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良渚文化礼制的形成及其影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
良渚文化 (公元前 30 0 0多年—前 2 0 0 0年左右 )是太湖地区一支主要的考古学文化。在大墓中常有制作精致的大量玉器随葬。这些玉器 ,是以琮、璧、钺为主体的成组玉礼器 ,成组玉礼器的出现 ,表明已有了礼制。礼制是中华古代文明产生的一个重要标志 ,也是一个特点。良渚文化玉琮的广为传播 ,同时也把礼器包涵的礼制传向四方 ,这对中华古代文明史的研究 ,有重要的意义  相似文献   

Raw materials recovered from archaeological excavations in the Indus Valley, the Persian Gulf, Mesopotamia, Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean reflect the existence of long-distance trading during the Bronze Age, which united these regions into networks of commercial exchange. As each region relied on a different set of weights for trading, a straightforward conversion system must have been in operation. Here we describe a simple and universal conversion system that could have provided an economic key to the trade networks of the Old World between 2500 and 1000 bc.  相似文献   

《山海经》不仅是汉民族唯一的一部神话总集,同时也是巴蜀文化圈的结晶与象征。本文通过对华夏渊源的深入研究,再佐以文献、考古资料,才考证了华胥氏在今四川省阆中市(古俞水)建立国家(部落),并在此生下了伏羲氏,然后迁往甘肃天水。大禹出生于今四川省北川县(古广柔县),治水事迹主要在蜀地,后来,因治水有功,继承了舜帝的地位,成为中原地区部落首领。华夏之名称,由华胥氏之“华”和夏禹氏之“夏”构成的,因此,巴蜀文化圈亦是华夏文明发源地之一。  相似文献   

文明社会以来,自然环境演变的主要形式是气候变化及其影响下的其他变化.气候变化主要有三种形式:波动、突变、混沌.冷暖波动带来古文明的兴衰、游牧世界对农耕世界周期性冲击;突变、混沌引起的自然灾害对社会进程产生影响并带来了文明发展中的不确定性.最后对自然环境演变对人类社会影响的过程与机理进行了探讨.  相似文献   

A temperature series with a 100 year resolution for the last 5000 years in China has been reconstructed by using 31 long-term temperature proxy series selected from recent publications in the last 20 years. The proxy records include pollens, stalagmites, lake-sediments, peat, ice cores and historical documents. The result reveals that in the millennial scale temperature variation it was warm in 3050-250 BC and it was cold in 250 BC-1950 AD. In the above two periods there were many stages of sub-scale temperature fluctuations. The result also shows an obvious temperature discrepancy on the century to multi-century scale between the Eastern Monsoon Region, the Qinghai-Tibet Region and the Northwestern Region in 2850 BC, 2350 BC, 1350 BC, 950-350 BC, 50-250 AD, and 550 AD. A comparison between the reconstructed series of this paper and some North Hemisphere temperature series indicates that in the long-term scale change, the temperature change in China is in phrase with that of the Northern Hemisphere during the last 5000 years, while on the century to multi-century scale there are differences at the beginning and end times, which may imply that temperature change does not occur simultaneously in different regions.  相似文献   

新石器时代的世界各地氏族先民,在交通、信息十分不畅的情况下,在不同气候、不同自然条件地区的河流或山川谷地内,顽强生息、劳动,创造了既有人类共同特征,又有差异的物质与精神化。中国地域内的各氏族公社或部落,虽然互相有一定影响,但在发展中也呈现“多元”趋势,新石器早期化遗址在江南、江北均有发现,前仰韶化时代亦然。中国古代社会明因素在这个时期虽然已有,但较稀少。仰韶化时期的母系氏族化有了长足发展,呈现出黄河流域进步干长江流域的趋势。至龙山化时代,父系氏族古化、古城、古国等社会明迹象,仍是江北多于江南,因而古代社会明之源均可追溯至五六千年前的炎黄时代,可以毫无愧色地说:中国已有上-F6000年的社会明史。  相似文献   

