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短沟对虾人工育苗试验报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于1986年在国内首次对短沟对虾进行人工育苗试验,共孵出无节幼体50万尾,培育成仔虾(P1)23万尾,育苗成活率为46%.  相似文献   

众所周知,对虾育苗需使用活饵如硅藻、卤虫幼体等。近年使用豆浆、蛋黄以及豆浆制备物等人工饵料培育对虾幼体已获成功。但这类饵料不能全部代替硅藻和卤虫的作用,而且这种饵料易受细菌侵附、从而使饵料分解影响水质。自70年代未以来,各种类型的微粒饵料(MD)的研制受到国外学者重视并对其饵料效果进行投喂试验。随着对虾营养需求的研究,用人工微粒饵料(MED、MCD)培育对虾(P.japonicus)幼体从 Z_1期—P_1期82年首次获得了成功,并且在生产上得以应用。83年继又报导卡拉胶粘结微粒饵料(MBD)饲喂日本对虾幼体,从 Z_1—P_1期达到了67%的成活率。在此情况下,国外微粒饵料的商品化  相似文献   

1984--1985年,我们用越冬培育、切除单侧眼柄诱导成熟的12尾野生雌虾和5尾人工子一代,在水泥池(1.68×1.50×深0.5米)中,进行诱导产卵和幼体培育。本文介绍了人工育苗的基本方法,粗略地叙述了胚胎发育和幼体发育的过程。野生亲虾的交配受精率为58。3%,人工子一代为60%,幼体成活率最高分别为11.7%和18.9%,并对交配受精率和幼体成活率偏低的原因做了初步的分析。  相似文献   

就如何解决三疣梭子蟹人工育苗中的关键技术问题,如亲蟹的选择、幼体的培育,饵料等进行了探讨,以期为三疣梭子蟹人工育苗提供技术参考。  相似文献   

84年我们初步研制了一种以海洋酵母为蛋白源的对虾幼体配合饵料,并用以开展小水体培育虾苗的试验。之后又改进了配方,进行了多次实验性育苗和生产性育苗试验。实验结果证明,使用我们研制的配合饵料培育长毛对虾幼体已得到如下几方面结果:1.使用配合饵料,在水温24—26℃的条件下,完成Z、期到P1期的幼体变态需九天时间。2、育苗率可达70%以上且苗体健壮活泼。3、若自M1期起搭配轮虫、丰年虫,育苗率和苗体健康状况均有提高。4、育一万尾虾苗需饵料费0.20元。  相似文献   

远海梭子蟹是我国南海海区重要的渔业经济品种。本文报导了在我省秋季室内条件下进行远海梭子蟹人工育苗,自然水温对幼体变态的影响;及生物饵料作为幼体的开口饵料,能大幅度地提高幼体的变态成活率;在今年育出大眼幼体23万尾的工作基础上,我们认为我省远海梭子蟹自然水温人工育苗工作以在每年的九月份为宜。  相似文献   

利用舟山海区的天然海水进行岩虫的人工育苗试验,基本掌握了亲虫的培养、强化培育与促熟、幼体培育等重要技术环节。1992、1993、1994三年分别育出幼苗11.83万尾、42.81万尾、91万尾,育苗成活率分别为:17.10%、20.42%、27.82%。  相似文献   

成果简介 虾夷马粪海胆是从国外引进的一种具优良经济性状的海产珍品,开展其人工育苗和养殖,可有效地增加我国沿海资源量,扩大海胆出口,提高海水养殖和加工企业的经济效益。  相似文献   

本文根据生产性试验,就河蟹土池人工育苗中培育管理与亲蟹成活率的关系、影响幼体成活率的主要因素及淡化对出池蟹苗成活率的影响等有关技术问题进行了初步探讨,并提出了若干改进措施。  相似文献   

