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论我国生态安全的现状和对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
生态安全指人类的生存和发展所处的环境不受或少受因生态失衡而导致的破坏或威胁。是国家安全和社会稳定的重要组成部分。本文考察了生态安全问题的产生,研究了其在我国的表现形式,分析了生态安全的特点,探讨了应对生态安全的措施。  相似文献   

儒家文化与中国科学:现代新儒家的见解   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
儒家文化对近代科学在中国的产生和发展究竟起什么样的作用?这是很有意义也常引起争议的话题.当代新儒家以其独特的视角,对这一问题做过许多阐述.本文对当代新儒家的代表人物关于儒家文化中是否缺乏科学,儒家的价值观念是否有碍于科学发展以及儒家研究学问的方式能否成就科学等问题的回答作了简要概括和评析,并就如何估价儒学对科学发展的利与弊,如何分析儒家文化作用于科学发展的方式与机制以及如何预测儒家文化对未来科技发展的作用等问题提出了作者自己的见解.  相似文献   

This commentary is an attempt to rethink the ethics of taking care in posthumanist times. It is an effort to combine ethics, posthumanism and psychological theories. I examine how the psychological notion of long-term well-being can serve as an ethical yardstick and how it can be relevant to non-humans.  相似文献   

本文在回顾技术创新驱动理论的发展和与评价新兴设计驱动创新理论的基础上,总结了创新领域设计环节作用日益突出的发展趋势,引入"技术—文化"系统观,突破创新动力的工具化诠释,对功能与创新的概念进行广义化,提出设计与技术的解耦和分拆概念,把创新驱动模型区分为驱动因素模型和创新模型两类,初步建构两类模型驱动关系和机制的元模型,建立了技术推动、市场拉动和设计驱动的6条路径。  相似文献   

针对出版的图书报刊中时常出现对信息科技名词使用不规范的情况,列举了一些常常用错的名词,并简短说明了如何规范使用科技名词。  相似文献   

本文重点研究一阶逻辑与模态逻辑之间的历史关系以及模态逻辑的产生发展。文章首先回顾了《概念文字》出现的历史背景和理论背景,探讨其形式化和公理化研究方法对逻辑研究的历史贡献。接着,我们重点关注经典一阶逻辑所采用的实质蕴涵概念的意义,表明这样的蕴涵概念如何导致实质蕴涵悖论。接着,文章考察了模态逻辑如何在解决实质蕴涵的悖论中产生,后来如何为哲学概念的分析提供有力的工具和技术。  相似文献   

术语翻译和术语标准化工作之间有着密切的联系,二者之间相互影响。本文从术语翻译的角度,探讨了如何发挥术语翻译对术语标准化的积极影响问题,又从术语学建设的角度,探讨了如何促进术语的标准化翻译问题。文章指出,译者必须掌握和运用术语学知识,才能实现术语翻译的标准化和规范化,从而对术语的标准化工作产生积极影响。同时,术语的标准化工作也必须在术语学建设的宏观框架中拓展视野和范围。  相似文献   

This paper presents the manner in which the DNA, the molecule of life, was discovered. Unlike what many people, even biologists, believe, it was Johannes Friedrich Miescher who originally discovered and isolated nuclein, currently known as DNA, in 1869, 75 years before Watson and Crick unveiled its structure. Also, in this paper we show, and above all demonstrate, the serendipity of this major discovery. Like many of his contemporaries, Miescher set out to discover how cells worked by means of studying and analysing their proteins. During this arduous task, he detected an unexpected substance of unpredicted properties. This new substance precipitated when he added acid to the solution and it dissolved again when adding alkali. Unexpectedly and by a mere fluke, Miescher was the first person to obtain a DNA precipitate. The paper then presents the term serendipity and discusses how it has influenced the discovery of other important scientific milestones. Finally, we address the question of whether serendipitous discoveries can be nurtured and what role the computer could play in this process.  相似文献   

安斯康姆指出,在意向性行为中行为者不用观察就知道自己在做什么,这是一种区别于思辨性知识的实践知识,是行动的原因。其中有两个未明确的问题;一是行为者如何无需观察就知道自己在做什么;二是实践知识的"知道"和思辨性知识的"知道"有何实质区别。学者对意向所知的证据进行了分析,但这些分析显示出,难以在意向所知是行动的原因和意向所知是一种认知结果之间进行综合。本文认为,意向所知是行为者运用实践知识进行实践时对行动所具有的意识,其内容是"如何做一件事情",而非"是否在做这件事情";而实践知识和思辨性知识的区别也就在于,前者是引导实践的,后者则属于一种认知结果。  相似文献   

Pruning a decision tree is considered by some researchers to be the most important part of tree building in noisy domains. While there are many approaches to pruning, the alternative of averaging over decision trees has not received as much attention. The basic idea of tree averaging is to produce a weighted sum of decisions. We consider the set of trees used for the averaging process, and how weights should be assigned to each tree in this set. We define the concept of afanned set for a tree, and examine how the Minimum Message Length paradigm of learning may be used to average over decision trees. We perform an empirical evaluation of two averaging approaches, and a Minimum Message Length approach.This work has been carried out with the support of the Defence Research Agency, Malvern.  相似文献   