山南邦嘎新石器时代遗址考古新发现与初步认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李林辉 《西藏大学学报》2001,16(4):50-51,56
邦嗄新石器时代遗址位于山南地区琼结县下水乡,现存遗址面积约3000平方米,遗址呈条状形分布,东西长约100米,南北宽约30米,海拔3900米。该遗址于20世纪80年代由原西藏自治区文物管理委员会进行全区文物普查时发现。2000年9月至10月由中国社会科学院考古研究所、西藏博物馆及山南文物局组成的联合考古队对该遗址进行了第一次田野考古考察与发掘,获得了重大考古发现。邦嘎遗址是继拉萨曲贡遗址、山南贡嘎昌果沟遗址在西藏腹心地区雅砻河谷地带发现的另一重要的史前遗址,其在西藏考古学的学术地位和文物保护、研究的重要性是不可忽视的。为进一步了解遗址的文化内涵,对遗址的性质、绝对年代、分布范围、地层堆积、出土物类型学等方面获得进一步的科学认识,联合考古队于2001年5月至6月进行了第三次科学的田野考古发掘。在此,本文将对此次发掘情况做个简单介绍。  相似文献   

Based on transient simulation of the last deglaciation (significant global warming period) using a fully coupled model and sensitivity experiment, we show explicitly how the thermohaline circulation (THC) affects the climate of China, especially during periods of abrupt climate change. The simulated evolution of the Chinese climate was consistent with the paleoclimate record during the last deglaciation. For example, the whole Chinese region warmed significantly during the Bølling-Allerød warming event (BA). When the magnitude of the THC was reduced in the sensitivity experiment during BA, warming of the Chinese region was greatly affected. Our work shows that in addition to orbital forcing and greenhouse gases, the THC is an important factor influencing climate change in China at the century scale.  相似文献   

辽东半岛的小珠山、后洼文化遗址是新石器时期辽南地区重要的文化遗址.通过对考古文化特征与渔猎—农耕经济的兴衰发展的分析,并结合孢粉、黄土等古气候指标对中国北方地区全新世气候变化进行的研究,同时叠加辽东半岛地区的海岸地质地形条件等特征,探讨了辽东半岛地区古文化与全新世环境演变的关系,揭示了该地区新石器时期以来文化受生产力发展的影响机制.5000 aB.P的寒冷期,人类应对气候突变的响应不同,直接导致小珠文化的兴盛与后洼文化的衰退.  相似文献   

Tomé and Miranda’s climate trend turning discriminatory model is used to identify the spatial-temporal characteristics of the interdecadal turning of winter/summer climate modes at stations and in eight sub-areas over Chinese mainland based on the 1961–2000 observations. It is found that the stations with close occurrence years of the interdecadal trend turning (ITT) and coincident trends after the ITT exhibit a zonal distribution. A view is accordingly proposed that the interdecadal turnings of climate modes in China have remarkably regional structures. The research results show that after the early 1980s, winter climate over Chinese mainland overall trends towards a “warm-wet” mode, while summer climate had an abrupt change into “warm wet” mode in the late 1980s, suggesting that the time of the “warm-wet” mode turning for winter climate is earlier than that for summer climate. The regional characteristics and test results of the ITTs in eight sub-areas suggest that winter climate exhibits a distinctive “warm-dry” trend in North China after the late 1970s, and a slight “warm-dry” trend in Northeast China, South China, and Southwest China after the late 1980s. A “warm-wet” trend appears in the rest four sub-areas (the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River Valley, briefly Jianghuai, the east of the Tibetan plateau, and the east and west of Northwest China) after the early 1980s. The summer climate trends towards a “warm-dry” mode in Northeast China, North China and the east of Northwest China after the late 1980s, but a “warm-wet” mode appears in Southwest China and the east of the Tibetan plateau after the middle 1970s, as well as in Jianghuai and the west of Northwest China after the early 1980s. Specially, summer climate in South China started a “cold-wet” trend in 1984.  相似文献   

