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从定位于肝癌高频缺失区的肿瘤相关基因入手,查询单核苷酸多态性(SNP)数据库信息,获得编码区SNP(cSNP)序列,设计引物,根据SNP位点设计寡核苷酸探针,构建SNP芯片.分别从正常人和HBV患者血样中提取基因组DNA,PCR扩增标记含SNP位点的序列,将地高辛标记的PCR产物与SNP芯片杂交.结果表明,正常人基因组与HBV患者基因组肿瘤相关基因SNP之间存在差异,检测到EGFL3(rs947 345),Gas- pase9(rs2 308 950),E2F2(rs3 218 171)三个cSNP位点的基因频率在两组人群中差异显著.HBV患者中存在的高频多态位点可能与其肝癌易感性相关.  相似文献   

摘要: 随着分子生物学技术的迅速发展,微卫星与单核苷酸多态性( single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP ) 技术已成 为实验动物遗传检测的重要手段。微卫星与 SNP 作为一类新型的分子标记,相对于生化与免疫标记,具有快速和 准确等优点。本文就微卫星与 SNP 在大鼠、小鼠遗传检测方面应用的进展做一综述。  相似文献   

摘要: 从正常笼养树鼩腹部的脂肪转录组数据开发SNP 分子标记。检测了6 只动物共计274 278 568 条unigene( 总长度43 138 417 bp) 序列信息后,在262 980 条unigene( 5. 75%) 中发现SNP 位点263 071 个,SNP 发生频率为1 /164 bp,其中转换( transition) 177 562 个,颠换( transversion) 85 509 个。在所有变异类型中,A/G 和C/T 发生频率最高,分别达33. 85%和33. 66%。将包含SNP 位点的262 980 条unigene 通过参比序列进行注释,并对其进行GO分类、COG 分类注释和代谢通路注释( KEGGpathway) ,结合已有研究,分别筛选到1 187 个有GO 注释、77 个有COG注释和1 080 条个有KEGG 通路注释的脂肪转录组中的可能与脂肪形成和代谢有关的SNP 标记。  相似文献   

【目的】开发大量可靠的SNP标记,为鹅掌楸高密度遗传连锁图谱的构建和基于基因组的林木选择育种提供分子基础。【方法】从北美鹅掌楸NK基因型为母本、鹅掌楸LS基因型为父本的F1代杂交群体中,选取198株个体为作图群体。用限制性内切酶EcoR I对包括2个亲本和198个子代在内的200个单株的基因组DNA进行酶切,构建RAD(restriction-site associated DNA)文库并进行RAD-seq测序。采用读长为91 bp的双末端测序。2个亲本的平均测序深度为2×,198个子代的平均测序深度为0.8×,平均产量为1.94 Gb,共获得约387.21 Gb数据。用Stacks软件将每个样品的RAD-reads作生物信息学分析,对候选位点进行卡方检验和缺失率检验,再将符合孟德尔遗传的标记及与之相对应的RAD-tag序列和鹅掌楸参考基因组序列进行比对。最后,从本研究开发的SNP标记中选取27个候选SNP位点,设计引物,对随机挑选的16个F1代进行PCR扩增并将结果进行测序,同时验证SNP的有效性。【结果】从候选群体中共鉴定到22 019个SNP位点,符合孟德尔遗传规律的标记为4 233个,最终获得3 501个候选SNP标记。SNP验证中,共有293个SNP标记完成测序并能判读结果,所有位点都为SNP位点,共有194(66.2%)个SNP变异类型得到了验证。 【结论】基于RAD-seq技术和鹅掌楸参考基因组序列为基础的策略,能够作为一种快速有效的手段,实现大规模的分子标记开发,可用于鹅掌楸等林木的高密度遗传图谱的构建。  相似文献   

利用多重PCR进行鸡全基因组扫描   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用多重PCR结合半自动化荧光标记DNA分析技术从328个微卫星标记中筛选出分布于23条常染色体及1条性染色体(Z染色体)、覆盖3080cM、包含在30个引物组合中的170个多态微卫星标记,平均标记密度为18cM,并优化了这些引物组合的反应条件.筛选出的这些多态微卫星标记在本实验群体中符合Mendel遗传定律,可应用于鸡的连锁图谱分析及重要经济数量性状的定位研究,  相似文献   

