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通过制备Plcd1转基因小鼠研究Plcd1基因功能.首先逆转录PCR获得约2.2kb的Plcd1基因全长,T载体克隆后测序验证;以pMD19-T-Plcd1为模板,通过设计引物及PCR扩增引入酶切位点,与pEF6/V5-His同时进行酶切、连接,构建pEF6/V5-His-Plcd1表达载体;经真核表达验证后,酶切获得目标片段,显微注射681枚受精卵,在82只仔鼠中获得转基因阳性首建鼠15只,其中13只稳定遗传并建系.PLCD1-HIS融合蛋白在睾丸组织中表达,在皮肤组织中无表达.Plcd1转基因小鼠为Plcd1功能研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

用慢病毒载体介导产生绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)转基因小鼠   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
以慢病毒(lentivirus)载体为骨架,携带绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因的假病毒,通过小鼠受精卵卵周隙注射,将其感染小鼠受精卵,经移植于假孕母鼠后获得转基因小鼠.应用PCR、荧光显微镜观察和流式细胞仪分析等技术,证明了GFP基因的整合率达到40%以上;实时定量PCR分析结果表明转基因小鼠中GFP基因整合的拷贝数约为40;染色体荧光原位杂交分析结果显示GFP基因在小鼠染色体上的整合是随机的,并通过交配可将外源基因遗传至子代,获得的多整合位点和不同表达水平的转基因小鼠具有明显的实际应用和研究价值.文中报道的慢病毒载体介导的转基因技术为高效制备和选育高表达转基因小鼠品系提供了一种有效的途径.  相似文献   

目的:建立microRNA-122 (mir-122)过表达转基因小鼠模型,为今后研究肝脏发育,分化及肝癌预防、诊断及治疗等提供实验模型.方法:构建mir-122过表达载体,利用受精卵前核显微注射法将mir-122过表达载体导入小鼠受精卵中,获得mir-122过表达转基因小鼠.PCR法检测转基因小鼠的整合情况,实时定量PCR法检测mir-122过表达转基因小鼠肝脏及其主要器官mir-122及其确定靶基因高亲和性阳离子氨基酸转运体-1(CAT-1),切割同源物1(CUTL-1),血清反应因子(SRF)的表达情况.结果:mir-122过表达转基因小鼠,与同窝阴性鼠相比,mir-122在过表达转基因小鼠肝脏及主要器官中的表达升高,mir-122靶基因表达水平下降.结论:成功构建mir-122过表达转基因小鼠.  相似文献   

摘要: 目的构建syncytinA( 合胞素A) 条件敲除小鼠,为进一步研究syncytinA 在胎盘形成过程中发挥的融合及非融合作用及研究子痫前期病理模型提供基础。方法在用ES 细胞打靶完成syncytinA 外显子上游loxp 同源重组基础上,利用CRISPR-Cas9 得到syncytinA-loxp 小鼠。构建syncytinA-loxp 转基因载体及sgRNA,通过原核显微注射方法将构建好的doner、Cas9 及sgRNA 一并注射到C57 小鼠受精卵中,并移植入同期受孕代孕受体ICR 输卵管中获得子代小鼠。用PCR 方法检测子代鼠尾基因型, loxp 阳性小鼠与WT 交配获得syncytinA-loxp 小鼠。为了检测syncytinA-loxp 能否被敲除,通过与prime1cre 及zp3cre 交配获得syncytinA - / - ,PCR 及q-PCR 检测syncytinA 是否被敲掉。结果经PCR 及q-PCR 方法检测,我们成功得到syncytinA - / - 胚胎。结论syncytinA 条件敲除小鼠构建成功,为更好的研究它在胎盘及子痫前期中的功能提供了基础。  相似文献   

组织部分学生,将含有玉米花色素苷调节基因幻的烟草叶片再生获得转基因植株,采用PCR,PCR—Southern blot和RT—PCR对转基因烟草进行检测,并观察性状变化.转基因烟草植株花冠筒、花冠檐、花丝颜色都与对照有明显差异.将直观性明显的转基因研究作为基因工程实验教学内容的拓展,不仅能够使学生更容易理解和掌握基因工程的特点,还有可能提高学生进行基因工程实验研究的兴趣.  相似文献   

Spexin是一种具有多种生物学功能的神经肽,在代谢疾病及神经系统疾病中发挥重要作用.为了深入研究spexin的生理功能和相关机制,构建了spexin转基因小鼠,通过检测血液中spexin含量以及糖耐受实验,对模型小鼠进行了初步的表型分析.利用piggyBac(PB)转座子技术培育spexin转基因小鼠,采用聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)和酶联免疫吸附测定法(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)分别在基因层面和蛋白层面验证了模型动物是否构建成功.之后用饲喂高脂饲料的雄性小鼠进行糖耐受实验,对转基因模型小鼠进行表型分析.PCR结果显示,以靶向spexin的两对引物扩增,转基因型小鼠基因组DNA中能分别扩增出300 bp和301 bp的片段,而野生型小鼠则不能.ELISA结果中,转基因型小鼠血清中spexin含量较野生型小鼠显著升高;同一表型中,雌雄小鼠间血清中spexin水平无明显差异.饲喂高脂饲料85 d内,转基因型小鼠和野生型小鼠体重变化未观察到显著差异;糖耐受结果显示,转基因型小鼠每个时间点血糖浓度均低于野生型小鼠,且在15 min时具有显著性差异.结果显示成功构建了过表达spexin基因的小鼠模型.spexin表达水平的升高在一定程度上提高了C57BL/6小鼠的糖耐受能力.该模型为进一步研究spexin基因在动物体内的功能以及在代谢疾病发病机制中的作用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

