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酵母克隆基因的转化和稳定性检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用放射性探针分子杂交技术鉴定及选出重组DNA的可靠转化子。实验结果表明:双倍体受体的转化效率约为单倍体的2倍;含有酵母染色体端粒区GT重复顺序的重组质粒的转化效率约为含染色体内部区GT重复顺序重组质粒的3倍;在克隆基因的稳定性方面,整合型转化子要比自主复制型转化子高得多。因此,用酿酒酵母作基因工程生产菌时以双倍体为好。经分析并证实,含酵母染色体端粒区GT重复顺序的重组子有些具有多靶整合作用,这种整合转化在基因工程中有实用价值。  相似文献   

以COS质粒(cosmid)pCOS 2EMBL 为载体,构建了地中海伞藻叶绿体基因组分子克隆库,并且筛选到含有串联重复顺序的克隆。经限制性内切酶酶解图谱分析,证明了串联重复顺序的存在,重复次数为4次以上。  相似文献   

近年来,关于小麦抑制部分同源染色体配对基因Ph1的研究有了突破性进展.本文对该基因的结构和调控机理的最新研究进行综述.通过创造和分子标记鉴定Ph1缺失突变体,利用分子生物学及比较基因组学技术,该基因位点被界定于5BL上一个2.5 Mb的区域内,含有一个类cdk基因簇,且在该类cdk基因簇中插入一个亚端粒异染色质片段.细胞学研究显示,Ph1基因通过控制亚端粒的互作启始染色体识别和配对伙伴选择.与此同时,生物信息学揭示,这些类cdk基因与人类和老鼠的cdk2基因高度同源,它们与细胞周期中DNA复制、染色质凝集、碱基错配修复等事件相关.减数分裂时,该基因位点通过"感知"染色体的同源性程度而触发染色质的构象变化,从而控制染色体的配对和重组.此外,小麦中可能存在一种与Ph1相关的类似于酵母中的粗线期检查点机制.预测未来的研究将可能集中在Ph1对染色体同源性的"感知"机制、Ph1的开启与关闭、植物减数分裂重组的忠实性及减数分裂过程的检查点机制等方面.  相似文献   

本实验首次研究了少数民族人体细胞质胸苷激酶(TK—C)基因的限制性片段长度多态(Restriction Fragment Length Poly—morphism,简称RFLPs)现象。以人基因组TK—C基因中无重复顺序DNA片段PHK1.25/HindⅢ BamHⅠ作为探针,和经限制性内切酶KpnⅠ消化的人体基因组DNA做Southern杂交,发现了3.1kb和2.6kb两种长度的片段。在经分折的22个维吾尔族人基因组DNA样品中,4个个体为3.1kb纯合子,8个个体为2.6kb纯合子,10个个体为3.1和2.6kb杂合子;同时,对20个回族人基因组DNA研究表明,5个为3.1kb纯合子,7个为2.6kb纯合子,8个为3.1和2.6kb杂合子。由此推测片段长度差异可能是由于Alu重复顺序的同源重组造成DNA片段的缺失或重复;而不同人群等位片段间频率的差异为研究人群迁移和近代分子进化提供了线索。同时,也为利用TK基因的RFLPs进行医学遗传学诊断提供了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

主要构建了可以与酵母染色体发生重组的质粒pAbAI-Bait,并转化大肠杆菌DH5α感受态细胞获得转化子,将阳性克隆进行PCR与DNA测序的方法鉴定,结果表明: 酵母单杂交中报告质粒pAbAI-Bait构建成功,可用于酵母单杂交体系.  相似文献   

以含有CYP2C9基因完全编码框的克隆载体质粒DNA为模板,并在人细胞色素P4502C9的5’端插入kozak序列及3’端6×His标签进行PCR扩增,克隆至真核表达载体pPIC3.5K,利用电激法将经Sal I线性化的重组质粒pPIC3.5K-2C9转化至毕赤酵母GS115中,通过抗性、表型和PCR筛选多拷贝整合株,甲醇诱导毕赤酵母GS115/pPIC3.5K-2C9的表达,SDS-PAGE和Western blotting分析鉴定表达产物.结果表明:含有重组质粒的重组pPIC3.5K-2C9表达了大小为55KD的目的蛋白,与预期大小相符,说明人细胞色素CYP2C9可在毕赤酵母的胞内表达.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Ca~(2+)Uniporter(MCU)作为细胞钙离子通道uniporter复合物的重要组分发挥了关键作用.近期研究发现将盘基网柄菌(Dictyostelium discoideum)DdMCU重构于酵母系统进一步证明了MCU是线粒体正常发挥uniporter性的最基本原件.为了深入研究DdMCU结构与功能,本研究通过合成盘基网柄菌的MCU基因,利用PCR得到目的DNA片段,克隆到表达载体pPICZX,构建DdMCU-GFP融合蛋白表达质粒pPICZX-DdMCU.重组质粒转化酵母X33,经博莱霉素梯度筛选,得到8个酵母重组子,且PCR检测目的基因已与酵母基因组整合成功.酵母重组子进行甲醇诱导表达,经激光共聚焦显微镜与western检测,均表明蛋白已成功表达.  相似文献   