【目的】对美国引进的不同种源舒玛栎群体进行遗传多样性与遗传结构分析,揭示其遗传分化特点及单株间遗传关系,为舒玛栎种质资源的保护与品种选育提供理论依据。【方法】以舒玛栎6个种源30个单株以及外类群纳塔栎5个单株为材料,基于SLAF-seq技术进行简化基因组测序,开发一批SNP标记并选择其中多态性的SNP标记进行基因分型。利用GenAlex、Arlequin、MEGA、Admixture和Cluster等软件进行遗传多样性参数估算、F统计量及分子分差分析、进化树构建、遗传结构与PCA主成分分析。【结果】35个栎树个体SLAF测序平均深度11×,碱基质量(Q30)平均为93%,GC含量平均为38.9%。共获得4 256 436个SLAF标签,开发多态性SNP标记8 459 025个,SNP完整度平均为79.29%,杂合率平均为14.15%。舒玛栎6个种源平均有效等位基因数为1.31个,多态性位点比例平均为49.21%;观测杂合度(Ho)与期望杂合度(He)变化范围分别为0.13~0.16和0.17~0.21;多态信息含量(PIC)、香农指数(I)、Nei’s基因多样性指数(H)和群体内的近交系数(FIS)平均值分别为0.15、0.34、0.09和0.19。不同种源间Nei’s遗传距离和遗传分化系数(FST)变化范围为0.08~0.18和0.15~0.39。分子方差分析表明舒玛栎遗传变异主要来自个体间。遗传结构分析显示30个舒玛栎个体来源于3个原始的祖先。【结论】舒玛栎群体遗传多样性水平较高,群体间遗传分化程度较大,在品种选育中应注重群体内个体优树的选择。  相似文献   

SNP(单核苷酸多态性)在生物基因组中具有数量多、分布广等特点,是目前广泛应用的第3代分子标记,在现代生物研究方面具有重要的应用价值。本研究综述了SNP的检测方法及其在农作物遗传育种中的应用。  相似文献   

【目的】SNaPshot是一种单核苷酸多态性(SNP)检测的多重分析技术,具有检测速度快、准确性高、成本低廉等特点。利用多重PCR技术,结合SNaPshot分型方法,在桉树中构建SNP复合分型检测体系,促进SNP技术在桉树遗传图谱构建和无性系鉴定的应用。【方法】利用桉树已有的EST序列设计引物,通过PCR产物直接测序进行SNP标记位点的开发,利用多重PCR技术和SNaPshot分型方法建立SNP复合分型检测体系,并在尾叶桉和细叶桉作图群体的两亲本和6个F1子代,以及16个国内常用的桉树无性系中进行分型检测。【结果】共设计合成12对SNP引物,分为3组(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ)建立了SNP复合分型检测体系,SNP分型情况与测序结果一致。对桉树作图群体的两个亲本和6个F1子代的分型结果进行统计,发现12个SNP标记在6个子代中均发生了分离; 对桉树无性系进行多态性的分析,期望杂合度(He)为0.11~0.51、观测杂合度(Ho)为0.11~0.56,多态性信息含量(PIC)为0.10~0.37,表现为中度或低度多态性。【结论】利用多重PCR和SNaPshot技术可以快速地对桉树进行基因分型,其结果准确可靠,可以用于桉树遗传图谱的构建以及桉树无性系的鉴定等方面研究。  相似文献   

单核苷酸多态性及其在作物遗传育种中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
单核苷酸多态性(simple nucleotide polym orphism,SNP)是等位基因间序列差异最为普遍的类型,可以作为一种高通量的分子标记.本文主要介绍SNP的定义、几种植物学中常用的检测SNP方法及SNP标记在作物遗传育种中的应用.  相似文献   

单核苷酸多态性(SNP)/插入缺失(Indel)作为基因组中最丰富的变异位点,已成为农作物中最重要的辅助育种标记。桑葚是一种营养价值较高的水果,目前果桑品种选育方法仍然以传统育种方法为主,缺乏足够的SNP/Indel标记。本研究对3个时期"安葚"果实进行转录组测序,鉴定并分析桑葚转录组序列中SNP/Indel位点的特征,将含有SNP/Indel位点的Unigene通过GO、KOG/COG、KEGG数据库进行比对。结果表明:转换类型为SNP的主要类型。绿果期与黑果期转换类型中以A/G型最多,颠换类型中以A/T型最多。红果期转换类型以C/T型最多,颠换类型中以A/T型最多。Indel片段的长度以1、2、3 bp为主,大于10 bp的缺失突变数量远大于插入突变数量。分别有28 345、6 299、5 737条序列的功能在GO、KOG/COG、KEGG数据库得到注释。从KEGG注释结果中筛选出122个与花青素、黄酮类合成相关且含有SNP/Indel标记的基因。果桑SNP/Indel标记数据库将在品种的选育、鉴定方面展现良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

