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本研究在实验室条件下,利用根田鼠母体繁殖和子代发育参数,分析其母体繁殖投入对子代质量的影响,目的在于探讨子代胎仔数与胎仔质量间的权衡理论.结果表明,母体体重与其繁殖投入不存在显著相关关系,子代胎仔数与初生窝重间存在显著的正相关关系与初生均重间存在显著的负相关关系.结论支持哺乳动物胎仔数与胎仔质量间权衡假设.  相似文献   

通过报道浙江衢州中国石龙子成体形态特征的两性异形和雌体繁殖输出,测定了雌雄两性个体的体长、体重、头长和头宽、附肢长和腹长,除腹长无显著两性差异外,其他形态特征均表现为雄性个体大于雌性个体。衢州种群雌体年产单窝卵,平均窝卵数,窝卵重和平均卵重分别为16.8,8.767g和0.589g.  相似文献   

利用主成分分析方法,对根田鼠体重、体长和头骨等17项生长指标进行筛选,以确立根田鼠年龄划分标准,通过分析,体重的因子负荷量最大,且在野外易于准确称重,操作方便,可用作年龄组划分指标。同时结合繁殖状况,将根田鼠划分为4个年龄组:的体(体重<19.0g)、亚成体(19.0g≤体重<37.0g)、成体(37.0g≤体重<51.0g)、老体(体重≥51.0g)。经统计检验,相邻组间差异显著。根田鼠种群8月亚成体比例较高,11月成体、老体比例较高;8月仍处于繁殖盛期,繁殖期延续到11月中旬,胎仔数5.2(4~7)。  相似文献   

金线侧褶蛙的两性异形及雌性繁殖特征的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了金线侧褶蛙成体的8个主要形态指标和雌体的怀卵量.结果表明。各形态指标均与体长呈正相关,金线侧褶蛙雌体的体长和体重均显大于雄体.以体长为协变量的协方差分析表明。只有雄体的鼓膜径显大于雌体.而头长、头宽、眼径、前肢长和后肢长不存在明显的两性差异.雌蛙怀卵量与自身体重和体长成正相关.表明该蛙通过增加个体大小增加繁殖输出.  相似文献   

小型哺乳动物的最大持续能量摄入(sustained energy intake)和消耗可能受到其生理方面的限制。研究测定了哺乳期大绒鼠在运动和非运动条件下的体重、静止代谢率、食物摄入量、胎仔数和胎仔重。结果表明:运动显著降低大绒鼠的体重;但是显著增加大绒鼠的静止代谢率和食物摄入量。两组动物的胎仔数变化差异不显著;但胎仔重运动组显著于非运动组。结果说明哺乳期的大绒鼠运动条件下主要通过增加食物摄入量来弥补能量支出的需要,而投入后代的能量较少,支持热散失假说。  相似文献   

湖南平江棘胸蛙两性异形和雌性个体生育力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
测定了湖南平江棘胸蛙成体的体长、体质量、头长、头宽、前肢长、后肢长等形态指标以及雌体的怀卵数量.结果表明:棘胸蛙雄体体长和体质量显著大于雌体.以体长为协变量的多元方差分析表明,雌雄两性在局部形态上不存在显著差异.各局部形态特征指标与体长呈正相关,它们随体长的增长速率在雌雄间无显著差异.棘胸蛙雌体怀卵量与体长和体质量皆成正相关关系,表明棘胸蛙通过增加个体的大小增加繁殖输出.  相似文献   

粤北南岭无斑肥螈的雌雄异形及雌性繁殖的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了粤北南岭无斑肥螈(Pachytriton labiatus)的两性异形和雌性繁殖.性成熟两性个体全长、头体长和体重之间差异显著,成年雌体全长、头体长、体重显著大于雄性.成体头长、头宽、尾长没有显著差异.当雌体平均全长大于127.84mm,雄体平均全长大于121.24mm时,卵巢和精巢才开始明显发育.性腺表现出明显的季节性变化,5~8月为卵巢的快速生长期,8、9、10月份卵巢重量平均值最大,12月至翌年1月降为最低值,卵巢可以划分成4个发育时期,产卵盛期在9~10月份.  相似文献   