河蟹土池育苗阶段性养水给饵技术的探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分别于1997年3~4月和1998年4~5月在浙江舟山、鄞县两地河蟹土池育苗中进行了一种阶段性养水给饵技术的试验。主要技术措施包括孵幼前的施肥养水、幼体培育中丰年虫无节幼体的间断性停喂和后期外源性天然饵料的利用。结果表明,该技术不仅可以减少饵料及亲蟹成本,而且可明显提高一期蚤幼的变态率,稳定土池育苗的产量。  相似文献   

对采自黑龙江流域野生洛氏经过人工投喂饲料培养后进行雌雄筛选鉴别、人工催产、受精卵制备、孵化和苗种培育的人工繁殖研究.结果表明:繁殖期雌鱼腹柔软膨大呈圆囊形,生殖孔红肿突出较小,雄鱼腹部较小,生殖孔不红肿,但可见突出于身体0.5cm左右的生殖器,雌雄个体全长、体长、头长、吻长、眼径、尾柄长和尾柄高无显著性差异(P0.05),但体重和体高却差异显著(P0.05).在水温12~14℃水体中雌鱼采用HCG+S-GnRH+DOM混合剂一次性注射的方法,注射剂量依次为800IU+20!g+2mg,第8天催产率最高达92.42%,雄鱼采用HCG+S-GnRH混合剂一次性注射的方法,注射剂量依次为600IU+6!g,第6天催产率达到最大值95.19%.洛氏在16~17℃水温下受精170h后,鱼苗开始破膜,受精242h后开始上浮,上浮鱼苗投喂鸡蛋黄3d后放入苗种培育池,70d后完成苗种的培育工作,即可分池饲养.  相似文献   

采用人工催产、自然产卵、自然受精的方法对4对亲鱼进行人工繁殖,在水泥池进行孵化和培育,结果培育出1.2-1.5cm的鱼苗42000尾,培育至4-6cm,成活率85.2%,共35800尾。  相似文献   

用人工饲料:CAR、ARA、ARA、ARA2、DHA、CD和活饵;蓝藻粉(Spirulina)、中肋骨条藻(Skeletomemacostatum)、扁藻(Tetraselmischuii)和卤虫(Artemia)分别在取自实验室供水系统和自然海区的海水中喂养印度对虾(Penaeusiducus)幼体。结果表明,投喂鲜活铒的印度对虾幼体,在取自实室供水系统的海水中,平均成活率是55%,在取自自然海  相似文献   

目的:探究遵义市初中生的一般自我效能感(GSES)与家庭教养方式的特点及其关系。方法:采用一般自我效能感量表和家庭教养方式量表(EMBU)对遵义市329名初中生进行测查。结果:初中生自我效能感因家庭经济收入、父母婚姻状况、家庭教养方式以及母亲文化程度不同而呈现显著性差异。结论:家庭经济地位、母亲受教育程度、家庭教育方式仍是影响孩子自我效能感的主要因素。  相似文献   

经过3a实践研究,重点突破了青蛤亲贝强化培育与人工催产技术,幼虫饵料单胞藻培育技术,青蛤苗种中间培育与清涂除害技术,系统掌握生产性育苗及中间培育技术,实现了青蛤苗种的规模化生产。2003 ̄2005年累计培育平均壳高2 mm的稚贝74.574亿粒,经中间培育后出池商品仔贝49.842亿粒,中间培育成活率达到66.84%。生产性育苗净利润163.82万元,中间培育总利润776万元,获利15 089元/km2。  相似文献   

The survival rates of shrimp larvae in different stage are higher than those of control groups when probiotic bacteria strains X4B-1 and X1B-1 which are isolated from gut of adult shrimp are added into the little volume rearing sea water of shrimp larvae. The effects of probiotic bacteria are evaluated by challenge test (pathogenic bacteria Z3G2 isolated from disease shrimp larvae in the hatchery of Jimo town) and low salinity stress resistance tests on shrimp larvae, the survival rate and lengths of the shrimp larvae in the experiment are determined. Results indicate that 1. The survival rate, ability of resistant to low salinity, lengths of the delivered shrimp larvae are improved after the strains of probiotic bacteria, X4B-1 or X1B-1, are added into the rearing sea water of hatchery. 2. The addition of the probiotic bacteria could not influence the change of the bacteria number, NH3-N and COD value in the rearing sea water. 3. The probiotic bacteria used in the experiment have many enzymes such as Lipase, Amylase, Gelatinase and Lecithinase. These enzymes may help the probiotic bacteria to digest the food components fed to shrimp larvae and increase the digestive efficiency of post larvae. This may be one of the reasons why these probiotic bacteria are beneficial to the shrimp larvae.  相似文献   

