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溴苯酚基态构型和红外频谱的理论计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p)水平上对溴苯酚的5种异构体进行了优化和频率分析来确定5种不同异构体的构型均为Cs点群.分析了这些构型的结构参数和电荷分布以及红外光谱的振动模式分配.与苯酚进行比较发现顺式异构体和反式异构体仅是电子相互作用的结果,而C1-O键长的缩短和OH键长的伸长体现了σ*轨道上的电子转移.溴苯酚的红外频率的振动范围更大,模式更为复杂,出现了C-Br的新的振动模式,高频段范围的C-H的振动频率发生了蓝移.  相似文献   

用密度泛函理论 (DFT)研究CH3 X的键断裂电子转移反应。从几种计算方法的结果比较中选出B3 LYP的DFT方法。随后用B3 LYP方法优化CH3 X的结构 ;计算CH3 X的键断裂电子转移反应的能量变化 ;找到了过渡态并进行了验证。  相似文献   

对过碳酸根离子结构问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文用Gaussian98程序优化了CO42-所有可能的几何构型,并用能量分析、振动模式分析和电子布居分析研究了含过氧键的CO42-的结构,进而分析了与过碳酸钠固体结构的关系.  相似文献   

本文对某些不饱和聚酯应用NMR分析、研究确认,不饱和聚酯顺-反异构转化不是在 H+催化作用下进行,而是在反应温度下聚酯分子链中顺式双键瞬间发生断裂成单键,实现了顺- 反异构转化.其异构化程度与聚酯分子链节结构有关,与分子量大小无关.  相似文献   

使用Gaussioan94程序包,在B3LYP/6—311G**基组水平上,对甲烷(CH4)与水分子(H2O)之间的所有相互作用方式进行优化.通过电子布居分析,发现在电子给予体O原子和电子接受体H原子间存在氢键,氢键的键长约为0.2574nm.振动模式分析表明,只有一种加合物是稳定的,势能面也证实了这一点.  相似文献   

本书以非辐射转移理论为基础,分析最近有关由辐射引起的进人分子系统中能量耗散的实验数据,把分子内中的振动重分布、弧立分子中的电子松弛以及环境引起的影响作为一般规则的特殊情况,并以同样的方法处理光化学过程:异构化、电子和质子或氢原子迁移。  相似文献   

采用量子化学密度泛函B3LYP方法, 在6-311 G**基组水平上全优化得到了硫代次磷酸的硫酮式和硫醇式两种构型异构体以及相应的对映异构体, 同时对分子内质子转移异构化反应微观机理进行了理论分析. 研究结果表明,硫酮式H2P(S)OH比硫醇式H2P(O)SH的能量低26.2 kJ/mol;质子转移异构化过程中形成一个四员环过渡态结构, 与迁移原子H6无直接键连关系的其他构型参数在异构化过程几乎保持不变.  相似文献   

采用MP2/6-311 G(2df)和B3LYP/6-311 G(2df)方法讨论了ClNCX→ClXCN(X=O,S,Se)异构化过程,解释了实验上更容易探测到ClNCO,ClSCN和ClSeCN的原因.对异构化过程进行了电子密度拓扑分析,讨论了异构化过程中化学键的断裂和生成规律,找到了反应中的T -型和环型过渡结构.  相似文献   

电子收款机是一种基于键盘控制并具有复杂键序的单片机系统,合理有效地描述出各种功能键的键序组合以及功能键在各种情况下的功能含义,是一个成功的电子收款机软件设计方案的重要组成部分。本文中,介绍一种基于“键盘状态表”和“状态转移表”进行电子收款机软件设计方案描述的方法,这种方法已在的一种电子收款机软件方案设计过程中得到验证。  相似文献   

在B3LYP/aug-cc-pvDZ水平上研究了叠氮基-1,4-四嗪分子构型、电子结构及叠氮-四唑异构化反应历程.采用NBO和AIM方法分析了异构化过程中各原子电荷和电子拓扑性质.结果表明:叠氮-四唑异构化反应始于叠氮基失去直线构型,叠氮基终端上的N9原子向环上N2原子接近,N2原子上的孤对电子进攻叠氮基,最终在N2和N9原子间成键形成四唑异构体.叠氮基中N—N—N键角的弯曲,闭环过程中电子的重新分布等因素使得反应具有较高的活化能.  相似文献   

