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根据对170属三叶虫、210属腕足类及87属头足类的综合分析结果,本研究区可分为中亚-东亚区和北亚区(二者分别属于古太平洋大区和古大西洋大区)。中亚-东亚区包括哈萨克斯坦、塔里木及华北3个分区,其中哈萨克斯坦分区包括哈萨克斯坦、中亚南天山及新疆准噶尔,以三叶虫 OpsimasaphusHeptabronteus 以及腕足类 Ishimia, ShlyginiaEoanastrophia 为代表;塔里木分区以三叶虫 Taklamakania 属为代表,另有丰富的 Lituitidae 和 Oncoceratidae 科头足类;华北分区包括华北地台区,鄂尔多斯及祁连等地区,以头足类比较丰富及其地方性为特色。北亚区分为西伯利亚、阿尔泰-萨彦和兴蒙3个分区,其中西伯利亚分区以三叶虫 Monorakos、腕足类 Evenkina, EvenkinorthisLenatoechia 以及头足类 Intejacerida 目为代表;阿尔泰-萨彦分区以三叶虫 Malinaspis 和腕足类 Ujukites 为代表;兴蒙分区包括我国东北及蒙古东部,除局部性的地方分子外,特征分子不明显。值得指出的是,哈萨克斯坦分区含有许多广泛分布于北美、华南、塔里木和华北鄂尔多斯地区的种属,意味着它当时处于两大区的过渡地位。  相似文献   

贵州凯里台江屯州中寒武世早期地层凯里组,主要由泥岩组成,发育良好,化石主要为底栖的扬子型,也混有游泳的三叶虫,属江南型和扬子型之间的过渡类型地层(周志毅等,1979,1980)。  相似文献   

早寒武世早中期,福泉道坪地区位于扬子沉积区东缘,以过渡区为邻(卢衍豪等,1974;周志毅等,1979、1980),处于水下隆起状态(周志毅等,1979),出现一些黔中地区少见的三叶虫。中寒武统石冷水期三叶虫也比较丰富,并有鄂尔多斯虫科三叶虫的出现。道坪地区寒武系三叶虫序列的研究,补充了黔中地区乃至扬子地区三叶虫序列。在南京地质古生物研究所三叶虫组及贵州区域地质测量大队尹恭正的帮助下,经作者研究,福泉道坪地区寒武系石冷水组以下的三叶虫序列如下:  相似文献   

文章讨论了早寒武世早期小壳动物的生存条件及几类常见软舌螺(Microcornus, Actinotheca, Neogloborilus, Paragloborilus, Adyshevitheca, Sulcavitus等)的生活环境及生存方式,并在古生态分析的基础上,对扬子地台早寒武世早期小壳动物的地理分区进行了探讨,提出扬子地台自西向东可分为三个不同的生物地理区,即底栖生物区;浮游、游泳、底栖生物混生区;浮游、游泳动物区。其分区界线大致与三叶虫的分区界线相吻合。  相似文献   

黑龙江多宝山东部地区地质地球化学特征及构造演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多宝山东部地区处于兴蒙造山带东段大兴安岭造山带和松嫩-张广才岭地块的交汇部位,地质构造复杂,岛弧-活动大陆边缘的环境,具有高A;低K、Na的特点。中奥陶世钙碱性火山喷发形成了多宝山组岛弧火山岩建造,晚奥陶世-晚志留世地壳下沉,海水不断加深,沉积了上奥陶统裸河组、爱辉组;志留纪早期深水环境中沉积了细碎屑岩,志留纪中晚期水域缩小,海水逐渐变浅,沉积了浅海-滨海相志留统黄花沟组、中志留统八十里小河组石英砂岩;自晚志留世开始,盆地重新拉张沉降,海侵作用逐渐加大,沉积了滨-浅海相的卧都河组粗碎屑岩;至中泥盆世呈现较大的海泛期,沉积了上志留统-中泥盆统泥鳅河组,华力西期沿五道沟-泥鳅河一带发生陆陆碰撞造山,引发了晚石炭世-早二叠世宝力高庙期中酸性钙碱质火山喷发,形成上石炭统-下二叠统宝力高庙组,期间岩浆热液活动使地层中的金属元素迁出而形成矿床。  相似文献   

