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讨论了A1相p波超导态与铁磁态共存时超导电性对铁磁性的影响,发现自旋三重态的库珀配对能够增强铁磁序参量。即使在磁性序参量非常微弱的情况下,铁磁转变的温度Tm也不会低于超导转变温度Tc。当Tm和Tc重合时,磁性转变呈现一级相变的特征。系统的比热在相变点处显示了跳跃性的变化。预期本文的理论模型可以用来描述铁磁超导体UGe2的性质。  相似文献   

电子、晶格、自旋和轨道微观自由度对超导材料的宏观特性起到至关重要的作用.在超导体系中,特别是非常规超导材料,这些自由度衍生出具有不同能量尺度的玻色激发和有序态.前者如声子、磁振子、电荷密度波、自旋密度波、自旋涨落、向列涨落等;后者如超导态、赝能隙态、向列相、反铁磁/铁磁等.前者与后者的形成密切相关.尤其是,不同的玻色激发在频域内纠缠在一起彼此相互作用,同时又与电子(或准粒子)耦合,构建出复杂而又丰富的平衡态和非平衡态物理过程.超快光谱技术的独特性在于具有宽能量范围和高时间分辨率的特点,利用光(电磁波)与超导材料相互作用中的线性和非线性响应,可以共振或非共振地探测与调控这类材料中的准平衡或非平衡态动力学属性.因为桌面超快光谱系统功能全面且具有很大的灵活性,它不仅被应用于超导体系,而且被广泛应用于其他各种无机和有机材料.由于非平衡态理论,特别是与关联电子体系相关的,目前还处在快速发展的阶段,所以本综述主要介绍了常用的桌面超快光谱技术和目前被广泛使用的相关分析理论,聚焦于讨论超导材料中超快光谱实验数据涌现出来的一些普适性趋势及进展.所涉及的超导材料包含了常规超导体、铜氧化物超导体、铁基超导体和重费米子超导体.  相似文献   

拓扑绝缘体这种具有新奇量子特性的物质和具有百余年研究历史的超导体都是当前凝聚态物理学领域的研究热点.本文简要介绍了拓扑绝缘体、超导体的研究背景和基本特性,重点回顾了拓扑绝缘体、超导薄膜及纳米桥、超导纳米线以及纳米尺度下拓扑绝缘体.超导异质结构的电输运特性.并对该领域的进一步发展做出了展望.  相似文献   

镧系超导体中,当掺杂空穴浓度等于1/8时出现的超导反常抑制现象一直是超导研究方面的一个焦点.J.M.Tranquada将La2-XSrXCuO4中出现的动态二唯无公度(incommensurate)自旋关联解释为电荷自旋相互分离的条纹相之后,人们对镧系超导体的电子-电子、电子-晶格、以及磁相互作用进行了系统的研究.但条纹相形成的驱动机制以及条纹相与超导电性的关系等基本问题仍没有得到充分的解释.  相似文献   

提出了一种可能的超导理论,该理论强调了格点上的强关联 自旋磁综合利用知雪导机制中的重要性。推出了铜氧化合物超导体的临界温度公式。结果表明,临界瀑 仅强烈地依赖于自旋磁相互作用和格点 的强关联相互作用,而且也依赖于掺杂浓度。  相似文献   

在发展高能量分辨率扫描隧道谱的基础上,实现了基于自旋翻转的非弹性隧道谱,从而实现了对单自旋态的探测,并成功在单分子尺度上研究了自旋间的超交换作用.还探测到了磁性原子在超导能隙中诱导的多重束缚态,并利用这些束缚态在单原子尺度上研究了自旋间的相互作用,在实空间实现了对单个原子的化学识别.利用低温扫描隧道谱,证明生长在Si基片的单原子层厚的铅和铟薄膜为超导体,这是至今报道的最薄的超导体.  相似文献   

本文研究具有次近邻互作用的2 1维BCS型超导体与自旋密度波共存的系统。在平均场近似下,应用含温度格林函数方法讨论自旋密度波序参量M对超导相变温度Tc的影响。计算表明不可能出现自旅密度波提高Tc的情况,而当M较大时,往往破坏超导电性。  相似文献   

