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针对分析用户感性评价时出现的数据采集范围不够广、成本高、数据准确性低、非结构化数据利用率低等问题,提出一种基于情感分析的工业设计感性评价方法,以纯电动汽车为例,构建电动汽车造型感性意象的预测模型。首先基于情感分析量化用户的主观评论,获得感性意象评分,然后针对纯电动汽车的造型特征,提取了与传统内燃机汽车存在差异的主要设计要素,最后通过数量化理论I建立感性意象评分与设计要素的映射模型。以电动汽车设计方案优化为例,证明了该方法的可行性,预测结果的相对误差为5.41%。该方法符合用户的主观认知,能够有效预测用户对方案的感性评价,从而辅助设计师根据感性评价优化产品设计,具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

范大伟  王新燕  周美玉 《科技信息》2010,(10):119-119,120
随着市场经济的深入发展,人的消费方式走向多元化,产品不仅仅要具有科学合理的结构和功能,更应该满足消费者心理及精神层面的需求,这就要求产品的设计过程要充分考虑到消费者的感性需求,尽量满足大部分消费者的偏好。本文在对汽车轮毂造型要素分析的基础上,运用感性工学的理论和语义差分法获取感性需求数据,然后运用主成分分析法建立数据分析模型,最终得到年轻人相应于汽车轮毂造型的意象偏好。并用分析结果进行汽车轮毂造型设计的实例研究,籍此以提高汽车轮毂设计的有效性。  相似文献   

将感性工学理论应用于产品设计中,构建了产品基因双螺旋结构模型以及产品感性意象与产品造型基因的量化关系模型。以公交拉手为研究对象,运用层次分析法和语义差分法,提取典型样本造型基因,获得了感性意象评价的设计方案,验证了该方法的有效性和可行性,为后续的公交拉手设计提供了可供借鉴的解决方案。  相似文献   

为解决传统感性意象设计创新中真实的用户信息极少及需案例推理的问题,提出了基于网络评价数据的产品感性意象无偏差设计方法.首先,基于网络爬虫获取互联网中用户对产品外观的文本评价数据;接着,运用文本挖掘技术分析产品感性需求及意象信息,并构建词向量实现意象的参数化表达;然后,通过参数化曲线描绘目标产品的造型特征,建立产品形态特征的参数化数据;最后,基于最大信息系数选择感性意象参数的维度,并通过随机森林构建意象与设计特征间映射关系,实现对新产品设计特征参数及其取值范围的预测,明确产品感性意象创新设计参考依据.以三厢轿车侧轮廓设计为例,所建立的意象与设计特征间映射关系中,正确率在0.5~0.7之间的比例为86.67%,设计结果满足了主要的感性意象需求,表明通过该方法能够将用户真实的评价数据转化为意象设计求解过程中重要的输入信息,从而开展基于用户感性诉求描述的无案例推理的意象创新设计活动,高效实现感性意象无偏差设计.  相似文献   

为了准确获得符合现代消费者不同审美需求的家用厨师机造型,以感性工学理论为基础,提出一种定性与定量研究相结合的厨师机造型优化设计方法;方法可以得到不同形状的形态分解要素在各类厨师机风格意象中的权重,便于形成优化设计,原型辅助厨师机造型设计;首先,选择代表性产品样本,并通过专家评估、主成分分析、形态分析等方法分别提取厨师机造型关键意象词汇和形态分解要素;其次,运用数量化理论Ⅰ构建厨师机造型分解要素与感性意象词汇的数学映射关系,经计算后得到各类分解要素的贡献度,将贡献度较高的形态要素组合后得到符合风格意象的设计原型简图,用于指导后续设计实践;经案例实践及评价,方法是有效的,可以为厨师机以及多元素组合的产品造型优化设计提供参考。  相似文献   

情感作为满足人类高层次精神需求的重要因素,被视为产品设计中新的研究目标,受到了设计界的关注和重视。本文通过对国内外相关文献的综述,从感性工学理论及技术支持的视角,分别针对产品感性需求测量技术、产品形态要素解析与辨识的方法、感性意象与形态要素的映射关联、模型构建的数据挖掘技术、感性意象设计规则推论以及感性意象设计方法等方面的研究进行了论述和剖析。并从感性设计与消费者需求最佳匹配的角度,提出了产品意象设计研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

在有关产品设计中感性意象定位研究的基础上,提出应用数量化一类理论,在感性工学系统的研究理论架构内,对产品造型设计要素进行分解,并建立相应的数学分析模型,在定量层面上探讨消费者的心理感性意象与产品造型设计要素的关系.该结果已开发了实用的软件程序,可指导后续的设计,最后经实际应用,证明该方法是合理、可行的.  相似文献   

