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閮搏鑻ユ槸涓€浣嶅湪涓浗缈昏瘧鏂囧鍙蹭笂鍗犳湁閲嶈鍦颁綅鐨勭炕璇戝.浠栫殑缈昏瘧鐞嗚涓庡疄璺?鐗瑰埆鏄瘲姝岀炕璇戜笌鎴忓墽缈昏瘧鐨勬垚灏?涓嶄絾褰卞搷鐫€鍒涢€犵ぞ,涔熷奖鍝嶇潃涓€涓椂浠g殑璇戝潧鍜屾枃鍧?瀵归儹娌嫢缈昏瘧鎬濇兂鐨勭爺绌?灏嗘湁鍔╀簬瀵?浜斿洓"鏂版枃瀛﹀強"浜斿洓"缈昏瘧鏂囧鐨勭爺绌?涔熸湁鍔╀簬瀵逛腑鍥界幇浠f枃瀛﹀彶鍙婄幇浠g炕璇戞枃瀛﹀彶鐨勬⒊鐞?  相似文献   

璇█浣滀负浜虹被鏂囧寲鐨勮浇浣?鑳藉弽鏄犲嚭涓€涓皯鏃忕殑鍘嗗彶鍜屾枃鍖栬儗鏅?浣撶幇鍏剁嫭鐗圭殑鏂囧寲涔犱織.澶栬鏁欏笀搴斿湪鏁欏涓湁鎰忚瘑鍦版笚閫忔枃鍖栨暀鑲?鍩瑰吇瀛︾敓鐨勬枃鍖栦範寰楁剰璇?  相似文献   

从过渡语理论看大学英语第二课堂建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杩囨浮璇寚鐨勬槸浜岃/澶栬瀛︿範杩囩▼涓?瀛︿範鑰呬娇鐢ㄧ殑浠嬩簬姣嶈鍜岀洰鐨勮涔嬮棿鐨勮瑷€浣撶郴,瀹冩棦鍏峰瀛︿範鑰呮瘝璇殑鐗瑰緛,涔熷甫鏈夌洰鐨勮鐨勭壒鐐?骞堕€愭笎鍚戠洰鐨勮闈犺繎.杩囨浮璇悊璁哄湪瀵煎悜涓婂疄鐜颁簡浠庝互鏁欏涓轰腑蹇冪殑瑙傜偣鍚戜互瀛︿範涓轰腑蹇冪殑瑙傜偣鐨勬牴鏈浆鍙?骞朵负澶у鑻辫绗簩璇惧爞寤鸿鎻愪緵涓€瀹氱殑鐞嗚鏍规嵁.  相似文献   

瀵圭炕璇戣繃绋嬩腑璇鐨勭爺绌朵娇瑙嗙偣闆嗕腑鍦ㄧ炕璇戣繃绋嬩腑鐨勮涓轰富浣?-璇戣€呭強璇戞枃璇昏€呬笂.鍏宠仈鐞嗚鐨勮澧冭鍜岀洰鐨勮涓虹爺绌惰璇绘彁渚涗簡涓€涓柊鐨勮瑙?鏍规嵁璇戣€呭拰璇戞枃璇昏€呯殑璇鐗圭偣,璇鍙互鍒嗕负璇戣€呬负瀹炵幇璇戞枃鐗规畩鐨勬斂娌汇€侀亾寰枫€佽瘽璇潈鍒╃洰鐨勮€屽鍘熸枃杩涜鐨勬湁鎰忚璇讳互鍙婅瘧鏂囪鑰呭浜庝簩绾т氦闄呮儏鏅笅瀵硅瘧鏂囩殑鏃犳剰璇.  相似文献   

