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讨论了平面情况时两个共焦的椭圆轨道之间的最佳单冲击过渡及其意义,首先改进了原有的远、近交点定义,并由此出发更完善地讨论了两个定向椭圆轨道之间的单冲击过渡,用解析方法证明在近交点进行单冲击过滤更好这一明确结果。在此基础上对两上不定向椭圆轨道进行了详尽的分类讨论,并给出了以F-g曲线求整体最佳过渡的方法,最后指出以上讨论在卫星进入目标轨道及保持卫星运行轨道上的作用。  相似文献   

行星运动是中国古代历法推算的重要内容。以火星运动为例,考察自汉代《三统历》(《太初历》)至隋代《皇极历》5部历法中的火星运动计算,由此探讨中国古代天文观测、理论和推算之间的关系。从《三统历》开始,火星动态表逐步精致化:增加会合周期中的段数,调整每一段的起始点时间及其中的视速度大小,引入"合"的概念等。分析这些运动表的构造,探讨其所依据的实际观测数据和观测技术。特别是动态表中"留"的数据,反映了中国古代天文观测的精度。中国在公元6世纪观测发现了太阳运动和五星运动的不均匀性。通过《皇极历》分析这种不均匀性是如何体现在关于火星的历法计算之中。动态表不再固定,其中每段中的速度随着"晨始见"的时刻而变化,说明计算模型与实际观测的关系更加密切。  相似文献   

针对因姿态不稳定性对轨道的影响而难以评估的问题, 详细讨论了卫星的姿态模型, 推导了卫星姿态变化对观测值影响的解析表达式。模拟试验结果表明, 随着姿态不稳定性加剧, 轨道精度随之急剧下降, 另一方面姿态不稳定会随坐标轴不同而对轨道精度产生不同影响。为获得高精度的卫星轨道, 需要卫星姿态稳定性满足一定的要求, 尤其是相位中心偏大的坐标轴方向, 以JASON-2为例, 姿态在轴向变化必须稳定在2°内。基于JASON-2实测姿态计算表明, 该卫星姿态稳定性处在1°左右, 对轨道精度影响为0.036 m。该模拟实验方法为评估姿态稳定性对卫星精密轨道的影响提供了有效的方法。  相似文献   

GPS对流层延迟的历元间差分分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
GPS(Global Positioning System)观测难免受到各种因素的影响,虽然可以通过不同观测组合和改正模型予以消弱,但总有一定的残留误差对定位结果产生影响.基于精密单点定位理论,通过无电离层组合模型、高精度GPS卫星轨道、卫星钟差来削弱电离层延迟误差、轨道误差的影响,以不同采样间隔的观测数据,分析对流层延迟历元间差分结果的特性;分析不同采样间隔观测中,对流层延迟历元间差分值的变化,对流层延迟对历元间差分观测值的影响;残留误差对历元间差分结果、组合观测值的影响;残留误差在时间序列上的变化.  相似文献   

基于CORDIC算法的改进NCO实现技术及其性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一种基于协调旋转数字计算机(coordinate rotation digital computer,CORDIC)算法的改进数字控制振荡器(numerical controlled oscillator,NCO)的实现方法.应用CORDIC算法替代传统正弦函数ROM查找表,可以显著减少存储量,有效提高资源利用率.分析了改进NCO方法的具体设计参数对误差性能的影响,并进行MATLAB仿真、现场可编程门阵列(field programmable gate array,FPGA)实现,得到综合后的仿真波形,结果产生高精度的输出信号,达到预定的设计要求.  相似文献   

以L-V模型为例,对模型高精度参数的确定方法进行了研究.在考虑观测误差和不考虑观测误差的两种情况下,综合优化规则、运算精度、运算时间,以及仿真机器的性能等各方面因素,设计出高精度参数确定的方法.该方法具有计算速度快、参数精度高等优点,可以推广应用到其他模型中.  相似文献   

