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为了研究青藏高原积雪异常对亚洲夏季风气候的影响,从季风环流和季风降水等方面综合分析了高原积雪异常对气候的影响,并利用IAP 9L AGCM模式,对高原雪量进行了增加和减少的数值试验。从而提出高原多(少)雪年南亚夏季风偏弱(强),东亚夏季风反而偏强(弱)的新观点。高原积雪异常会导致高原上空大气垂直运动的扰动,扰动传播到下游致使我国长江流域和西太副高所在区域大气对流运动发生变化。高原多(少)雪,夏季我国南方的偏南风增强(减弱),有利于水汽从孟加拉湾和南海向我国大陆输送,但到长江流域时,由于偏南风存在较强(弱)的辐合,江淮流域偏涝(旱)。  相似文献   

用OSU的两层大气环流模式进行了热带西太平洋冬春海温异常对东亚初夏(5月)季风环流影响的数值试验.结果表明:①海温的负距平引起西太平洋副热带高压脊南落和西伸,东亚热带季风环流减弱,我国西南和华南地区的降水增加;②海温的正距平引起西太平洋副热带高压明显减弱,西太平洋的赤道西风加强,我国西南和华南地区的降水减少  相似文献   

利用诊断分析方法,研究南亚夏季风爆发前后高度场、温湿场的演变特征。结果发现夏季风的爆发与南亚高压、马斯克林高压、南美洲大陆上的高压以及巴哈马群岛附近海域上的高压密切相关。季风爆发前后,印度次大陆上高度场在垂直方向发生了反相变化,低层减弱,高层加强,这使得垂直对流发展加强。南亚夏季风爆发前后在印度次大陆及其西岸各层上湿度均急剧增大。表明随着南亚夏季风的爆发,全球温度场、高度场、湿度场都发生了重大调整,南亚夏季风的爆发是全球环流形势调整的一环。  相似文献   

小冰期气候的模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用含有陆面过程的全球大气环流模式AGCM SSiB进行了小冰期气候模拟.共设计了7个模拟试验,分析了模拟的温度和降水结果.主要结论是:(1) 温度:以太阳辐射减少为小冰期降温的假设机制对于季节的降温影响是不同的,夏半年的降温作用要较冬半年明显,同时由于其他反馈作用的存在,冬季温度的变化表现出区域差异.但全年平均温度降温是主要特征.火山灰对冬季降温的作用十分明显,且降温效应小于太阳辐射减小的作用.太阳辐射减少与火山灰光学厚度增加同时作用对大范围的降温有叠加增强效应.(2) 降水:在一定的太阳辐射减少情况下,有利于东亚地区夏季风降水的增加.火山灰光学厚度增加对欧亚大陆大部分地区年降水量未有显著影响.太阳辐射减少和火山灰增加的综合效果使中国东部地区的夏季风降水增加,而南亚地区的降水减少.叠加植被变化后的结果显示,降水变化存在区域差异.  相似文献   

南亚高压是夏季南亚上空对流层上部的一个强大而稳定的行星尺度环流系统。它的季节性变化规律、东西振荡机理,它的周期性、整体性、持续性、超前性以及与众多的天气尺度和大、中尺度的天气系统的相互联系,为南亚地区某些重要的天气过程的发生、发展和消亡提供了一个环流背景,与我国降水过程存在着显著相关。笔者运用1980~1982年的资料对南亚高压的强度、云南雨季降水和季风环流圈作动率谱和交叉谱分析,对不同系统和不同年份的情况进行了讨论,结果表明:南亚变压通过季风环流圈对云南降水产生影响,云南降水受东亚季风环流系统和印度环流系统、热带和副热带天气系统的综合影响,具有较显著的准一周和准双周的中期振荡周期。  相似文献   