本书介绍近年来在贵州省丹寨县兴仁区南皋乡九门冲、平寨和岩英,台江县革东镇八郎、屯州和川硐等地早寒武世晚期至中寒武世早期凯里组(距今约5.12~5.13亿年)三叶虫动物群的新发现,根据大量保存完好的标本,对凯里组及同期地层三叶虫属种的定义及  相似文献   

江西武宁晚奥陶世晚期三叶虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述了江西武宁晚奥陶世晚期三叶虫4属、2种、2未定种—Songxites wuningensis Lin,Dalmanitina(Dalmanitina)zunyiensis Yin,Platycoryphe sp.,和Leonaspis sp.等,并讨论Songxites归属问题,作者同意Vandenberg等意见,将Songxites提升为一独立的属,但作者从Songxites的唇瓣特征以及据Dalmanitid三叶虫25个种头部,采用多变量的比值数据,通过聚类分析结果的资料,认为Songxites不应归入Mucronaspidinae亚科,而仍应归Dalmanitinae亚科。从Songxites分布于亚洲、欧洲、澳大利亚,时代仅限于晚奥陶世晚期,所以作者提出该属可作为洲际间晚奥陶世地层对比的一个标准化石。作者认为从本区晚奥陶世晚期三叶虫组合特征来看,它与川、黔、滇、甘等地上奥陶统顶部所含的三叶虫组合近似,所以本区含Dalmanitina地层时代确定为晚奥陶世五峰期是适宜的。  相似文献   

海南岛的Cystophrentis-Pseudouralinia 间隔带及三叶虫化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据Siphonodella levis (Ni) Polygnathus cf.. inornatus E.R.Branson等牙形刺化石,海南岛白沙县金波老村附近南好组第二段中上部确定为下石炭统杜内早期,与Cystophrentis-Pseudourlinia间隔带底部层位相当.共同产出的Weberiphillipsia cf. linguiformis Yuan & Li,Weberiphillipsia sp.,Linguaphillipsia sp.,Hunanoproetus sp.,Austrulosutura sp., Conophillipsia sp. 等系海南岛首次发现的早石炭世三叶虫化石.它与澳大利亚新南威尔士同期三叶虫很相似,可能属同一古生物地理区.  相似文献   

贵州镇远竹坪地区下寒武统三叶虫新材料   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
贵州镇远竹坪地区寒武纪时处于扬子区与江南区之间的过渡区。区内各组地层均产出代表性的三叶虫。描述了产于镇远竹坪地区下寒武统中的部分三叶虫。计有5属5种及2未定种:Redlichia(petroradlichia)murakamii;R.(P.)murakamii intermedia;Wutingaspis sp.;Antagmus cf.merus;A.dapinensis;Yuehsieusze  相似文献   

滇东南薄竹山蕨类区系研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
薄竹山位于云南东南部。现知薄竹山蕨类区系有获类植物41科,86属,213种。该获类区系最大的科是鳞毛蕨科、水龙骨科和蹄盖蕨科,最大的属是蹄盖蕨属、鳞毛蕨属和瓦韦属。根据区系分析的结果,该蕨类区系具有下列5个区系特征:(1)该蕨类区系是亚热带性质的区系,但具有一些亚热带向温带过渡的特征;(2)该蕨类区系与越南北部的区系有着较密切的亲缘关系;(3)该蕨类区系与日本的关系较疏远而与喜马拉雅地区的关系较密切;(4)该蕨类区系具有丰富的中国特有成分;(5)该蕨类区系与横断山区至喜马拉雅地区以及与台湾等区系具有较大的相似性。最后,本文提出蕨类区系之间的种类组成的相似与生境相似或植被类型相似有关和山地区系在植物区系区划上应该另当别论两个结论。  相似文献   

With the summarization of the Early Paleozoic paleomagnetic data recently obtained from the three major blocks of China, the Early Paleozoic (i.e. Cambrian and Ordovician) paleogeographic positions of the North China, South China and Tarim blocks were discussed in detail. The North China, South China and Tarim blocks were inferred to be located adjacent to East Gondwana in low latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere during the Early Cambrian. During the Early-Middle Ordovician, the South China and Tarim blocks were also located in low latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere with some affinities of the Gondwanaland, whereas the North China block may have episodically separated from the Gondwanaland, and might be sited close to the North America and Siberia. The reestablished paleogeographic configurations are in agreement with the studies on the biogeography, paleoclimate and sedimental facies of the North China and South China blocks.  相似文献   

