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 等量吸附热是表征固体表面吸附非均匀性的重要参数.采用高低温吸附仿真实验装置,对九里山无烟煤、新元贫煤、潘北气肥煤进行瓦斯吸附测试,通过计算等量吸附热与吸附量的关系,探讨从常温(30、20℃)降至低温(-10、-20、-30℃)对煤表面不均匀性的影响.结果表明,不同变质程度煤的瓦斯吸附量都随温度降低而增大;在常温时(30、20℃)煤的等量吸附热随吸附量的增大而减小,表明煤表面能量是不均匀的.降温至-10、-20、-30℃时煤的等量吸附热几乎和吸附量无关,表明煤表面是均匀的.煤吸附瓦斯理论Langmuir 方程在低温环境(0℃以下)更加适用.  相似文献   

As a fundamental theory of heat transfer, Fourier’s law is valid for most traditional conditions. Research interest in non-Fourier heat conditions is mainly focused on heat wave phenomena in non-steady states. Recently, the thermomass theory posited that, for steady states, non-Fourier heat conduction behavior could also be observed under ultra-high heat flux conditions at low ambient temperatures. Significantly, this is due to thermomass inertia. We report on heat conduction in metallic nanofilms from large currents at low temperatures; heat fluxes of more than 1×1010 W m 2 were used. The measured average temperature of the nanofilm is larger than that based on Fourier’s law, with temperature differences increasing as heat flux increased and ambient temperature decreased. Experimental results for different film samples at different ambient temperatures reveal that non-Fourier behavior exists in metallic nanofilms in agreement with predictions from thermomass theory.  相似文献   

Atomic simulations using an embedded atom method (EAM) potential were performed to study changes of packing patterns in titanium clusters containing tens to thousands of atoms. The findings revealed that the changes came from the movements and rearrangements of surface atoms in a large temperature range, and they were strongly dependent on cluster size and elevated temperatures. Small size clusters with icosahedron (Ih) configurations of geometric shell closures were preferred. As the cluster size increased, most of the atoms in these clusters could hold their HCP packing patterns. With the increasing temperature, the coexistence of different packing patterns including HCP, BCC, and Ih occurred. At a high temperature, the disorderly packing quickly extended into the entire region of a large size cluster. The calculations of specific heat were compared with Dulong-Petit law. The simulations provide the possibility to straddle structural transformations and determine critical size suitable for classical theory under certain thermal conditions.  相似文献   

研究了高效深磨技术中的热渗透.研究发现,在高效深磨(HEDG)加工中,工件的热渗透层很浅,随着工作速度的增加,磨削热趋于集中在工件的表层,而且加工中这个表层被快速的去除, 从而传递给工件的热量较少,导致工件的磨削温度相当低.而对于长度较短的工件,可能达不到稳态条件,尤其在工作速度较低的情况下.  相似文献   

燃料组件在高温高压试验回路中的稳态辐照考验是揭示燃料抗辐照性能以及验证新型燃料组件在投入工程应用前安全性的必经阶段。本文主要针对高温高压稳态考验,研究了低参数工况对高温高压试验回路主热交换器换热能力的影响,研究表明,两台主热交换器并联运行时的总换热功率并非总是高于单台独立运行,在一次水入口相对流量40%和温度330°C下,两台主热交换器并联运行的功率反而较单台运行时低3.9%~4.3%。同时存在一个流量转折点,在该流量转折点之上,两台主热交换器并联运行才具有实质意义。本文建立了通过分段拟合求解流量转折点的方法,整体求解了在不同一次水入口温度下的流量转折点,通过拟合求解与计算求解获得的流量转折点平均差异为0.6%,而对应的换热功率平均偏差为1.8%。并且进一步提出在低参数运行工况下,可以采用主热交换器串联的方式解决换热功率不足的问题,在一次水入口温度250°C时,串联运行时的换热功率要较单台或两台并联运行时的最大功率平均高出77.5%。  相似文献   

采用Thomas-Fermi的半经典近似,研究了广义不确定性原理下广义外势中n维理想费米气体的热力学性质.解析计算出平均粒子数、内能和热容等热力学量,给出了低温条件下上述热力学量及化学势、费米能和基态能的解析表达式以及考虑广义不确定性原理的修正项;在低温条件下,数值分析了外势与广义不确定性原理对铜电子气体及电子密度更高的电子系统热力学性质的影响,发现:1)考虑广义不确定性原理时,外势对电子系统的影响很大,使广义不确定性原理的修正项增加了6~11个数量级.2)粒子数密度越大、粒子质量越小,广义不确定性原理的影响越大.3)广义不确定性原理导致内能随温度的增加先增大,当温度升到某一数值时(对三维谐振势中的铜电子气体,T/T_(F0)~0.22)时,增值为0,温度再增加内能减少;热容随温度的增加减少;化学势、费米能和基态能随温度的升高而增大.  相似文献   

