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黄瓜SRAP遗传连锁图的构建及始花节位的基因定位   总被引:78,自引:0,他引:78  
在由黄瓜自交系S06与S52杂交产生的F2群体中,应用SRAP(sequence-related amplified polymorphism)标记构建黄瓜的分子遗传连锁图谱.使用了64个多态性引物组合,共得到108个多态性条带,单对引物组合最多的产生5个多态性条带,平均1.7个.在F2群体中对这些多态性位点进行连锁分析,并用Mapmaker 3.0构建连锁群,77个标记位点进入9个连锁群(LOD≥3.0),总长1114.2 cM,标记平均间距14.5 cM,标记均匀分布于整个连锁群.同时将始花节位性状控制基因ffn(first flower node)定位在第Ⅸ连锁群上,与两侧标记DC1EM5和ME7EM2A的距离分别为10.3和12.1 cM.  相似文献   

苦荞重组自交系群体F_5代SSR遗传图谱的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以"小米荞×晋荞2号"杂交组合,通过单粒传获得的245个F_5代重组自交系(命名为SJ-RILs)群体为作图材料,构建SSR遗传连锁图谱。结果显示:350对SSR引物在亲本间有多态性的为59对,多态率为16.9%;多态性引物在SJ-RILs群体共扩增出80个等位变异位点;来自小米荞和晋荞2号等位基因分别占群体总基因型的51.5%和48.5%;采用作图Jionmap4.0软件构建的遗传连锁图总长度为1 106.74cm,含11个连锁群,80个分子标记,其中偏分离标记27个,相邻标记的平均间距为13.83cm。结论:该图谱可为苦荞遗传图谱构建、重要性状QTL的定位和基因组学研究隆奠定基础。  相似文献   

玉米是世界范围内具有经济重要性的作物之一.株高和穗位高是玉米育种过程中需考虑的2个重要农艺性状,对玉米产量、抗倒伏性及株型等都有较大影响.为进一步明确玉米株高和穗位高的遗传机制,本研究以B73×Zheng58的含有165个株系的F3:4重组自交系群体为作图群体,利用覆盖玉米10条染色体189个SSR标记对株高和穗位高进行QTL定位分析.总共定位到5个株高QTL和6个穗位高QTL;这11个QTL分布在除2号和6号之外的其他8条染色体上.单个QTL表型变异贡献率的变幅为4.3%~14.2%.其中10个QTL与以前报道过的QTL的位置相近或重叠,而株高QTL(qPH04-01)是新发现的群体专一性的QTL,最靠近标记umc0371,表型变异贡献率为8.8%,是值得进一步研究和利用的位点.  相似文献   

玉米是世界范围内具有经济重要性的作物之一.株高和穗位高是玉米育种过程中需考虑的2个重要农艺性状,对玉米产量、抗倒伏性及株型等都有较大影响.为进一步明确玉米株高和穗位高的遗传机制,本研究以B73×Zheng58的含有165个株系的F3∶4重组自交系群体为作图群体,利用覆盖玉米10条染色体189个SSR标记对株高和穗位高进行QTL定位分析.总共定位到5个株高QTL和6个穗位高QTL;这11个QTL分布在除2号和6号之外的其他8条染色体上.单个QTL表型变异贡献率的变幅为4.3%~14.2%.其中10个QTL与以前报道过的QTL的位置相近或重叠,而株高QTL(qPH04-01)是新发现的群体专一性的QTL,最靠近标记umc0371,表型变异贡献率为8.8%,是值得进一步研究和利用的位点.  相似文献   

影响小麦加工品质数量性状位点的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以M5和M16为亲本构建的重组自交系为材料,对影响小麦加工品质性状的数量性状位点(QTL)进行了研究.检测了群体中籽粒硬度、蛋白质含量、SDS沉降值、拉伸面积等品质性状,它们在群体中呈近似正态的连续分布,为多基因控制的数量性状.利用43个SSR标记和42个AFLP标记构建了相关染色体的分子连锁图.在1A、5D、6D染色体上分别检测到与籽粒硬度相关的QTL各1个,其中位于染色体5D上的Xgwn190对表型变异的贡献率最大,达62.5%,为主效基因;在1B和6A染色体上分别检测到与蛋白质含量相关的QTL各1个,它们对表型变异的贡献率分别为13.2%和15.6%;在染色体1B和3B上分别检测到与SDS沉降值相关的QTL各1个,贡献率最大(10.2%)的一个QTL位于3B染色体上靠近E37M61—286的区域;在1A、3B、5D染色体上分别检测到与拉伸面积相关的QTL各1个,其中5D染色体上的Xgwn190对表型的贡献率最大,为11.5%.  相似文献   

