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In order to realize the aircraft trajectory prediction,a modified interacting multiple model(M-IMM) algorithm is proposed,which is based on the performance analysis of the standard interacting multiple model(IMM) algorithm.In the proposed M-IMM algorithm,a new likelihood function is defined for the sake of updating flight mode probabilities,in which the influences of interacting to residual’s mean error are taken into account and the assumption of likelihood function being a zero mean Gaussian function is discarded.Finally,the proposed M-IMM algorithm is applied to the simulation of the aircraft trajectory prediction,and the comparative studies are conducted to existing algorithms.The simulation results indicate the proposed M-IMM algorithm can predict aircraft trajectory more quickly and accurately.  相似文献   

User preference data broadly collected from e-commerce platforms have benefits to improve the user’s experience of individual purchasing recommendation by data mining and analyzing,which may bring users the risk of privacy disclosure.In this paper,we explore the problem of differential private top-k items based on least mean square.Specifically,we consider the balance between utility and privacy level of released data and improve the precision of top-k based on post-processing.We show that our algorithm can achieve differential privacy over streaming data collected and published periodically by server provider.We evaluate our algorithm with three real datasets,and the experimental results show that the precision of our method reaches 85%with strong privacy protection,which outperforms the Kalman filter-based existing methods.  相似文献   

With the development of the social media and Internet, discovering latent information from massive information is becoming particularly relevant to improving user experience. Research efforts based on preferences and relationships between users have attracted more and more attention. Predictive problems, such as inferring friend relationship and co-author relationship between users have been explored. However, many such methods are based on analyzing either node features or the network structures separately, few have tried to tackle both of them at the same time. In this paper, in order to discover latent co-interests’ relationship, we not only consider users’ attributes but network information as well. In addition, we propose an Interest-based Factor Graph Model (I-FGM) to incorporate these factors. Experiments on two data sets (bookmarking and music network) demonstrate that this predictive method can achieve better results than the other three methods (ANN, NB, and SVM).  相似文献   

Microblog is a social platform with huge user community and mass data. We propose a semantic recommendation mechanism based on sentiment analysis for microblog. Firstly, the keywords and sensibility words in this mechanism are extracted by natural language processing including segmentation, lexical analysis and strategy selection. Then, we query the background knowledge base based on linked open data(LOD) with the basic information of users. The experiment result shows that the accuracy of recommendation is within the range of 70%-89% with sentiment analysis and semantic query. Compared with traditional recommendation method, this method can satisfy users’ requirement greatly.  相似文献   

This paper describes a building subsidence deformation prediction model with the self-memorization principle.According to the non-linear specificity and monotonic growth characteristics of the time series of building subsidence deformation,a data-based mechanistic self-memory model considering randomness and dynamic features of building subsidence deformation is established based on the dynamic data retrieved method and the self-memorization equation.This model first deduces the differential equation of the building subsidence deformation system using the dynamic retrieved method,which treats the monitored time series data as particular solutions of the nonlinear dynamic system.Then,the differential equation is evolved into a difference-integral equation by the self-memory function to establish the self-memory model of dynamic system for predicting nonlinear building subsidence deformation.As the memory coefficients of the proposed model are calculated with historical data,which contain useful information for the prediction and overcome the shortcomings of the average prediction,the model can predict extreme values of a system and provide higher fitting precision and prediction accuracy than deterministic or random statistical prediction methods.The model was applied to subsidence deformation prediction of a building in Xi’an.It was shown that the model is valid and feasible in predicting building subsidence deformation with good accuracy.  相似文献   

A new method for Web users fuzzy clustering based on analysis of user interest characteristic is proposed in this article. The method first defines page fuzzy categories according to the links on the index page of the site. then computes fuzzy degree of cross page through aggregating on data of Web tog. After that, by using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the method constructs user interest vectors according to page viewing times and frequency of hits. and derives the fuzzy similarity matrix from the interest vectors for the Web users. Finally. it gets the clustering result through the fuzzy clustering method. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

Web multimedia information retrieval using improved Bayesian algorithm   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The main thrust of this paper is application of a novel data mining approach on the log of user‘ s feedback to improve web multimedia information retrieval performance. A user space model was constructed based on data mining, and then integrated into the original information space model to improve the accuracy of the new information space model. It can remove clutter and irrelevant text information and help to eliminate mismatch between the page author‘ s expression and the user‘ s understanding and expectation. User spacemodel was also utilized to discover the relationship between high-level and low-level features for assigning weight. The authors proposed improved Bayesian algorithm for data mining. Experiment proved that the au-thors‘ proposed algorithm was efficient.  相似文献   

