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Many efficient adsorbents and sensors based on graphene and functionalized graphene have been constructed for the removal and detection of environmental pollutants due to its unique physicochemical properties. In this article, recent research achievements are reviewed on the application of graphene-based materials in the environmental protection and detection. For environmental protection, modified graphene can adsorb heavy metal ions in a high efficiency and selectivity, and thus reduces them to metals for recycling. High adsorption capacity of graphene-based materials to kinds of organic pollutants in water was also presented. Several graphene-based sensors with high limit of detection were reported to detect heavy metal ions, toxic gases and organic pollutants in environment. Finally, a perspective on the future challenge of adsorbents and detection devices based on graphene is given.  相似文献   

Graphene is an interesting two-dimensional carbon allotrope that has attracted considerable research interest because of its unique structure and physicochemical properties. Studies have been conducted on graphene-based nanomaterials including modified graphene, graphene/semiconductor hybrids, graphene/metal nanoparticle composites, and graphene-complex oxide composites. These nanomaterials inherit the unique properties of graphene, and the addition of functional groups or the nanoparticle composites on their surfaces improves their performance. Applications of these materials in pollutant removal and environmental remediation have been explored. From the viewpoint of environmental chemistry and materials, this paper reviews recent important advances in synthesis of graphene-related materials and their application in treatment of environmental pollution. The roles of graphene-based materials in pollutant removal and potential research are discussed.  相似文献   

Three dimensional (3D) graphene-based architectures such as 3D graphene-based hydrogels, aerogels, foams, and sponges have attracted huge attention owing to the combination of the structural interconnectivities and the outstanding properties of graphene which offer these interesting structures with low density, high porosity, large surface area, stable mechanical properties, fast mass and electron transport. They have been extensively studied for a wide range of applications including capacitors, batteries, sensors, catalyst, etc. There are several reviews focusing on the 3D graphene-based architectures and their applications. In this work, we only summarise the latest development on the preparation of 3D graphene-based architectures and their applications in supercapacitors, with emphasis on the preparation strategies.  相似文献   

可降解高分子材料在心血管领域的研究与展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
细胞外基质材料的研究是组织工程中一个十分重要的环节 ,因此较系统地介绍了用于组织工程中的几种生物可降解高分子支架材料和三维多孔可降解组织工程支架材料的制备技术及发展 ,并指出了各自的优缺点 .同时结合这些材料综述了血管组织工程和心脏瓣膜组织工程的研究现状 ,以及对未来研究的展望  相似文献   

通过两步溶液自组装方法,制备了具有三维多孔网络结构的石墨烯基聚苯胺复合水凝胶(PR-x),并通过SEM、XRD、FT-IR、Raman、XPS等表征手段对样品的微观形貌和结构组成进行了表征分析.结果表明,聚苯胺均匀地负载于三维多孔石墨烯网络骨架,且能够显著抑制石墨烯的团聚现象.研究了石墨烯基聚苯胺复合水凝胶电极的电化学性能.当聚苯胺质量分数为75%,电流密度为1 A·g-1时,比电容为762.8 F·g-1;当扫描速率从5 mV·s-1增加到50 mV·s-1时,倍率保留率高达77%,经过3000次恒电流充放电后比电容保留率仍高达89.27%.该石墨烯基聚苯胺复合水凝胶电极作为超级电容器表现出优异的放电容量、倍率性能和循环稳定性,具有一定的潜在应用价值.  相似文献   

通过查阅近年来将聚氨酯作为血管组织工程支架材料的相关文献,介绍了聚氯酯改性的常用方法在血管组织工程支架中的应用情况,综述了聚氨酯表面改性支架和复合支架在血管组织工程中的应用.  相似文献   

人们将组织工程技术和原理运用于皮肤再造已经成功的研制出了各种类型的皮肤替代物。组织工程化皮肤大致可分为:表皮替代物,真皮替代物,具有表皮真皮双层结构的复合皮肤替代物三种类型。本文就各种皮肤替代物的研制方法和应用,皮肤组织工程的发展和展望做了简要的论述。  相似文献   

Graphene-based materials have been full of vigor and tremendous potentiality for application in supercapacitors due to its variety of unique properties such as electronic properties, simple synthesis, etc. In developing new macroscopic nanostructured graphene materials for supercapacitors, considerable efforts have been made by the scientist including our research group. In this account, we describe our development of the construction of the assembled graphene especially fiber and foam, which have great potential in addressing the challenges in the synthesis of graphene-based electrode materials for supercapacitors. As the supercapacitors are reviewed in this article, they are accordant with the rapid development of flexible, lightweight, and wearable-electronic devices, overcoming the major some drawbacks of conventional bulk supercapacitors. We hope that this summary will benefit the further research of graphene-based materials for the applications in electrochemical energy storage devices and beyond.  相似文献   

Graphene-based materials have attracted much attention in recent years. Many researchers have demonstrated prototypes using graphene-based materials, but few specific applications have appeared. Graphenebased acoustic devices have become a popular topic. This paper describes a novel method to fabricate graphenebased earphones by laser scribing. The earphones have been used in wireless communication systems. A wireless communication system was built based on an ARM board. Voice from a mobile phone was transmitted to a graphene-based earphone. The output sound had a similar wave envelope to that of the input; some differences were introduced by the DC bias added to the driving circuit of the graphene-based earphone. The graphene-based earphone was demonstrated to have a great potential in wireless communication.  相似文献   

