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孙旭  林伟鹏 《自然科学进展》1999,9(12):1083-1093
运用星团谱样本的星族合成方法,分析了M81核区和其旋臂中10个较亮的HⅡ区的光学谱,给出了它们中恒星形成历史,星族成分以及内红化等。结果表明M81核区中,年老的星族贡献重要,它们中的多数金属丰度较低;M81内部的HⅡ区中,最近恒星形成率很高,金属丰度分布的范围较大。  相似文献   

研究表明:大约一半以上的恒星是双星,而且大部分双星与单星的演化明显不同,所以在星族合成中考虑双星的演化(即双星星族合成)对天体物理研究有重要意义。它因此被列为未来几十年星族合成的六大挑战之一。从双星星族合成的提出、关键研究内容和近几年的主要研究进展三个方面对双星星族合成方法进行了概述,其中重点阐述双星星族与单星星族的差别以及双星星族模型对天体物理研究的影响。  相似文献   

 基于颜色分别采用单星星族模型和双星星族模型对206个星系的年龄和金属丰度进行了确定,并将2种结果和Gallazzi等人用谱指数得到的结果进行了比较.结果表明:样本星系的年龄比较老,金属丰度比较高;使用双星星族模型拟合得到的星族年龄和金属丰度比单星星族的偏大;使用颜色拟合得到的星族年龄比谱指数的偏小,金属丰度偏大.  相似文献   

星系的星族合成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
星系的研究是当今天体物理研究的热点之一,星系合成是星系研究的重要方法之一。介绍了研究星系的星族合成方法及其应用,并概述了演化星族合成的研究状况、展望了星族合成研究的前景。  相似文献   

星系中恒星星族的丰度模式研究可以揭示星系的化学演化历史。恒星星族的丰度模式分析的常用方法是使用元素丰度响应函数。利用从观测光谱得到的谱线指数,结合从理论光谱得到的元素丰度响应函数,可得到一些重要元素的丰度和相对比值。我们测量了LAMOST和APOGEE同源星的谱线指数,并且分析了3类(类α-元素族,类铁族,Hβ)谱线指数与Mg_2间的关系。此外还发现Hβ谱线指数可以大体上区分矮星与巨星。  相似文献   

利用国家天文台"老虎"超级计算机进行1万个粒子的并行化高分辨率N体数值计算,模拟星团的恒星演化,研究星团光谱的紫外反转现象.结合最新的GalevNB代码,将模拟星团中恒星的理论参数质量、温度、光度、金属度,转换成覆盖远紫外到近红外波段的光谱.通过对星团光谱、恒星光谱演化的分析,发现紫外反转的4种后选星:二型渐近巨星分支星、氦核燃烧星、白矮星和裸氦核星.  相似文献   

高红移Lyα发射线星系的研究是理解宇宙恒星形成历史和早期星系形成的关键.作为高红移宇宙的重要组成部分,Lyα发射线星系是研究星系形成、宇宙恒星形成和结构形成历史以及宇宙再电离时期的重要探针.近20年随着8–10 m级地面望远镜和红外设备的发展,利用窄带测光技术和光谱观测,人们对Lyα发射线星系的研究取得了巨大进展.本文主要介绍由窄带测光技术选取的红移2以上的Lyα发射线星系的成团性质、恒星星族和发射线星云性质、恒星形成性质、紫外连续谱和Lyα发射线形态,与莱曼断裂星系的关系,对宇宙恒星形成率密度的贡献,以及极高红移Lyα发射线星系对宇宙再电离时期的限制等方面的研究进展.  相似文献   

正星系的形成和演化是天体物理的前沿领域。该领域以现代宇宙学提供的大尺度结构形成和演化的成熟理论作为基本框架,通过观测和统计研究宇宙各时期星系的形态结构、星族构成、气体吸积、恒星演化、黑洞成长、化学元素、恒星和气体动力学等物理性质及其演变过程,试图阐明宇宙中各类星系的物理起源、演化关系以及它们与宇宙大尺度结构的物理联系,从而总结出支配星系演化的普适物理规律。目前被普遍接受的星系形成理论认为,星系在暗物质晕中形成和演化,其基本图  相似文献   

文章利用光谱能量分布(Spectral Energy Distribution, SED)拟合对近邻早型旋涡星系M81(NGC 3031)的整体和局部区域进行从远紫外到远红外光谱的建模,旨在探究M81星系中的星族和尘埃性质以及它们的空间分布。研究中,收集了来自包括GALEX、Swift、SDSS、2MASS、WISE、Spitzer和Herschel的空间及地面望远镜/巡天获得的一共27个波段的图像数据,并且将所有数据统一成相同的分辨率。通过对M81整体和每个像素进行SED拟合,得到了M81中的星族和尘埃等物理参数及其空间分布。发现M81是一个整体年龄约为9.5 Gyr(十亿年),恒星总质量约为3.54×1011 M(太阳质量),整体恒星形成率约为0.29 M/yr,光度约4.26×1011 L(太阳光度),以年老恒星为主的星系。M81的内部区域(主要由核球主导),包含了星系中最年老星族,其年龄大约为10 Gyr,恒星形成率低,尘埃消光小;外部区域(盘主导)年龄约为1 G...  相似文献   