用~(32)P标记的互补DNA探针进行分子杂交是基因重组和分子克隆中常用技术,然而由于~(32)P的半衰期短,从而为供应和保存带来不便,致使这一技术的应用受到一定限制。近年来国内外均十分重视研究应用非同位素标记DNA探针的技术。我们用Biotin—11—dUTP(Bethesda Research Laboratories)以缺口平移(Nick translation)标记了pST-B14和pST-B5 DNA中的PSTV cDNA插入顺序,制备出生物素标记的DNA  相似文献   

我们组建并选择了六个含有非洲爪蛙核糖体蛋白质的独立cDNA顺序的重组质粒。从这些质粒中把克隆的cDNA分离出来,并作顺序分析。从DNA顺序得到了蛋白质相应部分的氨基酸顺序,与所预料的那样,它们具有较高的精氨酸和赖氨酸含量。其中一个cDNA在互补的两条链上都有开放的解读框架,在模板链的两端有20个核苷酸的反向重复部分。六种顺序中密码子的使用看来不是随机的,在已分析过的蛋白质中有一些差别。  相似文献   

以从云南邦拿掌温泉中分离、纯化的高温厌氧纤维素分解菌邦2菌(Cadicellulosiruptor)为材料,制备其总DNA,经限制性核酸内切酶EcoRⅠ部分酶切后,在T4DNA连接酶的作用下与经EcoRⅠ完全酶切、去磷酸化的质粒载体pUC18连接,然后转化E.coliJM109,建立了邦2的基因文库,经筛选鉴定得到6.3×103个重组子;重组子经刚果红平板验证:约有23.5%菌落呈现透明圈;重组子经EcoRⅠ酶切验证显示:重组质粒均含有外源DNA插入片段.结果表明已克隆到邦2菌纤维素酶系中的内切葡聚糖酶基因(ED基因)片段.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of human telomeres in yeast   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
W R Brown 《Nature》1989,338(6218):774-776
Telomeres are the DNA sequences found at the ends of linear chromosomes. They define the boundaries of the genetical and physical maps of such chromosomes and so are particularly important for the complete mapping of large genomes that is now being attempted. Telomeres have been intensively studied in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and in ciliated protozoa: in these organisms the telomeric DNA consists of arrays of tandemly repeated short sequences in which one strand is guanosine-rich and oriented 5' to 3' towards the chromosome end. The conservation of these structural features is reflected in the observation that telomeric DNA from a variety of protozoa will function as telomeres on artificial linear mini-chromosomes in yeast. Tandem arrays of the sequence TTAGGG have been identified at the telomeres of humans and other mammals and also of trypanosomes. This indicates that the structural features of telomeres are conserved between higher and lower eukaryotes and implies that human telomeric DNA could function in yeast. I have used this idea to develop a strategy to isolate a specific human telomere as a molecular clone in yeast and have devised a simple and effective way of cloning other human telomeres and their associated sequences.  相似文献   

Beach D  Nurse P 《Nature》1981,290(5802):140-142
The fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, has been used extensively for genetic studies but until now it has not been utilized as a host organism for DNA cloning. Here we describe a method for high-frequency transformation fo a leu 1(-) strain of this yeast with hybrid plasmids containing the Saccharomyces cerevisiae LEu 2(+) gene, a bacterial plasmid and either the S. cerevisiae 2 μm plasmid or autonomously replicating sequences (ars)(1) derived from S. pombe DNA. Some of the plasmids contain unique restriction sites which make them suitable for the isolation of S. pombe genes, and they can also be used for the exchange of DNA between S. pombe and S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

根据鸡10型腺病毒以及人2、5、40、41型腺病毒、牛3型、鼠1型腺病毒六邻体蛋白基因序列,选择保守区,设计和合成一对引物,以鸡腺病毒内蒙古分离株基因组DNA为模板,进行聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增得到预期大小的0.55kbDNA片段.将此DNA片段克隆于pUC19的SmaI位点,筛选重组质粒,进行限制酶切分析和PCR检测,得到含有六邻体蛋白基因片段的重组质粒,为进一步开展此病毒分子生物学研究和分子生物学诊断技术的建立创造了条件  相似文献   

