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对长城1号和埃斯基红豆草在组织培养和原生质体培养中形成的愈伤组织及分化的芽进行了细胞学研究.结果表明,在上述材料中均存在染色体数的变异,其变化范围为7~112,主要变异类型是以7为基数的整倍性增减,非整倍性变化的较少.染色体数的变异程度与愈伤组织的性质、培养时间的长短、继代培养中激素的累积浓度以及2,4-D的浓度有着密切的关系.在丧失分化能力的长城1号红豆草愈伤组织中,正常核型的细胞仅占33%~35%;有分化能力的埃斯基红豆草愈伤组织中,正常细胞为41%~50%;而在分化的芽中正常细胞数均超过50%.培养时间越长,激素累积浓度越高,染色体的变异程度越大.在短时间内使用高浓度的2,4-D进行培养,也可以引起较大的变异.另外,还观察到了染色体结构的各种变异和有丝分裂异常  相似文献   

用不同培养基对小麦和小黑麦杂交后代进行花培养,发现含2.4-D和6BA(V(2.4-D):V(6BA)=2:1)的培养基上形成的愈伤组织,其再分化苗的绿苗率和染色体加倍率远高于其他培养在。  相似文献   

本文用133Cs,23Na NMR方法测定了 DMF体系中不同 CsI、 NaBr浓度下的化学位移;推算它们的缔合常数Kip分别为7.8(mol/l)-1与2(mol/l)-1。又测定不同浓度DBC时 CSI的化学位移;推测该体系可能形成 CS+(DBC)2夹心络合物,且估算络合平衡常数 K为 4.2×104(mol/l)-2。  相似文献   

设D为正整数,p为适合pD的奇素数.作者用Baker有效方法证明了:若(D,p)≠(pm-ε4a)2-pm,4a2+m,4a2+ε),ε=±1,且max(D,p)≥1032,则方程x2-D=pn至多有三组正整数解(x,n).  相似文献   

对小鼠肺腺癌细胞系(LA-795)高、低转移亚系(LA-795-C_6和LA-795-C_7)体外培养第20及30代细胞染色体G显带核型进行比较,结果高转移亚系细胞染色体众数较低转移亚系细胞具有不稳定性的特点,表明转移潜能的差异和遗传物质的稳定程度密切相关.高、低转移亚系出现相同及不同的标志染色体和异常染色体,其中,高转移亚系出现标志染色体8种及del(8)q ̄(ter),del(12)q ̄(ter),11P ̄+,13P ̄+,tri(2M4),dic(2M5),M6:7q ̄+?;而低转移潜能亚系出现标志染色体12种及del(8)q ̄(ter),del(12)q ̄(ter),r(15),dic(M6;2M7),M8:7q ̄_?t(2:2),t(2:15),t(15:M10),t(15:M11),t(5:M12).表明来源于同一母系而转移潜能不同的亚系染色体核型具有本质上的差异,转移潜能与其密切相关.另外,分析低转移亚系出现t(2:2);t(C2:15)t(15:M10);t(15:M11); t(5:M12);r(15)等现象,推测高、低转移潜能亚系细胞可能存在本身H-2系统及CD44抗元表达的差异,这很可能  相似文献   

检测早孕蜕膜中淋巴细胞抗原的表达。以几种抗淋巴细胞表面标志的单克隆抗体,采用花环标记、碱磷酶抗碱磷酶(APAAP)法,对23例早孕蜕膜组织中的淋巴细胞进行测定。早孕蜕膜淋巴细胞中CD3+、CD4+、CD16+及B细胞百分率(x±s)分别为29.52±6.80%、23.60±4.80%、20.91±4.06%、1.07±1.00%、7.81±2.56%,CD4/CD8为1.2±0.2,CD3-淋巴细胞呈大颗粒淋巴细胞(LGL)形态。早孕蜕膜中存在较多CD3-、CD16-形态呈LGL的NK细胞,CD4+细胞与CD8+细胞的比值较正常外周血明显降低。  相似文献   

应用自制的ECL-1型电致化学发光仪,对新试剂6-(2-羟基-4-二乙基氨苯偶氮)-2.3-二氢-1,4-酞嗪二酮(HDEA)在Na2CO3-NaHCO3缓冲介质中的电化学发光行为作了研究.结果发现,当介质pH值为 10.54时,在一定的实验条件下,施加 1.7V (VS.SCE)三角波脉冲电压,体系的发光强度与HDEA浓度在5.0 × 10-9~1.0×10-6mol/L范围内呈线性关系,反应的检测限达1.0×10-9mol/L.  相似文献   