分析讨论了加热丝上汽泡生成对加热丝温度的影响。说明一个活化核心的起泡对周围其他活化核心起泡的影响。以及对其自身起泡的影响。同时讨论了两个核心之间起泡的相关性,分析中还发现由于汽泡生长造成的局部温度下降是加热丝表面沸腾需要较高过热度的一个原因,最后进行了数值模拟实验,数值计算和解析分析结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

电动汽车锂离子电池组内散热特性数值模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
锂离子电池组涉及数据规模庞大,传统方法无法有效实现对其散热特性的研究,为此,提出一种新的通过数值模拟方式研究电动汽车锂离子电池组内散热特性的方法。介绍了锂离子电池组工作原理,分析了锂离子电池的充放电过程。通过雷诺平均法进行雷诺时均处理,获取电动汽车锂离子电池组内散热控制方程和湍流方程。介绍了初始和边界条件,通过CFD实现控制方程的求解。依次进行了锂离子电池表面散热特性数值模拟、不同风孔大小下电池组散热特性数值模拟、不同倍率充放电后电池组散热特性数值模拟以及不同环境温度下电池散热特性数值模拟。实验结果表明,锂离子电池中心垂直截面和上下壁面的温度分布均为中心最高,壁面较低,壁面温度梯度大,热量散失速度快;在风孔大小和出口大小相近,充放电倍率为1C时,电动汽车锂离子电池组内散热性最佳;环境温度越低,电池温度升高幅度越大,散热性能越好。  相似文献   

流体入口温度对换热器热力学性能影响的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用Yong分析方法,分析了高低温换热器的热力学特性,给出了高低温温换热器Yong效率的计算式在考虑了和不考虑压力Yong损失这两种情况下,系统地讨论了冷热流体入口温度高代温换热器Yong效率的影响。  相似文献   

本文对双原分子理想气体的分子运动考虑其平动转动、振动、电子和原子核的运动,对各种运动计算出了相应的配分函数,通过配分函数计算了分子各运动对内能和定容热容量的贡献。最后讨论了不同温度范围内分子的各运动对定容热容量的贡献。结果表明在低温范围内振动对热容量没有贡献。在高温范围内经典统计结果于量子统计结果是一致的。  相似文献   

基于第一性原理,在密度泛函理论框架下,用广义梯度近似方法计算了团簇ScnN(n=2~12)的总磁矩Mt、与N原子最近邻的Sc原子的局域磁矩MSc、掺杂原子N的局域磁矩MN.从原子相互作用角度出发,应用统计物理理论,计算了团簇ScnN的磁矩和热容量,研究了它们随温度的变化规律.结果表明:ScnN团簇的磁性与团簇的构型、原子相互作用、磁性粒子间的磁相互作用、团簇中的Sc原子数n有关.总磁矩随Sc原子数n呈波动性变化,当n=3,8,9,11,12时,总磁矩为零,团簇的磁性消失;当n=2,4,5,6,7,10时,团簇表现为铁磁性,其中当n=6时,团簇的磁性最强.ScnN团簇的磁矩随温度升高而减小,其变化趋势与块状磁体类似.温度较低时,磁相互作用产生的热容量CM随温度升高而增大,在某温度附近取极大值;原子相互作用产生的热容量CV在温度较低时与温度成正比,和块状磁体的CV与温度的三次方成正比不同;在对团簇的热容量的贡献中,原子相互作用占主要.  相似文献   

跨临界CO2制冷循环性能的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中对理想的跨临界CO2制冷循环,进行了理论分析和性能计算,揭示了该循环的一些特点:对于一定的冷却器出口温度,对应一个使系统性能系数最佳的冷却压力,而且系统性能系数最佳时的冷却器出口温度与冷却压力的对应关系,可以用一个简单的代数式表示;提高蒸发温度可显著提高循环的性能系数;当冷却压力较低时,提高循环的吸气过热度,可显著地提高系统的性能系数;冷却器出口温度越高,效果越明显,当蒸发温度和冷却器出口温度较高时,减小回热器传热温差,可有效地提高系统的单位容积制冷量和性能系数.这些结论,对于跨临界CO2制冷系统的运行操作具有重要的指导作用.  相似文献   

