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本文为第二报,共记载蕨类植物十三种,一变种,内含新种二,即猴场耳蕨Polystichumhouchangense Ching ex P.S.Wang和楔基耳蕨Polystichum cuncatum Ching ex P.S.Wwang;新变种一:银叶凤尾蕨Pteris cretica L.var.silvestris X.Y.Wang et P.S.Wang;其余为贵州新记录或中国大陆新记录种.  相似文献   
鸡公山自然保护区蕨类植物区系分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文报道了河南鸡公山自然保护区蕨类植物的区系特点,蕨类植物与土壤关系等问题  相似文献   
广西蕨类植物新资料(1)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周厚高  黎桦 《贵州科学》1997,15(3):229-235
本文记载广西蕨类植物新记录属1个,新记录种44个,其中中国大陆新记录属1个,中国或中国大陆新记录种6个。  相似文献   
周厚高  黎桦 《贵州科学》1997,15(4):258-263
本文记载广西蕨类植物新记录种35个,其中中国及中国大陆新记录种6个。  相似文献   
中国贵州与日本蕨类植物区系之比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王筱英  王培善 《贵州科学》1997,15(2):142-150
中国贵州与日本基本上具有相同科、属的蕨类植物,两地的大科完全一致,日本比贵州有较多的热带与温带属,反映了其温和海洋性气候有南伸北延的岛屿跨越纬度范围较大,贵州则因地处大陆及亚热带气候而有不同的蕨类植物。  相似文献   
云南雕林山自然保护区蕨类植物区系地理的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
雕林山自然保护区的蕨类植物现知有25科、44属,80种.本文列出全部种类及其地理分布、并将属、种划分为15种分布区类型.根据地理成分分析.该蕨类植物区系具有4个区系特征:(1)具有热带亲缘关系;(2)与旧大陆其他地区的联系较广泛;(3)与喜马拉雅山地区的联系较密切;(4)是滇中高原蕨类植物区系较典型的缩影.  相似文献   
Based on the existing data concerning the evolution of the sexual reproduction, it is argued that the processes of sex differentiation and interactions play a key role in evolution. From the beginning environment and organism are unified. In a changing dynamic environment life originates and the interaction between life and environment develops from simple to more complex organisms. Sexual reproduction is introduced after the origin of meiosis and is a key process in evolution. The asexual reproduction process prepares to dispersal. Sexual reproduction process adds the genome renewal and the gamete-gamete interaction. Reproduction and dispersal are connected and the process of reproduction has similarities between asexual and sexual reproduction. Unicellular algae develop the physiological and morphological sex differentiation. Sex differentiation is connected with the way of dispersal. The step to multicellular plants introduces cell isolation after meiosis and by the stay on the mother plant within a cell or organ, plant-cell apoplastic interaction originates and by prolonged stay the plant-plant interaction. This stay influences the type of dispersal. A life cycle with alternation of generations and two moments of dispersal permits plants to go on land. In ferns a shift in the moment of sex differentiation to meiospore happens and the stay of the macrospore leads to the seed plants. In water all types of sexual reproduction, interactions and the alternation of generations are prepared and these are used to conquest land. On land the biotic dispersal is realized. The phylogeny of sexual reproduction reveals that the sex differentiation and interaction are the main causes in the evolution of sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction shows interactions during gamete fusion, between organism and environment and in multicellular plants between organisms. With respect to other types of interaction as in symbiosis or the nutrient chain, interaction is considered as an important action which is based on a persisting cooperation and points to a push during evolution. The push is expressed as communication: the driving force in the evolution. Based on the interactions between organisms and interactions between organisms and the dynamic environment, communication is considered as a driving force leading to the evolution as explained in the development of plant reproduction. Consequences for reproduction, its regulation and the process of evolution are discussed.  相似文献   
通过野外调查及查阅文献资料,已知豫北太行山高等孢子植物药用资源有68种(含种以下分类单位),其中,苔类4种,藓类18种,蕨类46种.介绍了这68种高等孢子植物药用资源的地理分布和药用功效,阐述了高等孢子植物药用资源的保护策略.  相似文献   
闫双喜  金红  胡艳芳 《河南科学》2009,27(4):415-418
据调查,河南薄山国家森林公园有维管束植物132科427属772种39变种和6变型,其中蕨类植物13科17属26种和1变种.蕨类植物区系基本特征是地理成分多样,区系联系广泛,有一定的古老性;以温带性质为主,有明显的热带残遗性;特有现象明显,为东亚成分分布中心的一部分;隶属于华北区系,有强烈西南区系特色.  相似文献   
报道广西蕨类植物新记录16种1变种,即狭叶紫萁Osmunda angustifolia、粤紫萁Osmunda mildei、边上假脉蕨Crepidomanes pinnatifidum、仙霞铁线蕨Adiantum juxtapositum、书带车前蕨Antrophyum vittarioides、羽裂短肠蕨Allantodia pinnatifido-pinnata、小叶茯蕨Leptogramma tottoides、贵阳铁角蕨Asplenium interjectum、刀羽耳蕨Polystichum deltodon var.cultripinnum、微小耳蕨Polystichum minutissimum、钳形耳蕨Polystichum bifidum、广东耳蕨Polystichum kwangtungense、多羽耳蕨Polystichum subacutidens、剑叶叉蕨Tectaria leptophylla、展羽假瘤蕨Phymatopteris quasidivaricata、常春藤鳞果星蕨Lepidomicrosorum hederaceum、顶生剑蕨Loxogramme acroscopa。本文列出了每个种的标本引证和地理分布。  相似文献   
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