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一种新方法研究细线密度丙纶织物单向导湿性能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用一种新的测试方法,可以直接测试织物两表面的含水量,表征织物含水在两表面之间的运动方向.代替过去传统的方法来测量丙纶织物的单向导湿性能,能够量化含丙纶织物的单向导湿性能.用此方法将丙纶、纯棉织物及其混纺织物和棉/丙复合双层织物进行比较,发现针织棉盖丙织物是所有样品中单向导湿能力最好的,且远超过纯棉、涤棉织物。  相似文献   

通过优选搭配不同功能的凉爽纤维,开发出一款夏季轻薄凉爽机织物。选择涤纶/薄荷纤维混纺纱作为经纱,选用不同锦纶纤维作为纬纱,选择平纹、斜纹、缎纹为织物组织,制备出了12种样品,探究不同纬纱和织物组织结构对面料热湿舒适性能的影响。结果表明,12种样品中缎纹织物热湿传递性能最好;平纹织物接触瞬间凉感较好;凉感锦纶确实增加了织物的凉爽性能,但是在结构较为紧密的组织中湿传递性能却较差;细旦锦纶的热湿传递性能与凉感锦纶相近,但透气性能较差;十字形截面锦纶在湿传递性能上较好,但是导热性较差。  相似文献   

介绍了Coolcool纤维的导湿快干特性以及采用其开发弹力牛仔织物的规格设计和生产技术.  相似文献   

有孔隙的纤维、纱线和织物导湿结构模型研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过建立形成差动毛细效应的附加压力差公式,提出了有孔隙的纤维、纱线和织物导湿结构模型,对于开发此类导湿、干爽纤维,纱线和织物有着实际的指导意义。  相似文献   

化学镀法制备电磁屏蔽聚酯织物的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为开发具有电磁屏蔽作用的织物,采用化学镀法制备了具有电磁屏蔽性能的聚酯类化纤织物,并研究了化学处理方法——碱减量处理对涤纶织物表面化学镀层的性能及化学镀后织物的电磁屏蔽性能的影响。研究表明,在20g/LNaOH溶液中处理既可使纤维表面形成微观凹坑,增大比表面积,又可改非极性的疏水表面为亲水表面,提高表面活性,提高敏化和活化时金属离子和金属在纤维表面的吸附性,在化学镀过程中使基体与金属形成平整的结合。碱减量处理2~3h有利于提高镀层与织物结合牢度,并使镀层光亮均匀,电磁屏蔽性能更加优异。  相似文献   

表面改性对织物湿传递性能影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将实验用织物进行了亲水性和拒水性整理,使用织物微气候仪,利用汽态湿传递和液态湿传递方法研究了织物热湿传递性能。实验结果表明,无论经过亲水性整理或拒水性整理,织物的水汽湿传递性能均无明显变化,而织物液态湿传递性能却发生了显著变化。在织物液态湿传递过程中,影响其传递性能的主要因素是织物的毛细吸水效应。  相似文献   

使用双氧水在超声波辅助条件下制备了不同分子质量的壳聚糖,用黏度法测定了分子量,并对羊毛织物进行整理.借助SEM、FTIR分析羊毛纤维表面形貌和结构,并测试了羊毛织物透湿性能.结果表明,借助柠檬酸的桥梁作用,壳聚糖和羊毛纤维发生了化学反应.当壳聚糖分子质量为5×104、质量分数为1%时处理羊毛织物,其透湿性能最好.  相似文献   

有氧开放体系下,采用紫外辐射接枝方法对超高分子量聚乙烯纤维织物表面进行改性.探讨了单体种类、浓度,引发剂,抗氧剂,接枝方法等不同因素对UHMWPE纤维织物表面处理效果的影响。通过SEM、红外光谱仪法分析了表面处理的超高分子量聚乙烯纤维织物外观形貌,并测试了以其作为增强材料的复合材料的层间剪切强度。研究结果表明,在有氧开放体系下,经紫外辐射接枝方法改性的超高分子量聚乙烯纤维织物,其粘结性得到了改善,由其制备的复合材料界面结合力得到加强,其层间剪切强度高于未经紫外处理制备的复合材料。  相似文献   