球状星团中热的水平分支星包括极端水平分支星和蓝勾星,他们的形成机制目前仍然不清楚。我们利用MESA恒星演化程序,在双星演化中考虑潮汐增强星风过程,研究主星在红巨星阶段丢失大量壳层质量并经历延迟氦闪后对热水平分支星的贡献。我们的研究结果表明,在潮汐星风作用下,双星演化导致的早期热氦闪能产生极端水平分支星,而双星演化导致的延迟氦闪能产生蓝勾星。而且,随着氦丰度的增加,产生蓝勾星的初始双星周期空间增大,这意味着初始氦丰度高的双星更容易产生蓝勾星。  相似文献   

Geller AM  Mathieu RD 《Nature》2011,478(7369):356-359
In open star clusters, where all members formed at about the same time, blue straggler stars are typically observed to be brighter and bluer than hydrogen-burning main-sequence stars, and therefore should already have evolved into giant stars and stellar remnants. Correlations between blue straggler frequency and cluster binary star fraction, core mass and radial position suggest that mass transfer or mergers in binary stars dominates the production of blue stragglers in open clusters. Analytic models, detailed observations and sophisticated N-body simulations, however, argue in favour of stellar collisions. Here we report that the blue stragglers in long-period binaries in the old (7?×?10(9)-year) open cluster NGC 188 have companions with masses of about half a solar mass, with a surprisingly narrow mass distribution. This conclusively rules out a collisional origin, as the collision hypothesis predicts a companion mass distribution with significantly higher masses. Mergers in hierarchical triple stars are marginally permitted by the data, but the observations do not favour this hypothesis. The data are highly consistent with a mass transfer origin for the long-period blue straggler binaries in NGC 188, in which the companions would be white dwarfs of about half a solar mass.  相似文献   

相接双星是一类特殊的密近双星系统。相接双星的一些奇特观测结果目前还没有得到恒星演化理论的完美解释。本文阐述了相接双星的一些观测特性以及理论模型研究的现状,相接双星理论模型中存在的问题以及一些解决相接双星演化的方法。  相似文献   

通过对团星系和场星系的聚度参数、特征恒星形成率、星系中包含的恒星质量、金属丰度等物理参量的比较,研究了处在不同引力环境中星系的恒星形成性质.研究表明,聚度高的星系主要居于星系团中,大部分低质量星系是场星系,星系的特征恒星形成率与恒星质量和金属丰度之间存在着显著的相关.另外,团星系和场星系在红移小于0.1的范围内仍表现出了明显的宇宙学演化效应.  相似文献   

Stellar-mass black holes are found in X-ray-emitting binary systems, where their mass can be determined from the dynamics of their companion stars. Models of stellar evolution have difficulty producing black holes in close binaries with masses more than ten times that of the Sun (>10; ref. 4), which is consistent with the fact that the most massive stellar black holes known so far all have masses within one standard deviation of 10. Here we report a mass of (15.65 +/- 1.45) for the black hole in the recently discovered system M 33 X-7, which is located in the nearby galaxy Messier 33 (M 33) and is the only known black hole that is in an eclipsing binary. To produce such a massive black hole, the progenitor star must have retained much of its outer envelope until after helium fusion in the core was completed. On the other hand, in order for the black hole to be in its present 3.45-day orbit about its (70.0 +/- 6.9) companion, there must have been a 'common envelope' phase of evolution in which a significant amount of mass was lost from the system. We find that the common envelope phase could not have occurred in M 33 X-7 unless the amount of mass lost from the progenitor during its evolution was an order of magnitude less than what is usually assumed in evolutionary models of massive stars.  相似文献   

Bignami GF  Caraveo PA  De Luca A  Mereghetti S 《Nature》2003,423(6941):725-727
Isolated neutron stars are highly magnetized, fast-rotating objects that form as an end point of stellar evolution. They are directly observable in X-ray emission, because of their high surface temperatures. Features in their X-ray spectra could in principle reveal the presence of atmospheres, or be used to estimate the strength of their magnetic fields through the cyclotron process, as is done for X-ray binaries. Almost all isolated neutron star spectra observed so far appear as featureless thermal continua. The only exception is 1E1207.4-5209 (refs 7-9), where two deep absorption features have been detected, but with insufficient definition to permit unambiguous interpretation. Here we report a long X-ray observation of the same object in which the star's spectrum shows three distinct features, regularly spaced at 0.7, 1.4 and 2.1 keV, plus a fourth feature of lower significance, at 2.8 keV. These features vary in phase with the star's rotation. The logical interpretation is that they are features from resonant cyclotron absorption, which allows us to calculate a magnetic field strength of 8 x 10(10) G, assuming the absorption arises from electrons.  相似文献   

