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经济全球化形成与演化的系统学分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
经济全球化实质上就是全球性特定经济系统运行及演经过程的表征,通过对经济全球化现象的内涵、演化特征及形成与发展动因机制的系统学分析,以求对经济全球化现象的本质、运行发展规律及影响有一个新的认识。  相似文献   

沈晓珊 《系统科学学报》2003,11(2):53-55,78
经济全球化不仅是世界经济发展的新格局,同时也带动了世界文化的发展。西方强势经济冲击的背后带来了生产文化、消费文化的影响。文化的发展既受世界经济发展的推动或影响,也是不同民族文化的互动过程,文化的发展是多种力的相互作用,而不是文化的趋同。  相似文献   

党的十七大提出了要促进我国经济“又好又快”地发展,这是党对经济发展规律认识的深化和经济建设指导思想的升华,是迈向现代化的中国对发展路径的坚定抉择。我们必须系统辩证地认识和理解经济“又好又快”发展的内涵和意义;提出经济“又好又快”发展的依据;实现经济“又好又快”发展的必由之路;同时,要提高国民的环保意识和忧患意识,共同爱护地球这个人类唯一的家园。  相似文献   

经济全球化与系统思维   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
面对经济全球化,我们该如何应对?只有坚持科学的思维方式,才能采取合理的行为模式。我们坚持开放思维,自觉融入全球化;坚持多角度、全方位看问题,全面把握全球化;坚持多极思维,世界是一个多极统一的世界。只有这样,才能在全球化面前作出理性的选择,而不致误入歧途。  相似文献   

从系统稳定性看经济全球化演进中的经济一体化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一个复杂性系统如果要既保持生存与发展的活力和动力 ,又要维持系统自身的特征延续和有序演化 ,这个系统就必须在稳定性与非稳定性之间保持某种平衡和张力。经济全球化趋势的发展与经济一体化现象的日趋显现 ,从根本上说是世界经济复杂系统本质特性的表征。第一 ,经济全球化本质上是世界经济系统的复杂性演进 ;它使世界经济系统的不确定性和潜在的不稳定性随之增大。第二 ,经济一体化是世界经济系统组织结构向更高层次的演进 ;它既保证了系统内在的活性与动力而具有自组织创新性 ,又维持了系统运行的内生环境而具有自适应稳定性。  相似文献   

系统之"矛盾两部分析法"   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
事物是辩证的,系统作为一个事物是辩证的,系统内部的任意一个具体内容事物是辩证的,该具体内容事物的具体内容也是辩证的……辩证法的核心是对立统一律,立足事物“一分为二”分析、事物矛盾基础“一生二”分析、事物矛盾统一的“合二为一”分析,在实践中,把它们有机结合——对矛盾划分为两部分(矛盾统一形式部分和矛盾具体对立内容部分),结合系统本身特点,研究系统在“矛盾两部分析法”下内部相互作用关系特点和规律——系统“横向链”和系统“纵向链”构成系统网链,探索系统构成、发展和变化的辩证法规律。  相似文献   

经济全球化条件下的人才系统培养模式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
经济全球化时代呼唤的人才培养模式,包括教育方式、思维方式、学生的学习方式、知识结构、综合素质等各方面都要发生相应的转变。从系统论的角度提出了经济全球化条件下的人才系统培养模式及应采取的系统性措施。  相似文献   

再论社会进步的动力系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会进步是一个复杂的社会矛盾演进过程,社会进步的动力也是一个动态的“合力”系统。坚持系统辩证法基本原理与方法,结合具体的社会历史条件,进一步对科学技术、创新以及“互补”等推动社会进步的重要动力因素进行了辩证的论述和系统的分析。  相似文献   

运用系统辩证理论探讨了“普世伦理”的基本理论特征,指出“普世伦理”具有整体性特征、差异协同特征、开放性特征和系统优化的特征。提出系统辩证理论为“普世伦理”的构建提供了科学的理论支持,可较好地解决“普世伦理”构建过程中理论甚至实际问题。  相似文献   