离轴高斯涡旋光束的轨道角动量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由近轴光束理论,推导了离轴高斯涡旋光束在质心坐标中轨道角动量的解析表达式,在此基础上对离轴涡旋光束轨道角动量的分布及其传输进行了研究,数值研究表明,观测平面上离轴涡旋光束的轨道角动量的分布不再具备圆对称的特点,轨道角动量为0的等高线为封闭曲线,其内部区域轨道角动量数值为负,外部为正.随着传输距离的增加,远场区观测平面上轨道角动量的分布逐渐演变为近似左右对称的情形,拓扑荷数越大,演变的速度越快.另一方面,离轴距离也会影响到轨道角动量的分布,在确定的观测平面上,离轴距离越大,观测平面上轨道角动量极小值(负区域)的模值会越接近轨道角动量的极大值(正区域).该结论在研究离轴涡旋光束与微粒作用时能提供指导意见.  相似文献   

采用改进的车-桥耦合系统迭代计算模型,建立了基于虚拟激励法(PEM)的列车-轨道-桥梁竖向随机振动分析模型.采用虚拟激励法将轨道不平顺精确地转化为一系列竖向简谐不平顺的叠加,并运用分离迭代法求解车-桥耦合系统振动方程.以CRH2高速列车通过5跨简支梁桥为例,对改进的车-桥耦合系统迭代计算模型的计算精度和效率进行了验证.结果表明:在保持与传统模型相同计算精度的前提下,改进模型能使计算效率提高5倍左右.通过对列车-轨道-简支梁桥竖向随机振动响应中确定性激励引起的均值和轨道不平顺引起的均方根进行分析可知:桥梁竖向位移主要受列车自重控制,轨道不平顺引起的桥梁竖向位移影响很小;桥梁和车体竖向加速度受轨道不平顺影响显著,改善线路条件能有效提高列车的乘车舒适性;同时,车速越高,桥梁和车辆随机响应的均方根越大,由轨道不平顺引起的耦合系统振动响应的离散度越大.  相似文献   

综合考虑地球自转、地球曲率以及卫星轨道等因素,建立了星载合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar,SAR)卫星绕地飞行模型,推导了星载SAR模糊函数的表达式。通过对模糊函数进行分析,表明模糊函数与地球自转、地球曲率及卫星轨道因素有关。为验证理论推导结果,对卫星位于不同赤纬(卫星与地心连线和赤道面的夹角)照射地面目标情况进行了仿真分析,仿真结果表明:对比传统模糊函数,地球自转和卫星观测位置会使星载SAR的模糊函数分辨单元轴有一定的偏转,而地球曲率和卫星圆轨道会影响星载SAR模糊函数所表示的分辨率,在合成孔径时间较长或卫星侧视角较大的情况下表现得更为明显。  相似文献   

在时间域内,采用最小二乘法,研究了结构-岩土相互作用(SSI)对损伤识别的影响.通过对结构施加强迫振动并观测结构的动力响应,辨识刚度等结构参数进行损伤识别.研究表明,当结构响应计算和辨识模型都不考虑或都考虑SSI时,辨识参数随观测噪声的降低而收敛于真值,当结构反应计算考虑SSI、辨识模型不考虑SSI时,无论是否考虑可行域约束,辨识参数不随观测噪声的降低收敛于真值,辨识结果的可信度很低,SSI的影响不容忽视.  相似文献   

The geometric correction of a satellite imagery is performed by making a systematic correction with satellite ephemerides and attitude angles followed by employing the Ground Control Points (GCPs) or Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). In a remote area or an inaccessible area, however,GCPs are unavailable to be surveyed and thus they can be obtained only by reading maps, which is not accurate in reality.In this study, we performed the systematic correction process to the inaccessible area and the precise geometric correction process to the adjacent accessible area by using GCPs. Then we analyzed the correlation between the two geo-referenced Korea Multipurpose Satellite (KOMPSAT-1 EOC) images. A new geometrical correction for the inaccessible area imagery is achieved by applying the correlation to the inaccessible imagery. By employing this new method, the accuracy of the inaccessible area imagery is significantly improved absolutely and relatively.  相似文献   