基于感性工学和神经网络的产品造型设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对当前产品设计中对情感意象需求的提高,建构能及时反映用户情感意象评估的产品造型设计系统.分析产品的形态要素和识别产品的感性意象认知;通过语义差分法的调查结果训练BP神经网络,建立感性意象和设计参数之间非线性的对应关系;结合计算机辅助设计技术,建构实用的产品造型设计系统.通过高脚杯的实例应用表明,该方法是合理可行性的,...  相似文献   

设计师和用户在形态和意象上的认知差异将对产品造型产生重要的影响.通过对设计中感性意象的分析,基于粗糙集理论提出一种复合设计师和终端用户的意象造型元素辨识方法.在感性意象调查基础上,通过盲目删除属性约简方法,提取出个性因素与平台因素;将个性因素针对感性意象进行排序,分析设计师与终端用户之间的认知差异,辨识出复合意象的造型元素.以折弯机设计造型为例进行实例研究,结果表明该方法具有很好的适用性,将有效指导产品意象造型设计.  相似文献   

从游艇的形态美学入手研究人的感性认知与游艇的形态要素,通过意象尺度和感性工学的方法分析它们之间的关系,试图建立语意空间和感性设计概念模型,为游艇的造型设计提供参考依据,更好地服务于以消费者为市场导向的产品设计.  相似文献   

给出了Na+-K+-ATP酶跨越细胞膜同时主动向胞内运转钾离子和向胞外运转钠离子这一生化过程的π-演算模型及该模型的Spin验证. 证明了用过程代数的方法表示以“相互通讯”和“可移动”为主要特征的生物系统并模拟其行为的可行性.   相似文献   

A murine CD4+ thymocyte subset with phenotype of TCRαβ+ 3G11 6C10 CD4+ CD8 CD69+/- HSAmed/lo contains the cells in relatively functional matured status. The functional property of the cells in this subset is characterized by the unique pattern of cytokine production at transitional stage from Th0 to Th2 type with the latter being the dominant type. After being co-cultured with murine thymic medullary epithelial cell line (MTEC1) cells, a murine thymic medullary type epithelial cell line, the TCRαβ+ 3G11 6C10 CD4+ CD8 CD69+/- HSAmed/lo thymocytes, has exhibited significantly higher levels of proliferation capability and IL-6 production, whereas the production of IL-4 and IL-10 is suppressed after co-culturing with MTECl. By contrast, MTECl could not induce thymocytes to secrete Thl type of cytokines. The results suggest that MTECl can regulate functional status of this thymocyte subset and induce them to develop into a specialized Th2 subset.  相似文献   

Effects of La3+ and Gd3+ on Ca2+ influx were investigated in rat hepatoma H-35 cells by measuring the initial rate of45Ca2+ uptake. It was found that the maximum initial rate of Ca2+ uptake was increased six-to ten-fold at low concentrations of La3+ and Gd3+. Kinetic analyses by measuring the initial rate of Ca2+ influx at different external Ca2+ concentrations indicated the existence of two intracellular exchangeable components in the basal Ca2+ system, with low and high affinities for Ca2+, and only one class of Ca2+ binding sites was observed in the La3+-or Gd3+-treated cells. For high affinity, La3+ and Gd3+ increased both kinetic parametersK m andV max of basai Ca2+ influx. La3+ and Gd3+ compete directly with Ca2+ for Ca2+ binding site for low affinity. The kinetics is competitive.  相似文献   

TCRαβCD4-CD8+ thymocytes are heterogeneity. They may undergo phenotypic and functional maturation within thymic medulla. Medullary-type CD8SP thymocytes were divided into seven subsets based on phenotypic analysis, and their precursor-progeny relationship along with the differential pathway was also delineated. To further testify the validity of the maturation pathway, we purified 6C10-CD69+ cells representing the early stage and 6C10-Qa-2+ cells representing the later stage among medullary-type CD8SP thymocytes and compared their functional maturation levels. CD8+ T cells of spleen were used as the control. It is shown that there is no obvious difference of proliferation ability among these three subsets; however, intracytoplasmic cytokine assay shows that there is a hier archy of IFN-γ and TNFα secretion among these subsets, strikingly comparable to their phenotypic status among medullary type CD8SP thymocytes. The bioassays of IL-2 and IFN-γ in culture supernatant give the similar results.  相似文献   

Activities of234Th and nutrient concentrations in the upper 500 m water column were measured at a time-series station in the South China Sea over a time span of 12.3 d. Results showed a reduction of dissolved234Th and an overall increase of particulate234Th during the period. Meanwhile, activities of total234Th kept fairly constant, implying rapid transformation of234Th between the dissolved and particulate forms. Vertical profiles of total234Th showed evident deficit of234Th relative to238U in the upper 500 m water column. Using an irreversible steady-state model of thorium scavenging, export fluxes of particulate organic carbon (POC) corresponding to time pointsT 1 andT 2 were estimated to be 46.5 and 13.1 mmolC · m−2 · d−1. It was demonstrated that the estimation of POC export was greatly dependent on the POC/234ThP ratios and the bias caused by the different models of234Th scavenging, however, was considered to be of minor importance.  相似文献   