高粱F6代群体分蘖数的QTL定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分蘖数是高粱重要的农艺性状之一。笔者通过微卫星重复序列(simple sequence repeat,SSR)分子标记,以T70×P607杂交得到的F6代重组自交系(recombinant inbred lines,RIL)群体构建遗传连锁图,运用复合区间作图法(composite interval mapping,CIM),对分蘖数进行数量性状基因座(quantitative trait locus,QTL)分析,在第1、2、4、5和6号染色体上检测到7个与分蘖数相关的QTL,解释性状表型变异在1%~13%之间,所得到的QTL全为超显性。  相似文献   

玉米营养品质性状的QTL定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以玉米自交系201×698-3的233个F2:3家系为作图群体,利用SSR分子标记构建遗传图谱.采用随机区组设计,分别在四川雅安和德阳进行田间试验,人工套袋自交种子供性状考查,利用区间作图法进行QTL定位分析.构建了具有134对SSR标记的玉米遗传图谱,覆盖整个基因组1831.4cM,平均图距13.67cM.从16个营养品质性状中共检侧到35个QTL,其中影响蛋白质、淀粉和油份含量的有6个QTL,分别位于第1、2、4和8染色体上,单个性状的QTL为1~3个,每个QTL的作用可解释表型变异的8.1%~21.0%;控制赖氨酸等13种氨基酸含量的有29个QTL,分别位于第1、2、4、8、9和10染色体上,单个性状的QTL为1~5个,每个QTL的作用可解释表型变异的3.5%~30.1%.在本群体的营养品质性状QTL中,超显性效应起主导作用,其次为完全显性效应.  相似文献   

以优质常规稻佳辐占为父本,分别以广陆矮4号和明恢86为母本,构建两个重组自交系(以下简称为“广佳”群体和“明佳86”群体).利用559对简单重复序列(SSR)引物对亲本进行多态性分析,获得佳辐占和广陆矮4号、佳辐占和明恢86亲本间有差异的引物分别201对和186对,多态率分别达35.95%和33.33%.利用这些引物构建了两张水稻遗传图谱,其中广佳图谱包含127对SSR标记,全长约1 015.7 cM,平均标记间距为8 cM;明佳86图谱包含131对SSR标记,全长约1 263.6 cM,标记平均间距为9.6 cM.遗传图谱的构建便于研究佳辐占优质性状的遗传规律、外观品质性状间的内在关系,以期为分子标记辅助选育细长、大粒、优质的水稻新品种打下基础.同时,这是两个基于重组自交系的图谱,可长期用于群体内各种性状的遗传规律分析及QTL定位.  相似文献   

 以春小麦重组自交系(RIL)宁春4 号×宁春27 号为作图群体,利用SSR 标记构建小麦遗传连锁图谱。结果表明,用1001对SSR 引物选出亲本间表现多态性的引物307 对,多态性频率为30.7%。利用307 对多态性引物对RIL 群体进行分析,共检测到266 个多态性标记位点。通过χ2检测(P<0.05),有147 个SSR 标记表现为偏分离,偏分离率为55.3%,129 个偏向母本宁春4号,其偏分离位点主要分布在B 和D 基因组上。用Mapmaker 3.0 和Mapdraw 2.1 软件将266 个SSR 位点绘制在小麦遗传连锁图上,该图谱覆盖小麦基因组全长2187.79 cM,标记间的平均遗传距离为8.22 cM。  相似文献   