The recommendation system can efficiently solve the information overload in mobile Internet. Thus, how to effectively utilize context information to improve the accuracy of recommendation becomes the research focus in the field. This article puts forward a novel approach to realize the context-aware recommendation in mobile environments. It first gets users’ interest resonance with a hash-based interest resonance mining algorithm. Then, it calculates the association degree between the user and the item and then predicts the user’s rating on the item. Finally, it comprehensively figures out the recommending index. Moreover, this article also designs a personal recommendation model for the users and provides relevant decision-making coefficients. Experiments have demonstrated that our approach is superior to the traditional ones (RMP, RSTE, MD and BBBs) in both performance and efficiency.  相似文献   

A highway distress and preventive measures decision support system based on WebGIS and J2EE architecture were studied, and the key issues for the system are presented. Such issues as spatial data and attribute data organization, technology of enhancing user experience, database connection pool were investigated. The feasibility of the theories and methods were tested through the system.  相似文献   

The prediction problem of the actual value of the dynamic parameters in the simulation model in semiconductor manufacturing was discussed. Considering the fact that the default value of processing time of one certain equipment in the simulation model was not the same as its actual value. a general data driven prediction model of the processing time was built based on support vector regression (SVR) , with the utilization of manufacturing information in manufacturing execution system (MES). The processing time of one certain equipment was highly related to the status of the equipment itself and the wafers being processed. To uncover the relationship of the processing time with the information of historical products. process flow. technical standard of silicon wafers and manual intervention. data were extracted from MES and used to build a prediction model. This model was employed on an ion implantation equipment as a case. and the effectiveness of the proposed method was shown by comparing with other approaches.  相似文献   

基于轨迹聚类的热点路径分析方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
随着智能终端、移动定位、无线通信等技术的快速发展,在交通、物流等应用领域,大量受路网约束的轨迹数据得以收集.利用轨迹数据分析热点路径,可以在时空和语义特征不变的前提下反映移动对象的运动和行为模式.在提取道路交叉点的基础上,引入轨迹的停留点语义,并将两者共同作为特征点进行轨迹划分,在轨迹聚类的基础上进行子轨迹权重分析,从...  相似文献   

针对基于最短路径的路径规划方法只关注路径长度, 而基于轨迹的路径规划方法过度依赖用户偏好的问题, 提出一种同时考虑用户出行偏好和路径长度的路径规划方法. 首先, 利用长短期记忆模型从历史出行轨迹中提取用户的出行偏好; 其次, 采用Markov链Monte Carlo采样技术将用户的出行偏好引入启发式搜索算法A*中, 在道路网络中搜索得到符合用户出行偏好且较短的路径; 最后, 以北京市路网和出租车轨迹数据作为测试数据, 将该方法与基于最短路径的规划方法和基于轨迹的路径规划方法进行实验对比. 实验结果表明, 该路径规划方法更稳定, 并且其规划的路径具有较高的准确度、 较短的行驶距离和行程时间.  相似文献   

为提升智能交通、自动驾驶等系统的管理和服务质量,提出一种双向长短期记忆网络结合注意力机制的车辆轨迹预测模型。采用道格拉斯-普克压缩算法对轨迹数据进行压缩预处理,减少数据中的冗余;在编码器中使用双向长短期记忆网络充分捕获时间相关性特征,并采用自注意力机制获得与邻近车辆之间的全局空间相关性特征;通过解码器的全连接层获取车辆的未来位置,并通过模型迭代获得完整的预测轨迹路线。实验结果表明,提出的模型预测性能优于对比模型。此外,消融实验结果表明,引入轨迹压缩算法与改进的长短期记忆网络结合注意力机制对预测准确度均有积极贡献。  相似文献   

基于用户移动行为相似性聚类的Markov位置预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于采集点丢失或出现新用户等原因,GPS轨迹数据往往具有稀疏性,使得基于单个用户数据的位置预测准确率较低.针对这种情况,提出了基于移动行为相似性和用户聚类的Markov位置预测方法.首先,基于Voronoi图和原始GPS轨迹进行区域划分,位置预测基于区域轨迹进行;其次,提出了同时考虑用户转移特性和用户区域特性的移动行为相似性计算方法;再次,根据移动行为相似性对用户进行聚类,并在聚类的用户组上采用一阶Markov模型进行位置预测,提高了位置预测的准确性.真实GPS轨迹数据上的实验表明了所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

