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A multispecies approach may reveal the factors influencing the genetic differentiation of coexisting species along a wide geographic area. Our aim was to compare the genetic differentiation of mangrove crabs coexisting along the western Atlantic in order to verify if there are common barriers, using two mitochondrial DNA markers to quantify genetic differentiation, variance and diversity. In addition, we included a mismatch distribution to check demographic history. Our data revealed that species with similar pelagic larval duration had either high genetic differentiation or the absence of genetic structure. These results can be explained by factors that contribute to genetic differentiation, such as the presence of large estuarine areas (acting as barriers), ocean currents, and larval behaviour. Also, historical events that promoted the isolation of some areas in the past, such as glacial cycles during the Pleistocene, could have caused the observed high levels of genetic divergence in some species.  相似文献   
采用组织分离法从京郊地区腐烂的葡萄果实及葡萄叶上分离到10株丝状真菌,其中从腐烂的葡萄果实中分离到3株丝状真菌,命名为814#、815#和880#;从葡萄叶上分离到7株丝状真菌,命名为794#、797#、798#、811#、902#、903#和1397#。结合形态学特征及真菌rDNA ITS区序列分析结果,菌株814#为茎点霉(Phoma sp.),菌株815#为刺孢曲霉(Aspergillus aculeatus),菌株880#为灰葡萄孢(Botrytis cinerea),菌株794#为日本曲霉(Aspergillus japonicus),菌株797#为粉红单端孢(Trichothecium roseum),菌株798#为大蒜盲种葡萄孢(Botrytis porri), 菌株811#为果生炭疽菌(Colletotrichum fructicola),菌株902#为链格孢菌(Alternaria eichhorniae),菌株903#为芬芳镰孢菌(Fusarium redolens)和菌株1397#为脉孢菌(Neurospora terricola),其中A. aculeatus、A. japonicus、C. fructicola、A. eichhorniae、F. redolens和N. terricola未见在葡萄上分离到的报道。将10株丝状真菌分别接种到健康的葡萄、圣女果、苹果和梨果实上,B. cinerea、A. japonicus、A. aculeatus、T. roseum、B. porri、C. fructicola、A. eichhorniae和F. redolens均可使4种果实发病,其中B. cinerea、A. japonicus、B. porri和F. redolens致病力较强;而Phoma sp.和N. terricola只能使葡萄和圣女果发病。  相似文献   
河南省平顶山市鲁山县有上汤、中汤、下汤、温汤和碱汤等五大温泉,采用Illumina Hisiq2500PE250技术对鲁山五大温泉(上汤、中汤、下汤、温汤和碱汤)古细菌的16S r DNA基因V4-5变异区序列进行测序,应用Uparse、Mothur、SILVA、MUSCLE和Qiime等软件整理和统计样品序列数目和操作分类单元(operational taxonomic unit,OTU)数量,分析物种的丰度和多样性.上汤、中汤、温汤、下汤和碱汤分别获得87 993、67 326、44400、48 611、48 495条有效reads,聚类为520、280、678、451、437个OUTs.古细菌分类分析表明,河南鲁山五大温泉的古细菌可以归入11个门,其中奇古菌门(Thaumarchaeota)占95.25%,是优势菌群;在属分类阶元上,上汤、中汤和温汤的优势菌属为Candidatus-Nitrosocaldus; unidentified-Thaumarchaeota是下汤和碱汤的优势菌属.对河南鲁山五大温泉开展古细菌多样性的研究发现,温泉水中含有较高的参与氨氧化过程的奇古菌门,为后续深入研究和利用河南鲁山五大温泉水中的古细菌资源提供了基础资料.  相似文献   
从短小芽孢杆菌(Bacillus pumilus)C-9中克隆得到葡聚糖内切酶基因,该基因包含1980 bp核苷酸,编码559个氨基酸,其N端有一个预测的29个氨基酸的信号肽序列;以YIp5质粒为骨架,构建rDNA介导的多拷贝整合载体,实现葡聚糖内切酶在酿酒酵母中的高效、稳定表达。与对照菌株相比,含有葡聚糖内切酶基因的重组酿酒酵母可以在以羧甲基纤维素为唯一碳源的培养基上生长。  相似文献   
从武夷山的一枯枝上分离得到了一株稀有软骨霉状菌,在培养过程中发现,该株黏细菌在人工培养基上只有在与一种未知的细菌共培养的状态下才能长出典型的子实体并保持菌种的活力.然而要从共培养的菌落中纯化这株黏细菌,使用常规的黏细菌纯化技术几乎是不可能.在这种情况下对伴生细菌进行16SrDNA菌种鉴定,再根据鉴定为施氏假单胞菌(Ps...  相似文献   
本文对从皖南地区采集的森林腐木样本中,筛选获得TZT-01菌株进行鉴定.通过培养,观察菌落和个体染色形态,对其进行16SrDNA序列同源性分析,鉴定为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis sp.).对添加诱导物产纤维素酶的特性进行初步研究.  相似文献   
