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榕树及其传粉榕小蜂之间的相互作用是互惠共生的经典例子,雌雄同株的榕树庇护着多样的非传粉小蜂,并共生形成多营养级的榕小蜂群落,可以作为研究群落生态学的模型。区域的物种库、物种的生物地理特征及种间相互作用可能影响榕小蜂群落,但研究极少。选择分布于中国西双版纳和缅甸曼德勒的雌雄同株聚果榕小蜂群落作为研究对象,比较地理分布差异对榕小蜂个体大小及共存网络的影响。结果显示:聚果榕小蜂群落在两地由相同的6个种组成,但分布于西双版纳的6种榕小蜂的个体均显著大于分布在曼德勒的同种榕小蜂。在两个分布地传粉榕小蜂均为优势种,然而在西双版纳传粉榕小蜂种群较大,而在曼德勒非传粉小蜂更丰富。在两地聚果榕有不同的榕小蜂群落结构和物种丰富度,且榕小蜂共存的网络也存在变异,在两地共存网络有相同的节点、边、连接度和全局聚类系数,但是在西双版纳的共存网络有较大的直径和较高的群落矩阵温度,这表明分布于西双版纳的聚果榕小蜂群落种间互作不太紧密,群落受到的干扰较大。由此,阐明了由地理分布所驱动的榕小蜂群落变异。  相似文献   

西双版纳热带雨林具有极高的榕树种类多样性,榕树与其专一传粉榕小蜂互惠共生,在这个互惠系统中除寄生非传粉榕小蜂外,线虫伴随榕树和榕小蜂的繁殖周期有规律地生存和繁衍,这些线虫与榕树及其传粉榕小蜂关系密切,且存在明显种的专化性.选择分布于西双版纳热带地区的32种榕树,包括雌雄同株14种和雌雄异株18种,对自然寄生于榕树隐头果内的线虫物种多样性进行调查,结果显示:在32种榕树中,有19种榕树的隐头果内寄生了24种线虫,其中7种线虫为已知种,17种是尚未描述的新种,在雌雄异株榕树上,线虫寄生雄果是成功的选择,寄生雌果则由于缺乏传粉榕小蜂携带传播,繁殖适合度为零.但仍发现6种榕树的雌果内寄生有线虫,这说明线虫能准确定位传粉榕小蜂雌蜂,但没法选择雌雄果.首次调查了西双版纳热带地区榕树寄生线虫多样性,结果很好地丰富了我国乃至亚洲热带地区榕树寄生线虫的物种数及多样性.  相似文献   

福建省6种榕树及其传粉小蜂共生体系的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
榕树(Ficus spp.)和榕小蜂共生体系是由宿主和共生者之间的生殖配合维系的.采用隐头花序解剖、对比观察的方法研究了福建省东北部6种榕树及其共生昆虫传粉体系的种间差异.结果表明:6种榕树花的性别分离成雌花、瘿花、雄花和两性花,植株的性表达有雌雄同株和雌性两性异株的区别,雌、瘿花有或无花柄(子房柄)单层或双层排列,雄花有散生、半集中和集中着生的分布方式,花序大小、花的数量、苞片数目、孔道苞片功能分区、出飞孔形成方式均有差异并与榕小蜂的行为相对应,每种榕树通常仅有1种传粉昆虫,6种榕树及其共生小蜂分别形成各自独立的传粉体系.显然,这种传粉体系存在丰富的种间差异性,各共生体系对传粉生物学的性状有不同的进化选择,体现了共生双方进化适合度和共生对策,维护了共生体系的稳定性和独立性.  相似文献   

协同进化地理马赛克理论认为协同进化的物种双方的性状在种群间会出现适应性变异,且性状变异常呈现地理马赛克分布格局.在榕树与非传粉榕小蜂相互作用关系中,榕果(隐头花序)可能通过加厚果壁来降低种子和传粉榕小蜂幼虫被非传粉榕小蜂寄生的机会,而非传粉榕小蜂可能通过增长产卵器适应果壁加厚.这种现象为研究动植物协同进化在驱动双方物种性状变异的地理马赛克格局的机制,提供了理想材料.本研究选择西双版纳、宁洱、耿马、龙陵、瑞丽和澜沧6个彼此相距均大于100 km的种群,采集鸡嗉子榕(Ficus semicordatavar.semicordata)雌花期榕果和仅在雌花期产卵的非传粉榕小蜂妃延腹榕小蜂(Philotrypesis dunia)进行性状测量和变异动力分析.通过方差分析、线性回归和冗余分析,结果表明雌花期榕果果壁厚度和妃延腹榕小蜂产卵器长度的变异都存在显著的地理马赛克格局.榕果果壁厚度的地理马赛克分布格局很可能主要来自于环境异质性,主要是最低气温和平均降水的驱动,而受到妃延腹榕小蜂协同进化选择,如产卵器长度的影响不显著.另一方面,妃延腹榕小蜂产卵器长度的地理马赛克分布格局,很可能主要来自协同进化关系选择,即榕果果壁厚度的驱动,而受到环境异质性的影响不显著.尽管十分确切的结论尚需更多方面证据支持,但该研究结果强烈暗示,榕-非传粉榕小蜂系统的地理马赛克的性状分布格局中,气候因素作为最初选择压力影响榕树果壁厚度,而榕树果壁厚度进一步影响非传粉小蜂的产卵器长度.  相似文献   