鎴樺浗鏃舵湡鐨勯噸鍐滃璇存湁涓や釜涓嶅悓鐨勪綋绯讳竴鏄互銆婂晢鍚涗功銆嬨€併€婄瀛愩€嬩负浠h〃鐨勬硶瀹堕噸鍐滃璇?涓€鏄互銆婂悤姘忔槬绉嬨€嬩负浠h〃鐨勪紶缁熼噸鍐滄€濇兂.鍟嗛瀰鍙婂晢闉呭娲剧殑閲嶅啘瀛﹁,闆嗕腑瑙佷簬銆婂晢鍚涗功銆嬬殑鏈夊叧璁鸿堪,骞惰姒傛嫭涓?鍐滄垬"鐞嗚.銆婂悤姘忔槬绉嬨€嬬殑閲嶅啘鐞嗚,鏄タ鍛ㄩ噸鍐滄€濇兂鐨勭户缁拰鍙戝睍.  相似文献   

鍦ㄥ綋浠婄殑涓浗浼犵粺姘戦棿闊充箰涓?"浜屼汉杞?闊充箰宸茬粡鎴愪负閲嶈鐨勭粍鎴愰儴鍒嗕箣涓€.鍏堕煶涔愬舰寮忎笌鎵€鍙嶆槧鐨勬€濇兂鍐呭鍧囨姌灏勭潃鍚夋灄鐪佷箖鑷虫暣涓笢鍖楀湴鍩熼煶涔愭枃鍖栫殑鍩烘湰鐗瑰緛.浜屼汉杞殑鏇茬墝闈炲父涓板瘜,鏍规嵁瀹為檯搴旂敤鎯呭喌,閫氬父灏嗕簩浜鸿浆鏇茬墝鍒嗕负涓夌被涓昏皟銆佽緟璋冦€佷笓璋?浠庢洸鐗屽垎绫讳汉鎵?灏嗕簩浜鸿浆闊充箰涓父鐢ㄧ殑杈呰皟涓庝笓璋冩洸鐗?浠庨煶涔愯瑷€鐨勮繍鐢ㄧ瓑鏂归潰杩涜鍒嗘瀽,闃愯堪浜屼汉杞煶涔愮殑鏇茬墝鐗瑰緛.  相似文献   

社会主义核心价值体系下的高校思想政治理论课教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
楂樻牎鎬濇兂鏀挎不鐞嗚璇炬槸浼犳挱绉戝鐞嗚銆佹彁楂樺ぇ瀛︾敓鎬濇兂鏀挎不绱犺川鐨勪富闃靛湴.寤鸿绀句細涓讳箟鏍稿績浠峰€间綋绯绘槸鎴戝厷鐞嗚鍒涙柊鐨勫張涓€閲嶈鎴愭灉,涓洪珮鏍℃€濇兂鏀挎不鐞嗚璇剧▼鏁欏娉ㄥ叆浜嗘柊鐨勬椿鍔?鎻愬嚭浜嗘柊鐨勮姹?鍥犳,鍦ㄧぞ浼氫富涔夋牳蹇冧环鍊艰閲庝笅鐮旂┒楂樻牎鎬濇兂鏀挎不鐞嗚璇炬暀瀛?鍏锋湁鏇翠负閲嶅ぇ鑰屾繁杩滅殑鐜板疄鎰忎箟.  相似文献   

鐜嬫爲姘戜互鑰冭瘉涓哄熀纭€,瀵规竻浠e鏈彶鐨勮澶氶棶棰樻彁鍑轰簡鐙埌鐨勮瑙?浠栫紪鏍℃暣鐞嗕簡涓€浜涙竻浠e鑰呯殑鏂囬泦,鎾板啓浜嗗绡囨湁鍏虫竻浠e鑰呭鏈€濇兂鐮旂┒鐨勮鏂?姝ゅ,鐜嬫爲姘戠旱璁烘竻浠e鏈彂灞曚箣澶у娍,浠栬涓烘竻浠e鏈槸浠ョ粡瀛︿负涓昏€屼互鍙插涓轰粠鐨勭粡鍙蹭箣瀛?鑲畾浜嗕咕鍢夊鑰呯殑鐮旂┒鏂规硶.鐜嬫爲姘戣繕瀹炰簨姹傛槸鍦拌瘎浠蜂簡鏅氭竻浠婃枃瀛︽淳鍦ㄦ斂娌汇€佸鏈柟闈㈢殑褰卞搷.  相似文献   