云南雨季的开始及其季风环流特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地处低纬高原的云南省,位于青藏高原的东南侧,南接中南半岛,东南临南海,西南频孟加拉湾,属于典型的季风气候区。从降水的时间分布来考虑,云南的雨季和干季特别分明。由于每年夏季风来得早迟不一,故造成云南雨季的开始也有早迟之分。雨季开始的早迟对云南农业生产的影响是很大的。因此,近几年来有不少气象工作者从季风环流的角度来研究云南雨季的开始。有的认为“印度西南季风环流建立后,我国降水过程增多,西南及长江流域雨季开始”。有的又认为“云南雨季开始与孟加拉湾西南季风的爆发关系密切,而与印度西南季风的爆发没有关系,其水汽几乎完全由孟湾西南季风所输送”。  相似文献   

本文利用1974~78年5~9月的气象资料讨论夏季印度季风环流系统与我国暴雨的关系。结论是:印度季风环流建立后,我国降水过程增多,西南及长江流域雨季稳定;印度季风中断期为我国低涡切变降水过程盛行期;而印度季风活跃期却为我国降水过程准间歇期,此时我国东部台风活动频繁;大、暴雨过程的水汽输送,不少是由印度季风环流南侧的赤道西风连接我国偏西南风低空急流带提供。  相似文献   

华北夏季降水年代际变化与东亚夏季风、大气环流异常   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用华北夏季降水资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对华北夏季降水、东亚夏季风年代际变化特征及大气环流异常进行研究,发现一些有意义的结果:华北夏季降水变化存在明显的8a、18a周期,东亚夏季风变化18a、28a周期性比较明显,二者年代际变化特征明显,但华北夏季降水变化和东亚夏季风变化的周期不完全一致.华北夏季降水量变化在60年代中期发生了突变,东亚夏季风变化在70年代中期发生了突变.华北夏季降水与东亚夏季风变化存在很好的相关关系,强夏季风年,华北夏季降水一般偏多,弱夏季风年,华北夏季降水一般偏少,但又不完全一致.东亚夏季风减弱是造成华北夏季降水减少的一个重要因素,但不是唯一因素,华北夏季降水减少还与环流异常密切相关.在地面上,青臧高原地区、华北地区气温下降造成华北低压系统活动减少,不利于降水.在850 hPa层上,东亚中纬度的西南季风和副热带高压南部的偏东风、西北部的西南风异常减弱,使得西南气流输送水汽很多难以到达30°N以北的地区,而副热带高压西部外围偏东南、偏南气流输送到华北地区的水汽也大量减少,水汽不足造成华北夏季降水偏少.在500 hPa高度场上,80年代欧亚遥相关型表现与50年代相反,变为欧洲( )、乌拉尔山(-)、中亚( )形势,这种环流使得乌拉尔山高压脊减弱,贝加尔湖至青藏高原高空槽变浅,纬向环流表现突出,不利于冷暖空气南北交换.同时在500 hPa气温场上,80年代,西伯利亚至青藏高原西北部的冷槽明显东移南压到蒙古至华北地区,锋区位于华北以东以南位置,使得华北地区冷暖空气交汇减少,降水也因此减少.华北夏季降水减少是由于东亚夏季风减弱和大气环流异常造成的.  相似文献   

为了研究伴随南海夏季风爆发的热带环流的演变,利用40 a的NCEP逐日再分析资料,采用合成分析的方法对季风爆发前后的环流形势变化进行了讨论。合成结果中重点分析了随南海季风的爆发在对流层和平流层低层的流场都有显著变化的南亚、东南亚地区。结果表明,在对流层中印度洋赤道地区,在季风爆发前有东风扰动发展成为一对南北对称的低涡,随后北边的低涡演变成孟加拉湾低槽,低槽前的西南气流不断东扩,使西太副高东撤,南海季风爆发。低涡的演变和发展是影响南海季风爆发的重要因子之一。而高层的环流形势与低层不同,伴随季风爆发高层环流的演变则更多地体现出了全球尺度的特征。  相似文献   

利用垂直方向具有9层σ面、水平方向菱形截断波数为15的全球大气环流谱模式和有、无青藏高原大地形两种情况下10年积分的模拟结果,研究了青藏高原大地形对亚洲季风平均环流的影响。结果表明:有、无青藏高原大地形,亚洲冬、夏季季风平均环流均存在很大的差异。去除地形,使夏季高层的南亚高压、低层的大陆热低压、副热带高压及冬季的大陆冷高压在位置或强度上发生了改变;地形的有、无决定着冬季东亚大槽的强度;索马里越赤道气流有地形时明显较无地形时强;地形的有无还影响着降水强度和雨带的分布。另外,副热带高压中心及雨带的季节性移动与高原大地形的存在与否亦有很大的关系  相似文献   