<正>榕树和传粉榕小蜂是昆虫与植物之间专性互利共生关系的标志性代表。当然,除传粉榕小蜂外,还有多种非传粉榕小蜂等其他昆虫与榕果相伴共生。互利共生是两个物种在长期而稳定的进化历程中形成的互相依赖、共同获利的共生关系。互利共生的生物构成了一种非常巧妙而有趣的共生系统,也为科学家研究物种间协同进化和物种形成等课题提供了理想的研究对象。其中,传粉昆虫和植物之间的  相似文献   

传粉榕小蜂和榕树形成了传粉昆虫与植物间互利共生的典范.除了传粉榕小蜂外,榕果内还存在多类非传粉榕小蜂以及蝇类、蛾类、甲虫类等昆虫,这些昆虫在形态和生活史等方面形成了对榕树的适应;一些种类对榕树具有种层次上的寄主专一性,存在对寄主植物的适应辐射.而那些生活在榕树其它部位的昆虫对榕树的寄主专一性则相对较低.  相似文献   

榕树传粉生物学是当今植物生殖生物学研究的一个热点 .榕树为榕小蜂提供具生态保护作用的栖息场所和生长发育必须的营养物质 ,榕小蜂为榕树传粉 ,二者是植物和昆虫间高度专一化的互惠共生伙伴 .榕树和榕小蜂各具独特的生物学特性 ,共生双方在形态结构、生理生态和生物学行为上高度特化和互适 ,在物候生活史链上环环衔接 ,构成一个十分复杂而精确的传粉生态系统 .  相似文献   

榕树传粉生物学的特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
榕树传粉生物学是当今植物生殖生物学研究的一个热点.榕树为榕小蜂提供具生态保护作用的栖息场所和生长发育必须的营养物质,榕小蜂为榕树传粉,二者是植物和昆虫间高度专一化的互惠共生伙伴.榕树和榕小蜂各具独特的生物学特性,共生双方在形态结构、生理生态和生物学行为上高度特化和互适,在物候生活史链上环环衔接,构成一个十分复杂而精确的传粉生态系统.  相似文献   

正花粉是有花植物的重要繁殖特征,同时也承载着植物与其传粉者协同演化过程中的直接选择压力。榕属是高等植物中最奇特的一类植物,它的花是隐头花序,榕树只允许榕小蜂类群给它传粉授精,形成有性繁殖的种子。在全球800多种榕树中,有一半是雌雄同株的,另一半是雌雄异株的;在传粉模式上,一部分榕树是主动传粉类群,其  相似文献   

榕树与传粉榕小蜂是传粉互利共生和协同进化的经典范例之一,分子钟和化石记录显示榕树与榕小蜂共生体系的起源大约在8700万年前。共生体系是如何维持如此漫长的年代?围绕这一问题国内外学者已经展开了较为丰富的研究,本文综述了国内外关于共生体系的起源与维持的主要研究成果,旨在讨论该热点领域研究进展。促进该领域的研究深入开展。  相似文献   

Tylianakis JM  Tscharntke T  Lewis OT 《Nature》2007,445(7124):202-205

Evolution of species interactions in a biofilm community   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hansen SK  Rainey PB  Haagensen JA  Molin S 《Nature》2007,445(7127):533-536
Biofilms are spatially structured communities of microbes whose function is dependent on a complex web of symbiotic interactions. Localized interactions within these assemblages are predicted to affect the coexistence of the component species, community structure and function, but there have been few explicit empirical analyses of the evolution of interactions. Here we show, with the use of a two-species community, that selection in a spatially structured environment leads to the evolution of an exploitative interaction. Simple mutations in the genome of one species caused it to adapt to the presence of the other, forming an intimate and specialized association. The derived community was more stable and more productive than the ancestral community. Our results show that evolution in a spatially structured environment can stabilize interactions between species, provoke marked changes in their symbiotic nature and affect community function.  相似文献   