基于一种新的从头算法计算了M- H/M+ - H 体系电子转移反应的重组能,对每个反应物进行几何优化. 结果表明:用从头算法计算的双原子分子的键长和振动频率与实验光谱数据吻合较好. 利用精确的重组能George_Griffith_Marcus(GGM)模型计算得到的重组能数值与实验光谱数据中得到的值相比较,结果显示,在气相状态的电子转移反应中,直接计算重组能的值要比传统的GGM 方法准确  相似文献   

应用从头算分子动力学模拟方法以及密度泛函理论对5-硝基-1-氢-四唑衍生物的热解机理进行了研究。报道了三条相关的反应途径,包括直接开环途径和质子转移途径,其中N1-N2键断裂直接开环的机理与文献报道一致。而涉及质子转移的反应途径则是一个新的发现。另一条关于C5-N4键断裂直接开环的途径由于能垒较高,因此发生几率较小。  相似文献   

Uemura S  Dorywalska M  Lee TH  Kim HD  Puglisi JD  Chu S 《Nature》2007,446(7134):454-457
The ribosome is a molecular machine that translates the genetic code contained in the messenger RNA into an amino acid sequence through repetitive cycles of transfer RNA selection, peptide bond formation and translocation. Here we demonstrate an optical tweezer assay to measure the rupture force between a single ribosome complex and mRNA. The rupture force was compared between ribosome complexes assembled on an mRNA with and without a strong Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence-a sequence found just upstream of the coding region of bacterial mRNAs, involved in translation initiation. The removal of the SD sequence significantly reduced the rupture force in complexes carrying an aminoacyl tRNA, Phe-tRNA(Phe), in the A site, indicating that the SD interactions contribute significantly to the stability of the ribosomal complex on the mRNA before peptide bond formation. In contrast, the presence of a peptidyl tRNA analogue, N-acetyl-Phe-tRNA(Phe), in the A site, which mimicked the post-peptidyl transfer state, weakened the rupture force as compared to the complex with Phe-tRNA(Phe), and the resultant force was the same for both the SD-containing and SD-deficient mRNAs. These results suggest that formation of the first peptide bond destabilizes the SD interaction, resulting in the weakening of the force with which the ribosome grips an mRNA. This might be an important requirement to facilitate movement of the ribosome along mRNA during the first translocation step.  相似文献   

采用量子化学从头计算方法研究了噻唑烷并手性口恶唑硼烷催化剂及其硼烷加合物的结构和性质.选用Hartree-Fock方法在6-31g基组下进行了全优化计算,并计算了催化剂及其加合物的红外振动光谱.催化剂具有扭曲的椅式构型,与硼烷在N原子处配位形成加合物,反应是放热的.加合物的形成,一方面使得催化剂上B原子所带正电荷增加,有利于与酮羰基氧的配位反应进行;另一方面使得BH3中B-H键被削弱,有利于后继反应中H 从BH3到酮羰基碳的转移,从而增强了催化反应的活性.  相似文献   

基于UHF在6-31G基组水平上确定的IRC途径,在此IRC途径上选择部分构型作电荷密度拓扑分析研究。研究结果表明乙炔加氢反应是一协同的非同步反应,H-H键的生成早于C-H键的新型。但C-H键的断裂速度较快,在反应进程s=0时,已由共价相互作用变为弱的闭壳层相互作用。而H-H键在反应进程s=-0.4时,已由闭壳层相互作用变为共价相互作用。  相似文献   

研究了铁精矿冷固球团矿在工业性回转窑内的还原行为。研究结果表明:由于复合粘结剂集粘结、催化和还原诸功能于一体,使冷固球团矿按均质反应模型还原;铁氧化物催化作用及粘结剂的热致聚合效应,使还原反应前期固体桥键得到强化,在还原反应中期粘结剂促进金属桥键形成和长大,从而使冷固球团矿具有良好的还原性及还原过程中具有足够的机械强度,消除了低温还原粉化,是一种优质的直接还原炉料。  相似文献   

