent regeneration, maintaining a ~90% adsorption capacity for five cycles, while other samples decrease their adsorption capacity rapidly. This work provides a theoretical guidance to improve the regeneration of the GO-based adsorbents.  相似文献   

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