Positive interactions among alpine plants increase with stress   总被引:68,自引:0,他引:68  
Plants can have positive effects on each other. For example, the accumulation of nutrients, provision of shade, amelioration of disturbance, or protection from herbivores by some species can enhance the performance of neighbouring species. Thus the notion that the distributions and abundances of plant species are independent of other species may be inadequate as a theoretical underpinning for understanding species coexistence and diversity. But there have been no large-scale experiments designed to examine the generality of positive interactions in plant communities and their importance relative to competition. Here we show that the biomass, growth and reproduction of alpine plant species are higher when other plants are nearby. In an experiment conducted in subalpine and alpine plant communities with 115 species in 11 different mountain ranges, we find that competition generally, but not exclusively, dominates interactions at lower elevations where conditions are less physically stressful. In contrast, at high elevations where abiotic stress is high the interactions among plants are predominantly positive. Furthermore, across all high and low sites positive interactions are more important at sites with low temperatures in the early summer, but competition prevails at warmer sites.  相似文献   

James A  Pitchford JW  Plank MJ 《Nature》2012,487(7406):227-230
Complex networks of interactions are ubiquitous and are particularly important in ecological communities, in which large numbers of species exhibit negative (for example, competition or predation) and positive (for example, mutualism) interactions with one another. Nestedness in mutualistic ecological networks is the tendency for ecological specialists to interact with a subset of species that also interact with more generalist species. Recent mathematical and computational analysis has suggested that such nestedness increases species richness. By examining previous results and applying computational approaches to 59 empirical data sets representing mutualistic plant–pollinator networks, we show that this statement is incorrect. A simpler metric—the number of mutualistic partners a species has—is a much better predictor of individual species survival and hence, community persistence. Nestedness is, at best, a secondary covariate rather than a causative factor for biodiversity in mutualistic communities. Analysis of complex networks should be accompanied by analysis of simpler, underpinning mechanisms that drive multiple higher-order network properties.  相似文献   

栗瘿蜂的生物学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文报道了栗瘿蜂的生物学特性,栗瘿蜂对板栗树的危害特征.栗瘿蜂是板栗树的寄生昆虫,以取食栗树嫩芽为生。栗树嫩芽受害形成虫瘿,不能开花结实,直接影响板栗产量。栗瘿蜂的数量变动主要与降雨、天敌、寄主种类等有关。调查表明,在滇中地区,栗瘿长尾小蜂是栗瘿蜂的主要天敌,对栗瘿蜂种群起到一定控制作用.  相似文献   

Enquist BJ  Haskell JP  Tiffney BH 《Nature》2002,419(6907):610-613
A central goal of evolutionary ecology is to identify the general features maintaining the diversity of species assemblages. Understanding the taxonomic and ecological characteristics of ecological communities provides a means to develop and test theories about the processes that regulate species coexistence and diversity. Here, using data from woody plant communities from different biogeographic regions, continents and geologic time periods, we show that the number of higher taxa is a general power-function of species richness that is significantly different from randomized assemblages. In general, we find that local communities are characterized by fewer higher taxa than would be expected by chance. The degree of taxonomic diversity is influenced by modes of dispersal and potential biotic interactions. Further, changes in local diversity are accompanied by regular changes in the partitioning of community biomass between taxa that are also described by a power function. Our results indicate that local and regional processes have consistently regulated community diversity and biomass partitioning for millions of years.  相似文献   

Sait SM  Liu WC  Thompson DJ  Godfray HC  Begon M 《Nature》2000,405(6785):448-450
Ecologists seek to understand the rules that govern the assembly, coexistence and persistence of communities of interacting species. There is, however, a variety of sequences in which a multi-species community can be assembled--unlike more familiar one- and two-species systems. Ecological systems can exhibit contrasting dynamics depending on initial conditions, but studies have been focused on simple communities initiated at different densities, not on multi-species communities constructed in different sequences. Investigations of permanence and convergence in ecological communities have been concerned with the flux of whole species (presence or absence) but have not addressed the central issues concerning the dynamics exhibited by individual species in particular interactions. Here we examine data for replicated three-species systems and demonstrate that the dynamic trajectories of both a predator and its prey within the system are determined by the sequence in which it is constructed, and that for one construction-sequence alternative dynamic patterns are possible.  相似文献   

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