Quantitative paleoprovincialism is studied, using a coefficient of similarity (CS) formula. The results indicate that the provincialism of the late Middle through middle Late Cambrian paraconodonts and protoconodonts did exist. The provincialism of Ordovician conodonts can be traced back to late Middle Cambrian. The North China Province and South China Province can be recognized in late Middle Cambrian, whereas the North China Province, South China Province and Balitca Province can be recognized respectively in early Late Cambrian and middle Late Cambrian. The possibility that the larger units of provincialism, i.e. Faunal Regions existed in the areas mentioned above is discussed. It is inferred that the Midcontinent Faunal Region and the Atlantic Faunal Region had existed in early Late Cambrian and middle Late Cambrian. The North China Province was the secondary unit of provincialism in the Midcontinent Faunal Region, while the Baltica Province was that in the Atlantic Faunal Region. The South China Province is the secondary unit of provincialism between the two largest units of provincialism. Moreover, the comparison with the trilobite provincialism which has been accumulated on a solid basis of research is made, and the paleogeographic positions of North China Massif, South China Massif and Tarim Massif are revised.  相似文献   

南天山伊契克巴什组生物群含有腕足、珊瑚、头足和苔藓虫动物化石,通过鉴定,其中有腕足动物Eospirifer tingia,Eospirifer sp.,Tuvaella gigantean,Nalivkinia grunewaldtiaeformis;珊瑚动物Palaeo favosites sp.,头足动物Sichuanoceras sp,和遗迹化石线形迹的Gordia属,根据化石生物群和沉积特征.作者认为该组地层时代大致应归属中志留世。从生物群生态特征来看,反映了稳定低能的正常浅海环境,说明南天山中志留世沉积海域与中国南、北海域是广泛相通的。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with a tectonic event of Late Ordovician age affecting three blocks of China,i.e.South China,North China and Tarim.In the North China and the Tarim platforms,as well as their marginal belts,there was a regional uplift during the early Katian Stage of the Ordovician.The uplift was indicated by the unconformities between the Ordovician successions and overlying late Paleozoic strata.New biostratigraphic studies of conodonts and graptolites from many sections at Longxian and Yaoxian,North China shows that the youngest Ordovician strata are of the early Katian age corresponding to graptolite Diplacanthograptus spiniferus Biozone.The same level has been recognized to represent the uppermost Ordovician in the platform area of Tarim,whereas in the marginal belt the top boundary of the Ordovician is slightly younger,corresponding to the graptolite Dicellograptus complanatus Biozone.Thus,the regional uplift in North China and Tarim is shown by the disconformity between the early Katian strata and Late Paleozoic strata,the onset coinciding with that of the Kwangsian Orogeny in South China.The designation Kwangsian Orogeny later fell into disuse and was replaced by the term Caledonian Orogeny.However,in terms of geographic location,tectonic nature,and the timing of activity,the Caledonian Orogeny differs significantly from the orogenic event in South China,and the continued use of this term in South China is inappropriate and misleading.  相似文献   

湘西北奥陶系新认识   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
位于江南古陆西段北侧,扬子区南缘的湘西北慈利地区的奥陶系地层的研究,对全面认识扬子区与江南区奥陶系的过渡性质和阐明其古地理情况,关系重大。但以往研究程度较低,为此,笔者于近年选择慈利宜冲桥奥陶系进行较全面的工作,在该系中段大湾组至宝塔组的三叶虫获得丰富成果,并首次进行了牙形刺的研究。通过多门类化石面貌的分析,重新修正了若干“组”的厚度,确立了大田坝组的存在,并将本区该段地层与其毗邻的江南区同期地层进行了对比。对研究本区的区域地质特点具有重大意义。  相似文献   

广东海陵岛沿海软体动物的分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对海陵岛沿海软体动物进行了采集调查,共鉴定180种,分属 60科. 其中双壳纲20科86种,占总数47.77%,腹足纲38科92种,占总数51.11%,多板纲1科1种,占总数0.56%,头足纲1科1种,占总数0.56%. 分析表明,其区系特点以南海亚热带-热带种和东海-南海亚热带种为主要成分.  相似文献   

