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通过对湘西中寒武世具表面装饰的管状疑难化石(Ornamented tubes)的保存、形态结构及壳体成分的综合分析,发现此类细长型管状化石表面具有瘤状、刺状装饰;部分化石管体向外弯曲的一侧具有一列锯齿状排列的脊刺.壳壁具有双层至多层微细构造.所获得材料中发现管状壳刺与高肌虫类双瓣壳壳体相连的化石标本.电子探针能谱分析揭示管状化石壳体成分以钙、磷元素为主,矿物成分主要为氟磷灰石.研究表明,此类管状化石可能属于具双瓣壳节肢动物高肌虫类外骨骼,是一种具有保护性功能的外部硬体构造.  相似文献   

在湖北三峡地区纽芬兰统岩家河组小壳化石Ⅰ、Ⅱ组合之间发现了大量锥管状宏体化石,化石体呈平面压扁的平滑圆锥管状,锥体长4—21mm,始端尖细向口端逐渐扩散,扩散角为13°-25°.锥体口端直径宽1—7mm,锥体始端平直或略有弯曲。锥体表面光滑,无或有微弱横纹,没有保存内部构造。与埃迪卡拉纪庙河生物群中的Protoconites minor Chen et al。1994无论从锥体长度、口端直径宽度、扩散角,还是化石的形态特征等方面均一致,因此理应归属Protoconites。通过Protoconites与好运阶(Fortunian)澄江化石库中的Cambrorhytium(或Archotuba conoidalis)和中寒武世Cambrorhytium major对比研究,发现无论从大小、形态,还是生活方式三者之间存在着极大的相似性,可能反映了它们具有较近的亲缘关系,这对揭示早期锥管状生物的归属和演化提供了重要的化石证据。  相似文献   

在湖北三峡地区纽芬兰统岩家河组小壳化石Ⅰ、Ⅱ组合之间发现了大量锥管状宏体化石,化石体呈平面压扁的平滑圆锥管状,锥体长4-21 mm,始端尖细向口端逐渐扩散,扩散角为13°-25°.锥体口端直径宽1-7mm,锥体始端平直或略有弯曲.锥体表面光滑,无或有微弱横纹,没有保存内部构造.与埃迪卡拉纪庙河生物群中的Protoconites minor Chen et al.1994无论从锥体长度、口端直径宽度、扩散角,还是化石的形态特征等方面均一致,因此理应归属Protoconites.通过Protoconites与好运阶(Fortunian)澄江化石库中的Cambrothytium(或Archotuba conoidalis)和中寒武世Cambrorhytium major对比研究,发现无论从大小、形态,还是生活方式三者之间存在着极大的相似性,可能反映了它们具有较近的亲缘关系,这对揭示早期锥管状生物的归属和演化提供了重要的化石证据.  相似文献   

通过研究陕南早寒武世疑难化石Rhombocorniculum cancellatum,首次发现其骨片主要由左型和右型两类刺体组成,两类刺体在样品中数量相近,指示它们为某类两侧对称的动物所有.研究发现其刺壁主要由中空的纤状管体组成,纤管的壁由做晶磷灰石组成,相邻纤管之间相互共壁;横断面观察呈多孔状,管孔在刺体基部断面直径较大,向顶端变小,纵断面可见纤管的延伸方向与刺体纵轴一致.剌壁微细结构及刺体的表面装饰皆不同于原牙形剌化石,难以解释为动物的捕食器官(刺),而可能为某类后生动物躯体表面的、起着防御功能的外骨骼.  相似文献   

去年11月份,广东省河源市博物馆展出了200多块大小不等、粗糙而精美的石头。说它粗糙,因为这些石头从地里挖出来后没经过任何修饰;说它精美,因为这石头里有菊花般的图案,地质和考古学家把它称为菊石化石。菊石化石镶在其他普通的石头里,外观看起来像盛开的菊花,花纹像小石磨。菊石的壳体呈半外卷,两侧扁缩,在菊石腹部中央有沟;壳表有密密麻麻的一条条纤细且微微弯曲  相似文献   

