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研究了在线性磁场作用下,一维铁磁链的2种孤子激发分别导出2个不同修正的非线性薛定愕方程,可以得到各自所激发的孤子解此2种孤子激发结果均表明,在增加线性磁场后,孤子的外形与有效质量并不受到影响,但孤子的运动模式却发生改变,从一般的匀速运动变为匀变速运动而且在线性磁场作用下孤子的能量出现了定域分布,随位置的不同而不同由此发现,引入线性磁场的普遍意义在于,可使一维铁磁链中的孤子激发和移动受到更好的控制,同时不破坏孤子的稳定性  相似文献   
Amplitudes, rates, periodicities, causes and future trends of temperature variations based on tree rings for the past 2485 years on the central-eastern Tibetan Plateau were analyzed. The results showed that extreme climatic events on the Plateau, such as the Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age and 20th Century Warming appeared synchronously with those in other places worldwide. The largest amplitude and rate of temperature change occurred during the Eastern Jin Event (343-425 AD), and not in the late 20th century. There were significant cycles of 1324 a, 800 a, 199 a, 110 a and 2-3 a in the 2485-year temperature series. The 1324 a, 800 a, 199 a and 110 a cycles are associated with solar activity, which greatly affects the Earth surface temperature. The long-term trends (>1000 a) of temperature were controlled by the millennium-scale cycle, and amplitudes were dominated by multi-century cycles. Moreover, cold intervals corresponded to sunspot minimums. The prediction indicated that the temperature will decrease in the future until to 2068 AD and then increase again.  相似文献   
Molecular studies using trace DNA, such as from museum specimens, ancient or forensic samples and samples obtained noninvasively, often have a common problem of low quality of DNA templates. Amplification errors, such as allelic dropout and false allele, may arise during polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using such samples. A mathematical model which treats homozygotes and heterozygotes discriminately has been developed to measure sample quality and compute the confidence level of using multipletube approaches. We use plucked hair samples collected from 26 individual Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxel- lana) to test the model. In this case, a confidence level of 99% can be achieved by three positive PCRs. If the sample quality is very poor and requires many PCR replicates, an alternative multiplestep genotyping method is recommended. This model enables researchers to optimize experimental protocols through pilot studies and obtain reliable genetic information using noninvasive sampling method.  相似文献   
Benignfamilialneonatalconvulsions(BFNC)is arareautosomaldominantinheritedepilepsysyn dromecharacterizedbyunprovokedpartialorgeneral izedseizures.Theseizuresusuallyoccurfromthesec onddayofbirthtothesixthmonthandremitsponta neouslyafterseveralweekstomonths.Mostindivid ualsareseizure freebytheageofsixmonths.The serumchemistryandneuroradiologicalexaminations,interictalelectroencephalogram(EEG),andpsy chomotordevelopmentareusuallynormal.However,10%to15%ofpatientshavetheriskofseizurere currencela…  相似文献   
Theactivitiesoftheinternalwavecanmakethetemperatureoftheseawatermassvarywithtimeandspace ,andthencanaffectthesoundpropagationinthesea[1~ 7] .Inaddition ,itcanreducethecorrela tiontimeoftheacousticfields .Forexample ,intheSWARM 95experiment,thecorrelationtimeatarangeof 4 0kmislessthan 2minutes[6 ] .InJune 2 0 0 1,theAsianSeasInternationalA cousticsExperiment (ASIAEX)wasperformedintheEastChinaSea (ECS) .Acombinedacoustic/ physicaloceanographicexperimentalmeasurementwas per formedtostu…  相似文献   
Distribution of possible sunshine durations over rugged terrains of China   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Theconcepton possiblesunshineduration(PSD)findsitswiderangeofapplicationsinagricul ture ,forestry ,meteorology ,hydrology ,remotesens ing ,buildingindustryandsolarenergyutilization[1] .Itis ,however,hardtodeterminethePSDinapar ticularruggedterrainonaccountofitsslopeandas pect ,aswellasthescreeningofelevatedsurroundinglands[2 ] .PSDhastodateremainedanessentialyetunknowngeographicparameteronanation wideba sis ,especiallyinmountains[3] .PSDrefersbothtoitsastronomicalanalog ,meaningamaximum po…  相似文献   
针对(Crab Cut算法应用于服装检索系统中服装图像的前景提取时所存在的交互式和复杂背景提取效果差问题,首先提出了一种全自动化的Crab Cut算法,以实现自动根据背景情况,对单一背景和复杂背景图像分别采用不同的方法生成初始矩形框并进行前景提取由于该算法仍存在欠分割或过分割现象,故将该算法与区域生长算法相结合,给出了一种结合区域生长的全自动化Crab Cut算法实验结果表明,无论对于单一背景还是复杂背景的图像,改进算法的前景提取效果都明显优于传统算法,不仅能准确获取服装前景区域,而且对于服装内部的过分割问题也有很大的改善  相似文献   
ResearchonDNAcomputingwasinitializedin1994 ,whenAdleman[1] proposedamethodofsolvingasmallinstanceoftheHamiltonianPathproblembyalaboratoryexperimentinvolvingDNAmolecules .Later,Lipton[2 ] demonstratedhowalargeclassofNP completeproblemscouldbesolvedbyencodingtheprobleminDNAmolecules .Inparticular ,LiptonshowedonefamousNP problem ,theso called“satisfiability”problem (SAT)andsubsequentlytheotherNP problemscouldbeencodedandsolvedusingmolecules .TheadvantagesofDNAcomputingareitsmassivepa…  相似文献   
The genus Oryza includes two cultivated species, O. sativa L. and O. glaberrima Steud. and comprises more than 20 species[1]. The genomes of Oryza are classified into 10 types: AA, BB, CC, BBCC, CCDD, EE, FF, GG, HHJJ and HHKK[2,3]. Morphological variatio…  相似文献   
Modelingoffireinacompartmentcanbeachievedeitherusingazonemodelingmethodoracomputationalfluiddynamics (CFD )modelingmethod .Themostcommonzonemodelisthetwo zonemodel.Themaincharacterofthismodelisthatitdividestheroom (s)intoahot ,upperlayerandacooler,lowerlayer ,andthatthephysicalpropertiesofeachlayer ,suchasitsgastemperatureandspeciesconcentrationsarealluniform .Somemodelsofthistypehavebeendeveloped[1~3] ,andacomprehensivereviewoftheexistingtwo zonefiremodelscanbefoundinreference [4 ].Thecomp…  相似文献   
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