Under the condition of land-atmosphere heat and water conservation, a set of sensitive numerical experiments are set up to investigate the response of the East Asian climate system to global frozen soil change. This is done by introducing the supercooled soil water process into the Community Land Model (CLM3.0), which has been coupled to the National Center of Atmospheric Research Community Atmosphere Model (CAM3.1). Results show that:(1) The ratio between soil ice and soil water in CLM3.0 is clearly changed by the supercooled soil water process. Ground surface temperature and soil temperature are also affected. (2) The Eurasian (including East Asian) climate system is sensitive to changes of heat and water in frozen soil regions. In January, the Aleutian low sea level pressure circulation is strengthened, Ural blocking high at 500 hPa weakened, and East Asian trough weakened. In July, sea level pressure over the Aleutian Islands region is significantly reduced; there are negative anomalies of 500 hPa geopotential height over the East Asian mainland, and positive anomalies over the East Asian ocean. (3) In January, the southerly component of the 850 hPa wind field over East Asia increases, indicating a weakened winter monsoon. In July, cyclonic anomalies appear on the East Asian mainland while there are anticyclonic anomalies over the ocean, reflective of a strengthened east coast summer monsoon. (4) Summer rainfall in East Asia changed significantly, including substantial precipitation increase on the southern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, central Yangtze River Basin, and northeast China. Summer rainfall significantly decreased in south China and Hainan Island, but slightly decreased in central and north China. Further analysis showed considerable upper air motion along ~30°N latitude, with substantial descent of air at its north and south sides. Warm and humid air from the Northeast Pacific converged with cold air from northern land areas, representing the main cause of the precipitation anomalies.  相似文献   

Qi  Li  He  JinHai  Zhang  ZuQiang  Song  JinNuan 《科学通报(英文版)》2008,53(1):131-136
Based on analysis of the climatic temperature latitudinal deviation on middle troposphere, its seasonal cycle suggests that due to the rapid warming from eastern China continent to the east of Tibetan Plateau and the heating of Tibetan Plateau in spring, seasonal transition of the thermal difference between East Asia continent and West Pacific first takes place in the subtropical region with greatest intensity. On the accompanying low troposphere, the prevailing wind turns from northerly in winter to southerly in summer with the convection precipitation occurring at the same time. This maybe indicates the onset of the East Asian subtropical summer monsoon. Consequently, we advice that the seasonal cycle formed by the zonal thermal contrast between Asian continent and West Pacific may be an independent driving force of East Asian subtropical monsoon.  相似文献   

Zhisheng A  Kutzbach JE  Prell WL  Porter SC 《Nature》2001,411(6833):62-66
The climates of Asia are affected significantly by the extent and height of the Himalayan mountains and the Tibetan plateau. Uplift of this region began about 50 Myr ago, and further significant increases in altitude of the Tibetan plateau are thought to have occurred about 10-8 Myr ago, or more recently. However, the climatic consequences of this uplift remain unclear. Here we use records of aeolian sediments from China and marine sediments from the Indian and North Pacific oceans to identify three stages of evolution of Asian climates: first, enhanced aridity in the Asian interior and onset of the Indian and east Asian monsoons, about 9-8 Myr ago; next, continued intensification of the east Asian summer and winter monsoons, together with increased dust transport to the North Pacific Ocean, about 3.6-2.6 Myr ago; and last, increased variability and possible weakening of the Indian and east Asian summer monsoons and continued strengthening of the east Asian winter monsoon since about 2.6 Myr ago. The results of a numerical climate-model experiment, using idealized stepwise increases of mountain-plateau elevation, support the argument that the stages in evolution of Asian monsoons are linked to phases of Himalaya-Tibetan plateau uplift and to Northern Hemisphere glaciation.  相似文献   