重庆北培地区下三叠统飞仙关组泥灰岩中含量双壳类化石,其排列有一定规律。所研究的样本中,过壳味的壳体平分线与古水流方向一致,壳味相示水流方向。随机测量53个壳体,经数理统计,得出古水流方向应为294°,并证明贝壳层的沉积环境为泻湖潮坪上的潮渠。  相似文献   

尕海孤雌生殖卤虫罕见雄体前突和刺状突的形态特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用体视显微镜和扫描电子显微镜,研究了中国青海尕海盐湖孤雌生殖卤虫罕见雄体执握肢前突和交接器基部刺状突的形态特征.结果表明,尕海孤雌生殖卤虫罕见雄体的前突呈亚圆形,表面分布有刺和机械感受器.雄性交接器基部具有刺状突,刺状突顶端具有鳞片状突起形成的玫瑰花状簇.  相似文献   

通过观察比较烟草嘎叶蝉[Alobaldia tobae(Matsumura,1902)]和电光叶蝉[Maiestas dorsalis(Motschulsky,1895)]雌、雄成虫的触角形态及其上感器的类型、数量和分布情况,可为叶蝉科(Cicadellidae)昆虫触角感器的系统研究提供参考。运用扫描电子显微镜技术,观察两种叶蝉雌、雄成虫的触角形态及其感器的类型、数量和分布。结果显示:两种叶蝉成虫触角的形态相似,触角为刚毛状,包括柄节、梗节和鞭节3部分。柄节和梗节较为粗短,其上分布有鳞状突起;鞭节较为细长,由许多亚节组成。成虫触角上的感器类型分为5种类型。烟草嘎叶蝉柄节上分布有毛形感器(StⅠ)和钟形感器(ScaⅠ),梗节上分布有毛形感器(StⅠ)、锥形感器(SbⅠ)和刺形感器(SchⅠ),鞭节上分布有毛形感器(StⅡ)、锥形感器(SbⅡ和SbⅢ)、钟形感器(ScaⅡ)和腔锥形感器(ScoⅠ和ScoⅡ);电光叶蝉柄节上分布有毛形感器(StⅠ)和钟形感器(ScaⅠ),梗节上分布有毛形感器(StⅠ)、锥形感器(SbⅠ)和刺形感器(SchⅠ),鞭节上分布有毛形感器(StⅡ)、锥形感器(SbⅡ和SbⅢ)、刺形感器(SchⅡ)、钟形感器(ScaⅡ)和腔锥形感器(ScoⅠ和ScoⅡ)。说明两种叶蝉触角感器基本相似,不同点在于刺形感器(SchⅡ)仅分布在电光叶蝉触角鞭节。两种叶蝉的触角感器类型在雌、雄成虫间几乎无差异,在感器数量、分布和触角长度上存在一定差异。  相似文献   

蚌科两种蚌钩介幼虫形态的比较观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用光镜和扫描电镜对三角帆蚌、褶纹冠蚌的钩介幼虫进行了观察。结果表明,两种蚌的钩介幼虫均为有钩型,但钩介幼虫的形状、大小、壳钩的长短、大棘刺的排列方式、壳表面的壳饰等在不同种间存在一定差异。另外,生活在不同区域的同一种蚌类,其钩介幼虫的形态结构也具有明显差异。  相似文献   

本区莲花口组为一套内陆冲积扇、河流、湖泊相沉积,缺乏遗体化石,但遗迹化石丰富。遗迹化石呈不规则弯曲管状,其生态类型为垂直管型—斜交管型—水平管型潜穴,是一种淡水环境中的蠕虫动物(vermes)所造成的栖息、居住及简单觅食痕迹。虫迹多见于砂岩及粉砂岩向泥岩过渡的层位,分布集中,排列紊乱。代表河、湖边具有硬底的小坑洼中的停泄水环境。研究这些虫迹可以判断沉积环境及对比地层。  相似文献   