海尔集团整合营销战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
回顾营销思想演变过程,指出西方整舍营销传播理念虽然被广泛接受,但并不能充分支持营销实践经历了从大规模营销到整合营销的转变。整舍营销传播是一个不断完善的过程,论文提出的整合营销战略体现了动态发展阶段性的特点,这种整合营销战略是关系营销和后工业制造特点相结舍的战略营销模式。文章通过分析海尔集团整合营销战略的实践和经验:组织结构和营销流程再造、客户关系管理和客户、产品、型号三种经理围绕订单实现的运作耦合,指出整合营销战略对中因家电等相关制造企业的营销管理和发展具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

随机Petri网:研究现状和面临的挑战   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近来,随机Petri网正逐渐成为描述和分析那些具有并发、同步和冲突等特征的系统的广泛而强有力的工具,其在C3I系统、柔性制造系统、计算机系统及通讯等诸系统中的各个领域的应用都已取得了显著的成功。然而,随机Petri网的状态空间的组合爆炸作为主要问题正阻碍着大型随机Petri网精确解的求取,进而限制了该类Petri网作为建模和性能评估工具的广泛使用。在本文中,首先回顾了随机Petri网的发展历程以及随机Petri网的主要子类和相应的解决方法,然后明确指出了目前随机Petri网在理论和应用中遇到的困难,并进一步阐述了克服该困难的三种主要方法的研究现状和发展前景。  相似文献   

Timothy Kennedy went to an Eskimo village in Alaska as a VISTA volunteer to perform community service for 2 years. He remained through 11 years, building participatory community development projects. As he became accepted by the Eskimo villagers, he got them involved in using videotape technology to build community solidarity and then to communicate more effectively with government officials and politicians about the needs and wishes of their community. So as to make clear that this was not a documentary project directed by a professional film maker, Kennedy got villagers involved in all stages of the process of videotaping and also in determining who and how their tapes should be seen by authorities. The Sky River Project achieved three major changes in governmental policies for the Eskimos. As the videotapes were shown in other Eskimo villages, who shared the same needs and wishes, the process generated intervillage communication and collaboration on various projects.  相似文献   

水量的分配方案在一定程度上影响因水量短缺引发的跨界水资源冲突的发展进程.从政府强互惠的角度入手,设计水量协调方案,寻求漳河流域跨界水资源冲突的协调途径是一个新的视角.基于这一思想,从政府的强互惠政策角度对漳河流域跨界水资源冲突系 统建模,从经济效益和社会效益两方面建立政府Agent和用水Agent 的目标函数,以强互惠表现的节水激励和水权交易为例,分别建立强互惠下的节水激励模型和水权交易模型,通过粒子 群优化算法求解,得出两种政策下漳河流域跨界水资源冲突的水量协调方案.水量的协调方案表明:政府强互惠的表现——节水激励和水权交易可以重新调整漳河流域的水量分配方案,以此来减少缺水量,协调漳河流域的跨界水资源冲突.  相似文献   

提出了移动广播环境中MVOCC-MDA-2PV并发控制协议.移动实时事务处理分两阶段进行.第一阶段在移动主机上处理,第二阶段在服务器上处理.移动主机上所有移动事务与在服务器上一个广播周期提交的事务进行预有效性确认.如果移动事务通过预有效性确认,提交到服务器进行最终有效性确认.协议消除了移动只读事务和移动更新事务的冲突,使用多版本动态调整串行次序技术,避免了不必要的事务重启动.移动只读事务无阻塞提交,降低了移动只读事务响应时间.模拟仿真实验结果表明MVOCC-MDA-2PV协议要优于其它协议.  相似文献   