动态最优插值方法及其同化应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据常规最优插值算法,在引入时间关联的基础上,详细推导了动态最优插值法的具体同化表达形式,利用这些公式,可以处理常见的在海洋观测数据同化中存在的时间错位问题.在陆架海模式HAM-SOM基础上,以7月份的渤海海表温度为例,验证了同化公式的可行性,并得到了较好的同化结果.验证结果表明:该方案能够兼顾观测数据与背景数据双方的特性,同化后的结果更加接近实际情况.  相似文献   

利用改进后的崩解试验装置对砂岩土料制成的试样进行崩解试验。探究含水率、相对密实度及颗粒级配对压实土体崩解特性的影响。分析了砂岩试样崩解时间、崩解量和水下休止角的变化规律。试验结果表明,低含水率加快了试样崩解时间;相对密实度较大时,试样更难以崩解。崩解量与含水率关系密切,与相对密实度关系不显著。水下休止角的大小与崩解时间密切相关,崩解时间越快形成的水下休止角越小。  相似文献   

The small martian satellites Phobos and Deimos orbit in synchronous rotation with inclinations of only 0.01 degrees and 0.92 degrees , respectively, relative to the planet's equatorial plane. Thus, an observer at near-equatorial latitudes on Mars could occasionally observe solar eclipses by these satellites (see ref. 1, for example). Because the apparent angular diameter of the satellites is much smaller than that of the Sun, however, such events are more appropriately referred to as transits. Transit data can be used for correcting and refining the orbital ephemerides of the moons. For example, Phobos is known to exhibit a secular acceleration that is caused by tidal dissipation within Mars. Long-term, accurate measurements are needed to refine the magnitude and origin of this dissipation within the martian interior as well as to refine the predicted orbital evolution of both satellites. Here we present observations of six transits of Phobos and Deimos across the solar disk from cameras on Mars aboard the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity. These are the first direct imaging observations of satellites transiting the Sun from the surface of another planet.  相似文献   

Characteristics of tidal gravity changes in Lhasa, Tibet, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tidal gravity changes arise from the response of the solid Earth to the tidal forces of the Sun,Moon and planets close to the Earth,and are a comprehensive reflection of the structure and distribution of physical properties of the Earth’s interior.As a result,observations of tidal gravity changes are the basis of studies on other global and/or regional dynamic processes.The characteristics of tidal gravity changes in the region of the Tibetan Plateau were investigated through continuous gravity measurements recorded with a superconducting gravimeter (SG) installed in Lhasa over a year.Through contrast measurements with a spring gravimeter LaCoste-Romberg ET20 at the same site,the gravity observations in Lhasa were scaled to the international tidal gravity reference in Wuhan.Meanwhile,the scale factor of the SG was determined accurately as-777.358 ± 0.136 nm s-2V-1,which is about 2.2% less than the value provided by the manufacturer.The results indicate that the precision of the tidal gravity observations made with the SG in Lhasa was very high.The standard deviation was 0.459 nm s-2,and the uncertainties of for the four main tidal waves (i.e.O 1,K 1,M 2 and S 2) were better than 0.006%.In addition,the observations of the diurnal gravity tides had an obvious pattern of nearly diurnal resonance.As a result,it is affirmed that the Lhasa station can provide a local tidal gravity reference for gravity measurements on the Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding regions.The loading effects of oceanic tides on tidal gravity observations in Lhasa are so weak that the resulting perturbations in the gravimetric factors are less than 0.6%.However,the loading effects of the local atmosphere on either the tidal or nontidal gravity observations are significant,although no seasonal variations were found.After removal of the atmospheric effects,the standard deviation of the SG observations in Lhasa decreased obviously from 2.009 to 0.459 nm s-2.Having removed the loading effects of oceanic tides and local atmosphere,it was found that the tidal gravity observations made with the SG in Lhasa significantly differed by about 1% from those expected theoretically,which may be related to active tectonic movement and the extremely thick crust in the region of the Tibetan Plateau.A more-certain conclusion requires longer accumulation of SG data and further associated theoretical studies.  相似文献   