Problematic phosphatic tubular microfossils with ornamented sculptures are documented to exist in limestones of the upper Middle Cambrian Huaqiao Formation at the Paibi section and the Wangcun section in West Hunan, China. Two morphological patterns, including Ornamented Tube Form I and Ornamented Tube Form II are described. Based on the analysis of the preservation, wall structure and composition of the fossils, it is deduced that these ornamented tubes may represent carapace spines of some Cambrian arthropods with phosphatic carapaces, such as bradoriid crustaceans. Analysis of functional morphology indicates that the sclerites may rather be considered of a defensive than grasping function on the original organism body.  相似文献   

记述了湖南花垣县排碧剖面寒武系花桥组上部灰岩中的开腔骨类化石。40余块形态多样的化石标本,包括具6-7+1型的Chancelloria altaica;4+0型Archiasterella sp.;和3+0型Allonnia sp.;以及形态奇特的开腔骨针Chancelloria sp.,与三叶虫、牙形石、腕足动物、软舌螺类等共生,时代属中寒武世晚期。与其他研究比较证明,这是迄今我国中寒武世晚期开腔骨类最高产出层位,也是世界上少数几个开腔骨类较高的产出层位之一。通过对开腔骨类骨片构造、保存环境及其地史地理分布的分析,认为开腔骨类是一类与海绵类有密切关系、已绝灭的后生动物,是一类生活于浅海环境的底栖固着型生物。  相似文献   

Doushantuo embryos preserved inside diapause egg cysts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Yin L  Zhu M  Knoll AH  Yuan X  Zhang J  Hu J 《Nature》2007,446(7136):661-663
Phosphatized microfossils in the Ediacaran (635-542 Myr ago) Doushantuo Formation, south China, have been interpreted as the embryos of early animals. Despite experimental demonstration that embryos can be preserved, microstructural evidence that the Doushantuo remains are embryonic and an unambiguous record of fossil embryos in Lower Cambrian rocks, questions about the phylogenetic relationships of these fossils remain. Most recently, some researchers have proposed that Doushantuo microfossils may be giant sulphur-oxidizing bacteria comparable to extant Thiomargarita sp. Here we report new observations that provide a test of the bacterial hypothesis. The discovery of embryo-like Doushantuo fossils inside large, highly ornamented organic vesicles (acritarchs) indicates that these organisms were eukaryotic, and most probably early cleavage stage embryos preserved within diapause egg cysts. Large acanthomorphic microfossils of the type observed to contain fossil embryos first appear in rocks just above a 632.5 +/- 0.5-Myr-old ash bed, suggesting that at least stem-group animals inhabited shallow seas in the immediate aftermath of global Neoproterozoic glaciation.  相似文献   

拉萨聂塘寺于公元1055年由阿底峡尊者的亲传弟子嘎瓦.释迦旺丘主持修建,是藏传佛教后弘期重要寺庙。寺内有诸多藏传佛教文物,其中佛教造像保存完整,成为研究11世纪造像风格的重要依据。文章通过对该寺的实地考察,以比较研究的方式着重讨论了聂塘寺无量寿佛殿的泥塑群造像风格,认为该佛殿中塑造有藏、汉、印三种风格样式的泥塑,应该是自桑耶寺乌孜殿建造三种造像风格样式以来,三种风格样式集于一处的典型范例之一,更是这种建造习俗逐渐衰微的见证。  相似文献   