构建了含甘蓝型油菜BnBRI1基因过量表达载体pFGC5941-BnBRI1和RNA干扰载体pFGC5941-BnBRI1-Ri,以根癌农杆菌介导的方法转化甘蓝型油菜"W679"下胚轴外植体,经PCR鉴定,获得18株转基因阳性植株,其中1株为BnBRI1基因过量表达转基因植株,17株为BnBRI1基因RNA干扰转基因植株.经RT-PCR鉴定显示,在过表达转基因植株中BnBRI1基因表达量比野生型甘蓝型油菜高,而在RNA干扰转基因植株中表达量比野生型低,RNA干扰BnBRI1基因的表达导致了植株的矮化,矮化植株将可用于油菜株型的遗传改良,以培育适于机械化生产的中矮秆油菜新品种.  相似文献   

目的制备脑组织特异性表达胰岛素样生长因子-1(Insulin-Like Growth Factors 1,IGF-1)转基因小鼠。方法采用精子为载体法进行基因转导,出生后小鼠PCR检测,建立转基因小鼠系,用Western blot和免疫荧光法分别检测转基因小鼠海马齿状回亚粒状区(subgranular zone,SGZ)IGF-1表达量和报告基因EGFP阳性细胞数。结果获得3只阳性小鼠,2只外源基因能稳定遗传,并建立了转基因小鼠系,转基因鼠SGZ区域IGF-1表达量显著高于正常鼠,EGFP也在此区域表达。结论成功制备IGF-1转基因小鼠。  相似文献   

根癌农杆菌介导的绿色荧光蛋白基因在水稻植株中的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将改良的绿色荧光蛋白(EGFP)基因插入到植物表达载体中,构建了ubi启动子驱动下的植物表达载体p13UEGFP.通过根癌农杆菌介导转化水稻的胚性愈伤组织,经潮霉素筛选,获得抗性愈伤组织和再生植株.对T2代植株进行PCR分析、激光共聚焦显微镜检测和RT—PCR分析,结果表明,绿色荧光蛋白基因已经在转基因植株中稳定表达.  相似文献   

摘要:目的 通过制备Vill转基因小鼠研究该基因的功能。 方法与结果 首先由RT-PRC方法获得全长约2605bp的Vill基因;经T载体克隆测序验证后,以克隆载体pMD19-T-Vill为模板,设计引物并引入酶切位点,将PRC扩增产物与pEF6/V5-His-LacZ同时进行酶切、连接,构建表达载体pEF6/V5His-Vill;经真核表达验证后,酶切获得含Vill基因的显微注射DNA构件;显微注射390枚受精卵后,在出生存活的77只仔鼠中获得转基因阳性GO代小鼠19只,其中16只能够稳定遗传并建系,转基因阳性小鼠外观未有明显改变。 结论 Vill转基因小鼠为该基因的功能研究准备了实验材料。  相似文献   

Tyro-3 family receptors are essential regulators of mammalian spermatogenesis   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
We have generated and analysed null mutations in the mouse genes encoding three structurally related receptors with tyrosine kinase activity: Tyro 3, Axl, and Mer. Mice lacking any single receptor, or any combination of two receptors, are viable and fertile, but male animals that lack all three receptors produce no mature sperm, owing to the progressive death of differentiating germ cells. This degenerative phenotype appears to result from a failure of the tropic support that is normally provided by Sertoli cells of the seminiferous tubules, whose function depends on testosterone and additional factors produced by Leydig cells. Tyro 3, Axl and Mer are all normally expressed by Sertoli cells during postnatal development, whereas their ligands, Gas6 and protein S, are produced by Leydig cells before sexual maturity, and by both Leydig and Sertoli cells thereafter. Here we show that the concerted activation of Tyro 3, Axl and Mer in Sertoli cells is critical to the role that these cells play as nurturers of developing germ cells. Additional observations indicate that these receptors may also be essential for the tropic maintenance of diverse cell types in the mature nervous, immune and reproductive systems.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis and clearance of apoptotic cells is mediated by MER   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
Apoptosis is fundamental to the development and maintenance of animal tissues and the immune system. Rapid clearance of apoptotic cells by macrophages is important to inhibit inflammation and autoimmune responses against intracellular antigens. Here we report a new function for Mer, a member of the Axl/Mer/Tyro3 receptor tyrosine kinase family. mer(kd) mice with a cytoplasmic truncation of Mer had macrophages deficient in the clearance of apoptotic thymocytes. This was corrected in chimaeric mice reconstituted with bone marrow from wild-type animals. Primary macrophages isolated from mer(kd) mice showed that the phagocytic deficiency was restricted to apoptotic cells and was independent of Fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis or ingestion of other particles. The inability to clear apoptotic cells adequately may be linked to an increased number of nuclear autoantibodies in mer(kd) mice. Thus, the Mer receptor tyrosine kinase seems to be critical for the engulfment and efficient clearance of apoptotic cells. This has implications for inflammation and autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus.  相似文献   