采用自我修订的拖延调查量表和中文版EMBU对400名小学生进行测试,旨在研究小学生拖延行为与父母教养方式之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)父母教养方式与小学生拖延行为存在显著相关;(2)父亲情感温暖、母亲情感温暖、父亲的惩罚和严厉、母亲的惩罚和严厉因子对小学生的拖延行为都有着非常显著的预测作用。  相似文献   

The interspecific hybridization betweenHelicoverpa armigera females andHelicoverpa assulta males yieldedF 1 hybrids (RS), fertile males and sterile individuals with abnormal genitals. The reverse hybridization betweenH. assulta females andH. armigera males yielded F1 hybrids (SR)-fertile males and fertile females. The morphology of testes and the karyotype of chromosomes of larvae in the hybrids were investigated. Among the 2d old fifth-instar SR larvae, individuals without testes were fertile females and those with testes were fertile males. The length and breadth of testes between SR and parental species were not significantly different (p>0.05). Among the 2d old fifth-instar RS larvae, the testes were observed in all the individuals, but it could be classified into two types. The length and the breadth of testes in Type 1 larvae were not significantly different from those of their parental species (p>0.05), while those in Type 2 were significantly less than those of their parental species (p<0.01). Mitotic metaphase I of brain cells showed the diploid chromosomes number of both reciprocal hybrids was 2n=62, as many as their parents. The haploid number of 31 was confirmed by counts from spermatocytes at meiotic metaphase from SR male larvae and Type 1 larvae of RS. Meiosis was not observed in spermatocytes of Type 2 larvae of RS. Considering the characteristics of adult hybrids of RS, it was concluded that Type 1 individuals in RS were fertile and those of Type 2 were sterile. The sterility of Type 2 individuals in RS is attributed to the abnormity in development of testes and the failing meiosis of spermatocytes. As a result, the normal spermatozoon could not been produced.  相似文献   

The artificial diets mixed with various concentrations of nickel were offered to the larvae of the phytophagous insect Spodoptera litura Fabricius for 3 generations. Nickel accumulations in the 6th instar larvae, pupae and newly emerged adults of the corresponding generations of S. litura were investigated by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometer (ICP-AES), and the effects of nickel accumulations on the survival rate of S. litura were also evaluated by individual rearing. The results showed that nickel accumulated in the 6th instar larvae, pupae and adults of S. litura, and the accu- mulated nickel in all the tested developmental stages within a generation increased with the increase of the nickel doses in the treated diets and showed significant dose-dependent relationship with the nickel doses in the artificial diets. The results also indicated that the nickel accumulations in the 6th instar larvae, pupae, and newly emerged adults from the 3rd generation were higher than those from the 2nd generation, which were also higher than those from the 1st generation. Nickel concentrations in pupae and adults were significantly lower than those in larvae, which indicated that the excessive nickel might be excreted during metamorphosis. Furthermore, larval survival rate, pupation rate and eclosion rate of S. litura in the tested three generations all decreased with the increase of the nickel doses in the treated diets.  相似文献   

采用混料比率的二次正交旋转组合设计寻找家蝇幼虫剩余饲料的利用途径,得出了影响家蝇幼虫生物量、百头重、存活率的二次回归模型及影响因子,根据回归模型,进行了主效应分析,通过优化分析,初步筛选出了剩余饲料的合理利用途径。  相似文献   

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