Greaves SJ  Wrede E  Goldberg NT  Zhang J  Miller DJ  Zare RN 《Nature》2008,454(7200):88-91
Vibrationally inelastic scattering is a fundamental collision process that converts some of the kinetic energy of the colliding partners into vibrational excitation(,). The conventional wisdom is that collisions with high impact parameters (where the partners only 'graze' each other) are forward scattered and essentially elastic, whereas collisions with low impact parameters transfer a large amount of energy into vibrations and are mainly back scattered. Here we report experimental observations of exactly the opposite behaviour for the simplest and most studied of all neutral-neutral collisions: we find that the inelastic scattering process H + D(2)(v = 0, j = 0, 2) --> H + D(2)(v' = 3, j' = 0, 2, 4, 6, 8) leads dominantly to forward scattering (v and j respectively refer to the vibrational and rotational quantum numbers of the D(2) molecule). Quasi-classical trajectory calculations show that the vibrational excitation is caused by extension, not compression, of the D-D bond through interaction with the passing H atom. However, the H-D interaction never becomes strong enough for capture of the H atom before it departs with diminished kinetic energy; that is, the inelastic scattering process is essentially a frustrated reaction in which the collision typically excites the outward-going half of the H-D-D symmetric stretch before the H-D(2) complex dissociates. We suggest that this 'tug of war' between H and D(2) is a new mechanism for vibrational excitation that should play a role in all neutral-neutral collisions where strong attraction can develop between the collision partners.  相似文献   

Polacek N  Gaynor M  Yassin A  Mankin AS 《Nature》2001,411(6836):498-501
Peptide bond formation is the principal reaction of protein synthesis. It takes place in the peptidyl transferase centre of the large (50S) ribosomal subunit. In the course of the reaction, the polypeptide is transferred from peptidyl transfer RNA to the alpha-amino group of amino acyl-tRNA. The crystallographic structure of the 50S subunit showed no proteins within 18 A from the active site, revealing peptidyl transferase as an RNA enzyme. Reported unique structural and biochemical features of the universally conserved adenine residue A2451 in 23S ribosomal RNA (Escherichia coli numbering) led to the proposal of a mechanism of rRNA catalysis that implicates this nucleotide as the principal catalytic residue. In vitro genetics allowed us to test the importance of A2451 for the overall rate of peptide bond formation. Here we report that large ribosomal subunits with mutated A2451 showed significant peptidyl transferase activity in several independent assays. Mutations at another nucleotide, G2447, which is essential to render catalytic properties to A2451 (refs 2, 3), also did not dramatically change the transpeptidation activity. As alterations of the putative catalytic residues do not severely affect the rate of peptidyl transfer the ribosome apparently promotes transpeptidation not through chemical catalysis, but by properly positioning the substrates of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

采用DFT方法,在6-31G,6-31G(d),6-31+G(d),6-31++G(d,p)基组水平上,对肌醇与水分子之间的相互作用进行了研究,找到7种稳定结构:一种单氢键结构、五种双氢键结构和一种三氢键结构.在此基础上计算了络合物在不同基组水平上的相互作用能,并对其进行了基集超位误差(BSSE)校正和零点振动能(ZPVE)校正.此外,采用Onsager溶液反应场模型,在6-31+G(d)基组水平上,对络合物的构型及相互作用能进行研究,发现溶剂化使络合物的结构及相互作用能发生了改变.  相似文献   

本文报道用电子显微镜观察、X-射线衍射和红外吸收谱等方法研究 a-Si:H 薄膜的毫微秒(ns)脉冲激光退火的结果。从红外吸收谱发现了退火后薄膜中H相关振动吸收的增强现象;通过电子显微镜观察到了厚度≥3μm 的薄膜退火后具有多层结构。讨论了 H 在产生以上现象的机理中的作用。  相似文献   

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