不同年份窖泥细菌16S rDNA系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究直接提取5、10、20、50年窖泥细菌总DNA,扩增16SrDNA并构建克隆文库后进行系统发育分析.结果表明,随着年份增加,细菌多样性指数呈现出先增加后略有下降最后回升稳定的趋势;198个阳性克隆子划分成43个分类操作单位(OTUs),按优势顺序依次为Firmicutes、Bacteroidetes、Chloroflexi、unclassified Bacteria、Proteobacteria、Tenericutes、Actinobacteria、Planctomycetes和Spirochaetes.不同年份窖泥中优势菌不同,在5、50年窖泥中紫单胞菌科占优势,而在10、20年窖泥中梭菌目占优势.其中Petrimonas、Rikenellaceae、Syntrophomonadaceae、Clostridium、Lactobacillus等细菌均有发现,它们在窖泥老熟和白酒风味物质生成过程中发挥着重要作用.  相似文献   
经过富集培养和反硝化能力测定,从城市污水处理厂活性污泥中筛选得到1株好氧反硝化细菌。通过16S rDNA同源性分析对该菌进行分子鉴定,并将菌接种到模拟富营养化水体中以探究其对系统中硝态氮和总氮的去除能力。结果表明,该菌属于Klebsiella sp.,命名为HLNR05。菌株HLNR05在24 h内NO3--N的去除率达96.6%,TN去除率达92.1%,而且其从培养体系中完全去除的氮明显多于同化到细胞的氮。利用HLNR05处理模拟富营养化废水,结果发现其在24 h内对模拟废水中的NO3--N和TN去除率达91.4%和88.2%。表明菌株HLNR05具有较强的好氧反硝化能力。  相似文献   
高度保守的核糖体18SrDNA序列可用于经济快捷且精确地鉴定浮游植物的种类。2018年夏季,广西北部湾近海的对虾养殖区内发生了原甲藻引起的藻华,藻华的优势种密度为5.5×105 cells·L~(-1),本文采用形态学观察法结合序列分析鉴定的方法来鉴定该藻的种类。结果表明,在形态上,这株分离培养获得的原甲藻(编号BBGA-9003),其大部分细胞类似心形或卵形,少部分细胞近似三角形,鞭毛2条,细胞长和宽分别为(16.55±1.42)μm和(13.84±1.86)μm。该原甲藻经18SrDNA基因序列测定并进行BLAST分析,结果表明该原甲藻序列和GenBank中56株不同种原甲藻具有很高的同源性,在系统进化树上与不同来源的微小原甲藻聚在一大分支上,且与各微小原甲藻间的遗传距离均小于与其他种间的遗传距离。因此,从分子生物学的角度鉴定该株原甲藻属于微小原甲藻,此种藻华的发生意味着北部湾养殖区有害藻华种类多样性的增加。本研究为18SrDNA序列测定用于海洋浮游植物种类鉴定提供了实验依据,也为广西北部湾养殖区有害藻华的防治提供基础资料。  相似文献   
Twelve strains of Skeletonema from Chinese coastal waters and another strain from the West Sea of Korea were examined using light microscopy (LM), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM), and small subunit (SSU) rDNA sequence analysis. We identified four species of Skeletonema: S. marinoi Sarno et Zingone, S. subsalsum (A.Cleve) Bethge, S. dohrnii Sarno et Kooistra, S. trop- icum Cleve, as well as a Skeletonerna-like species. These are the first records of S. rnarinoi, S. dohrnii and S. subsalsurn in China. The Skeletonema-like species, MMDLS067, was isolated from the estuary of the Changjiang River. The morphologic and phylogenetic characteristics of this species are not correspond to those of any previously published Skeletonerna species. The intercalary fultoportula pro- cesses (IFPPs) has long open tubes, and the intercalary rimoportula process (IRP) is short and located inside the rim of the IFPPs. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that MMDL5630 clustered with S. tropicurn in the NJ and MP trees, but its IRPs differed from those of previously described specimens of S. tropicum. The IRP is partially open, with an elongated opening at the base of the tube, and is longer than the IFPPs. Some specimens of S. marinoi and S. dohrnii also have longer tubular IRPs than the IFPPs. Compared to pre- viously described specimens of S. rnar&oi and S. dohrnii, these two specimens we identified have shorter IRPs. Our results reflect the ambiguity and diversity of Skeletonema taxonomy. They are also significant for the future identification and management of red tides caused by Skeletonerna in the seas around China.  相似文献   
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