摘要: 目的观察p53 基因敲除小鼠与BALB/c 小鼠在生长发育和繁殖性能方面的差异。方法p53 基因敲除小 鼠和BALB/c 小鼠各34 只,雌雄各半,观察其2 周龄至12 周龄的体质量和体长,并随机选取30 笼一雌一雄所产第 2 胎仔鼠进行幼仔个数的统计。结果在生长发育方面,3 周龄时p53 基因敲除小鼠与BALB/c 小鼠体质量无明显 差异,P = 0. 846 > 0. 05; 6 周龄时p53 基因敲除小鼠体质量明显低于BALB/c 小鼠,P = 0. 000 < 0. 05; 体长在3 周龄 和6 周龄时p53 基因敲除小鼠体长明显低于BALB/c 小鼠,P = 0. 000 < 0. 05。在繁殖性能方面,p53 基因敲除小鼠 同样明显低于BALB/c 小鼠,P = 0. 000 < 0. 05。结论初步研究了p53 基因敲除对小鼠的繁殖与发育的影响,与 BALB/c 小鼠比较均有显著差异。  相似文献   

目的探讨不同低蛋白日粮对KM小鼠生产繁殖的影响。方法将120只性成熟的清洁级KM小鼠,雌雄各半,随机分成A、B、C三组,各组均按1:1比例交配,分别喂饲含粗蛋白20%、粗蛋白18%加一定量的赖氨酸、甲硫氨酸和粗蛋白16%的三个水平日粮,观察三组动物的受孕率、平均窝产仔数、平均新生个体体重、平均窝离乳仔数及离乳个体体重。结果A组与B组均无显著性差异,而C组与A组有显著性差异。结论日粮粗蛋白降低2个百分点,同时补充适量的必需氨基酸,对KM小鼠生长繁殖没有不利影响,但进一步降低时则有影响。  相似文献   

本文报道了吉林省长春市1994年和1995两年春季花背蟾蜍的出蛰情况、活动规律、繁殖前后的形态变化、摄食行为等繁殖生态研究.结果表明:成体出蛰先于亚成体.繁殖期活动受温度影响明显,最适繁殖气温为23℃,最适繁殖水温为22℃,繁殖高峰期后逐渐迁入陆地活动.雄体间争雌现象显著.雄体抱对欲异常强烈.怀卵量与体重及卵巢重相关,回归方程分别为:y=1085.18+75.36x和y=71.23+639.10x.繁殖前后形态变化显著.繁殖期间摄食活动较弱,食物主要是蛛形纲、双翅目、鞘翅目、半翅目等水域或水边活动的动物.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of family conflict resolution in mice   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Hager R  Johnstone RA 《Nature》2003,421(6922):533-535
Asymmetries in the costs and benefits of parental investment for mothers, fathers and offspring result in family conflict over the production and provisioning of young. In species where females provide most resources before and after birth, the resolution of this conflict may be influenced by genes expressed in mothers and by maternally and paternally inherited genes expressed in offspring. Here we disentangle these effects by means of reciprocal mating and cross-fostering of litters between two strains of mice that differ with respect to the typical resolution of family conflict. We find that differences in litter size between these two strains are determined by paternal genotype, whereas differences in provisioning are under maternal control, showing that there is antagonistic coadaptation of maternal and paternal effects on distinct life-history traits. Maternal provisioning is also influenced by the type of foster offspring. Contradictory to theoretical expectations, however, we find no evidence for a negative correlation across strains between maternal provisioning and offspring demand. Instead, we show that there is positive coadaptation such that offspring obtain more resources from foster mothers of the same strain as their natural mother, irrespective of their father's strain.  相似文献   