A new method suitable for determining specific activity of230Th in uranium ore samples is built. The method is characterized by adding the230Th/232Th standard dilution agent with lower activity ratio (Its230Th/232Th activity ratio and230Th have been known) to the samples and using isotopic dilution analysis. The method can be applied to analyses of230Th specific activity in various230Th/232Th activity ratio samples. The precision can also be improved.  相似文献   

采用溶剂热法在N,N-二甲基甲酰胺溶液中合成了不同摩尔比例的SrCl_2和Bi(NO_3)_3(分别为5%,10%,30%,50%,80%)与对苯二甲酸形成的含Sr~(2+)和Bi~(3+)有机杂化体,并在紫外可见光照射下对其进行了罗丹明B降解活性的评价.结果表明:杂化体在紫外可见光下对RhB降解活性良好,其中SrCl_2摩尔比例10%掺杂的催化剂光降解活性最佳,这归结于其在紫外区域对光有很好的吸收及光生电子和空穴能有效地分离.双金属离子能协同调节有机杂化体的光催化活性.  相似文献   

Phenotypic analysis of the medullary-type CD4 CD8+ (CD8SP) thymocytes has revealed phenotypic heterogeneity within this cell population. The phenotype of mature peripheral CDS+T cells is TCRαβ+CD3+Qa-2+HSA 3G116C10, whereas in the medullary-type CD8SP thymocytes, 20% are Qa-2+; 33%, HAS; 30%, 3G11; and 70% are 6C10. The disparate expression patterns of these four cell surface markers suggest that medullary-type CD8SP thymocytes may undergo phenotypic maturation process. According to the distribution of these four cell surface markers, six subgroups of CD8SP thymocytes have been identified. The precursor-progeny relationship along with developmental pathway is postulated as follows: 6C10+HSA+3G11 Qa-2→ 6C10+HSA+ 3G11+Qa-2 → 6C10 HSA+3G11+Qa-2 → 6C10HSA3G11+Qa-2 → 6C10HSA3G11 Qa-2 → 6C10HA S 3G11 Qa-2+, the cells in the last subgroup exit the thymus and home into periphery.  相似文献   

The samples of Caledonian mylonitized granite and Jurassic meta-sedimentary rocks were collected in the north of Dangjinshan Pass, Qaidam gate fault-valley and Gesi fault-valley. Detailed studies under the microscope and electronic microscope suggest that all the samples contain the syntectonic-growing minerals such as white mica, chlorite, sericite, biotite, etc. By dating these minerals, we got a group of 40Ar/39Ar laser probe isochronal ages of 89—92 Ma and apparent ages of (46.6±6.4) Ma. The ages ranging from 97 to 46 Ma were reported for the first time in the isotopic dating researches of the Altyn Fault. The isochronal age group of (98—89) Ma indicates that a ductile strike-slip event, with low-grade metamorphism, began in late Cretaceous. This suggests that the strike-slip movement of the Altyn Fault should be related to the formation of the so-called west tectonic syntaxis in the Nepal-western Kunlun area.  相似文献   

Zhao  Fugeng  Shu  Huairui 《科学通报(英文版)》2002,47(14):1187-1191
With 200 mmol/L NaCl treatment on barley cultivar “Jian 4” (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. J4) seedlings for 6 d, the contents of covalently and noncovalently conjugated polyamines (PAs) and activities of H+-ATPase in plasma membrane (PM) vesicles isolated from the roots decreased remarkably. Moreover, the activity of Na+/H+ antiport was detected first in PM vesicles. The results showed that the decrease in the contents of membrane phospholipid, noncovalently conjugated PAs and activity of H+-ATPase caused by NaCl could be restored partially by application of 1 mmol/L stearie acid (C16:0) and linoleic acid (C18:2), and C18:2 was more effective than C16:0 In addition, a reduction in the contents of covalently conjugated PAs was only reversed partially in the presence of C18:2 Furthermore, Na+/H+ antiport activity was strengthened by exogenous C16:0 and C18:2 and C18:2 was more effective than C16:0. The correlative analysis suggested that, after application of C16:0 and C18:2 under salt stress, there was a significant positive correlation existing among phospholipid content, noncovalently conjugated PA levels, H+-ATPase activities and Na+/H+ antiport activities, indicating that one of the mitigative mechanisms of exogenous fatty acids on salt injury was to improve membrane phospholipid and PA contents, leading to an enhance in membrane integrity and a change in charge status of PM vesicles, so the activity of membrane-associated enzyme H+-ATPase was increased and synthesis of Na+/H+ antiport protein was activated.  相似文献   

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