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用蟾蜍及大白鼠进行人工降温达到低体温,用不同方式复温,以表现二者体温变化,曲线及致死低温界限不同,若保护大白鼠心区及脑部再降低体温,则致麻醉温度相应降低;当先复温心区,脑部,则复苏率提高。  相似文献   

The fabric clip is an important component in textile machine. The creep deformation on the clip body hole at high temperature acted on different pulling forces during a period of6 240 h was researched by using ABAQUS software. The NortonBailey's with time hardening constitutive equation was used to simulate the creep deformation on the clip body hole made of A380 aluminum alloy at high temperature, and the simulation results showed that for different pulling forces,the creep deformation on the clip body hole increased with an increase in the pulling force.Then,the experimental dimensional changes test was performed on three different specimens of the clip body hole at different service time( 1 200 h,4 800 h,6 240 h) by using a Global Performance test machine. A comparison between the finite element method( FEM)and the experimental results show a good correlation. The simulation results also indicate that the creep deformation on the clip body hole has an important effect on the relaxation of the blade clamping fastness which leads to fabric clip failure.  相似文献   

讨论了Brans─Dicke(BD)黑洞的视界及其温度。结果表明,BD黑洞存在着2个不同的奇异视界,其视界温度均为非有限值。由此,提出宇宙监督原理的一种热力学表述:在视界上,绝对温度为零或趋于无穷大均是不允许的。  相似文献   

Bernal D  Donley JM  Shadwick RE  Syme DA 《Nature》2005,437(7063):1349-1352
Effects of temperature on muscle contraction and powering movement are profound, outwardly obvious, and of great consequence to survival. To cope with the effects of environmental temperature fluctuations, endothermic birds and mammals maintain a relatively warm and constant body temperature, whereas most fishes and other vertebrates are ectothermic and conform to their thermal niche, compromising performance at colder temperatures. However, within the fishes the tunas and lamnid sharks deviate from the ectothermic strategy, maintaining elevated core body temperatures that presumably confer physiological advantages for their roles as fast and continuously swimming pelagic predators. Here we show that the salmon shark, a lamnid inhabiting cold, north Pacific waters, has become so specialized for endothermy that its red, aerobic, locomotor muscles, which power continuous swimming, seem mammal-like, functioning only within a markedly elevated temperature range (20-30 degrees C). These muscles are ineffectual if exposed to the cool water temperatures, and when warmed even 10 degrees C above ambient they still produce only 25-50% of the power produced at 26 degrees C. In contrast, the white muscles, powering burst swimming, do not show such a marked thermal dependence and work well across a wide range of temperatures.  相似文献   

以层换热理论为基础,重庆某示范楼工程土壤源热泵系统为对象,建立实验系统,测试了实际运行状况下的地埋管换热器供回水管不同深度的水温.从地埋管不同时刻的平均水温和换热能效两个方面分析了实测数据,研究了回水管保温与不保温时垂直双U地埋管换热器的换热情况.结果表明,在冬季,保温地埋管典型日不同时刻的换热能效比不保温的高出14.09%,月平均换热能效比不保温的高出23.08%,季平均换热能效比不保温的高出40.54%.在夏季,保温地埋管典型日不同时刻换热能效比不保温的高出10.76%,月平均换热能效比不保温的高出28.57%;季平均换热能效比不保温的高出41.48%,回水管保温有利于加大地埋管换热器的换热能力.  相似文献   

瓷件在过高的烧成温度下易形成大量气孔,使瓷件的致密性降低,性能变劣。过烧的原因,一般认为是到了烧结的最高温度时保温时间过长,或烧成温度偏高。作者认为过烧气孔的形成原因,除了晶界的快速运动把气态杂质陷入晶体内部形成气孔外,还由于存在着肖特基缺陷而在晶体内缔聚形成气孔。  相似文献   