【目的】山新杨(Populus davidiana×P. bolleana)是林木基因工程育种基础和应用研究的良好材料;以山新杨蔗糖合酶基因(PdbSUS)为例研究聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)过程介导的重组现象,在此基础上区分每一个PdbSUS基因的两种单倍型,为后续研究提供准确的序列信息,并为判断木本植物基因真实的单倍型遗传信息提供参考。【方法】分别采集番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum)和山新杨新鲜嫩叶,以番茄基因组为内参,利用流式细胞仪测定山新杨基因组大小及其倍性水平。参考毛果杨(P. trichocarpa)蔗糖合酶序列设计引物,分别以山新杨基因组DNA和cDNA为模板进行同源克隆,将PCR扩增产物回收纯化,连接测序载体并转化大肠杆菌感受态细胞,挑取阳性克隆进行菌液PCR验证,将整合有外源片段的转化子进行一代测序。利用SnapGene及DNAMAN软件对测序结果进行分析比对。【结果】山新杨为二倍体植物,获得了7个PdbSUS基因的全长序列,并分别在基因组和转录水平鉴定出每个基因的两种单倍型序列。同时,检测到PCR介导的重组现象并通过限制性酶切多态性(RFLP)进行了验证。在测序的209个克隆中,发现有18个含有嵌合产物,占比8.6%,不同基因产生嵌合产物的概率为0~33.3%。检测到的嵌合产物均来自同一个位点的不同等位基因之间发生重组,未发现不同蔗糖合酶基因之间发生重组的现象。【结论】PCR介导的重组是PCR反应过程中能够衍生重组分子的一种高频事件,该现象可能是由于引物延伸不完全或聚合酶模板转换导致。在利用PCR技术克隆木本植物或其他基因组杂合度较高物种的基因时,需识别产物中重组分子才能够准确区分单倍型的遗传信息。  相似文献   

The new yeast genetics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
K Struhl 《Nature》1983,305(5933):391-397
Gene cloning and yeast DNA transformation techniques have greatly enhanced the power of classical yeast genetics. It is now possible to isolate any classically defined gene, to alter the yeast genome at will by replacing normal chromosomal sequences with mutated derivatives produced in vitro, and to create DNA molecules that behave as autonomous replicons or minichromosomes. These unique features of the new yeast genetics have been used to study many problems in eukaryotic molecular biology.  相似文献   

N A Costlow  J A Simon  J T Lis 《Nature》1985,313(5998):147-149
Nuclease-hypersensitive sites in chromatin exist at the 5' side of many eukaryotic genes. To gain some understanding of the molecular basis of these hypersensitive sites, we have now examined the pair of sites upstream of the Drosophila hsp70 gene in a series of plasmids that contain deletions in the hypersensitive region and have been transformed into yeast cells. Hypersensitive sites 5' to a Drosophila hsp70 gene are preserved when this gene is introduced into yeast by transformation. We find that a yeast strain containing a plasmid in which the deletion extends through the first hypersensitive site still displays the normal pair of hypersensitive sites, so DNA sequences over which the first hypersensitive site is centred are not required for hypersensitivity at this position and the site can form over a foreign DNA sequence juxtaposed against this deletion end point. Deletions progressing further into the region bracketed by the pair of 5' hypersensitive sites eliminate the first hypersensitive site and alter the downstream site. We propose that the hypersensitive sites are generated through the binding of a protein that renders flanking sequences more accessible to nucleases, perhaps by preventing normal chromatin packaging.  相似文献   

A B Rabson  P E Steele  C F Garon  M A Martin 《Nature》1983,306(5943):604-607
Mammalian cells contain multiple copies of endogenous type C retroviral DNA sequences. Among these sequences are complete, potentially infectious proviruses, proviral DNA that is expressed only in the form of viral antigens, retroviral segments that may contribute portions of envelope (env) genes during the generation of recombinant polytropic viruses, and many subgenomic viral DNA segments that may not be expressed at all. We have previously reported the identification and molecular cloning of type C retroviral sequences from human DNA and have shown that the partial nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of one of the clones obtained (lambda 51) are homologous to Moloney MuLV (MoMuLV) in the gag and pol regions. The lambda 51 clone as well as several others isolated from a human DNA library contained approximately 4.3 kilobases (kb) of retroviral sequences, were deleted in the env region, and were flanked by tandem repeats unlike the long terminal repeats (LTRs) typically found in proviral DNAs (P.E.S., in preparation). We describe here the characterization of a full-length human retroviral clone (lambda 4-1) containing LTR elements as well as a putative env region. DNA-RNA hybridization experiments reveal that human cells contain species of poly(A)+ RNA that anneal to segments of the full-length retroviral DNA clone.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterisation of a yeast chromosomal replicator.   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
D T Stinchcomb  K Struhl  R W Davis 《Nature》1979,282(5734):39-43
A yeast DNA sequence that behaves as a chromosomal replicator, ars1 (autonomously replicating sequence), has been isolated. On transformation, ars1 allows autonomous replication of all co-linear DNA. The replicator can integrate into other replication units and can function in multimeric form. The 850-base pair ars1 element has no detectable homology to other yeast sequences. Such replicator-containing plasmids can be used for the isolation of DNA sequences in yeast cells as well as for the study of chromosomal DNA replication.  相似文献   

Recombination occurs during telomere formation in yeast   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
A F Pluta  V A Zakian 《Nature》1989,337(6206):429-433
Short stretches of cloned telomeric sequences are necessary and sufficient for telomere formation in yeast as long as the sequences are present in the same orientation as they are found in vivo. During telomere formation, DNA termini usually undergo RAD52-independent recombination with other DNA termini as would be predicted by models of recombination-mediated telomere replication.  相似文献   

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