闅愬柣鐞嗚鐨勭爺绌跺凡鏈変簩鍗冨骞寸殑鍘嗗彶,浼犵粺鎶婂畠浣滀负璇楀銆佷慨杈炲鐨勪竴閮ㄥ垎鍐呭.濡備粖闅愬柣鐮旂┒宸茬粡绐佺牬浜嗕慨杈炶寖鐣?闅愬柣琚涓烘槸浜虹被璁ょ煡鐨勫熀鏈ā寮?鏈枃涓昏浠嬬粛浜嗛殣鍠荤殑鍔熻兘,闃愯堪浜嗛殣鍠诲璇█鍙戝睍鐨勫奖鍝嶅強鍏舵枃鍖栧唴娑?杩涜€屾帰璁ㄤ簡闅愬柣鐞嗚涔嬩簬鏁欏鐨勬剰涔?  相似文献   

澹颁箰鏄煶涔愯壓鏈舰寮忎腑闊充箰涓庤瑷€鏈夋満缁撳悎鐨勫敮涓€浜х墿,闊充箰鐨勮瑷€鍜屾棆寰嬫瀯鎴愪簡澹颁箰鐨勫熀纭€,鐗瑰埆鏄湪姝屽敱鍙戝0杩囩▼涓?姹夎鏅€氳瘽鏍囧噯璇煶鐨勬瀯鎴愭槸鏋佸叾澶嶆潅鑰屽張鐩稿綋缁嗚嚧鐨?杩欏氨鏄眽璇闊冲湪姝屽敱鍙戝0涓井濡欑殑鍜岀嫭鍏风殑鍙戦煶鐗硅壊.  相似文献   

Language markedness is a common phenomenon in languages, and is reflected from hearing, vision and sense, i.e. the variation in the three aspects such as phonology, morphology and semantics. This paper focuses on the interpretation of markedness in language use following the three perspectives, i.e. pragmatic interpretation, psychological interpretation and cognitive interpretation, with an aim to define the function of markedness.  相似文献   

The discovery of the prolific Ordovician Red River reservoirs in 1995 in southeastern Saskatchewan was the catalyst for extensive exploration activity which resulted in the discovery of more than 15 new Red River pools. The best yields of Red River production to date have been from dolomite reservoirs. Understanding the processes of dolomitization is, therefore, crucial for the prediction of the connectivity, spatial distribution and heterogeneity of dolomite reservoirs.The Red River reservoirs in the Midale area consist of 3~4 thin dolomitized zones, with a total thickness of about 20 m, which occur at the top of the Yeoman Formation. Two types of replacement dolomite were recognized in the Red River reservoir: dolomitized burrow infills and dolomitized host matrix. The spatial distribution of dolomite suggests that burrowing organisms played an important role in facilitating the fluid flow in the backfilled sediments. This resulted in penecontemporaneous dolomitization of burrow infills by normal seawater. The dolomite in the host matrix is interpreted as having occurred at shallow burial by evaporitic seawater during precipitation of Lake Almar anhydrite that immediately overlies the Yeoman Formation. However, the low δ18O values of dolomited burrow infills (-5.9‰~ -7.8‰, PDB) and matrix dolomites (-6.6‰~ -8.1‰, avg. -7.4‰ PDB) compared to the estimated values for the late Ordovician marine dolomite could be attributed to modification and alteration of dolomite at higher temperatures during deeper burial, which could also be responsible for its 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7084~0.7088) that are higher than suggested for the late Ordovician seawaters (0.7078~0.7080). The trace amounts of saddle dolomite cement in the Red River carbonates are probably related to "cannibalization" of earlier replacement dolomite during the chemical compaction.  相似文献   

AcomputergeneratorforrandomlylayeredstructuresYUJia shun1,2,HEZhen hua2(1.TheInstituteofGeologicalandNuclearSciences,NewZealand;2.StateKeyLaboratoryofOilandGasReservoirGeologyandExploitation,ChengduUniversityofTechnology,China)Abstract:Analgorithmisintrod…  相似文献   

