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1. INTroDUCTIONIn recent years, sporting clothing is develOPed quickly all over the world. In order to upgrade the level of qualityand weaxing property of sporting clothing, it is necessary to reseaxch the style of sporting clothing, optimize thetechniques of production. In the past, the inspection of sporting clothing Style is a manual work through visionand feeling, but it is not scientific and has compaxative fall. Now some clothing style testing instrumellts havebeen introduced for th…  相似文献   
1.INTRODUCTIONThealgorithmforconstrainedoptimizationincomplexsystemscanbedividedintotwoclasses:exactandheuristicmethods.Theexactmethods,whicharepartlysummarizedbyTitanetal.[1],havecomputationalrequiremeatsthatgrowexponentiajlywiththesizeoftheproblem.AlthoughheuristicmethodshavemodestcomputationalrequirementsandareeasytoAnplemellt,theyaregenerallyforredundancyallocation[2-4].2.S~EMENTOFProBLEM2.1NotationN:nUmberofcomponents;M:numberofconstraints;Rs:systemreliability;Rj:thereliabili…  相似文献   
1IntroductionItistheauthor'sknowledgethatfewerliteraturescanbefoundonthethreespeciespredatorpreysystem.Themainpurposeofthispaperistoprovethatthesystemcanbepersistentundersomecondition,toobtainsufficientconditionforthepersistenceofthefollowingpredator-preysystemwherethefunctions6i(t),a,j(t),i,j=1,2,3arecontinuousboundedaboveandbelowbypositiveconstantsoilthehalfinfiniteinterval05t< co.Thisthreespeciessystem(l.1)showsthatthethirdspeciesisthepredatorofthefirstspeciesandthesecondspeciesthatisthepre…  相似文献   
IntroductionThedynamicsofelectron-atomandelectron-moleculecollisionshasbeenthefocusofmuchinterestinthepastbecauseofitsrelevanceingasdischargesandplasmas,includinggaslasers,orastrophysicalproblemsofpracticalinterest.Avarietyofinvestigationshavebeenperformedtostudysuchprocessesinsomedetail.Moresophisticatedexperimentalmethodsincludepolarization-correlationmeasurementstoobtaingeneralizedSTUparameters,spinasymmetrieswithpolarizedtargets(alsosuperelasticscatteringfromlaserexcitedtarget),opticalpar…  相似文献   
Hydrogenation has been recently developed as an approach to improve the visible-light response of titanium dioxide (TiO2); however, the effect of hydrogenation on the electronics and optical absorption of anatase TiO2 has been widely debated. In this work, the electronic structures and optical properties of hydrogenated TiO2 and its interaction with water have been studied using the density functional theory plus Hubbard model. A comparison of the effect of hydrogenation and introduction of oxygen vacancies (OVs) to TiO2 is presented. It is found that both hydrogenation and OVs can promote the absorption of visible light and strengthen the adsorption of water. Compared with OVs, hydrogen incorporation can lead to local distortion and even amorphous structures when it is heavily doped.  相似文献   
A population of the dwarf bear-poppy ( Arctomecon humilis Coville, Papaveraceae) at Red Bluff, Washington County, Utah, was monitored twice annually between 1987 and 2002. This is a narrowly endemic, gypsophilous species that has been formally listed as endangered since 1979. During the 16 years of observation, density of this species has fluctuated between 3 and 1336 individuals on the 0.07-ha monitoring plot. Moderate to large recruitments of seedlings occurred in 1992, 1995, and 2001. Seedling recruitments from a large, long-lived seed bank are triggered by abundant precipitation during the February-April period. At least 5.0 cm of rainfall is required during that interval to produce any seedlings. Seedlings experienced considerable mortality in the 1st few months of life in all observed cases. The average seedling initiated in the very large recruitment event of 1992 survived for only 2.6 years. Seedlings in that cohort that were alive 1 year after germination had an average longevity of 4.6 years. None of the seedlings that emerged in 1992 were still alive in October 2002. Mortality in this species was poorly correlated with fluctuations in precipitation or temperature. No epidemics of parasites or herbivores were observed. Mortality in the species appears to be caused by a variety of factors acting over a cohort's lifetime.  相似文献   
类型丰富的蕨类孢子与微体藻类在第四纪沉积物中频繁出现,然而对其中的大部分蕨类孢子和重要微体藻类所蕴含的古生态与古环境信息仍缺乏深入分析与研究.论文详细地总结和分析了其中的7种(属)重要的化石孢子和微体藻类的形态学特征、产地、时代、分布区域及其古生态环境指示意义,即中华卷柏(Selaginella sinensis (Desv.)Spring,1843)、水蕨(Ceratopteris cf.thalictroides (L.)Brongn,1821)、短棘盘星藻(Pediastrum boryanum (Turp.)Meneghini,1840)、单角盘星藻(P.simplex Meyen,1829)、整齐盘星藻(P.integrum Ngeli,1849)、刺甲藻属(Spiniferites Mantell,1850,emend Strjeant,1970)以及环纹藻属(Concentricystes Rssignal 1962,emand Jiabo,1978).除环纹藻属的系统位置仍存疑之外,其他化石类型中所对应的植物视其亲缘关系可归属到相应的自然科属.它们分别属于蕨类植物卷柏科(Selaginellaceae)的卷柏属(Selaginella Spring)、水蕨科(Parkeriaceae)的水蕨属(Ceratopteris Brongn)、绿藻门水网藻科(Hydrodictyaceae)的盘星藻属(Pediastrum)、沟鞭藻类刺甲藻科(Spiniferitaceae)以及疑源类系统位置未定亚类的环纹藻属.这些蕨类孢子和微体藻类的植物体往往适应特定的生境,除中华卷柏适应温干气候条件或温暖偏湿的山坡或林下阴处石灰质土壤环境条件外,其他均为与水体环境紧密相联的水生植物.水蕨、盘星藻和环纹藻属于淡水种,适宜在各种大小型自然湖沼湿地和水田、水沟等人工湿地生长和繁殖;刺甲藻则生活在近海海域中,属于咸水种.它们在我国第四纪地层的沉积物中含量丰富,而且在有些层位中个体浓度非常高,因此,这些适应特定生境的蕨类植物和微体藻类成为阐述第四纪古生态与古环境的强有力证据.  相似文献   
再生医学作为相对较新的学科之所以被寄予厚望,在很大程度上是基于干细胞的研究进展。之所以说"新",举个例子,Regenerative Medicine创刊于2006年1月;而"很大程度"则是要强调再生医学的多学科性,比如它还需要生物工程技术。从某种程度上讲,"干细胞研究"和"再生医学"这两个词没有差别。上个月,威康信托和英国医学研究理事会宣布要在剑桥斥资1200万美元设立一个干细胞所,新的实验室计划占地约8000平方米,  相似文献   
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