研究了1维简单晶格振动热容,得到了热容的表达式,并讨论了高温、低温情况,得到了在低温极限情况下,1维简单晶格振动热容与温度成正比的研究结果.  相似文献   

Single-mode heat conduction by photons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Meschke M  Guichard W  Pekola JP 《Nature》2006,444(7116):187-190
The thermal conductance of a single channel is limited by its unique quantum value G(Q), as was shown theoretically in 1983. This result closely resembles the well-known quantization of electrical conductance in ballistic one-dimensional conductors. Interestingly, all particles-irrespective of whether they are bosons or fermions-have the same quantized thermal conductance when they are confined within dimensions that are small compared to their characteristic wavelength. The single-mode heat conductance is particularly relevant in nanostructures. Quantized heat transport through submicrometre dielectric wires by phonons has been observed, and it has been predicted to influence cooling of electrons in metals at very low temperatures due to electromagnetic radiation. Here we report experimental results showing that at low temperatures heat is transferred by photon radiation, when electron-phonon as well as normal electronic heat conduction is frozen out. We study heat exchange between two small pieces of normal metal, connected to each other only via superconducting leads, which are ideal insulators against conventional thermal conduction. Each superconducting lead is interrupted by a switch of electromagnetic (photon) radiation in the form of a DC-SQUID (a superconducting loop with two Josephson tunnel junctions). We find that the thermal conductance between the two metal islands mediated by photons indeed approaches the expected quantum limit of G(Q) at low temperatures. Our observation has practical implications-for example, for the performance and design of ultra-sensitive bolometers (detectors of far-infrared light) and electronic micro-refrigerators, whose operation is largely dependent on weak thermal coupling between the device and its environment.  相似文献   

刘凤智 《科学技术与工程》2012,12(26):6559-6562
对于一维双原子链组成的晶格,可以求出频谱密度,进而可以求出晶格的振动能和比热,并进行了数值计算。结果表明:对于一维双原子链的晶格比热,在高温时与经典理论吻合,在低温时也符合徳拜定律,但在中温区相对原子量对比热有影响。  相似文献   

Some Remarks on the Degree of Crystallinity Measured on DSC   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A modified mathematical model based on the melting and recrystallization of an initial distribution of melting temperatures predicts the melting behavior of polymer in differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) , taking into account of changes in heat of fusion with melting temperature of crystal and average heat capacity of sample. It has been used to analytically prove that the crystallinity measured on a DSC diagram could not be equal to the weight percentage of crystalline state in the initial specimen. The deviation of the measured crystallinity, as observed relevant to the melting and recrystallization processes, is caused by the changes of the heat of fusion with the melting temperature of crystals, as well as the difference of heat capacities of liquid and solid state polymer. Furthermore, upper and lower limits of the deviation have been discussed.  相似文献   

本文应用分子动力学方法模拟研究了氦团簇在金属钨中的扩散特性,得到了不同大小团簇的扩散系数,结果表明氦团簇越大,扩散越慢.氦团簇越大越容易激发出自间隙钨原子,且大的氦团簇只需要很低的钨基体温度即可激发.在金属钨中加入125个氦原子(氦浓度低于0.1%),研究了氦团簇的形核特性.通过比较氦团簇、自间隙团簇和空位团簇3种缺陷的尺寸分布发现,氦团簇的尺寸在800 K达到最大值,其它两种缺陷尺寸随温度的增加而逐渐增大.  相似文献   

确定了在低温时晶体德拜温度随温度和压强变化的规律.在此基础上得到了晶体热力学函数的表达式.对铟晶体作具体计算,得到了定容热容量和弹性模量随温度、压强的变化关系式.结果表明:当压强较低时,压强对定容热容量和弹性模量的影响非常小,可忽略不计;而当压强较高时,影响较大,其增加或衰减速度明显,且其弹性模量有最大值出现.  相似文献   

To explore the influence of heat reservoirs of total thermal capacity at high and low temperature side heat exchanger of an irreversible refrigeration cycle on the coefficient of performance,the cycle model is established. By using the irreversible thermodynamics,much progress had been made in the studies of thermal resistance,heat leak and irreversible factors on the cycle of the coefficient of performance. The analytical formula of coefficient of performance and the distribution ratio of total thermal capacity are derived when the total thermal capacity at high and low temperature side heat exchanger is a constant. The influences of cycle parameters and different kinds of irreversible factors on the coefficient of performance and the optimal distribution ratio are analyzed by numerical computation. The results indicate that the coefficient of performance increases with the increase of the total heat capacity,and decreases with heat leak and internal irreversible factors. Furthermore,the optimal distribution ratio of total thermal capacity,when coefficient of performance reaches the maximum value,only has a connection with the internal dissipation.  相似文献   

Inspired by the property diagrams in thermodynamics,which distinctly reflect the performance and characteristics of thermodynamic cycles,we establish a state equation for heat motion and introduce a two-dimension property diagram,T-q diagram,in heat transfer to analyze and optimize the performance of heat exchangers,where heat flow is a state parameter for heat motion.According to the property diagram,it is convenient to obtain the influences of heat exchanger area,heat capacity rate and flow arrangement on the heat transfer performance during the analysis of heat exchangers and their networks.For instance,when analyzing the heat exchanger network in a district heating system,it is obvious to find that:if both the heat demand and the indoor air temperature in each branch of the network are the same,the total area of heat exchangers,the flow rate of water and the return water temperature in each branch are all the same;if the indoor air temperatures in different branches are different,the temperatures of the waters after flowing through different branches are different,which means that the mixing process of return waters with the same temperature is not an essential requirement to realize the best performance of district heating systems.  相似文献   

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