简要介绍了城市雕塑的特征及分类,从城市雕塑现状及存在的问题出发,分析了城市雕塑建设中应注意的一些问题,并提出了对太原市城市雕塑发展的建议。  相似文献   

There are great differences in biomarks between Cambrian oil and Middle-Upper Ordovician oil. In this stuty, the authors analyzed 40 oils found in Lunnan area by GC-MS and calculated the content of Cambrian oil in the 40 oils according to the steroid indexes of typical oil mixture and match experiment. The results show that it is a general phenomenon in Ordovician reservoir that the oil derived from Cambrian source rock mixed with the oil derived from Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock in Lunnan area, the mixture degree of the two oils is lower in Carboniferous reservoir than in Ordovician reservoir, and the oils kept in Triassic reservoir have single source, Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock. The mixture oils mainly composed of Cambrian oil (>50%) distributed in Sangtamu fault zone, and the oils found in Lunnan fault zone are Middle-Upper Ordovician oil. This distribution of oils in Lunnan area is owing to that Lunnan fault zone is located in anticline axis part, Lunnan fault zone underwent serious erosion, and the oils from Cambrian source rock accumulated in Lunnan fault zone were degraded completely during Caledonian-Hercynian movement. But the Cambrian oil accumulated in Sangtamu fault zone was not degraded completely and some of them were left for the location of Sangtamu fault zone is lower than Lunnan fault zone. Later, the oil derived from Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock mixed with the remained Cambrian oil, and the mixture oil formed in Sangtamu fault zone.  相似文献   

Phosphorites occurring at the bottom of the Cambrian system contain abundant small shelly fossils, which are the product of the first episode of life explosion in the Cambrian. It was previously reported that the small shelly fossils are dominated by hyolithids, olivooids, zhijinitids, conodontomorphs, yubelichitids, camenitids and algae, with minor amounts of sponge fossils. Large amounts of sponge spicules, diverse in form, have been found for the first time in the Gezhongwu Formation phosphorites at Shixing, Zhijin County, Guizhou Province, of which such spicules as diaxon-triactins, diaxon-tetractins, pentaxon-pentactins and hexon-hexactins account for 30%. These spicules constitute the sponge clastic phosphorites made up of sponge clastics. Meanwhile, it is also expected that the radiation and diversity of sponge animals started as early as in the earliest Early Cambrian. Habit and burying environment of sponge animal are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

我国湘西大马-亥冲口-峨梨塘地区有大量三叶虫化石产出,它是我国南方已知含丰富化石产地之一.此地同样也是我国寒武系地层出露最完整的地区之一.特别是黔东和湘西交界处,寒武系岩石出露相当好,未变形,易辩认.部分产自亥冲口剖面的多节类三叶虫由现作者近年出版在别处,本文重点介绍几个近年新发现产自大马剖面的三叶虫.  相似文献   

D G Shu  S C Morris  J Han  L Chen  X L Zhang  Z F Zhang  H Q Liu  Y Li  J N Liu 《Nature》2001,414(6862):419-424
Cambrian fossil-Lagerst?tten (sites of exceptional fossil preservation), such as those from Chengjiang (Lower Cambrian) and the Burgess Shale (Middle Cambrian), provide our best window into the Cambrian 'explosion'. Such faunas are known from about 40 localities, and have yielded a widely disparate series of taxa ranging from ctenophores to agnathan fish. Recent excavations of the Chengjiang fossil-Lagerst?tte, known from a series of sites near Kunming in Yunnan, south China, have resulted in the discovery of several new forms. In conjunction with material described earlier, these provide evidence for a new group of metazoans, the vetulicolians. Several features, notably a series of gill slits, suggest that this group can throw light on an early stage of deuterostome diversification.  相似文献   

Knoll AH  Butterfield NJ 《Nature》1989,337(6208):602-603
This article briefly discusses the the new fossil assemblage found in the 600-650-million-year-old shales of the Pertatataka formation in central Australia. It includes about two dozen taxa of spinose, process-bearing or otherwise ornamented acritarchs, many of them extremely large relative to comparably ornamented fossils in younger rocks. These acritarchs reveal a glimpse of early evolution and Proterozoic life.  相似文献   

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