The expression plasmids CMV/GFP, HS2ALL, HS3ALL and HS23ALL were selected to investigate the effect of HS2 and HS3 element on erythroid-specific expression in transgenic mice. These plasmids were digested with restriction enzymes and purified. And five DNA fragments, CMV/GFP, HS2/GFP, CMV/HS2/GFP, HS23/GFP and HS3/GFP were obtained. After purification, the above DNA fragments were microinjected into the pre-nuclei of the mice fertilized eggs and transgenic mice were generated, with an integration rate of 10.89%. The green fluorescence protein(GFP) expression in many transgenic mouse tissues was determined by FACS analysis. The results showed that the HS2 and 1.7 kb of β-globin gene promoter were sufficient for the erythroid-specific expression of β-globin gene. The GFP expression of different recombinant constructs was also analyzed in blood of all the transgenic mice with FACS. The results indicated that HS2 and HS3 had the same enhancement activity on the regulation of β-globin gene expression. Moreover, these two elements showed a significant synergistic effect on gene expression at the transgenic mouse level, although the GFP expression varied largely among different transgenic mouse litters.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice with mammary gland secreting human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) were produced using mice whey acid protein gene promoter. It was found that there was very low expression level in mammary gland. Human G-CSF cDNA was obtained by RT-PCR from transgenic mice mammary gland. Sequence analysis showed that this G-CSF gene deleted the 4th exon, and compared with human G-CSF genomic DNA, there were donor and acceptor splice sites in the deletion fragment. It was considered that the 3rd and 4th introns also delete in G-CSF fragment. The transgenic construct was corrected by deleting the 3rd and 4th introns to construct the minigene, which was used to produce transgenic mice by microinjection. Northern blot showed that G-CSF expression using the new construct increased 5.4 times as that before in transgenic mice. The results suggested that it was possible that RNA aberrant splice result in low expression in transgenic mice.  相似文献   

The neurohumoral regulation of growth hormone secretion is mediated in part by two hypothalamic peptides that reach the anterior pituitary via the hypothalamo-hypophysial portal blood system. Somatostatin inhibits the release of growth hormone, whereas growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) positively regulates both growth hormone synthesis and secretion. Two forms of human GRF, 40 and 44 amino acids long, have been characterized from extra-hypothalamic tumours as well as from the hypothalamus. Analysis of human GRF complementary DNA and genomic clones indicates that the GRF peptides are first synthesized as a 107- or 108-amino-acid precursor protein. To examine the physiological consequences of GRF expression, we have established strains of transgenic mice containing a fusion gene including the promoter/regulatory region of the mouse metallothionein-I (MT-I) gene and the coding region of the human GRF gene. We report that expression of the human GRF precursor protein in these animals results in measurable levels of human GRF and increased levels of mouse growth hormone in plasma and accelerated growth rates relative to control littermates. These results demonstrate a direct role for GRF in the positive regulation of somatic growth. Unexpectedly, female transgenic mice carrying the MT-GRF fusion gene are fertile, in contrast to female transgenic mice expressing human or rat growth hormone, which are generally infertile. These transgenic mouse strains should provide useful animal models for the study of several types of human growth disorders.  相似文献   

M Reitman  E Lee  H Westphal  G Felsenfeld 《Nature》1990,348(6303):749-752
The level of expression of exogenous genes carried by transgenic mice typically varies from mouse to mouse and can be quite low. This behaviour is attributed to the influence of the mouse chromatin near the site of transgene integration. This 'position effect' has been seen in transgenic mice carrying the human beta-globin gene. It was however, abolished when DNase I hypersensitive sites (normally found 65 to 44 kilobases (kb) upstream) were linked to the human beta-globin transgene. Thus, the upstream DNA (previously named a dominant control or locus activation region, now denoted a locus control region) conferred the ability to express human beta-globin at high levels dependent on copy number on every mouse carrying the construct. We report here an investigation of chicken beta A-globin gene expression in transgenic mice. A 4.5-kb fragment carrying the beta A-globin gene and its downstream enhancer, without any far upstream elements, is sufficient to ensure that every transgenic mouse expresses chicken globin messenger RNA at levels proportional to the transgene copy number. Thus the chicken DNA elements that allow position-independent expression can function in mice. In marked contrast to the human beta cluster, these elements are no farther than 2 kb from the gene. The location of the elements within the cluster demonstrates that position independence can be mediated by DNA that does not define a gene cluster boundary.  相似文献   

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