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The field of micro-electro-mechanical systems(MEMS) has advanced tremendously for the last 20 years.Most commercially noticeably,the field has successfully advanced from pressure sensors to micro physical sensors,such as accelerometers and gyros,for handheld electronics application.In parallel,MEMS has also advanced into micro total analysis system(TAS) and/or lab-on-a-chip applications.This article would discuss a relatively new but promising future direction towards MEMS biomedical implants.Specifically,Parylene C has been explored to be used as a good MEMS implant material and will be discussed in detail.Demonstrated implant devices,such as retinal and spinal cord implants,are presented in this article.  相似文献   

有机场效应晶体管的研究与应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有机场效应晶体管(Organic Field Effect Transistors,OFETs)是以有机半导体材料作为有源层的晶体管器件。和传统的无机半导体器件相比,由于其可应用于生产大面积柔性设备而被人们广泛的研究,在有机发光、有机光探测器、有机太阳能电池、压力传感器、有机存储设备、柔性平板显示、电子纸等众多领域具有潜在而广泛的应用前景。文中对OFET结构和工作原理做了简要介绍,之后重点讨论了最近几年来OFET中有机材料和绝缘体材料的发展状况,接着总结了OFET制备技术及其应用新领域,最后对OFET发展面临问题及应用前景做了归纳和展望。  相似文献   

随着第六代通信技术(6G)、空间态势感知等系统对高通量、高带宽要求的进一步提高,太赫兹技术成为国际学术界和工业界的研究热点。2022年,太赫兹人工表面等离激元研究在国际上受到很大的关注,盘点了该领域的关键热点与新进展,包括基于太赫兹人工表面等离激元的无源器件、有源器件、传感器、通信系统以及生物医药应用等。人工表面等离激元对传输的电磁波具有亚波长的电场束缚能力和非线性色散特性,为太赫兹功能器件和系统应用的实现带来了新机遇。  相似文献   

柔性可穿戴传感器由于其可拉伸、可弯曲、轻薄便携和优异的电学性能等特点被广泛应用于健康诊断、运动监测、康复医疗、娱乐等领域.近年来,柔性可穿戴应力传感器取得了显著的进步,多种可测量健康信息的柔性应力传感器已被应用于脉搏波、运动、呼吸和心电图(electrocardiogram,ECG)检测.然而,柔性传感器的发展仍然有诸多待解决的问题.对近年柔性应力传感器的发展进行了全面的归纳总结,从应力传感器的工作原理、结构设计展开,探讨了如何构建高性能柔性应力传感器,讨论了当前柔性传感器存在的问题,展望了未来柔性应力传感器的发展趋势.出色的柔韧性、良好生物兼容性、快速响应、高灵敏度、多功能集成的柔性可穿戴传感器展现出广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

Tactile sensors can transform the environmental stimuli into electrical signals to perceive and quantify the environmental information, which show huge application prospects. The development of bionic robots and wearable devices towards intelligence has put high demands on the performance of tactile sensor arrays. Herein, the current state-of-the-art tactile sensor arrays over recent years have been summarized, from sensor array fabrication to advanced applications. The main preparation methods of patterned array including screen printing, 3D printing, laser microprocessing, and textile technology are discussed in detail. Strategies to optimize the signal crosstalk caused by flexible high-density sensor arrays are systematically introduced from the perspective of structure design and circuit design. Furthermore, advanced tactile sensors are not limited to a single pressure sensing function, and hence the development of multimodal detection for sensors has been discussed. In order to promote the adaptability in applications, stretchable and self-powered versatile integration scheme for advanced sensing are briefly described. Then, by means of machine learning and neural networks, it is possible to deeply explore the information embedded in the tactile acquisition signal with enriched application scenarios. Finally, the current challenges and the future perspectives for flexible tactile sensor arrays towards practical use are provided.  相似文献   

 石墨烯材料具有优异的导电性、柔性、化学稳定性等特征,在印刷电子领域中具有广阔的应用前景。概述了石墨烯材料的宏量制备方法,结合喷墨打印、丝网印刷和3D打印等方法介绍了石墨烯墨水制备的技术特点和要求,展示了石墨烯在印刷电子功能器件中的应用,主要类型包括透明导电薄膜、柔性电路、超级电容器和可穿戴传感器等。总结了该领域当前研究进展中存在的问题和挑战,从材料设计、加工制备和器件应用方面进行了展望。在未来发展中可通过丰富石墨烯打印线路的结构形式,并注重利用组装的策略增强结构有序性,实现多功能、高性能的器件制备和应用。  相似文献   