以氧化石墨烯与石墨烯为碳源,在熔盐介质中与钛粉反应原位生成石墨烯基TiC中间产物,并通过后续控制氧化制得石墨烯基TiO_2复合光催化剂,结合FTIR、XRD、Raman、SEM等手段,对两种石墨烯材料的结构及形貌差异进行表征,并分析了其对所制复合材料结构、形貌及可见光催化活性的影响。结果表明,所制复合材料仍保持碳源的层片状结构,TiC和TiO_2颗粒均匀包覆在碳源表面;以石墨烯为碳源更有利于表面原位生成TiC晶粒的生长,其晶体结构更为完善;两种结构的石墨烯基TiO_2复合材料均对目标污染物亚甲基蓝有较强的吸附能力和可见光降解能力。  相似文献   

生物功能化多层膜在组织工程中具有重要应用.针对特定的需求,采取层层组装等方法,对材料表面进行修饰和功能化,构筑具有特殊生物功能的多层膜,用于改善材料的生物相容性并调节其生物功能,是当前该领域研究的一个热点,也是组织工程研究发展领域的一个挑战.层层组装技术是构筑生物功能化多层膜,实现其特定生物特性的一种重要技术方法,在生物功能化多层膜组装技术中占有重要地位.本文重点评述了生物功能化多层膜的种类及其层层组装的构筑方法,同时重点介绍了层层组装生物功能化多层膜在组织工程血管和组织工程骨两个领域的重要应用,并展望了其今后的发展方向.  相似文献   

石墨烯应用于新型免疫传感器的开发已成为当前研究热点.将石墨烯与其它纳米材料复合,利用不同组分间的相互协同作用,使其应用效率进一步扩大.本文综述了近年来石墨烯复合材料在电化学免疫传感器中的应用,并展望了未来基于石墨烯复合材料的电化学免疫传感器的研究方向.  相似文献   

综述了静电纺丝的基本原理和过程参数,重点描述了静电纺丝及同轴共纺技术在组织工程支架材料领域的应用,最后对电纺技术在组织工程支架材料领域应用中存在的问题和面临的挑战进行了讨论.  相似文献   

应用于金属基双极板的石墨烯基涂层引起人们广泛的兴趣。综述了目前金属基双极板面临的问题,总结了已经报道的关于制备石墨烯基涂层的方法(化学气相沉积法、电沉积法、喷涂法、自组装方法)以及这些方法的优缺点。石墨烯优良的阻隔性能可以充当金属基双极板的钝化膜,对石墨烯进行改性或者对金属基双极板进行表面处理可以有效地改善石墨烯涂层与金属基双极板的相容性。导电聚合物可以有效地改善石墨烯涂层与金属基之相容性,并且能够填补石墨烯片层间的缝隙,提高涂层的致密度。导电聚合物能够以石墨烯为模板进行生长,降低涂层的表面粗糙度。最后提出对石墨烯改性以增强其与金属基双极板的相容性,以及发挥其与导电聚合物协同效应是未来的研究方向之一。  相似文献   

近些年来干细胞的应用研究几乎涉及到所有生命科学和生物医学研究领域.由于干细胞能够自我更新和多向分化的生物学特性,使得干细胞工程在细胞的分化和胚胎发育、转基因动物和动物克隆、新型高效药物的开发和临床细胞治疗、组织工程等方面的研究中等有着广泛的应用前景,同时,作为一门新兴学科也面临着许多挑战.  相似文献   

微载体是跨越组织工程诸多学科的一个通用工具,它可以作为大量扩增种子细胞的良好载体,也可以作为组织工程中细胞转运传递的支架.微载体培养技术作为一种新兴的大规模细胞培养技术,在组织工程学中主要应用于种子细胞的扩增培养.目前,利用微载体进行组织工程细胞的大规模培养受到生物、医学科研人员的青睐.  相似文献   

文章利用逆向工程原理与技术,建立了人体足部骨骼、软组织模型以及复合模型,进而建立了足部有限元模型。对足部有限元模型进行了有限元模拟分析,验证了其有效性;作为足部模型的一个应用,利用足部模型建立了鞋楦模型,然后根据该鞋楦模型试行设计出不同的鞋模型。  相似文献   

生物组织有限元建模与分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
组织工程是生物工程中的一个重要部分,是多学科交叉而形成的新工程学科。利用有限单元法进行组织工程中的组织应力分析具有重要意义。研究了对生物组织采用逆向建模和基于公共界面有限元网格划分技术,给出了一个牙齿三维建模和有限元分析的实例。  相似文献   

草莓组织培养与快速繁殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物工程技术广泛应用于农业是现代农业的主要特征之一,植物组织培养技术作为育种领域的一门重要的应用生物技术,为现代农业带来了巨大的活力,主要应用有植物组织培养的快速繁殖、脱毒等。  相似文献   

低分子量凝胶是一种超分子体系,具有许多高分子量凝胶不具备的优异性能,如智能性、可降解性、生物相容性等。在生物组织工程、药物缓释及传输、环境保护、传感器制备等方面均有广泛的应用前景。综述了近年来低分子量凝胶的研究进展,介绍了低分子量凝胶的形成机理、分类以及目前的应用状况,并展望了其未来的发展前景。  相似文献   

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