Acritarchs are organic-walled cysts of unicellular pro- tists that cannot be assigned to any known group of or- ganisms. Most acritarchs are probably the resting cysts of marine eukaryotic phytoplankton. Because of their small size, abundance and diversity, as well as widespread distri- bution, acritarchs are very useful in biostratigraphic cor- relation, as well as paleobiogeographic and paleoenviron- mental studies. Furthermore, they represent the fossil re- cord of the base of the marine fo…  相似文献   

西昆仑早古生代构造演化及其对塔西南盆地的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在板块构造理论基础上,通过区内蛇绿岩、与俯冲有关的岩浆岩及相关沉积等综合研究,对西昆仑早古生代构造演化进行了重建:震旦纪-寒武纪西昆仑从塔里木大陆分裂出去,并在它们之间形成“昆仑洋”;寒武纪-奥陶纪“昆仑洋”洋壳向南俯冲于西仑之下,形成库地俯冲带、库地弧前盆地、西昆仑早古生代火山弧及麻扎-黑卡弧后盆地;志留纪-早泥盆世,“昆仑洋”消失,西昆仑早古生代火山弧与塔里木大陆碰撞,并形成塔里木前陆冲断带和泥盆纪前陆盆地磨拉石及塔里木大陆内泥盆纪的“红层相”  相似文献   

北部湾北部我国沿岸海区鱼类区系的初步调查   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
北部湾北部沿岸的鱼类共有326种,按贝尔格分类系统,隶属于17目88科190属。软骨鱼类19种,占总数的5.8%,硬骨鱼类307种,占94.2%,其中鲈形目鱼类占优势,有200种。根据区系的温度特征,本海区鱼类可分为二大类群:暖水性鱼类273种,占83.7%;暖温性鱼类53种,占16.3%;没有冷水性和冷温性鱼类。生态类型以近底层和底层鱼类为主,中上层鱼类和珊瑚礁鱼类较少。本海区鱼类均为南海沿岸种,属南海鱼类区系的一个组成部分。  相似文献   

<正> In Xizang there are 57 species and 6 varieties under the genus Artemisia Linn, which can be divided into 2 subgenera and 6 sections (see P. 82-85).Sect. Absinthium of the genus Artemisia is possibly the most primitive, because the heads are bigger and the flowers on a head are numerous, over 40-100- The inner most flowers of the disk are sterile, the corolla of the outer flower (margine) is similar to the inner ones with 4 (not 2) corolla-teeth. Sometimes there are sterile androecia in the outer flowers. The receptacle is covered with hairs which are developed from the scales in the species of Tribus Heliantheae. Sect. Abrotanum arising from Sect. Absinthium is the intermediate with glabrous receptacle, and the advanced Sect. Artemisia may have arisen from Abrotanum. In this Sect, heads are small and flowers on each head are not very many (< 20). In South-West China (a plant refuge in the Age of Ice of the Quaternary), Sect. Viscidipubes Y. R. Ling may have arisen from Sect. Artemisia or Sect. Abrotanum, and has all the stems, branches, leaves and bracts of the heads clothed with glandular-hairs. With the exception of Subgenus Dracunculus arising from Subgenus Artemisia, Sect. Latilobus Y. R. Ling posseses broader leaf lobes and often occurs in the forest, while Sect. Dracunculus produces narrower leaf lobes and often occurs in the steppe or desert-steppe.Sect. Artemisia in Xizang migrated from the original centre of the genus, which occured possibly in the mountain regions of N. Asia by the middle of Tertiary Period and at the beginning of Quaternary Period. They migrated across C. Asia (East)-Mongolia (West), or through the Sichuan-Yunnan plateau secondary original centre into Xizang and even gave rise to many endemic species of Xizang (for the development system of Artemisia see Fig. 1).The floristical elements of Artemisia in Xizang are so diverse that they are to be summarized as follows: (table l)1. Holartic (subholartic) subkingdom.(1) Tertiary ancient endemic species.2 . Eurasia steppe or semidesert-steppe subkingdom.  相似文献   

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