【目的】为了解赤桉抗风性和寻找与赤桉抗风相关联的分子标记,对影响桉树抗风性状的有利等位变异及携带优异等位变异的载体材料进行了分析,为桉树抗风分子育种奠定基础。【方法】以109份赤桉栽培种组成的半同胞群体为材料,利用关联分析方法对多态性高的107对SSR引物进行基因型检测,利用Structure2.3.4软件对供试材料进行群体结构和连锁不平衡分析的基础上,采用TASSEL 3.0软件的混合模型MLM程序,对与赤桉抗风有关的树高、胸径、材积、风害指数4个性状进行关联分析,根据计算的表型效应值,鉴别和统计优异的等位位点。【结果】通过群体遗传结构分析将109份赤桉材料分为2个亚群。通过关联分析,获得与抗风性状相关联的等位变异位点25个(P<0.05),生长及抗风性状表型变异的解释率为9.26%~71.14%,平均解释率为36.27%。其中与树高性状相关标记最多,为13个,贡献率最高的是EUCeSSR235(71.14%),增加树高表型效应最大的等位变异是EUCeSSR352-320,载体品种有9个; 与胸径显著相关的标记有7个,贡献率最高的是EUCeSSR332(63.29%),EUCeSSR489-128是增加表型效应最大等位变异,载体品种有11个; 与材积显著相关的标记有5个,贡献率最高的标记是EUCeSSR332(61.38%),增加表型效应最大的等位变异是EUCeSSR489-128,载体品种有11个; 与风害指数显著相关的标记有10个,贡献率最高的是EUCeSSR235(71.14%),减少表型效应最大的等位变异是EUCeSSR875-90,载体品种有34个。同时检测到7个标记与2个以上性状相关联,标记EUCeSSR332与树高、胸径、材积、风害指数等4个性状均同时关联,该标记对4个性状表型变异解释率超过60%。标记EUCeSSR484、EUCeSSR352、EUCeSSR570和EUCeSSR422与树高和风害指数2个性状均关联,EUCeSSR489和 EUCeSSR114标记与树高和材积2个性状关联。【结论】109份赤桉供试材料的群体遗传结构简单,连锁不平衡水平低。基于 SSR 的关联分析,发掘了与赤桉抗风性状相关的优异等位变异基因,可用于桉树抗风性状分子标记辅助育种。  相似文献   

Language markedness is a common phenomenon in languages, and is reflected from hearing, vision and sense, i.e. the variation in the three aspects such as phonology, morphology and semantics. This paper focuses on the interpretation of markedness in language use following the three perspectives, i.e. pragmatic interpretation, psychological interpretation and cognitive interpretation, with an aim to define the function of markedness.  相似文献   

The Williston Basin is a significant petroleum province, containing oil production zones that include the Middle Cambrian to Lower Ordovician, Upper Ordovician, Middle Devonian, Upper Devonian and Mississippian and within the Jurassic and Cretaceous. The oils of the Williston Basin exhibit a wide range of geochemical characteristics defined as "oil families", although the geochemical signature of the Cambrian Deadwood Formation and Lower Ordovician Winnipeg reservoired oils does not match any "oil family". Despite their close stratigraphic proximity, it is evident that the oils of the Lower Palaeozoic within the Williston Basin are distinct. This suggests the presence of a new "oil family" within the Williston Basin. Diagnostic geochemical signatures occur in the gasoline range chromatograms, within saturate fraction gas chromatograms and biomarker fingerprints. However, some of the established criteria and cross-plots that are currently used to segregate oils into distinct genetic families within the basin do not always meet with success, particularly when applied to the Lower Palaeozoic oils of the Deadwood and Winnipeg Formation.  相似文献   

王慧 《科技信息》2008,(10):240-240
Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte's only novel, was published in December of 1847 under the pseudonym Ellis Bell. The book did not gain immediate success, but it is now thought one of the finest novels in the English language. Catherine is the key character of this masterpiece, because everybody and everything center on her though she had a short life. We can understand this masterpiece better if we know Catherine well.  相似文献   

The discovery of the prolific Ordovician Red River reservoirs in 1995 in southeastern Saskatchewan was the catalyst for extensive exploration activity which resulted in the discovery of more than 15 new Red River pools. The best yields of Red River production to date have been from dolomite reservoirs. Understanding the processes of dolomitization is, therefore, crucial for the prediction of the connectivity, spatial distribution and heterogeneity of dolomite reservoirs.The Red River reservoirs in the Midale area consist of 3~4 thin dolomitized zones, with a total thickness of about 20 m, which occur at the top of the Yeoman Formation. Two types of replacement dolomite were recognized in the Red River reservoir: dolomitized burrow infills and dolomitized host matrix. The spatial distribution of dolomite suggests that burrowing organisms played an important role in facilitating the fluid flow in the backfilled sediments. This resulted in penecontemporaneous dolomitization of burrow infills by normal seawater. The dolomite in the host matrix is interpreted as having occurred at shallow burial by evaporitic seawater during precipitation of Lake Almar anhydrite that immediately overlies the Yeoman Formation. However, the low δ18O values of dolomited burrow infills (-5.9‰~ -7.8‰, PDB) and matrix dolomites (-6.6‰~ -8.1‰, avg. -7.4‰ PDB) compared to the estimated values for the late Ordovician marine dolomite could be attributed to modification and alteration of dolomite at higher temperatures during deeper burial, which could also be responsible for its 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7084~0.7088) that are higher than suggested for the late Ordovician seawaters (0.7078~0.7080). The trace amounts of saddle dolomite cement in the Red River carbonates are probably related to "cannibalization" of earlier replacement dolomite during the chemical compaction.  相似文献   