Zhang J  Harbottle G  Wang C  Kong Z 《Nature》1999,401(6751):366-368
Excavations at the early Neolithic site of Jiahu in Henan Province, China have produced what may be the earliest complete, playable, tightly-dated multinote musical instruments. Jiahu was occupied from 7000 BC to 5700 BC, considerably antedating the well known Peiligang culture. Here we describe six exquisitely made complete flutes which were found in radiocarbon-dated excavation layers, along with fragments of perhaps 30 more. The flutes are made from the ulnae of the red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis Millen) and have 5, 6, 7 and 8 holes. The best preserved flute has been played and tonally analysed. In addition to early musical artefacts, the archaeological record at Jiahu contains important information on the very foundations of Chinese society. We describe the archaeological characteristics of the Jiahu site, details concerning its dating, its place in the prehistory of the Chinese Neolithic, the ethnicity of its population and the results of a tonal analysis of a nearly 9,000-year-old musical instrument found there.  相似文献   

人类文明在什么时间、什么地点,以什么模式起源,这是学术界迄今为止尚未解决的问题。为此,笔者作了人类文明同源课题研究,提出人类文明起源模式为远古中国阴阳易学的学术观点。课题从壮侗语支民族后裔之一壮族把“天”和“太阳”叫做“干”的语言切入,通过中国云南抚仙湖水下远古遗址所见文字符号、图案与两河流域美索不达米亚文明遗址所见文字符号、图案的比较研究,发现两地远隔千山万水,但注重阴阳易学的哲学观念是一致的。当时的易学观念主要以数字“十”和三角符号出现,普遍见于中国黄河、长江流域仰韶文化时期遗址和两河流域美索不达米亚文明遗址。在此基础上展开甲骨文、金文与两河流域楔形文字有关王权记载的比较研究,同样发现阴阳易学哲理对文字的影响很深。特别是殷商、西周时期的金文,无不蕴藏着“干”的读音分别是“太阳”和“天”的两重内涵,这种读音和语义分明是壮侗语支民族后裔之一壮族语言中的意思。这种读音有考古文物佐证和支撑,是阴阳易学在人类文明发展进程中的客观反映。在这方面,我们还可以从文献中对侗台语民族先祖建立的吴、越古国的记载中找到相关的证据。本文是课题的第一部分。  相似文献   

Clift PD  Blusztajn J 《Nature》2005,438(7070):1001-1003
Uplift of mountains driven by tectonic forces can influence regional climate as well as regional drainage patterns, which in turn control the discharge of eroded sediment to the ocean. But the nature of the interactions between tectonic forces, climate and drainage evolution remains contested. Here we reconstruct the erosional discharge from the Indus river over the past 30 million years using seismic reflection data obtained from drill core samples from the Arabian Sea and neodymium isotope data. We find that the source of the Indus sediments was dominated by erosion within and north of the Indus suture zone until five million years ago; after that, the river began to receive more erosional products from Himalayan sources. We propose that this change in the erosional pattern is caused by a rerouting of the major rivers of the Punjab into the Indus, which flowed east into the Ganges river before that time. Seismic reflection profiles from the Indus fan suggest high mass accumulation rates during the Pleistocene epoch partly driven by increased drainage to the Indus river after five million years ago and partly by faster erosion linked to a stronger monsoon over the past four million years. Our isotope stratigraphy for the Indus fan provides strong evidence for a significant change in the geometry of western Himalayan river systems in the recent geologic past.  相似文献   

The middle-Holocene was a period of profound cul- ture transitions: the Neolithic culture around Central China[1], Mesopotamia[2] and India[3] all mysteriously collapsed around 4 ka . It is plausible that this civiliza-tion collapse can be contributed to …  相似文献   

人类文明在什么时间、什么地点,以什么模式起源,这是学术界迄今为止尚未解决的问题。为此,笔者作了人类文明同源课题研究,提出人类文明起源模式为远古中国阴阳易学的学术观点。本课题从壮侗语支民族后裔之一壮族把“天”和“太阳”叫做“干”的语言切入,通过中国云南抚仙湖水下远古遗址所见文字符号、图案与两河流域美索不达米亚文明遗址所见文字符号、图案的比较研究,发现两地远隔千山万水,但注重阴阳易学的哲学观念是一致的。当时的易学观念主要以数字“十”和三角符号出现,普遍见于中国黄河、长江流域仰韶文化时期遗址和两河流域美索不达米亚文明遗址。在此基础上展开甲骨文、金文与两河流域楔形文字有关王权记载的比较研究,同样发现阴阳易学哲理对文字的影响很深。特别是殷商、西周时期的金文,无不蕴藏着“干”的读音分别是“太阳”和“天”的两重内涵,这种读音和语义分明是壮侗语支民族后裔之一壮族语言中的意思。这种读音有考古文物佐证和支撑,是阴阳易学在人类文明发展进程中的客观反映。在这方面,我们还可以从文献中对侗台语民族先祖建立的吴、越古国的记载中找到相关的证据。本文是课题的第二部分。  相似文献   