拉曼散射是现代凝聚态物理研究的基础实验手段之一,利用其技术上的特色,可以探测凝聚态物质的各类激发及其耦合.FeSe基超导体具有块材、单层、缺位相、插层结构等不同的结构形态、丰富的电子和磁相图、从几K到40 K以上的易调节超导转变温度,因此形成了研究超导性质的一个理想平台,近些年引发了超导领域很多研究者的研究兴趣.本文首先对FeSe基超导体的结构、磁性和电子结构进行介绍,着重阐述了拉曼散射测量在FeSe基超导体研究中取得的研究进展.在声子拉曼响应方面,主要介绍FeSe基超导体的结构与其超导电性之间的关系;在磁的拉曼响应方面,分别对FeSe基材料的双磁子、自旋声子耦合等研究结果进行讨论;在电子拉曼响应方面,主要针对FeSe基超导体中的向列相问题进行了相关分析;最后对单层FeSe超导体和相关的拉曼测量做简要介绍.  相似文献   

通过自洽求解Bogoliubov-de Gennes方程研究了具有非共线界面磁矩的铁磁-超导-铁磁多层结构中的自旋三重配对,发现非共线磁矩可以在界面区域引起一个自旋倒易散射。该散射能够将超导体中的自旋单重对转化为铁磁体中自旋相同的三重对。当超导两侧铁磁体的磁矩结构对称时,自旋相同的三重对可以分别在超导和铁磁区域的局域态密度中引起一个尖锐的零能电导峰。当铁磁体的磁矩反对称时,两侧铁磁体之间将会发生交错Andreev反射并形成自旋单重对,从而在局域态密度的零能电导峰中心产生一个明显的凹陷。局域态密度的这些特征可以通过实验测量微分电导谱加以验证。  相似文献   

据英《新科学家》2000年7月29日报道:英国那不勒斯大学的 Giampiero Pepe和牛津大学的 Norman Booth合作,研制了一种称为“捕获准粒子”的超导晶体管,这种超导晶体管可以帮助天文学家接收到远离太阳系的微弱光子信号。过去,许多遥远星系因光信号太弱,现有的天文望远镜很难观察到。为了解决这个问题,这两所大学的科学家共同研制出了超导晶体管,这种晶体管在4K的温度下工作。 其工作原理是,晶体管中有一层薄薄的铌金属膜,铌在4K的低温下成为超导体。超导体中的电子通常都结成双,进行所谓“库珀…  相似文献   

In the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory of superconductivity, electrons form (Cooper) pairs through an interaction mediated by vibrations in the underlying crystal structure. Like lattice vibrations, antiferromagnetic fluctuations can also produce an attractive interaction creating Cooper pairs, though with spin and angular momentum properties different from those of conventional superconductors. Such interactions have been implicated for two disparate classes of materials--the copper oxides and a set of Ce- and U-based compounds. But because their transition temperatures differ by nearly two orders of magnitude, this raises the question of whether a common pairing mechanism applies. PuCoGa5 has a transition temperature intermediate between those classes and therefore may bridge these extremes. Here we report measurements of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate and Knight shift in PuCoGa5, which demonstrate that it is an unconventional superconductor with properties as expected for antiferromagnetically mediated superconductivity. Scaling of the relaxation rates among all of these materials (a feature not exhibited by their Knight shifts) establishes antiferromagnetic fluctuations as a likely mechanism for their unconventional superconductivity and suggests that related classes of exotic superconductors may yet be discovered.  相似文献   