依托GenBank数据库资源,分别对1号、X、Y染色体上CDS区的SNPs分布、类型和密度进行了初步分析。统计结果发现,AG(GA)和CT类型占优,分别各占30%以上;类型AC、AT、GT和CG统计频率在相同的数量级上,分别各占8%左右;并且这种分布频率不会随不同的染色体而变化。但是,SNPs在不同染色体上基因内的分布差异大。SNPs在Y染色体上的密度最小,在1号染色体上的密度最大。一般来说,SNPs的分布位置主要集中在内含子区,但是,在Y染色体上,外显子区的SNPs频数明显升高。  相似文献   

Quantifying the number of deleterious mutations per diploid human genome is of crucial concern to both evolutionary and medical geneticists. Here we combine genome-wide polymorphism data from PCR-based exon resequencing, comparative genomic data across mammalian species, and protein structure predictions to estimate the number of functionally consequential single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) carried by each of 15 African American (AA) and 20 European American (EA) individuals. We find that AAs show significantly higher levels of nucleotide heterozygosity than do EAs for all categories of functional SNPs considered, including synonymous, non-synonymous, predicted 'benign', predicted 'possibly damaging' and predicted 'probably damaging' SNPs. This result is wholly consistent with previous work showing higher overall levels of nucleotide variation in African populations than in Europeans. EA individuals, in contrast, have significantly more genotypes homozygous for the derived allele at synonymous and non-synonymous SNPs and for the damaging allele at 'probably damaging' SNPs than AAs do. For SNPs segregating only in one population or the other, the proportion of non-synonymous SNPs is significantly higher in the EA sample (55.4%) than in the AA sample (47.0%; P < 2.3 x 10(-37)). We observe a similar proportional excess of SNPs that are inferred to be 'probably damaging' (15.9% in EA; 12.1% in AA; P < 3.3 x 10(-11)). Using extensive simulations, we show that this excess proportion of segregating damaging alleles in Europeans is probably a consequence of a bottleneck that Europeans experienced at about the time of the migration out of Africa.  相似文献   

An SNP map of human chromosome 22   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
The human genome sequence will provide a reference for measuring DNA sequence variation in human populations. Sequence variants are responsible for the genetic component of individuality, including complex characteristics such as disease susceptibility and drug response. Most sequence variants are single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), where two alternate bases occur at one position. Comparison of any two genomes reveals around 1 SNP per kilobase. A sufficiently dense map of SNPs would allow the detection of sequence variants responsible for particular characteristics on the basis that they are associated with a specific SNP allele. Here we have evaluated large-scale sequencing approaches to obtaining SNPs, and have constructed a map of 2,730 SNPs on human chromosome 22. Most of the SNPs are within 25 kilobases of a transcribed exon, and are valuable for association studies. We have scaled up the process, detecting over 65,000 SNPs in the genome as part of The SNP Consortium programme, which is on target to build a map of 1 SNP every 5 kilobases that is integrated with the human genome sequence and that is freely available in the public domain.  相似文献   

多数全基因组关联性研究(GWAS)采用不同的分型芯片,导致遗传变异位点的数目及选择准则不同。基因型填补可以依据已有的基因分型数据,对未分型的位点进行填补。在应用IMPUTE2软件对基因型和表型数据库(db Ga P)中胃癌GWAS数据进行全基因组填补,以详细介绍全基因组填补的原理和过程。以第九号染色体为例,使用1000 Genome Project模板介绍全基因组填补的过程,包括填补前的质量控制、Pre-phasing、填补过程、填补的质量评估及填补后的关联性分析。第九号染色体在填补前有21 033个位点;而在填补后有1 630 406个SNP;其中INFO0.3的SNP位点有817 494个;而填补质量较高(INFO0.5)的位点数目有584 755个。IMPUTE2软件可以快速准确的对未分型的基因型进行填补,从而可以将多个GWAS数据整合到相同的位点数和密度上,再进行联合分析可以提高检验的把握度以便发现新的遗传易感性位点。  相似文献   

疾病表型通常会受SNP位点调控,挖掘疾病表型与SNP位点间的关联规则有助于提供个性化分子诊疗方案。由于SNP位点具有遗传异质性,在挖掘疾病表型与SNP位点间的关联规则时,需要将最小支持度阈值设为较低值,甚至是0,又由于SNP位点数据量庞大,这会使得关联规则算法时间复杂度极高。为此,提出了HEMAPS算法,通过使用线程并行处理和垂直数据格式改进Apriori算法。此外,为解决质量性状表型样本比例不平衡问题,提出了一种新的关联规则评价指标——匹配度。实验结果表明,HEMAPS算法的时间复杂度比Apriori算法明显降低。  相似文献   