纤维素酶对竹原纤维织物表面性能改善的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纤维素酶作为一种高效生物催化剂,因其具有可降解性及对织物能产生可控的整理而广泛应用于纺织行业,本文对纤维素酶与纤维素纤维的作用机理进行了理论探讨,用正交试验方案对竹原纤维进行表面光洁整理,以减少织物表面的毛羽,使得织物光洁柔软、蓬松,达到改善织物服用性能的目的.选用纤维素酶CA和纤维素酶L对竹原织物进行光洁整理,并得出最优处理工艺.  相似文献   

等离子体加工是一种新型的纺织品加工技术,具有条件温和、处理时间短、效果明显和清洁环保等优点.文章主要简述了等离子体的基本概念、产生方法及作用原理,并从等离子体对纤维和织物的作用机理出发,重点探讨了目前等离子体在涤纶、丙纶、锦纶、腈纶、对位芳纶、PBO纤维和UHMWPE纤维中的应用情况.指出经等离子体处理后,纤维的亲水性、黏合性及染色性能都得到了改善,另外等离子体处理对纤维产生刻蚀,改善了后续整理的效果,可以发挥纤维在复合材料中优异的力学性能.同时也分析了等离子体技术的局限性以及发展的障碍,包括等离子体技术本身的、纺织行业相关的和时效性等一些问题,并展望其在纺织工业中的发展前景.  相似文献   

为了解决麻类针织物穿着刺痒的问题,改善手感和外观,根据酶剂对纤维素纤维的作用机理,选用特定亚麻 /棉混纺纱织制的针织汗布进行实验,测定 5种酶剂的处理效果及酶用量、处理时间、搅拌程度、处理温度及表面活性剂等因素对处理后织物失重、吸水性、手感及外观等的影响规律,并绘出曲线.结果显示,选择合适的酶剂于一定的条件下处理,效果明显.实验证实,酶抛光技术确实可提升麻类针织物的品质,有助于高档麻针织产品的开发.  相似文献   

主要介绍了对聚酯纤维及织物的亲水整理的要求、影响因素以及亲水整理方法,并探讨了吸湿亲水性涤纶的发展状况.  相似文献   

精纺面料的弹性整理和织物性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨全毛精纺面料的弹性整理及整理后织物的物理机械性能.通过适当调整面料设计规格并在后整理工序中采用化学弹性整理,赋予织物经向或纬向弹力,改善了精纺面料的风格及服用性能.同时采用Siro-FAST仪测试了这种弹性面料的性能.试验结果表明:经弹性整理的面料,其面料的弹性指标可以达到天然弹性织物的技术性能指标.FAST仪测试表明:弹性面料具有较好的成形性,不会造成服装加工中线缝起皱和熨烫困难;但面料在弹性方向上的延伸性指标过高、湿膨胀率大,以及弯曲刚度和剪切刚度偏小,给剪裁和缝纫加工造成一定困难.  相似文献   

为了根据织造前纱线的拉伸性能和织造、后整理工艺预测织物的拉伸性能,研究了织造和染整加工前后精梳毛纱拉伸性能的关系,获得了三方面的结论:(1)经常规后整理加工的各种精梳毛织物中经纱的伸长变形能力没有显著差异,但其纬纱的伸长变形能力与织造和染整工艺有关。(2)坯布染色情况下织造前纱线的伸长变形曲线在伸长率方向扩大一定倍数以后与织物中纱线的伸长变形曲线相当。纱线染色情况下织造前纱线的伸长变形曲线的某一部分与织物中纱线的伸长变形曲线相当。(3)后整理加工中的经向张力和拉幅张力对精梳毛织物中纱线的伸长变形能力的影响特别大。树脂整理有降低织物变形特别是变形回复能力的作用。  相似文献   