对1 ,3 - 二咔唑基丙烷(1 ,3 - DCZP) 在光激发下与电子受体化合物1 , 4 - 二氰基苯(1 ,4 -DNB) 形成三元激基复合物的光物理过程进行了研究. 结果表明, 当1 , 4 - DNB 对高浓度的1 , 3- DCZP荧光猝灭时, 随着猝灭剂浓度的增加, 电子给体和电子受体分子形成了[DDA]* 型(2个1 , 3 - DCZP分子和一个1 , 4 - DNB分子) 的三分子激基复合物; 当1 , 4 - DNB 对低浓度的1 , 3 - DCZP荧光猝灭时形成了[(DD)A] * 型(1 个1 , 3 - DCZP分子具有2 个电子给体基因, 与1 个1 , 4 - DNB分子) 的三元激基复合物.  相似文献   

所谓“纽结破坏测不准关系”是很轻率的.在多重强子物理学中,测不准关系迄今都是正确的.对于(aQ)-νKν(aQ)分布,测不准关系ΔxΔp=4[1-(2/3)2γB(gR,eR)]1/23不会因为非线性相互作用而破坏,这是由于存在收敛条件(D-4)<γB(gR,eR)<(D-3),其中的D=4-ε为时空维度.  相似文献   

用荧光猝灭法研究了二溴羟基苯基荧光酮(Ti(Ⅳ)-DBH-PF-Tritonx-100)体系的测定方法与条件。在pH为1.5~2.1的H2SO4介质中Tritonx-100存在下,Ti(Ⅳ)与DBH-PF形成1∶2的桔红色络合物。钛浓度在0.01~4μg/25mL范围内ΔF与钛浓度呈良好的线性关系,相关系数r=0.9988,检量限为0.4ng/mL。方法灵敏度高,选择性好。该方法用于硅酸盐矿物如水泥、硅质砂岩、粘土和石灰岩中微量钛的测定获得了满意的结果  相似文献   

在1/2MS的基本培养基中附加2,4-D1.0毫克/升、6-BA2.0毫克/升或2,4-D0.1毫克/升和6-BA1.0毫克/升,都能诱导甜瓜下胚轴发生愈伤组织。但是,不同激素作用下,甜瓜下胚轴愈伤组织的起源不同。2,4-D诱导维管束中薄壁细胞和紧靠维管束的一圈皮层细胞启动。6-BA诱导维管束中发生形成层以及诱导皮层细胞启动。不仅如此,2,4-D和6-BA对甜瓜下胚轴中可溶性蛋白的含量以及过氧化物酶活性影响也明显不同。在过氧化物同工酶谱的分析中发现附加6-BA时,形成的愈伤组织存在着特有的酶带。  相似文献   

外源激素诱导甜瓜下胚轴愈伤组织的效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在1/2MS的基本培养基中附加2,4-D1.0毫克/升、6-BA2.0毫克/升或2,4-D 0.1毫克/升和6-BA1.0毫克/升,都能诱导甜瓜下胚轴发生意伤组织。但是,不同激素作用下,甜瓜下胚轴愈伤组织的起源不同。2,4-D诱导维管束中薄壁细胞和紧靠维管束的一圈皮层细胞启动。6-BA诱导维管束中发生形成层以及诱导皮层细胞启动。不仅如此,2,4-D和6-BA对甜瓜下胚轴中可溶性蛋白的含量以及过氧化物酶活性影响也明显不同。在过氧化物同工酶谱的分析中发现附加6-BA时,形成的愈伤组织存在着特有的酶带。  相似文献   

芹菜单细胞培养再生植株   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

将黄花菜的幼嫩花梗及花托培养在N6+2.4-D2+6-BA1培养基上,已经诱导出大量胚状体,在相同培养基上继代培养,建立了黄花菜胚状体元性系.成熟的胚状体,转到1/2MS+NAA0.2培养基上,长成了带有根系的完整植株.再生植株成功地移栽到土壤基质中,成活率达90%以上.  相似文献   

黄槐叶片外植体接种于 MS+2,4-D 1 ppm+NAA 1 ppm+6-BA 2 ppm 培养基上,外植体的维管薄壁细胞及维管束鞘细胞先脱分化启动,而后栅栏组织细胞脱分化,进而形成愈伤组织.细胞脱分化启动时有两个明显特点:一是细胞质变浓,核相对变大,核仁明显;二是细胞开始积累淀粉.细胞脱分化过程中细胞分裂方式以无丝分裂为主,有丝分裂较少.通过观察无丝分裂的主要过程,可以认为它是典型的劈裂式无丝分裂.文中还对两种细胞分裂方式在愈伤组织形成中的意义进行了讨论.  相似文献   