何延凌 《科技信息》2008,(4):258-258
Language is a means of verbal communication. People use language to communicate with each other. In the society, no two speakers are exactly alike in the way of speaking. Some differences are due to age, gender, statue and personality. Above all, gender is one of the obvious reasons. The writer of this paper tries to describe the features of women's language from these perspectives: pronunciation, intonation, diction, subjects, grammar and discourse. From the discussion of the features of women's language, more attention should be paid to language use in social context. What's more, the linguistic phenomena in a speaking community can be understood more thoroughly.  相似文献   

Location based services is promising due to its novel working style and contents.A software platform is proposed to provide application programs of typical location based services and support new applications developing efficiently. The analysis shows that this scheme is easy implemented, low cost and adapt to all kinds of mobile nework system.  相似文献   

以AC-13级配为基础,将橡胶颗粒代替部分集料掺入混合料中,以低温弯曲试验为评价方法对不同橡胶颗粒掺量下沥青混合料的低温抗裂性进行研究,并引入应变能密度值对混合料的低温抗裂性进行综合评价.试验结果表明:橡胶颗粒沥青混合料试件的破坏微应变均超过2 300,满足冬寒区的技术指标;无论是否掺加橡胶颗粒,随着温度的下降,沥青混合料破坏时的最大弯拉强度增大,弯拉应变降低,劲度模量增大;弯曲应变能密度在胶粒掺量为1%左右时具有较大的弯曲应变能密度值,此时橡胶颗粒沥青混合料具有较好的低温抗裂性.  相似文献   

AcomputergeneratorforrandomlylayeredstructuresYUJia shun1,2,HEZhen hua2(1.TheInstituteofGeologicalandNuclearSciences,NewZealand;2.StateKeyLaboratoryofOilandGasReservoirGeologyandExploitation,ChengduUniversityofTechnology,China)Abstract:Analgorithmisintrod…  相似文献   

理论推导与室内实验相结合,建立了低渗透非均质砂岩油藏启动压力梯度确定方法。首先借助油藏流场与电场相似的原理,推导了非均质砂岩油藏启动压力梯度计算公式。其次基于稳定流实验方法,建立了非均质砂岩油藏启动压力梯度测试方法。结果表明:低渗透非均质砂岩油藏的启动压力梯度确定遵循两个等效原则。平面非均质油藏的启动压力梯度等于各级渗透率段的启动压力梯度关于长度的加权平均;纵向非均质油藏的启动压力梯度等于各渗透率层的启动压力梯度关于渗透率与渗流面积乘积的加权平均。研究成果可用于有效指导低渗透非均质砂岩油藏的合理井距确定,促进该类油藏的高效开发。  相似文献   

Quality traits in wheat (Triticum aestirum L.) were studied by quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population, a set of 131 lines derived from Chuan 35050 × Shannong 483 cross (ChSh). Grains from RILs were assayed for 21 quality traits related to protein and starch. A total of 35 putative QTLs for 19 traits with a single QTL explaining 7.99-40.52% of phenotypic variations were detected on 10 chromosomes, 1D, 2A, 2D, 3B, 3D, 5A, 6A, 6B, 6D, and 7B. The additive effects of 30 QTLs were positive, contributed by Chuan 35050, the remaining 5 QTLs were negative with the additive effect contributed by Shannong 483. For protein traits, 15 QTLs were obtained and most of them were located on chromosomes 1 D, 3B and 6D, while 20 QTLs for starch traits were detected and most of them were located on chromosomes 3D, 6B and 7B. Only 7 QTLs for protein and starch traits were co-located in three regions on chromosomes 1D, 2A and 2D. These protein and starch trait QTLs showed a distinct distribution pattern in certain regions and chromosomes. Twenty-two QTLs were clustered in 6 regions of 5 chromosomes. Two QTL clusters for protein traits were located on chromosomes 1D and 3B, respectively, three clusters for starch traits on chromosomes 3D, 6B and 7B, and one cluster including protein and starch traits on chromosome 1D.  相似文献   

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