Main factors influencing anti-ultraviolet performance of woven fabrics are investigated. By means of detailed arrangement of sample design, sample making, testing and analyzing, it shows that fiber materials, fabric compactness, fabric weave and yarn type are the four important factors influencing anti-UV performance of woven fabric, but with different effects. Among them fiber material is the most important factor. For the common fiber materials used, it shows that the anti-UV performance of polyester is comparatively better than others. Once fiber material is determined, fabric with medium float weave and high compactness can offer a good anti-UV performance. The anti-UV performance of fabric with "anti-UV" filament yarn is better than that with "anti-UV" staple yarn. The anti-UV property of fabrics with untwisted filament yams is better than that with twist counterparts.  相似文献   

In last paper, the average molecular weight of a control cotton fabric and cotton fabrics treated with the polycarboxylic acid at different pH were measured. The result doesn‘t support the hypothesis that the pH of the finishing bath can affect the depolymerization of the finished cotton fabric. In order to understand more about it, the molecular weight distributions of the control and finished cotton fabrics were measured and the reason was fund. From the ratio and the molecular weight of the low molecular part one can see that the pH of the finishing bath can affect the depelymerization of the f‘mished cotton fabrics. The phenomenon that the average molecular weights of the cotton fabric crosslinked with BTCA at different pH are almost same is attributed to that the crosslinks are not broken completely when treated with 0.5 M NaOH solution at 50℃ for 144 h.  相似文献   

探讨细粘胶纤维和细涤纶纤维低号纱混纺织物连续化生产的可行性.运用松式、低张力和短流程的连续式印染加工方法,生产出了具有防缩免烫和仿丝绸效果的高档粘涤织物,总结出了一套较为成功的细纤维低号纱粘涤织物染整工艺.  相似文献   

Durable press finishing of cotton fabrics with polycarboxylic acid increases fabric wrinkle-resistance at the expense of its mechanical strength. Severe tensile strength loss is the major disadvantage for wrinkle resistant cotton fabrics. Tensile strength loss of cotton fabric crosslinked by a polycarboxylic acid can be attributed to depolymerization and crosslink of cellulose molecules. Measurement of the molecular weight of cotton fabric before and after crosslinked by polycarboxylic acids can offer a possibility of direct understanding of the depolymerization. In this research, a multiple angle laser light scattering photometer was used to determine the absolute molecular weight of cotton fabric treated with BTCA at different pH and then hydrolyzed with 0.5 M NaOH solution at 50℃ for 144 h. The results indicate that average molecular weights of cotton fabric treated with polycarboxylic acids at different pH are almost the same.  相似文献   

The launderability of wool fabrics treated by nano finishing agent influences directly the functional endurance of the treated wool fabric.In order to investigate the effect of wool fibers surface modification on the functional endurance of nano finishinp wool fibers,in this paper,for the first time wool fibers were chemically modified by using NaClO aqueous and KMnO4 aqueous,and then chemically modified wool fibers and native wool fibers were treated using nano ZnO finishing agent,respectively.The laundera...  相似文献   

Nowadays,more and more natural or functional fibers are being investigated due to their utilization in thermal underwear.Kapok fiber is one of the natural cellulosic fibers whose source is the kapok plant. It has hollow body and sealed tail,which exhibits desirable features required for functional textiles of this nature. In this study,cotton / kapok( 80 /20 by mass) blended yarn with two types of yarn size 18. 5 and 14. 8 tex,respectively are knitted into plain stitches. The fabrics are undergone with an optimal preparation plan according to orthogonal design. Then,after dyeing and softening,fabric properties including thermal and water-vapour resistances, wicking property, pilling behaviour, and surface morphology,are tested and scrutinized for their candidacy for thermal underwear. The results showed that cotton / kapok blended fabrics have good thermal resistance which is significantly higher than those of cotton / modal blended fabrics,and the same water vapour resistance compared with cotton / modal blended fabrics which are normally used as underwear. Cotton / modal blended knitted fabrics has better pilling grade than cotton / kapok blended fabrics. Meanwhile, the cotton / kapok blends fabrics have good wicking property. Collectively,it was concluded that cotton / kapok blended fabric was appropriate for thermal underwear. However,the main limitation of these fabrics is their pilling properties.  相似文献   

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