目的比较两种小同营养水平的商品饲料对BALB/c小鼠生长和繁殖性能的影响,为实验小鼠生产中合理使用饲料提供科学依据。方法选择BALB/c母鼠32只、仔鼠18窝以及生长鼠20只,分别随机分为2组,饲喂A、B两种不同营养水平的商品饲料,测定母鼠窝产仔数、连胎率,仔鼠0~3周窝重以及生长鼠4~10周体重等指标,并进行统计学分析。结果营养水平略高的A饲料有利于提高BALB/c小鼠连胎率及其仔鼠生长性能,但对窝产仔数和生长鼠后期的生长性能无显著影响。  相似文献   

Insurance-based advantage to helpers in a tropical hover wasp   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Field J  Shreeves G  Sumner S  Casiraghi M 《Nature》2000,404(6780):869-871
The origin and maintenance of eusociality is a central problem in evolutionary biology. Eusocial groups contain individuals that forfeit their own reproduction in order to help others reproduce. In facultatively eusocial taxa, offspring can choose whether to found new nests or become helpers in their natal groups. In many facultatively eusocial insects, offspring need continuous care during development, but adult carers have life expectancies shorter than the developmental period. When a lone foundress dies, her partly reared brood are usually doomed. Here, we show that helpers in a tropical hover wasp (Liostenogaster flavolineata) have an insurance-based advantage over lone foundresses because after a helper dies, most of the brood that she has partly reared will be brought to maturity by surviving nest-mates. After some of the helpers are experimentally removed from a multi-female nest, the reduced group is left with more brood than it would normally rear. We found that larger, more valuable extra brood were reared through to maturity, but not smaller, less valuable brood. Smaller brood may be sacrificed to feed larger brood, and reduced groups probably benefited from increased short-term helper recruitment. Rearing extra brood did not increase adult mortality or brood development time.  相似文献   

Although the initial growth and development of most multicellular animals depends on the provision of yolk, there are many varied contrivances by which animals provide additional or alternative investment in their offspring. Providing offspring with additional nutrition should be favoured by natural selection when the consequent increased fitness of the young offsets any corresponding reduction in fecundity. Alternative forms of nutrition may allow parents to delay and potentially redirect their investment. Here we report a remarkable form of parental care and mechanism of parent-offspring nutrient transfer in a caecilian amphibian. Boulengerula taitanus is a direct-developing, oviparous caecilian, the skin of which is transformed in brooding females to provide a rich supply of nutrients for the developing offspring. Young animals are equipped with a specialized dentition, which they use to peel and eat the outer layer of their mother's modified skin. This new form of parental care provides a plausible intermediate stage in the evolution of viviparity in caecilians. At independence, offspring of viviparous and of oviparous dermatotrophic caecilians are relatively large despite being provided with relatively little yolk. The specialized dentition of skin-feeding (dermatophagous) caecilians may constitute a preadaptation to the fetal feeding on the oviduct lining of viviparous caecilians.  相似文献   

Pattern of covariation between life-history traits of European birds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
B E Saether 《Nature》1988,331(6157):616-617
A large amount of variation is found in most reproductive traits of birds. Clutch size for instance, can vary from 1 to 15 between species of similar body weight. The adaptive significance of this variation is only poorly understood. According to life-history theory, large clutch size and early onset of reproduction are expected when the chances of survival are low. There is some support for the existence of such a relationship from studies of single species. Here I present evidence that, in European birds, clutch size is increased, and onset of reproduction occurs earlier in life, when the probability of survival is low.  相似文献   

SPF级Wistar大鼠生长发育及繁殖性能的主要指标测定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在SPF级的饲养条件下 ,对SPF级Wistar大鼠的生长发育及繁殖性能的主要指标进行测定 ,结果表明 ,SPF级Wistar大鼠采用一雌一雄间隔同居的繁殖方法 ,以连续生产 4胎为宜 ,其中 ,第 2胎的幼鼠最适于留种。SPF级Wistar大鼠的生长发育与普通级Wistar大鼠基本一致  相似文献   