Forty-two climate models participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phases 3 and 5 were first evaluated in terms of their ability to simulate the present climatology of the East Asian winter (December-February) and summer (June-August) monsoons. The East Asian winter and summer monsoon changes over the 21st century were then projected using the results of 31 and 29 reliable climate models under the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) mid-range A1B scenario or the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) mid-low-range RCP4.5 scenario, respectively. Results showed that the East Asian winter monsoon changes little over time as a whole relative to the reference period 1980-1999. Regionally, it weakens (strengthens) north (south) of about 25°N in East Asia, which results from atmospheric circulation changes over the western North Pacific and Northeast Asia owing to the weakening and northward shift of the Aleutian Low, and from decreased north- west-southeast thermal and sea level pressure differences across Northeast Asia. In summer, monsoon strengthens slightly in East China over the 21st century as a consequence of an increased land-sea thermal contrast between the East Asian continent and the adjacent western North Pacific and South China Sea.  相似文献   

Considering the different uplifting time of different subregions of the Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau(TP),a series of numerical simulations have been conducted with the Community Atmosphere Model(CAM4) developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research to explore the effects of the phased tectonic uplift of the Himalaya-TP on the evolution of Asian summer monsoons.The results show that the uplifts of the Himalaya and northern TP significantly affect the evolutions of South Asian summer monsoon and northern East Asian summer monsoon respectively.That is,the tectonic uplift of the Himalaya intensifies the South Asian summer monsoon circulation and increases the precipitation in South Asia,whereas the uplift of the northern TP intensifies the northern East Asian summer monsoon circulation and increases the precipitation in northern East Asia.Compared with previous simulations,current comparative analyses of modeling results for different subregional uplifts within the Himalaya-TP help deepen our understanding of the evolutionary history of Asian monsoons.  相似文献   

利用2005年1月至2017年12月搭载在美国环境监测Aura卫星上的臭氧监测仪(Ozone Monitoring Instrument, OMI)数据和NCEP气象资料,在夏季风环流指数定义方法的基础上,重新定义了南亚区域冬季风环流指数,并分别计算了南亚夏季风和冬季风环流指数. 结合冬夏两季环流的强弱变化采用相关分析、合成分析和奇异值分解(Singular Value Decomposition, SVD)等方法,探讨了环流异常形势下臭氧的时空变化特征. 结果表明:①南亚夏季纬向环流与经向环流的强度变化存在一致性,冬季经向环流与纬向环流的强度变化差异较大. ②南亚臭氧柱总量的季节变化明显,且近13年来臭氧柱总量整体呈上升趋势. ③夏季(冬季)风环流指数与对流层中低(中高)层和平流层中低层臭氧的相关性显著,但夏季平流层和对流层的相关趋势相反. ④夏季风环流增强对应青藏高原?伊朗高原上空及南侧区域的上升运动增强,对臭氧的输送作用是造成对流层臭氧分布呈现差异的原因. ⑤冬季风环流强弱期的垂直上升和下沉运动中心的移动,以及南北向、东西向气流交汇区的差异是造成臭氧分布不同的原因.  相似文献   

The influence of changes in vegetation cover on short-term climate over the East Asian monsoon region is simulated using the Community Climate System Model Version 3.5.The results show the annual mean surface air temperature significantly decreases by 0.93°C in response to afforestation over the East Asian monsoon region.Also,surface air temperature decreases by 1.46 and 0.40°C in summer and winter,respectively.The cooling is caused by enhanced evapotranspiration(ET) produced by increased forest cover.Evapotranspiration is greater in summer than in winter,so summer cooling is greater than winter cooling.The annual mean precipitation increases in response to afforestation,with a maximum of 7% in April.Water vapor increases significantly because of greater latent heat flux release.Meanwhile,afforestation leads to higher surface roughness,which decreases surface wind speed and induces an ascending air motion.These factors can produce more clouds and precipitation.Moreover,the surface albedo and the reflective solar radiation are reduced in response to afforestation.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Variability of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) has been detected by considering roles of El Nino and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle, snow cover over Eurasia and Tibetan Plateau, and signals from the soil (namely, the soil temperatur…  相似文献   

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