Schunck CH  Shin YI  Schirotzek A  Ketterle W 《Nature》2008,454(7205):739-743
Fermionic superfluidity requires the formation of particle pairs, the size of which varies from the femtometre scale in neutron stars and nuclei to the micrometre scale in conventional superconductors. Many properties of the superfluid depend on the pair size relative to the interparticle spacing. This is expressed in 'BCS-BEC crossover' theories, describing the crossover from a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS)-type superfluid of loosely bound, large Cooper pairs to Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) of tightly bound molecules. Such a crossover superfluid has been realized in ultracold atomic gases where high-temperature superfluidity has been observed. The microscopic properties of the fermion pairs can be probed using radio-frequency spectroscopy. However, previous work was difficult to interpret owing to strong final-state interactions that were not well understood. Here we realize a superfluid spin mixture in which such interactions have negligible influence and present fermion pair dissociation spectra that reveal the underlying pairing correlations. This allows us to determine that the spectroscopic pair size in the resonantly interacting gas is 20 per cent smaller than the interparticle spacing. These are the smallest pairs so far observed in fermionic superfluids, highlighting the importance of small fermion pairs for superfluidity at high critical temperatures. We have also identified transitions from fermion pairs to bound molecular states and to many-body bound states in the case of strong final-state interactions.  相似文献   

高温超导体赝隙态具有许多反常的现象,与高温超导机理之间有密切联系,一直是研究的焦点.有理论提出在赝隙态存在预超导配对.能斯特(Nernst)效应测量探测到了超导转变温度TC0以上温区一定范围内存在磁通涡旋激发,支持了赝隙态中存在有限的超导序参量振幅和强烈的位相涨落的图象,说明TC0处的相变是由Cooper对之间长程位相关联的消失所驱动的.  相似文献   

The possibility that a pairing boson might act as the 'glue' to bind electrons into a Cooper pair in superconductors with a high critical temperature (T(c)) is being actively pursued in condensed-matter physics. Gweon et al. claim that there is a large and unusual oxygen-isotope effect on the electronic structure, indicating that phonons have a special importance in high-temperature superconductors. However, we are unable to detect this unusual oxygen-isotope effect in new data collected under almost identical material and experimental conditions. Our findings point towards a more conventional influence of phonons in these materials.  相似文献   

Superconductivity and magnetism generally do not coexist. Changing the relative number of up and down spin electrons disrupts the basic mechanism of superconductivity, where atoms of opposite momentum and spin form Cooper pairs. Nearly forty years ago Fulde and Ferrell and Larkin and Ovchinnikov (FFLO) proposed an exotic pairing mechanism in which magnetism is accommodated by the formation of pairs with finite momentum. Despite intense theoretical and experimental efforts, however, polarized superconductivity remains largely elusive. Unlike the three-dimensional (3D) case, theories predict that in one dimension (1D) a state with FFLO correlations occupies a major part of the phase diagram. Here we report experimental measurements of density profiles of a two-spin mixture of ultracold (6)Li atoms trapped in an array of 1D tubes (a system analogous to electrons in 1D wires). At finite spin imbalance, the system phase separates with an inverted phase profile, as compared to the 3D case. In 1D, we find a partially polarized core surrounded by wings which, depending on the degree of polarization, are composed of either a completely paired or a fully polarized Fermi gas. Our work paves the way to direct observation and characterization of FFLO pairing.  相似文献   

Sachdev S  Starykh OA 《Nature》2000,405(6784):322-325
In many two-dimensional superconducting systems, such as Josephson-junction arrays, granular superconducting films, and the high-temperature superconductors, it appears that the electrons bind into Cooper pairs below a pairing temperature (T(P)) that is well above the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature (T(KT)) the temperature below which there is long-range superconducting order). The electron dynamics at temperatures between T(KT) and T(P) involve a complex interplay of thermal and quantum fluctuations, for which no quantitative theory exists. Here we report numerical results for this region, by exploiting its proximity to a T = 0 superconductor-insulator quantum phase transition. This quantum critical point need not be experimentally accessible for our results to apply. We characterize the static, thermodynamic properties by a single dimensionless parameter, gamma(T). Quantitative and universal results are obtained for the frequency dependence of the conductivity, which are dependent only upon gamma(T) and fundamental constants of nature.  相似文献   