植物激素对半夏种子的发芽影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺红早  向准  王莹  张玉武 《贵州科学》2012,30(5):61-63,67
为了探索植物激素对半夏种子的发芽影响,为半夏的品种选育和遗传改良提供技术参考,采用不同浓度的赤霉素(GA)、奈乙酸(NAA)、吲哚乙酸(IAA)、2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸(2-4-D)处半夏种子的方法研究了GA、NAA、IAA、2-4-D对半夏种子的发芽率、发芽势、活力指数。研究结果表明:一定浓度的GA、NAA、IAA、2-4-D对半夏种子的发芽率、发芽势、活力指数均具有一定的促进作用,当NAA处理浓度为50ppm时,半夏种子的发芽率可提高20%;当NAA处理浓度为75%时,半夏种子的发芽势可提高20%;当IAA处理浓度为50ppm时,半夏种子活力指数可提高1.05。  相似文献   

由三倍体西瓜下胚轴诱导植株再生的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将三倍体西瓜(Citrullus Vul(?)aris Schrad。)下胚轴切段接种在添加0.02mg/L2,4-D和0.6mg/L6BA的MS培养基上,可诱导出生长旺盛、结构致密的愈伤组织.将愈伤组织转移到含不同浓度的6BA、IAA、IBA和三十烷醇的分化培养基上,分化出了芽和根,进而长成了正常的植株.将不定芽接种在含0.2~0.4mg/L6BA和6mg/L维生素P_1的MS培养基上.可得到许多簇生芽和植物体.用蛭石代替琼脂的生根培养基对于根系的生长和试管苗的移植有良好的效果.经细胞学观察表明,由三倍体西瓜下胚轴诱导出再生植株的染色体倍性有所变化,即有一倍体(n=11)、二倍体(2n=22),三倍体(3n=33)和非整倍体等.  相似文献   

In order to understand the genomic changes during evolution of hexaploid wheat, two sets of synthetic hexaploid wheat from hybridization between maternal tetraploid wheat (AABB) and paternal diploid goat grass (DD) were used for DNA-AFLP and single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis to determine the genomic and genic variation in the synthetic hexaploid wheat. Results indicated that more DNA sequences from paternal diploid species were eliminated in the synthetic hexaploid wheat than from maternal tetraploid wheat, suggesting that genome from parental species of lower ploidity tends to be eliminated preferentially. However, sequence variation detected by SSCP procedure was much lower than those detected by DNA-AFLP, which indicated that much less variation in the genic regions occurred in the synthetic hexaploid wheat, and sequence variations detected by DNA-AFLP could be derived mostly from non-coding regions and repetitive sequences. Our results also indicated that sequence variation in 4 genes can be detected in hybrid F1, which suggested that this type of sequence variation could be resulted from distant hybridization. It was interesting to note that 3 out of the 4 genes were mapped and clustered on the long arm of chromosome 2D, which indicated that variation in genic sequences in synthetic hexaploid wheat might not be a randomized process.  相似文献   

In order to understand the genomic changes during the evolution of hexaploid wheat,two sets of synthetic hexaploid wheat from hybridization between maternal tetraploid wheat (AABB) and paternal diploid goat grass(DD)were used for DNA-AFLP and single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis to determine the genomic and genie variation in the synthetic hexaploid wheat.Results indicated that more DNA sequences from paternal diploid species wen eliminated in the synthetic hexaploid wheat than from maternal tetraploid wheat,suggesting that genome from parental species of lower ploidity tends to be eliminated preferentially.However,sequence variation detected by SSCP procedure was much lower than those detected by DNA-AFLP.which indicated that much less variation in the genie regions occurred in the synthetic hexaploid wheat.and sequence variations detected by DNA-AFLP could be derived mostly from non-coding regions and repetitive sequences.Our results also indicated that sequence variation in 4 genes can be detected in hybrid F1.which suggested that this type of sequence variation could be resulted from distant hybridization.It was interesting to note that 3 out of the 4 genes were mapped and clustered on the long alTll of chromosome 2D,which indicated that variation in genic sequences in synthetic hexaploid wheat might not be a randomized process.  相似文献   

In order to understand the genomic changes during the evolution of hexaploid wheat, two sets of synthetic hexaploid wheat from hybridization between maternal tetraploid wheat (AABB) and paternal diploid goat grass (DD) were used for DNA-AFLP and single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis to determine the genomic and genic variation in the synthetic hexaploid wheat. Results indicated that more DNA sequences from paternal diploid species were eliminated in the synthetic hexaploid wheat than from maternal tetraploid wheat, suggesting that genome from parental species of lower ploidity tends to be eliminated preferentially. However, sequence variation detected by SSCP procedure was much lower than those detected by DNA-AFLP, which indicated that much less variation in the genic regions occurred in the synthetic hexaploid wheat, and sequence variations detected by DNA-AFLP could be derived mostly from non-coding regions and repetitive sequences. Our results also indicated that sequence variation in 4 genes can be detected in hybrid F1, which suggested that this type of sequence variation could be resulted from distant hybridization. It was interesting to note that 3 out of the 4 genes were mapped and clustered on the long arm of chromosome 2D, which indicated that variation in genic sequences in synthetic hexaploid wheat might not be a randomized process.  相似文献   

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