自然界中的蛋白质材料具有天然丰度、多种化学成分、可调控的性能、优异的生物相容及可降解性能等特点,为柔性光电子器件的发展提供了新的机遇.然而,蛋白质化学稳定性差、机械柔性不可控等缺点使得传统加工技术难以应用在其表面,严重制约了其在柔性电子领域的应用.本文首先以丝蛋白和角蛋白为例介绍了天然蛋白材料的介观重构以及加工技术,阐述了天然蛋白质材料的多级网络结构与其物理性能的关系.在此基础上,侧重介绍它们在柔性传感、发光、晶体管及存储等器件中的应用,最后展望了蛋白基柔性材料在光电子器件发展中所面临的挑战以及发展机遇.  相似文献   

柔性电子器件具有独特的形状可塑性,因而引起了人们极大的研究热情.柔性电子器件在未来或将成为下一代电子器件的重要分支,在电子显示、二极管、生物医疗器件、太阳能电池等领域有着广阔的发展前景.近些年,许多研究人员将柔性技术与自旋电子学相结合,开始探索应变对于生长在柔性衬底上的磁电异质结磁电性质的影响,通过改变柔性衬底的曲率等手段调控器件的磁电效应.相关基础研究为磁存储器、磁传感器、非易失性阻变存储器等电子器件的研究开辟了新思路.  相似文献   

全固态电位传感器因为不含内充液,极易微型化、阵列化和制备成一次性的纸基电极和塑料柔性电极,得到快速的发展。全固态电位传感技术已在环境监测、床边护理和可穿戴设备等领域取得初步应用。介绍了近几年作为全固态电位传感器固体接触层的纳米材料和导电聚合物,基于适配体等生物分子的全固态电位传感器的制备与应用以及纸基和可穿戴等全固态电位传感器的最新研究进展,并展望其未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Cells on chips   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
El-Ali J  Sorger PK  Jensen KF 《Nature》2006,442(7101):403-411
Microsystems create new opportunities for the spatial and temporal control of cell growth and stimuli by combining surfaces that mimic complex biochemistries and geometries of the extracellular matrix with microfluidic channels that regulate transport of fluids and soluble factors. Further integration with bioanalytic microsystems results in multifunctional platforms for basic biological insights into cells and tissues, as well as for cell-based sensors with biochemical, biomedical and environmental functions. Highly integrated microdevices show great promise for basic biomedical and pharmaceutical research, and robust and portable point-of-care devices could be used in clinical settings, in both the developed and the developing world.  相似文献   

 大气压低温等离子体射流是近年来学术界兴起的新型研究领域,由于其在大气压下产生,气体温度低,活性高,在众多领域尤其是生物医学方面的应用引起了人们广泛的关注。本文依据驱动电源的不同分别介绍直流电源、交流电源、射频电源、微波、直流脉冲电源驱动的大气压低温等离子体射流装置,及其各自的物理特性、杀菌效果,以及大气压低温等离子体射流在生物医学方面的应用。最后叙述了大气压低温等离子体射流应用领域的前景,以及所面临的困难和可能的解决方法。  相似文献   

 精准医疗是一种以个人健康大数据为诊疗依据的高度个性化的新型医疗模式,其依靠的数据主要包括基因型数据、表型数据和环境数据,其中表型数据和环境数据的获取需要借助具有动态数据采集能力的移动测量装置。本文简述了精准医疗的一般概念,提出柔性电子技术能够为动态医学监测提供有力的技术保障,并从材料体系、结构设计、集成方式和数据传递方式等方面概述了柔性电子技术,结合了目前柔性电子技术在医学监测领域的研究成果展示了其在精准医疗领域的巨大应用潜力。提出可以从提高系统的供电能力、提高系统的集成度与复杂度以及深入研究化学量检测等方面进一步提升柔性医学监测系统的性能,使其更好地服务于精准医疗模式。  相似文献   

滤纸是一种生物和化学实验室里的常用材料,由纯纤维素制成,通常被用来做过滤或者色谱分析.滤纸经过进一步的修饰与表面处理后被广泛应用于生物医学、传感器、微流控、环境保护等领域,并展示了很好的应用前景.简要综述了滤纸在分析化学中的应用,着重介绍了滤纸存储试剂作为外标和内标在分析化学中的应用.  相似文献   

 可穿戴传感器是近年来高速发展的传感器技术。其功能、原理和形态各异,并已经广泛应用于国民生活和生产的多个方面。本文结合大量商业化和处于研究阶段的可穿戴产品和器件,简述了可穿戴传感器的主要形式,列举了可穿戴设备的常用测量方法。根据可穿戴传感器及人体的接触方式,将其划分为皮肤接触式传感器、非直接接触式传感器和植入式传感器,结合现有商业化产品及实验室中研究成果,展示了现今可穿戴设备在日常健康、医疗、运动科学、工业和军事等方面的广泛应用。认为可穿戴传感器技术将会在未来同大数据与精准医疗实现更高程度的结合,更好地服务于长期动态的人体信息和环境信息的采集。  相似文献   