Maraschi L  Treves A 《Nature》1979,279(5712):401-402
THE presence of rotating neutron stars in binary systems is revealed by the existence of X-ray pulsators which are generally associated with massive companions. The evolutionary history of these systems is now relatively clear (see ref. 1 and refs therein). The X-ray phase, which corresponds to accretion on the neutron star of a strong stellar wind \M approximately 10(-6) M(\circ) yr(-1), is preceded by a much longer quiet state, where the primary is unevolved, possibly with a weak wind, \M approximately 10(-9) M(\circ) yr(-1) and the rotational energy loss of the neutron star inhibits accretion. However, with the only exception of PSR1913 + 16, radio pulsars are not found in binary systems. Here, motivated by the recent discovery of gamma-ray emission from slow pulsars(2,3), we suggest (gamma)-ray observations as a way of detecting binaries in the quiet state and compare the expected number with the COS B results. We refer to the review of van den Heuvel(1) where, as a representative case, a system of initial mass 20 + 8 M(\circ) and orbital period 4.7 d is considered. After the first stage of mass exchange and the supernova explosion, one has a neutron star with an unevolved companion of 22.7 M(\circ). The period is now P = 12.6 d. The primary remains on the main sequence (quiet stage) for t(ms) = 3.6 x 10(6)yr. The X-ray phase occurs after the star has left the main sequence, but before it fills its Roche lobe, as an excessive mass transfer absorbs the X-ray emission. Its duration is t(x) approximately 10(4)yr.  相似文献   

用整个系统的角动量守恒条件代替切向动量守恒条件,考虑轨道偏心率的二次以上的高次项和潮汐作用的影响,重新推导了星风质量吸积和轨道根数变化方程,在新的轨道根数变化方程的基础上计算了Ba星的星风质量吸积及轨道根数的变化,并和没有潮汐作用的情况作了比较。计算结果表明,潮汐作用使轨道周期较小的Ba星系统的能量减小,所以系统轨道的半长轴和轨道偏心率减小;潮汐作用对长周期的Ba星系统的影响很小;其大小依赖于恒星半径和2星距离的比。  相似文献   

Stellar pulsation theory provides a means of determining the masses of pulsating classical Cepheid supergiants-it is the pulsation that causes their luminosity to vary. Such pulsational masses are found to be smaller than the masses derived from stellar evolution theory: this is the Cepheid mass discrepancy problem, for which a solution is missing. An independent, accurate dynamical mass determination for a classical Cepheid variable star (as opposed to type-II Cepheids, low-mass stars with a very different evolutionary history) in a binary system is needed in order to determine which is correct. The accuracy of previous efforts to establish a dynamical Cepheid mass from Galactic single-lined non-eclipsing binaries was typically about 15-30% (refs 6, 7), which is not good enough to resolve the mass discrepancy problem. In spite of many observational efforts, no firm detection of a classical Cepheid in an eclipsing double-lined binary has hitherto been reported. Here we report the discovery of a classical Cepheid in a well detached, double-lined eclipsing binary in the Large Magellanic Cloud. We determine the mass to a precision of 1% and show that it agrees with its pulsation mass, providing strong evidence that pulsation theory correctly and precisely predicts the masses of classical Cepheids.  相似文献   

Blondin JM  Mezzacappa A 《Nature》2007,445(7123):58-60
Rotation-powered radio pulsars are born with inferred initial rotation periods of order 300 ms (some as short as 20 ms) in core-collapse supernovae. In the traditional picture, this fast rotation is the result of conservation of angular momentum during the collapse of a rotating stellar core. This leads to the inevitable conclusion that pulsar spin is directly correlated with the rotation of the progenitor star. So far, however, stellar theory has not been able to explain the distribution of pulsar spins, suggesting that the birth rotation is either too slow or too fast. Here we report a robust instability of the stalled accretion shock in core-collapse supernovae that is able to generate a strong rotational flow in the vicinity of the accreting proto-neutron star. Sufficient angular momentum is deposited on the proto-neutron star to generate a final spin period consistent with observations, even beginning with spherically symmetrical initial conditions. This provides a new mechanism for the generation of neutron star spin and weakens, if not breaks, the assumed correlation between the rotational periods of supernova progenitor cores and pulsar spin.  相似文献   

The exact processes by which interstellar matter condenses to form young stars are of great interest, in part because they bear on the formation of planets like our own from the material that fails to become part of the star. Theoretical models suggest that ejection of gas during early phases of stellar evolution is a key mechanism for removing excess angular momentum, thereby allowing material to drift inwards towards the star through an accretion disk. Such ejections also limit the mass that can be accumulated by the stellar core. To date, these ejections have been observed to be bipolar and highly collimated, in agreement with theory. Here we report observations at very high angular resolution of the proper motions of an arc of water-vapour masers near a very young, massive star in Cepheus. We find that the arc of masers can be fitted to a circle with an accuracy of one part in a thousand, and that the structure is expanding. Only a sphere will always produce a circle in projection, so our observations strongly suggest that the perfectly spherical ejection of material from this star took place about 33 years earlier. The spherical symmetry of the ejecta and its episodic nature are very surprising in the light of present theories.  相似文献   

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