理论推导与室内实验相结合,建立了低渗透非均质砂岩油藏启动压力梯度确定方法。首先借助油藏流场与电场相似的原理,推导了非均质砂岩油藏启动压力梯度计算公式。其次基于稳定流实验方法,建立了非均质砂岩油藏启动压力梯度测试方法。结果表明:低渗透非均质砂岩油藏的启动压力梯度确定遵循两个等效原则。平面非均质油藏的启动压力梯度等于各级渗透率段的启动压力梯度关于长度的加权平均;纵向非均质油藏的启动压力梯度等于各渗透率层的启动压力梯度关于渗透率与渗流面积乘积的加权平均。研究成果可用于有效指导低渗透非均质砂岩油藏的合理井距确定,促进该类油藏的高效开发。  相似文献   

As an American modern novelist who were famous in the literary world, Hemingway was not a person who always followed the trend but a sharp observer. At the same time, he was a tragedy maestro, he paid great attention on existence, fate and end-result. The dramatis personae's tragedy of his works was an extreme limit by all means tragedy on the meaning of fearless challenge that failed. The beauty of tragedy was not produced on the destruction of life, but now this kind of value was in the impact activity. They performed for the reader about the tragedy on challenging for the limit and the death.  相似文献   

本文叙述了对海南岛及其毗邻大陆边缘白垩纪到第四纪地层岩石进行古地磁研究的全部工作过程。通过分析岩石中剩余磁矢量的磁偏角及磁倾角的变化,提出海南岛白垩纪以来经历的构造演化模式如下:早期伴随顺时针旋转而向南迁移,后期伴随逆时针转动并向北运移。联系该地区及邻区的地质、地球物理资料,对海南岛上述的构造地体运动提出以下认识:北部湾内早期有一拉张作用,主要是该作用使湾内地壳显著伸长减薄,形成北部湾盆地。从而导致了海南岛的早期构造运动,而海南岛后期的构造运动则主要是受南海海底扩张的影响。海南地体运动规律的阐明对于了解北部湾油气盆地的形成演化有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

There are numerous geometric objects stored in the spatial databases. An importance function in a spatial database is that users can browse the geometric objects as a map efficiently. Thus the spatial database should display the geometric objects users concern about swiftly onto the display window. This process includes two operations:retrieve data from database and then draw them onto screen. Accordingly, to improve the efficiency, we should try to reduce time of both retrieving object and displaying them. The former can be achieved with the aid of spatial index such as R-tree, the latter require to simplify the objects. Simplification means that objects are shown with sufficient but not with unnecessary detail which depend on the scale of browse. So the major problem is how to retrieve data at different detail level efficiently. This paper introduces the implementation of a multi-scale index in the spatial database SISP (Spatial Information Shared Platform) which is generalized from R-tree. The difference between the generalization and the R-tree lies on two facets: One is that every node and geometric object in the generalization is assigned with a importance value which denote the importance of them, and every vertex in the objects are assigned with a importance value,too. The importance value can be use to decide which data should be retrieve from disk in a query. The other difference is that geometric objects in the generalization are divided into one or more sub-blocks, and vertexes are total ordered by their importance value. With the help of the generalized R-tree, one can easily retrieve data at different detail levels.Some experiments are performed on real-life data to evaluate the performance of solutions that separately use normal spatial index and multi-scale spatial index. The results show that the solution using multi-scale index in SISP is satisfying.  相似文献   

The elongation method,originally proposed by Imamura was further developed for many years in our group.As a method towards O(N)with high efficiency and high accuracy for any dimensional systems.This treatment designed for one-dimensional(ID)polymers is now available for three-dimensional(3D)systems,but geometry optimization is now possible only for 1D-systems.As an approach toward post-Hartree-Fock,it was also extended to  相似文献   

Various applications relevant to the exciton dynamics,such as the organic solar cell,the large-area organic light-emitting diodes and the thermoelectricity,are operating under temperature gradient.The potential abnormal behavior of the exicton dynamics driven by the temperature difference may affect the efficiency and performance of the corresponding devices.In the above situations,the exciton dynamics under temperature difference is mixed with  相似文献   

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