本文在分析隔热车厢传热特性的基础上,阐述了怎样建立隔热车厢优化设计的数学模型。  相似文献   

The tidal disruption of a solar-mass star around a supermassive black hole has been extensively studied analytically and numerically. In these events, the star develops into an elongated banana-shaped structure. After completing an eccentric orbit, the bound debris falls into the black hole, forming an accretion disk and emitting radiation. The same process may occur on planetary scales if a minor body passes too close to its star. In the Solar System, comets fall directly into our Sun or onto planets. If the star is a compact object, the minor body can become tidally disrupted. Indeed, one of the first mechanisms invoked to produce strong gamma-ray emission involved accretion of comets onto neutron stars in our Galaxy. Here we report that the peculiarities of the 'Christmas' gamma-ray burst (GRB 101225A) can be explained by a tidal disruption event of a minor body around an isolated Galactic neutron star. This would indicate either that minor bodies can be captured by compact stellar remnants more frequently than occurs in the Solar System or that minor-body formation is relatively easy around millisecond radio pulsars. A peculiar supernova associated with a gamma-ray burst provides an alternative explanation.  相似文献   

本文叙述关于牙轮钻头滑动轴承工作温度的台架测试情况和结果。试验是用 ”全尺寸钻头在模拟井下工作条件的情况下进行的。作者通过大量的试验,不仅测定了在不同的工作条件下钻头滑动轴承系统可能产生的最高温度,而且分析了轴承温升和各种钻井参数之间的相互关系。这些测试结果,对于改进钻头轴承系统的结构,筛选轴承材料,改善轴承的润滑,以及制订钻头的检验标准等,都有参考价值。  相似文献   

采用厚型防火涂料对3根碳纤维布抗剪加固钢筋混凝土梁和1根对比梁进行ISO834标准升温条件下的恒载升温耐火性能试验,得到试验梁的测点温度随时间增加的分布关系。分析不同加载方式、剪跨比、加固量和防火保护层厚度对高温下CFRP抗剪加固梁的破坏形态及耐火极限的影响。试验研究表明:剪跨比是高温下影响CFRP抗剪加固梁耐火极限和破坏形态的主要因素;抗剪加固防火涂料的厚度可以提高剪切破坏的耐火极限,但不改变弯曲破坏的耐火极限。编制了设有厚型防火涂料保护的碳纤维抗剪加固混凝土梁的截面温度场计算程序,通过试验结果验证程序的正确性。为全面考虑影响高温下碳纤维抗剪加固钢筋混凝土梁耐火极限的因素提供补充。  相似文献   

The X-ray source M33 X-7 in the nearby galaxy Messier 33 is among the most massive X-ray binary stellar systems known, hosting a rapidly spinning, 15.65M(⊙) black hole orbiting an underluminous, 70M(⊙) main-sequence companion in a slightly eccentric 3.45-day orbit (M(⊙), solar mass). Although post-main-sequence mass transfer explains the masses and tight orbit, it leaves unexplained the observed X-ray luminosity, the star's underluminosity, the black hole's spin and the orbital eccentricity. A common envelope phase, or rotational mixing, could explain the orbit, but the former would lead to a merger and the latter to an overluminous companion. A merger would also ensue if mass transfer to the black hole were invoked for its spin-up. Here we report simulations of evolutionary tracks which reveal that if M33 X-7 started as a primary body of 85M(⊙)-99M(⊙) and a secondary body of 28M(⊙)-32M(⊙), in a 2.8-3.1-d orbit, its observed properties can be consistently explained. In this model, the main-sequence primary transfers part of its envelope to the secondary and loses the rest in a wind; it ends its life as a ~16M(⊙) helium star with an iron-nickel core that collapses to a black hole (with or without an accompanying supernova). The release of binding energy, and possibly collapse asymmetries, 'kick' the nascent black hole into an eccentric orbit. Wind accretion explains the X-ray luminosity, and the black-hole spin can be natal.  相似文献   

