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类型丰富的蕨类孢子与微体藻类在第四纪沉积物中频繁出现,然而对其中的大部分蕨类孢子和重要微体藻类所蕴含的古生态与古环境信息仍缺乏深入分析与研究.论文详细地总结和分析了其中的7种(属)重要的化石孢子和微体藻类的形态学特征、产地、时代、分布区域及其古生态环境指示意义,即中华卷柏(Selaginella sinensis (Desv.)Spring,1843)、水蕨(Ceratopteris cf.thalictroides (L.)Brongn,1821)、短棘盘星藻(Pediastrum boryanum (Turp.)Meneghini,1840)、单角盘星藻(P.simplex Meyen,1829)、整齐盘星藻(P.integrum Ngeli,1849)、刺甲藻属(Spiniferites Mantell,1850,emend Strjeant,1970)以及环纹藻属(Concentricystes Rssignal 1962,emand Jiabo,1978).除环纹藻属的系统位置仍存疑之外,其他化石类型中所对应的植物视其亲缘关系可归属到相应的自然科属.它们分别属于蕨类植物卷柏科(Selaginellaceae)的卷柏属(Selaginella Spring)、水蕨科(Parkeriaceae)的水蕨属(Ceratopteris Brongn)、绿藻门水网藻科(Hydrodictyaceae)的盘星藻属(Pediastrum)、沟鞭藻类刺甲藻科(Spiniferitaceae)以及疑源类系统位置未定亚类的环纹藻属.这些蕨类孢子和微体藻类的植物体往往适应特定的生境,除中华卷柏适应温干气候条件或温暖偏湿的山坡或林下阴处石灰质土壤环境条件外,其他均为与水体环境紧密相联的水生植物.水蕨、盘星藻和环纹藻属于淡水种,适宜在各种大小型自然湖沼湿地和水田、水沟等人工湿地生长和繁殖;刺甲藻则生活在近海海域中,属于咸水种.它们在我国第四纪地层的沉积物中含量丰富,而且在有些层位中个体浓度非常高,因此,这些适应特定生境的蕨类植物和微体藻类成为阐述第四纪古生态与古环境的强有力证据.  相似文献   
In coal mines in such countries as China and Russia,most of the coal mine methane(CMM) generated during mining is emitted to the atmosphere without any effective usage,because the methane concentration of CMM is relatively low and not allowed to be used as fuel for safety reasons.Methane is one of the greenhouse gases.Therefore,if it becomes possible to concentrate CMM to an acceptable level for use as fuel,this will greatly contribute to reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.With the aim of gaining approva...  相似文献   
张宜  郑少林  NAUGOLNYKH Serge V. 《科学通报》2012,(24):2297-2303,2341
最近,在中国山西保德白家沟上二叠统孙家沟组的化石研究中,发现了盾籽科鳞羊齿属新种保德鳞羊齿(Lepidopteris baodensis sp.nov.)的2枚末次羽片.该种的末级羽轴、小羽片中脉和侧脉的背面具有三角形、梯形、圆形或舌形泡肿突起,显示了与间小羽片不同的特征.鳞羊齿属是晚二叠世欧美植物群典型成分之一.自1869年Schimper建立该属以来,其特有的泡肿突起完整的表皮构造一直不甚清楚.新种所显示的这种泡肿突起完整的表皮构造,不仅扩展了鳞羊齿属的生物学和分类学知识,证实了该属存在于中国上二叠统,而且拓展了我们对欧美植物群和华夏植物群在古气候、古环境和古地理关系上的认识.  相似文献   
再生医学作为相对较新的学科之所以被寄予厚望,在很大程度上是基于干细胞的研究进展。之所以说"新",举个例子,Regenerative Medicine创刊于2006年1月;而"很大程度"则是要强调再生医学的多学科性,比如它还需要生物工程技术。从某种程度上讲,"干细胞研究"和"再生医学"这两个词没有差别。上个月,威康信托和英国医学研究理事会宣布要在剑桥斥资1200万美元设立一个干细胞所,新的实验室计划占地约8000平方米,  相似文献   
主要讨论带参数微分方程边值问题的逼近值及渐近值解法,并且利用基础解系、边值函数等概念,解决了带参数的微分方程中参数充分小的范围内解的变化趋势.  相似文献   
Radon-Nikodym theorem in signed Loeb space   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper gives the Radon-Nikodym theorem in signed Loeb space under 1-saturated nonstandard model. First,the nonstandard characterization of absolute continuity is discussed,on which Radon-Nikodym theorem in signed Loeb space is obtained. Then,some facts about a finite signed Loeb measure and its variation are shown.  相似文献   
This study examined the individual and simultaneous adsorption of SOx(SO2)and NOx(NO-NO2)on activated carbon prepared from waste palm shell.The adsorption process was examined in a fixed bed reactor at low temperatures(100 300°C).For individual adsorption without any catalytic activation,SOx showed good adsorption whereas NOx was very much poor.In the simultaneous adsorption of SOx and NOx,SOx showed greater adsorption affinity than NOx.For palm shell activated carbon(PSAC)impregnated with metal catalyst(Ni and Ce)the concentration adsorbed profile showed that the amount of SOx adsorbed decreased regularly,while the amount of the adsorbed NOx increased irregularly.The properties of the pure and impregnated PSAC were analyzed by BET,SEM and EDX.These investigations indicated that PSAC impregnated with metal catalyst is the determining factor in the adsorption of SOx and NOx simultaneously.  相似文献   
1.INTRODUCTIONThealgorithmforconstrainedoptimizationincomplexsystemscanbedividedintotwoclasses:exactandheuristicmethods.Theexactmethods,whicharepartlysummarizedbyTitanetal.[1],havecomputationalrequiremeatsthatgrowexponentiajlywiththesizeoftheproblem.AlthoughheuristicmethodshavemodestcomputationalrequirementsandareeasytoAnplemellt,theyaregenerallyforredundancyallocation[2-4].2.S~EMENTOFProBLEM2.1NotationN:nUmberofcomponents;M:numberofconstraints;Rs:systemreliability;Rj:thereliabili…  相似文献   
Under the assumption of semi - circular form for a fabric bend, creasing of fabric strips and compression of fabric loops are analyzed by neglecting the structural complexity of the fabric. The relationship between the creasing force and deformation are deduced using an energy method and solutions are given for a linearly elastic material with constant internal frictional constraint. The agreements between the theoretical predictions and experimental results are very satisfactory.  相似文献   
Analysis of Reliability for 3-State Device Network with Link-Capacities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.INTRODUCTION2-statesystemreliabilityoftenassumesthatthesystemisrepresentedbyaprobabilisticgraphG=(V,E),withasetV~{yi,v2,'',}ofvenicesandasetE~{el,e2,'',}ofedges(orlinks,branches)containedinit.Thesystemisfunctioningifthereexistsapathfromtheinputnodetotheoutputnode.Thusthereliabilityisconsideredwithamatterofconnectivityonlyandthereliabilityanalysishasbeenprimarilyconcernedwiththeenumerationofpathesorcutsinthereferences[1-4].Butinmanyphysicalsystemsuchaspowertransmissionsystems,oilorwat…  相似文献   
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