This paper starts from qualitative research on volunteering and citizenship, with a special focus on volunteering within a setting of restorative justice and mediation. In a first stage, the author reconstructs two models of meaningfulness as hermeneutical lenses to better understand how volunteers see their engagement and experiences as a source of meaningfulness. The paper argues that a biographical model of meaningfulness (Wolf’s theoretical framework) is in need of a complementary approach to meaningfulness (an existential model of meaningfulness), which focuses on transformational experiences with a strong existential depth. In a second stage, the paper dialogues with the experiences and narratives of the volunteers, and shows how their understanding of citizenship informs, and transforms their ideas of meaningfulness. Both the biographical and the existential approach to meaningfulness appear to be deeply influenced by the volunteers’ civic imaginaries.  相似文献   

在西方,专家们对“自主学习”这一概念应使用的术语争论不已。文章从纵向角度探析了英语中关于“自主学习”的不同术语及其含义,剖析了不同术语之间的关系,比较了中西文化中“自主学习”的不同内涵,并探讨了正确理解“自主学习”含义的重大意义。  相似文献   

This essay shows that a sharp distinction between ethics and aesthetics is unfruitful for thinking about how to live well with technologies, and in particular for understanding and evaluating how we cope with human existential vulnerability, which is crucially mediated by the development and use of technologies such as electronic ICTs. It is argued that vulnerability coping is a matter of ethics and art: it requires developing a kind of art and techne in the sense that it always involves technologies and specific styles of experiencing and dealing with vulnerability, which depend on social and cultural context. It is suggested that we try to find better, perhaps less modern styles of coping with our vulnerability, recognize limits to our attempts to “design” our new forms, and explore what kinds of technologies we need for this project.  相似文献   

Systems thinking provides insights into how ideas interact and change, and constructivism is an example of this type of systemic approach. In the 1970s constructivism emphasised the development of mathematical and scientific ideas in children. Recently constructivist ideas are applied much more generally. Here I use this approach to consider beliefs and their role in conflicts and the conditions needed for reconciliation. If we look at Reality in terms of how we construct it as a human cognitive process, we recognise two things. First, that we cannot go beyond our senses and thoughts to what exists independently of us, and second, if we construct what we know we have to take responsibility for this. This inevitably focuses our thinking on the relation we have with the physical and social world, we are a part of the universe rather than apart from it. This paper argues that accepting and understanding these limits of human knowing together with our interconnectedness provide opportunities to understand conflicting positions. To resolve conflict, people with opposing viewpoints have to be prepared to understand each other. That is a challenge because our own reality plays a vital role in our lives, for everything from personal survival to social support.  相似文献   

在西方,专家们对"自主学习"这一概念应使用的术语争论不已。文章从纵向角度探析了英语中关于"自主学习"的不同术语及其含义,剖析了不同术语之间的关系,比较了中西文化中"自主学习"的不同内涵,并探讨了正确理解"自主学习"含义的重大意义。  相似文献   

Understanding Pluralism in Climate Modeling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To study Earth’s climate, scientists now use a variety of computer simulation models. These models disagree in some of their assumptions about the climate system, yet they are used together as complementary resources for investigating future climatic change. This paper examines and defends this use of incompatible models. I argue that climate model pluralism results both from uncertainty concerning how to best represent the climate system and from difficulties faced in evaluating the relative merits of complex models. I describe how incompatible climate models are used together in ‘multi-model ensembles’ and explain why this practice is reasonable, given scientists’ inability to identify a ‘best’ model for predicting future climate. Finally, I characterize climate model pluralism as involving both an ontic competitive pluralism and a pragmatic integrative pluralism.  相似文献   

介绍了《辞海》(第六版)编纂过程中应用规范名词的情况。并举例说明如何协调处理同名异实、异名同实的情形。  相似文献   

一致主义确证理论认为只有信念之间的一致才能产生确证,这就使它面临如何容纳经验内容的难题。古典一致主义者将经验等同于信念,邦久用认知自发信念来解决经验观察的确证问题,但这些理论都存在问题。麦克道威尔将经验构造为概念性但不是信念性的状态,为解决经验观察在知识确证中的地位提供了一种思路。  相似文献   

This article argues, firstly, that voluntary civic practices are not doomed to fall prey to a Big Society rhetoric and a cynical politics of cuts in social spending. It all depends on how these civic practices are promoted and what kind of civic discourse is communicated through the channels of social media and public opinion. Secondly, the author highlights the political importance of connecting meaningfulness with citizenship.  相似文献   

这里针对两个问题展开讨论,一个是工程的社会影响究竟有多大?从历史发展脉络中我们看到了电气化工程促进了人类社会工业化进程;加快了人类社会城市化发展;改变了人类社会农业生产方式;改善了人类社会的生活方式和家庭生活质量;推动了人类社会全球化变迁;但也对生态环境造成相当程度的破坏。另一个问题是电气化工程的社会影响何以可能?通过实证主义、实用主义、历史主义和建构主义等哲学思想,我们看到了在工程中所蕴合的科技理论的逻辑性和经验性;工程运行的实用性和简单性;工程范式的历史性和转换性以度工程实践的建构性和境遇性等文化意蕴。  相似文献   

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