SF_6/CF_4 作为变压器的冷却和绝缘介质的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城网规模的迅速发展迫切需要无油化的大容量SF6气体绝缘变压器。采用混合气体作冷却与绝缘介质可以综合解决SF6气体的散热和液化问题。在研究了混合比例和压力变化对混合气体性能的影响后,提出用SF6/CF4混合气体可以代替纯SF6和SF6/N2作为气体变压器的绝缘和冷却介质。当变压器内充入SF6/CF4混合气体时,采用离散化的差分模型对其温升分布特性进行理论计算,并与相同条件下充入SF6/N2和纯SF6时的计算相比较,结果表明:采用SF6/CF4混合气体不会过分影响线圈温升。研究工作为气体绝缘变压器朝高电压和大容量发展提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

针对包覆药能够降低混合装药温度系数的现象,对其低温感装药原理进行了理论计算。通过分析包覆药单个内孔破孔过程,计算出不同温度下的破孔压力和破孔时间;在此基础上研究了大量包覆药的破孔过程,得到破孔增加燃面的规律并进行了模拟计算。研究结果表明,混合装药在不同温度下燃烧时,其包覆药燃面的变化可弥补燃速变化引起的燃气产生量的改变,从而实现降低装药温度系数的目的。  相似文献   

【目的】分析活立木内部含水率变化的影响因素,研究含水率在不同环境温度下的变化规律。【方法】在室外不同温度(-26Symbol~A@10 ℃)下采用时域反射计(time domain reflectometer, TDR)对落叶松和小叶杨两种活立木进行检测,获取树内温度和电磁波传播时间的连续变化值,据此推导出不同温度下活立木的含水率。在此基础上,分析了活立木内部电磁波传播时间和含水率的昼夜变化,以及较长时间周期内随温度变化的规律,确定了环境温度与含水率的定量关系,建立了两者之间的关系模型。【结果】在1个昼夜时间周期内,含水率和树内温度变化趋势基本一致,含水率变化略滞后一些,随昼夜平均温度的下降,含水率变化范围收窄; 在较长时间周期内,随日均树内温度的降低,活立木样本平均电磁波传播时间和含水率均呈下降趋势,落叶松电磁波传播时间变化曲线没有明显拐点,含水率变化曲线在-6.3 ℃之前变化率较大(14.75%/℃),之后趋于平稳(0.94%/℃),小叶杨与之变化相似; 树内温度和环境温度具有显著线性正相关性,二者线性模型拟合优度较高(R2=0.91),可以用环境温度预测树内温度; 树内温度与活立木含水率的关系分3个变化阶段,均呈线性关系,决定系数R2均高于0.71。【结论】低温环境下,以环境温度为研究点探究活立木内部电磁波传播时间和含水率变化是可行的,通过相关公式可以推导出活立木内部含水率。  相似文献   

为评价应急救援人员在低温环境下开展救援活动时遭受的冷损伤情况,对传统人体热生理模型进行改进,将人体模型拓展为20个分区,增加了脸部、肩部等部位,每个部位包括4层:核心、动脉、静脉、皮肤,动、静脉的血流参数由128段血管模型计算获得。基于改进的人体热生理模型,计算分析了多种低温环境工况下应急救援人员局部皮肤温度的变化规律,主要探讨分析了环境温度、风速、防护程度对手部和脸部皮肤温度的影响程度。结果表明:风速对低温环境工况人体局部皮肤温度影响显著,但随着风速的增加,影响程度会降低;较好的局部低温防护能提高人体该部位皮肤温度10℃以上;手部较脸部更容易遭受冷损伤。该研究能为低温环境下作业人员冷损伤评估提供技术支持,对低温冷损伤防控具有重要应用价值。  相似文献   

在石油射孔枪结构设计中引入优化设计技术。应用ANSYS的APDL参数化语言对射孔枪盲孔的直径、深度和枪体壁厚进行优化设计,得到了在满足使用要求条件下的最小壁厚。并在此基础上,研究了盲孔直径及深度对射孔枪强度的影响。结果表明,随着盲孔深度的增加,射孔枪枪体盲孔部位的等效应力增长显著,盲孔深度对射孔枪的强度有着很大的影响,而盲孔直径对强度的影响较小。  相似文献   