Field J  Brace S 《Nature》2004,428(6983):650-652
The evolution of helping, in which some individuals forfeit their own reproduction and help others to reproduce, is a central problem in evolutionary biology. Recently proposed insurance-based mechanisms rely on a pre-existing life history with a long period of offspring dependency relative to the short life expectancies of adult carers: a lone mother's offspring are doomed if she dies young, whereas after a helper dies, other group members can finish rearing the offspring. A critical question, however, is how this life history could evolve in ancestral non-social populations, as offspring survival would then depend on a single, short-lived carer. Here, we resolve this paradox by focusing on the extended parental care inherent in prolonged dependency. We show experimentally that in non-social wasps, extended care can significantly reduce the impact of interspecific parasites. Under extended care, offspring are less vulnerable by the time they are exposed to parasites, and costs of parasitism are reduced because mothers have the option to terminate investment in failing offspring. By experimentally simulating aspects of extended care in a species where it is lacking, we demonstrate that neither benefit requires specialized behaviour. Such benefits could therefore offset the disadvantage of prolonged dependency in non-social species, thereby facilitating the evolution of helping.  相似文献   

Sexual swellings advertise female quality in wild baboons   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Domb LG  Pagel M 《Nature》2001,410(6825):204-206
The females of many Old World primate species produce prominent and conspicuous swellings of the perineal skin around the time of ovulation. These sexual swellings have been proposed to increase competition among males for females or to increase the likelihood of a female getting fertilized, by signalling either a female's general reproductive status, or the timing of her ovulation. Here we show that sexual swellings in wild baboons reliably advertise a female's reproductive value over her lifetime, in accordance with a theoretical model of honest signalling. Females with larger swellings attained sexual maturity earlier, produced both more offspring and more surviving offspring per year than females with smaller swellings, and had a higher overall proportion of their offspring survive. Male baboons use the size of the sexual swelling to determine their mating effort, fighting more aggressively to consort females with larger swellings, and spending more time grooming these females. Our results document an unusual case of a sexually selected ornament in females, and show how males, by mating selectively on the basis of the size of the sexual swelling, increase their probability of mating with females more likely to produce surviving offspring.  相似文献   

Basal metabolic rate and energetics of reproduction in therian mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S D Thompson  M E Nicoll 《Nature》1986,321(6071):690-693
Traditionally, the fact that reproduction in eutherian (= placental) mammals tends towards prolonged intrauterine development and short lactation has been interpreted as an evolutionary advance over the metatherian (= marsupial) short gestation and prolonged lactation. However, it has recently been postulated that marsupial reproduction involves low initial energy investment and may be advantageous by minimizing energy loss if conditions necessitate early termination. Moreover, because marsupials have basal metabolic rates (BMRs) 30% lower than those of most eutherians, it has been suggested that daily and total energy expenditures during reproduction may also be lower. We have now tested the predictions that low BMR is maintained during reproduction and that initial investment is lower in marsupials. Using indirect calorimetry, we have made the first longitudinal measurements of energy expenditure during reproduction for a marsupial and for two eutherian species with low BMRs. We find that initial investment is lowest in a eutherian and total energetic expenditures were greatest for the marsupial. We also find that, relative to BMR, all three species have increased mean maternal resting metabolic rates (RMRs) during both gestation and lactation; this is the first evidence that mammals with low BMRs can substantially elevate metabolism for prolonged periods during gestation and lactation.  相似文献   

树鼩规模化繁殖及繁殖群的建立   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的对野生来源树鼩的繁殖性能及仔树鼩的哺育方法进行了研究,探索出一套经济实用、规模化的繁殖方法,取代以往依靠人工喂养的方式。方法提供适合的饲养管理环境和条件,完全由母树鼩主动自然哺育新生树鼩,观察统计怀孕率、产仔数、成活率、仔树鼩生长情况。结果 2010年通过120对繁殖群,成功离乳354只F1代仔树鼩,自然繁殖成活率为90.76%。目前已建立野生来源树鼩繁殖群150对,F1代繁殖群40对,为建立达到标准要求的树鼩种群奠定了基础。结论该方法的树鼩繁殖率和成活率较高,成本低且操作简单,为树鼩实验动物化应提倡的一种方法。  相似文献   

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