Water conflicts constitute an important example of some of the most complex and critical environmental issues the 21st century is facing. Recently, much research effort has been put into managing the various dimensions of water issues in a more holistic way through Integrated Water Management approaches. In parallel, numerous water conflicts have arisen and isolated methods and institutional responses have been developed to deal with them. In this paper, I explain why integrating issues of water security within water management considerations is important, in order to prevent water conflicts from arising. I also advocate the use of Information and Communication Technologies as inclusive, democratic systems of water governance. After exploring how and why systems methods and ICTs could contribute to taking the complexity of water issues into account as well as promoting a democratic and sustainable mode of water management, the paper presents an online systemic water conflict management method. This is the initial result of a joint research project between the systems department of the Open University and the PCCP-IHE programme of UNESCO. It shows that working with systems methods and ICTs can help transform traditionally linear modes of negotiation into collaborative learning, holistic, interest-based modes of negotiations. Without using such an approach, that enables the integration of water management, hydropolitics and online governance, the management of (complex and systemic) water conflicts, despite the development of alternative dispute resolution methods, is at risk of remaining linear, mostly based on hard data, un-participatory and non-systemic in nature.
Sandrine SimonEmail:


Human perceptions under unstructured forms contain valuable information for ecological restoration (ER). To aid in ER, this paper introduces a working process to analyze the unstructured information for the case study of black bear restoration (BBR) in East Texas where understanding of the perceptions of stakeholders at a community level is needed. We identified the current situation, revealed stakeholders and their interactions, and developed actions for change for BBR. Our techniques included recording discussions in meetings, Soft Systems Methodology, and stakeholder analysis. Results indicated the current situation of BBR with human-bear and human-human conflicts. We figured out that information exchange was interrupted in the public, a potential cause for conflicts. Through a systemization, results showed various roles of key stakeholders and constraints for BBR. We found that local state agencies and local residents (particularly landowners) are the key decision-makers for BBR success. Their collaboration can result in a small portion of success (1/9) that can be increased by more cooperation. The SSM framework introduced in this study can be used for modeling community perceptions in ecological restoration.


并行工程中时间约束网络建立及冲突检测研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于并行工程产品开发过程的复杂性,产品开发过程中存在着大量的时间约束关系,因时间约束关系的违反而千万的过程冲突极易发生,本文提出一种以IDEF3过程模型为基础建立并行工程产品过程的时间约束网络的方法,在将该时间约束网络转化为定量时间约束网络的基础上,提出一种面向定量时间约束网络的冲突检测的方法,基于时间约束网络的冲突检测方法能有效发现并行工程产品开发过程中的过程冲突。  相似文献   

This study looks into the role of participation in influencing the adaptation of national policies to generate local economic development opportunities. The main question put forward is: What are the preconditions for creating new local development opportunities in a national state’s government planning process? The subject of the study is a planning process for the designation of a national park in the southwestern part of Norway. The analysis looks into three factors from the perspective of power: the mobilization and power base development of local stakeholders, the planning authority’s intention and structure for participation and change, and how conflicts are handled in the dialogue arenas. The conclusion with respect to regional innovation literature is that local stakeholders could make a difference by articulating both power over and power with and that conflicts may be useful if the planning authority takes the participants’ claims seriously by showing compromise or allowing integration of interests. From such preconditions new local economic opportunities could be created by collaboration.  相似文献   

The lack of autonomy of people in the working place is the basic problem addressed by the methodology for organisational intervention that has been developed by the group TESO at the University of Los Andes in Bogota. This lack of autonomy accounts for their lack of creativity, motivation, and political consciousness. We take Freire's conception of consciousness as related to social formations, and how autonomy is achieved by working with his methodology. We also use Heidegger's concepts of calculative and meditative thinking and relate them to the development of consciousness. Finally we show how through a methodology that facilitates contact of persons with the self, the workspace, and others, they develop autonomy and an ability to define conflicts and work out ways to stransform their world.  相似文献   

国内外技术创新能力指数化评价比较分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从创新绩效能力与创新过程能力两个角度,对比研究了国内外创新能力指数化评价研究在理论基础、分析框架、度量与评价指标体系、数据来源以及数值分析方法等方面的特点,分析各种评价方法在应用上的局限性,探讨我国技术创新能力评价研究的新思路,为进一步研究、把握和提高我国企业以及整体技术创新能力提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

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