以吸附在金属铜基底上的外延石墨烯为例, 研究了空穴浓度随温度的变化,探讨了空穴浓度和基底以及温度对金属基外延石墨烯态密度的影响。结果表明:(1)空穴浓度随温度升高而非线性增大,铜基底外延石墨烯的空穴浓度随温度的变化率小于石墨烯的相应值;(2)与石墨烯相比,基底的存在使铜基外延石墨烯的空穴浓度随温度的变化要迅速增大,态密度在电子能量为0时的值要增大,而态密度极大值相应的电子能量(称为最可几能量)变小;(3)铜基外延石墨烯的态密度随空穴浓度的增大和温度的升高而减小,其中,随空穴浓度的变化为线性,而随温度的变化为非线性。  相似文献   

电动汽车锂离子电池组内散热特性数值模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
锂离子电池组涉及数据规模庞大,传统方法无法有效实现对其散热特性的研究,为此,提出一种新的通过数值模拟方式研究电动汽车锂离子电池组内散热特性的方法。介绍了锂离子电池组工作原理,分析了锂离子电池的充放电过程。通过雷诺平均法进行雷诺时均处理,获取电动汽车锂离子电池组内散热控制方程和湍流方程。介绍了初始和边界条件,通过CFD实现控制方程的求解。依次进行了锂离子电池表面散热特性数值模拟、不同风孔大小下电池组散热特性数值模拟、不同倍率充放电后电池组散热特性数值模拟以及不同环境温度下电池散热特性数值模拟。实验结果表明,锂离子电池中心垂直截面和上下壁面的温度分布均为中心最高,壁面较低,壁面温度梯度大,热量散失速度快;在风孔大小和出口大小相近,充放电倍率为1C时,电动汽车锂离子电池组内散热性最佳;环境温度越低,电池温度升高幅度越大,散热性能越好。  相似文献   

通过对分布于横断山区中缅树鼩的肥满度进行测定,探讨中缅树鼩肥满度与环境之间的关系.将56只体重相近的中缅树鼩随机分为7组(每组8只):对照组(自由取食,control);分别禁食12h(F12h)组、24h(F24h)组和36h(F36h)组;以及禁食36h后重喂食12h(R12h)组、48h(R48h)组和7d(R7d)组.实验结束后测定动物的体重和体长.采用体重与体长立方的比值(K=100 W/L3)作为测定肥满度的指标.结果发现:中缅树鼩雌雄个体肥满度之间差异不显著,不同年龄组之间肥满度差异不显著.中缅树鼩不同季节的肥满度差异极显著,肥满度的季节变化趋势为:冬季最高,秋季较高,春季较低,夏季最低.禁食和重喂食极显著影响中缅树鼩的肥满度,禁食后肥满度降低,禁食24h时达到极显著水平,禁食36h时最小,重喂食7d后能恢复到对照组水平.中缅树鼩肥满度在不同环境条件下的变化模式与其生存的食物波动大、高海拔低纬度和年平均温度较低的横断山区密切相关.  相似文献   

Veizer J  Godderis Y  François LM 《Nature》2000,408(6813):698-701
Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are believed to drive climate changes from glacial to interglacial modes, although geological and astronomical mechanisms have been invoked as ultimate causes. Additionally, it is unclear whether the changes between cold and warm modes should be regarded as a global phenomenon, affecting tropical and high-latitude temperatures alike, or if they are better described as an expansion and contraction of the latitudinal climate zones, keeping equatorial temperatures approximately constant. Here we present a reconstruction of tropical sea surface temperatures throughout the Phanerozoic eon (the past approximately 550 Myr) from our database of oxygen isotopes in calcite and aragonite shells. The data indicate large oscillations of tropical sea surface temperatures in phase with the cold-warm cycles, thus favouring the idea of climate variability as a global phenomenon. But our data conflict with a temperature reconstruction using an energy balance model that is forced by reconstructed atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. The results can be reconciled if atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations were not the principal driver of climate variability on geological timescales for at least one-third of the Phanerozoic eon, or if the reconstructed carbon dioxide concentrations are not reliable.  相似文献   

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