首先, 基于云计算应用模式, 提出一种能有效利用云存储架构的双层缓存技术. 通过在客户端和服务器端建立分布式缓存, 能有效避免用户频繁访问远端数据, 为用户构建轻量级的客户端, 解决了目前地学数据可视化软件大量占用用户本地存储容量的问题. 同时服务器端也避免了多次访问云存储文件系统, 减少了大量的数据检索与加载时间. 其次, 提出一种ARLS(association rule last successor)访问预测算法, 根据用户的历史访问记录, 利用关联规则挖掘用户的访问模式, 对其访问行为进行预测, 进而提前加载数据, 提高缓存命中率, 解决了用户在可视化过程中不断移动兴趣区域, 频繁更换渲染数据的问题, 能有效应对用户具有多种访问模式的情况, 提高了预测准确率. 实验结果表明, 该云存储架构显著减少了本地资源消耗, 访问预测算法的准确率在最差情形下可达47.59%, 平均准确率达91.3%, 分布式缓存的平均缓存命中率达95.61%, 可有效支持云端大规模地震数据的快速可视化.  相似文献   

准确的4D航迹预测可以在冲突探测与解脱、航迹优化和空中交通流量管理等多个领域发挥重要作用。为提高预测的准确性,本文提出了基于机器学习的航空器4D航迹预测方法。首先,利用爬升阶段提取研究指标,构建循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Network, RNN)和长短期记忆网络(Long Short-Term Memory, LSTM)两类模型;然后,下降阶段在此基础上进行数据维度拓展,构建RNN、LSTM模型进行航迹预测;最后,仿真结果表明,爬升阶段模型和下降阶段模型对于航空器位置预测准确性高,展现了航迹预测模型的良好鲁棒性。  相似文献   

提出了一种利用支撑向量机(SVM)进行井眼轨迹预测的新方法,它基于小样本统计学习理论,通过对一口或几口已钻井的轨迹数据进行学习训练支撑向量机,建立井眼轨迹的支撑向量机预测模型。对多口井的实验结果分析表明,该方法估计精度高且易于现场推广使用。  相似文献   

针对目前飞行程序减噪设计的需要,研究了民机的航迹特征,选取了声暴露级(SEL)作为单个事件的飞机噪声评价指标,并在研究飞行程序特点的基础上,结合飞机噪声性能(ANP)数据库和NPD噪声计算方法,建立了一套基于航迹特征的离场飞行程序噪声预测方法。以某民用机场的离场程序为例,绘制出噪声等值线图,验证了方法的可行性。实例证明,该方法可以量化预测飞行程序的噪声影响,规范了飞行程序噪声预测的方法,可以为减噪飞行程序设计提供参考。  相似文献   

针对航空器轨迹聚类没有充分利用目标的速度、航向等多维特征信息,在发掘轨迹聚类中存在局限性,提出基于多维特征的航空轨迹聚类方法并基于统计学方法完成异常检测。通过散点相似矩阵确定多维特征,利用多维特征构建多维特征相似矩阵,完成对轨迹的聚类,引入航转角和特征点选择特征轨迹,用多元拟合模型对特征轨迹点拟合,得到航空器特征轨迹表达式,通过计算实验轨迹与位置特征表达式的距离是否大于95%的置信区间距离,完成异常轨迹的检测。在天津机场用ADS-B数据进行实验,比较结果表明具有一定可行性。  相似文献   

景荣荣  吴兰  张坤鹏 《科学技术与工程》2023,23(26):11414-11423
针对自动驾驶运动规划中预测周围交通参与者(如车辆、自行车、行人)未来轨迹的问题,提出了一个基于Transformer的轨迹预测模型(Trajectory Prediction Transformer,TPT)来帮助自动驾驶车辆预测周围交通参与者的未来运动轨迹。首先,为了有效地考虑交通参与者和交通环境之间的交互信息,将交通参与者建模为交通智能体。并将交通智能体的历史运动轨迹和周围交通环境信息编码为多通道图,作为模型的输入。然后,利用改进的Transformer对交通环境进行建模,并捕捉交通智能体与交通环境之间值得关注的交互信息,预测其未来运动轨迹。最后,在大规模自动驾驶数据集Lyft进行的实验表明,TPT模型能够在不同预测时长下取得优于其他对比模型的预测结果,且用时更短。  相似文献   

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