Most current Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) frequency planning methods evaluate the interference and assign frequencies based on measurement reports.Assigning the same or adjacent frequencies to cells close to each other will introduce co-channel and adjacent channel interference which will reduce network performance.Traditionally,man power is used to check and allocate new frequencies which is time consuming and the accuracy is not satisfactory.This paper presents an intelligent analysis met...  相似文献   

G Kanbach  C Straubmeier  H C Spruit  T Belloni 《Nature》2001,414(6860):180-182
Black holes become visible when they accrete gas, a common source of which is a close stellar companion. The standard theory for this process (invoking a 'thin accretion disk') does not explain some spectacular phenomena associated with these systems, such as their X-ray variability and relativistic outflows, indicating some lack of understanding of the actual physical conditions. Simultaneous observations at multiple wavelengths can provide strong constraints on these conditions. Here we report simultaneous high-time-resolution X-ray and optical observations of the transient source XTE J1118+480, which show a strong but puzzling correlation between the emissions. The optical emission rises suddenly following an increase in the X-ray output, but with a dip 2-5 seconds in advance of the X-rays. This result is not easy to understand within the simplest model of the optical emission, where the light comes from reprocessed X-rays. It is probably more consistent with an earlier suggestion that the optical light is cyclosynchrotron emission that originates in a region about 20,000 km from the black hole. We propose that the time dependence is evidence for a relatively slow (<0.1c), magnetically controlled outflow.  相似文献   

夹层构型抛光金属衬底表面的吖啶橙荧光增强效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
选择在生命科学和医学临床上具有实际应用价值的吖啶橙(Acridine Orange, AO)作为荧光活性分子, 利用激光光谱技术研究夹层构型中机械抛光金属衬底对固/液界面AO分子的表面增强荧光效应. 发现银和铝表面均对AO的荧光辐射具有明显的增强作用, 实验探测到的衬底对荧光强度的增强倍数可达20倍左右. 相比之下铜衬底表面对AO分子的荧光增强效果则不明显. 研究结果还表明, 机械抛光金属表面的增强荧光效应不仅与金属本身的光学性质密切相关, 还强烈依赖于衬底的表面构形. 根据实验观测结果, 应用局域场增强理论对其荧光增强现象进行了分析, 并探讨了影响增强效应的物理因素.  相似文献   

最优家族遗传算法   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
从种群规模和个体空间的角度分析了影响遗传算子性能的因素,在遗传算法(GA)的基础上设计了一种搜索区域可变、群体规模可变的最优家族遗传算法(OFGA),该算法提出了在优良解附近构造最优家族,最优解搜索将在这个微型空间中进行,在有限的时间内搜索到更优基因的家族将获得生存的权利.由于每一个家族的搜索区域大幅度减缩,伴随着种群规模的减缩,因此提高了算法的收敛速度,家族个体空间大小不变提高了解的精度.最后,给出了3个典型函数的模拟例子,通过与GA的对比结果看到,OFGA在数量级上提高了收敛速度,使最优解的精度也有很大提高,说明新的算法具有应用的潜力。  相似文献   

Precision ERS-2 orbit determination combining multiple tracking techniques   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Both of the oceanographic research by using altimetry and the application of InSAR of ERS-2 satellite need the precise ephemerides of the satellite. In this note, the ERS-2 orbit is precisely determined by using SLR and PRARE observations to take advantage of the high accuracy of SLR and the widespread data coverage of PRARE. Based on the software system SODS-VCE established by us, the ERS-2 orbits in 1997 are calculated. The evaluation from tracking data fits, endpoint consistency of orbital arcs and comparison with independent orbit implies an orbit accuracy of 5–6 cm in radial component which can satisfy the requirement of being better than 10 cm in oceanographic research by altimetry, being less than 20 cm in cross-track component which can meet the requirement of InSAR. In orbit computation, the method of variance component estimation is employed to weight the SLR, PRARE range and Doppler measurements properly. The results indicate that the application of the method can improve the computation accuracy efficiently.  相似文献   

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