Hayden SM  Mook HA  Dai P  Perring TG  Doğan F 《Nature》2004,429(6991):531-534
In conventional superconductors, lattice vibrations (phonons) mediate the attraction between electrons that is responsible for superconductivity. The high transition temperatures (high-T(c)) of the copper oxide superconductors has led to collective spin excitations being proposed as the mediating excitations in these materials. The mediating excitations must be strongly coupled to the conduction electrons, have energy greater than the pairing energy, and be present at T(c). The most obvious feature in the magnetic excitations of high-T(c) superconductors such as YBa2Cu3O6+x is the so-called 'resonance'. Although the resonance may be strongly coupled to the superconductivity, it is unlikely to be the main cause, because it has not been found in the La2-x(Ba,Sr)(x)CuO4 family and is not universally present in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta (ref. 9). Here we use inelastic neutron scattering to characterize possible mediating excitations at higher energies in YBa2Cu3O6.6. We observe a square-shaped continuum of excitations peaked at incommensurate positions. These excitations have energies greater than the superconducting pairing energy, are present at T(c), and have spectral weight far exceeding that of the 'resonance'. The discovery of similar excitations in La2-xBa(x)CuO4 (ref. 10) suggests that they are a general property of the copper oxides, and a candidate for mediating the electron pairing.  相似文献   

Iguchi I  Yamaguchi T  Sugimoto A 《Nature》2001,412(6845):420-423
Superconductors show zero resistance to electric current, and expel magnetic flux (the Meissner effect) below the transition temperature (Tc). In conventional superconductors, the 'Cooper pairs' of electrons that are responsible for superconductivity form only below Tc. In the unconventional high-Tc superconductors, however, a strong electron correlation is essential for pair formation: there is evidence that some pairs are formed above Tc in samples that have less than the optimal density of charge carriers (underdoped) and an energy gap-the 'pseudogap'-appears to be present. Moreover, excitations that look like the vortices that carry magnetic flux inside the superconducting state have been reported above Tc (refs 6, 7). Although the origin of the pseudogap remains controversial, phase fluctuations above Tc, leading to some form of local superconductivity or local pairing, seem essential. Here we report magnetic imaging (scanning SQUID microscopy) of La2-xSrxCuO4 thin films. Clear quantized vortex patterns are visible below Tc (18-19 K), and we observe inhomogeneous magnetic domains that persist up to 80 K. We interpret the data as suggesting the existence of diamagnetic regions that are precursors to the Meissner state.  相似文献   

One view of the high-transition-temperature (high-Tc) copper oxide superconductors is that they are conventional superconductors where the pairing occurs between weakly interacting quasiparticles (corresponding to the electrons in ordinary metals), although the theory has to be pushed to its limit. An alternative view is that the electrons organize into collective textures (for example, charge and spin stripes) which cannot be 'mapped' onto the electrons in ordinary metals. Understanding the properties of the material would then need quantum field theories of objects such as textures and strings, rather than point-like electrons. In an external magnetic field, magnetic flux penetrates type II superconductors via vortices, each carrying one flux quantum. The vortices form lattices of resistive material embedded in the non-resistive superconductor, and can reveal the nature of the ground state-for example, a conventional metal or an ordered, striped phase-which would have appeared had superconductivity not intervened, and which provides the best starting point for a pairing theory. Here we report that for one high-Tc superconductor, the applied field that imposes the vortex lattice also induces 'striped' antiferromagnetic order. Ordinary quasiparticle models can account for neither the strength of the order nor the nearly field-independent antiferromagnetic transition temperature observed in our measurements.  相似文献   

Quantum degenerate Fermi gases provide a remarkable opportunity to study strongly interacting fermions. In contrast to other Fermi systems, such as superconductors, neutron stars or the quark-gluon plasma of the early Universe, these gases have low densities and their interactions can be precisely controlled over an enormous range. Previous experiments with Fermi gases have revealed condensation of fermion pairs. Although these and other studies were consistent with predictions assuming superfluidity, proof of superfluid behaviour has been elusive. Here we report observations of vortex lattices in a strongly interacting, rotating Fermi gas that provide definitive evidence for superfluidity. The interaction and therefore the pairing strength between two 6Li fermions near a Feshbach resonance can be controlled by an external magnetic field. This allows us to explore the crossover from a Bose-Einstein condensate of molecules to a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superfluid of loosely bound pairs. The crossover is associated with a new form of superfluidity that may provide insights into high-transition-temperature superconductors.  相似文献   

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