昔伊洛竭而夏亡。《国语》、《左传》等先秦史籍里有这样的记载。伊川古称伊国,伊河自南向北纵贯全境,是夏文化的核心地区,具有悠久的发展历史。先民们的汗水和智慧,铸就了伊川地区史前时代辉煌灿烂的文明。而从工具、建筑、墓葬等方面可以窥见其概貌。  相似文献   

人类文明在什么时间、什么地点,以什么模式起源,这是学术界迄今为止尚未解决的问题。为此,笔者作了人类文明同源课题研究,提出入类文明起源模式为远古中国阴阳易学的学术观点。本课题从壮侗语支民族后裔之一壮族把“天”和“太阳”叫做“干”的语言切入,通过中国云南抚仙湖水下远古遗址所见文字符号、图案与两河流域美索不达米亚文明遗址所见文字符号、图案的比较研究,发现两地远隔千山万水,但注重阴阳易学的哲学观念是一致的。当时的易学观念主要以数字、“十”和三角符号出现,普遍见于中国黄河、长江流域仰韶文化时期遗址和两河流域美索不达米亚文明遗址。在此基础上展开甲骨文、金文与两河流域楔形文字有关王权记载的比较研究,同样发现阴阳易学哲理对文字的影响很深。特别是殷商、西周时期的金文,无不蕴藏着“干”的读音分别是“太阳”和“天”的两重内涵,这种读音和语义分明是壮侗语支民族后裔之一壮族语言中的意思。这种读音有考古文物佐证和支撑,是阴阳易学在人类文明发展进程中的客观反映。在这方面,我们还可以从文献中对侗台语民族先祖建立的吴、越古国的记载中找到相关的证据。本文是课题的第三部分。  相似文献   

Zhou  AiFeng  Sun  HuiLing  Chen  FaHu  Zhao  Yan  An  ChengBang  Dong  GuangHui  Wang  ZongLi  Chen  JianHui 《科学通报(英文版)》2010,55(20):2118-2121
According to a core from Tianchi Lake, Liupan Mountain in Loess Plateau sediment, fossil pollen assemblages, magnetic suscep-tibility (MS) and color scale were measured based on reliable Abies leaf macrofossils radiocarbon chronology. We recovered a very good high-resolution mid-late Holocene climate change achieve for the transition area of the East Asia monsoon region and northwest arid region. The results show that the basic climate background was in agreement with the records from cave records in monsoon regions in eastern China. Besides, it shows more detailed records in abrupt climate change.  相似文献   

古代近东的埃及文化和美索不达米亚文化对西方古典文化产生了强烈影响.其影响涉及文字、文学、宗教、科学、艺术等领域.近东文化的哺育是促使西方古典文化发端与发展的重要因素.  相似文献   

High-resolution Sr/Ca ratios of two Porites corals from Leizhou Peninsula were measured using inductively coupled plasma atomic spectrometry (ICP-AES). TIMS U-Th dating reveals that the life-spans of the two corals are 489-500 AD and 539-530 BC, respectively. Monthly sea surface temperatures (SSTs) during these two periods can be reconstructed from their skeletal Sr/Ca ratios. The results reveal that SSTs during 539-530 BC were roughly the same as those during 1990-2000 AD in this area, indicating a relative warm climate period. However, the period of 489-500 AD was significantly cooler, with annual mean SST, the 10-a average of minimum monthly winter SSTs and the 10-a average of maximum monthly summer SSTs being about 2, 2.9 and 1℃ lower than that in the 1990s, respectively. Such climate patterns agree well with the phenological results recorded in the historic documents in other areas of China.  相似文献   

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