The development of smart textiles has presentend new requirements for integrated devices that can be compatible with both conductivity and deformation. At room temperature, liquid metal presents both metallic properties and flexible properties, as well as low toxicity and biocompatible, which makes it more and more popular on the research of liquid metal based electronic devices. This review summarizes the basic physical properties, and the key points to be fabricated into fibers and fabrics including oxides and wettability. Meantime, the application in the field of textiles is presented. Liquid metal based electrical conductive fibers and flexible sensors can be fabricated mainly by injection and printing, as well as direct-writing for smart fabrics. Liquid metal can be integrated as functional components for smart wearable devices in the future by assembling the as-prepared fibers and fabrics with textile technology, such as twisting, sewing, knitting, and embroidering.  相似文献   

以导电海绵为基底,并将其与银纳米线(AgNWs)复合作为柔性电极,制备了一系列柔性应力传感器,其具有良好的灵敏度和重复性.研究发现AgNWs均匀附着在导电海绵的泡沫网络中.受力时随着海绵泡沫结构大形变的同时,AgNWs结构在微观上也产生次级形变,这种多层次的导电网络结构变化有利于增强应力传感器的灵敏度.考察了不同介电材料、介电层厚度、AgNWs滴涂层数等条件对灵敏度的影响,并优化了制备条件,实现了传感器的可控制备.本文制备的传感器制备方法简单,有一定实际应用前景.   相似文献   

1 Introduction Proton conducting solid polymer electrolytes have been extensively studied due to their potential applications in electrochemical devices such as batteries, super capacitors, electrochromic windows, sensors etc~([1,2]). Many researchers have studied the behaviour of inorganic based polymer electrolytes as proton conductors and their applications in solid state devices at room temperature~([3]). But, inorganic acid doped electrolytes have some serious disadvantages like corrosion…  相似文献   

 探讨了非均匀介质下不同光流控器件及其生化应用。在微流控芯片上,主要从2个方面开发和实现各类具有光波导、透镜、细胞计数、化学检测等功能的新器件。首先,在液液非均匀介质下,通过调节沟道内液体流速,控制液体间的对流扩散来实现液体在微腔内的渐变折射率分布和阶跃分布,从而得到其特殊的光学特性,例如光束分离、弯曲、自聚焦等。其次,在固体非均匀介质下,利用特殊的微流结构与液体相结合,实现更加灵敏可调的新型探测手段。这些新型技术手段分别在生物传感、能源生产、细胞探测及海水检测等诸多应用中可发挥关键性作用。  相似文献   

Bimetallic nanomaterials consisting of magnetic metals and noble metals have attracted much interest for their promising potentials in fields such as magnetic sensors, catalysts, optical detection and biomedical applications. Bimetallic nanomaterials synthesized by wet-chemical methods with different architectures including nanoparticles, nanowires or nanotubes and their assemblies are summarized in this review. The particular properties of bimetallic nanomaterials, especially their magnetic, catalytic and optical properties, are presented. The advance in electron microscopy makes it possible to understand the nanostructural materials at much higher level than before, which helps to disclose the relationship between the microstructures and properties qualitatively and quantitatively.  相似文献   

Developing wireless nanodevices and nanosystems is of critical importance for sensing, medical science, environmental/infrastructure monitoring, defense technology and even personal electronics. It is highly desirable for wireless devices to be self powered without using battery, without which most of the sensor network may be impossible. The piezoelectric nanogenerators have the potential to serve as self sufficient power sources for micro/nano systems. For wurtzite structures that have non central symmetry, such as ZnO, GaN and InN, a piezoelectric potential (piezopotential) is created in the crystal by applying a strain. The nanogenerator is invented by using the piezopotential as the driving force for electrons to flow in respond to a dynamic straining of piezoelectric nanowires. A gentle straining can produce an output voltage of up to 20~50 V from an integrated nanogenerator. Furthermore, piezopotential in the wurtzite structure can serve as gate voltage that can effectively tune/control the charge transport across an interface/junction; electronics fabricated based on such a mechanism is coined as piezotronics, with applications in force/pressure triggered/controlled electronic devices, sensors, logic units and memory. By using the piezotronic effect, it is showed that the optoelectronic devices fabricated using wurtzite materials can have superior performance as solar cell, photon detector and light emitting diode. Piezotronic is likely to serve as “mechanosensation” for directly interfacing biomechanical action with silicon based technology and active flexible electronics. The paper gives a brief review about the basis of nanogenertors and piezotronics and their potential applications in smart MEMS (micro electro mechanical systems).  相似文献   

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