Most genomic variation is attributable to single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which therefore offer the highest resolution for tracking disease genes and population history. It has been proposed that a dense map of 30,000-500,000 SNPs can be used to scan the human genome for haplotypes associated with common diseases. Here we describe a simple but powerful method, called reduced representation shotgun (RRS) sequencing, for creating SNP maps. RRS re-samples specific subsets of the genome from several individuals, and compares the resulting sequences using a highly accurate SNP detection algorithm. The method can be extended by alignment to available genome sequence, increasing the yield of SNPs and providing map positions. These methods are being used by The SNP Consortium, an international collaboration of academic centres, pharmaceutical companies and a private foundation, to discover and release at least 300,000 human SNPs. We have discovered 47,172 human SNPs by RRS, and in total the Consortium has identified 148,459 SNPs. More broadly, RRS facilitates the rapid, inexpensive construction of SNP maps in biomedically and agriculturally important species. SNPs discovered by RRS also offer unique advantages for large-scale genotyping.  相似文献   

Wong GK  Liu B  Wang J  Zhang Y  Yang X  Zhang Z  Meng Q  Zhou J  Li D  Zhang J  Ni P  Li S  Ran L  Li H  Zhang J  Li R  Li S  Zheng H  Lin W  Li G  Wang X  Zhao W  Li J  Ye C  Dai M  Ruan J  Zhou Y  Li Y  He X  Zhang Y  Wang J  Huang X  Tong W  Chen J  Ye J  Chen C  Wei N  Li G  Dong L  Lan F  Sun Y  Zhang Z  Yang Z  Yu Y  Huang Y  He D  Xi Y  Wei D  Qi Q  Li W  Shi J  Wang M  Xie F  Wang J  Zhang X  Wang P  Zhao Y  Li N  Yang N  Dong W  Hu S  Zeng C  Zheng W  Hao B  Hillier LW  Yang SP  Warren WC  Wilson RK  Brandström M  Ellegren H  Crooijmans RP 《Nature》2004,432(7018):717-722
We describe a genetic variation map for the chicken genome containing 2.8 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). This map is based on a comparison of the sequences of three domestic chicken breeds (a broiler, a layer and a Chinese silkie) with that of their wild ancestor, red jungle fowl. Subsequent experiments indicate that at least 90% of the variant sites are true SNPs, and at least 70% are common SNPs that segregate in many domestic breeds. Mean nucleotide diversity is about five SNPs per kilobase for almost every possible comparison between red jungle fowl and domestic lines, between two different domestic lines, and within domestic lines--in contrast to the notion that domestic animals are highly inbred relative to their wild ancestors. In fact, most of the SNPs originated before domestication, and there is little evidence of selective sweeps for adaptive alleles on length scales greater than 100 kilobases.  相似文献   

试述单核苷酸多态性的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)是基因组织中最常见的一种遗传模式。文章在对人类基因组中SNPs的概念做简要说明的基础上,介绍了SNPs的检测、分析技术和方法,以及应用前景。  相似文献   

The risks of developing complex diseases are likely to be determined by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which are the most common form of DNA variations. Rapidly developing genotyping technologies have made it possible to assess the influence of SNPs on a particular disease. The aim of this paper is to identify the risk/protective factors of a disease, which are modeled as a subset of SNPs (with specified alleles) with the maximum odds ratio. On the basis of risk/protective factor and the relationship between nucleotides and amino acids, two novel risk/protective factors (called k-relaxed risk/protective factors and weighted-relaxed risk/protective factors) are proposed to consider more complex disease-associated SNPs. However, the enormous amount of possible SNPs interactions presents a mathematical and computational challenge. In this paper, we use the Bayesian Optimization Algorithm (BOA) to search for the risk/protective factors of a particular disease. Determining the Bayesian network (BN) structure is NP-hard; therefore, the binary particle swarm optimization was used to determine the BN structure. The proposed algorithm was tested on four datasets. Experimental results showed that the algorithm proposed in this paper is a promising method for discovering SNPs interactions that cause/prevent diseases.  相似文献   

新型的分子标记--SNPs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SNPs(Single nucleotide polymorphisms)是近年来发展起来的最有效的新一代分子标记。本文对SNPs的发展、基本原理、检测,以及在确定疾病相关基因研究中的应用进行了介绍和评述。  相似文献   

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