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<正>恶性肿瘤已经成为威胁中国居民健康的主要公共卫生问题之一,国家癌症中心发布的全国癌症统计数据显示,2015年全国恶性肿瘤新发病例392.9万例,死亡病例233.8万例,恶性肿瘤的发病率及死亡率呈逐年上升趋势,恶性肿瘤导致的死亡占全部死因的23.9%,肺癌、肝癌、胃癌、结直肠癌和食管癌是常见的恶性肿瘤死亡原因。  相似文献   

陈政 《广东科技》2016,(15):24-27
正"黑科技"之"基因检测"全国肿瘤登记中心公布的《2015年肿瘤登记年报》显示,2011年中国新增癌症病例约337万例,相当于每分钟就有6个人得癌。按照惯例,2015年年报的数据是依据2000年到2011年的数据作出的趋势分析。最新数字显示,2015年,全国癌症发病数为429.2万例,其中肺癌发病数为73.33万例,居首位。  相似文献   

恶性肿瘤流行趋势分析及预防的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
赵文华 《天津科技》2006,33(3):38-39
以天津市居民为研究对象,以改革开放经济转型期为研究时段,在收集、整理大量数据的基础上,建立了历时近30年、覆盖400万居民的人群肿瘤发病死亡监测系统,分析恶性肿瘤流行规律与特征,开展了分子流行病学研究,推动了肿瘤防治领域的发展,为制定我国肿瘤防治策略和保障人类的生命安全、健康做出了重要的贡献。  相似文献   

恶性肿瘤,又称癌,是严重危害人类健康的常见病和多发病。据李宝荣等1986年统计,全世界每年约有590万肿瘤新病人出现,同时,每年死于癌症者约430万人,几乎占全世界每年死亡数的1/10。在致死疾病中按总死亡人数计,恶性肿瘤占第二、三位。我国肿瘤发病和死亡粗略估计为:每年约出现新病人100万,死于肿瘤者80万左右,待治者约150万。许多国家的癌症发病率还在继续增高。 祖国医学对恶性肿瘤的认识渊源久远,早在殷圩甲骨文上就有瘤的病名记载。现存最早的医书  相似文献   

宫颈癌是最常见的妇科恶性肿瘤之一,是严重危害妇女健康的疾病,筛查与早诊断早治疗是预防和控制子宫颈癌病变的主要手段洧效的筛查与早期治疗可以达到治愈的目的.我国每年新发病例约13.15万,死亡约8万,发病与死亡约占世界1/3,发病率呈上升趋势,且趋于年轻化,发病的主要原因  相似文献   

 近年来,恶性肿瘤的发病率在中国呈现显著的增高趋势。恶性肿瘤已超过心血管疾病,成为城市居民首要致死病因,严重威胁人类的生命与健康,给社会、家庭和个人带来极大的负担和痛苦。国际上对恶性肿瘤的治疗黄金准则是,早发现早治疗,争取在肿瘤细胞未扩散前实现肿瘤高效治疗,以挽救更多的生命。  相似文献   

基于2005—2012年中国肿瘤登记地区的数据,采用灰色关联分析方法,计算了3种水污染物与4种消化系统癌症发病率和死亡率的综合关联度,并对水污染物致癌症死亡的潜伏期作了定量分析.研究结果表明:1我国居民4种消化道癌症发病及死亡率与氨氮排放量的综合关联度最大;23种水污染物与胃癌、结直肠肛门癌的发病及死亡率的综合关联度男性比女性的高;33种水污染物与4种消化道癌症发病率中关联度最大的是食管癌,3种水污染物与4种消化道癌症死亡率中关联度最大的是胃癌;4废水排放量导致居民胃癌、肝癌死亡的潜伏期均为4年,结直肠肛门死亡的潜伏期为0年,废水排放量导致男性食管癌死亡的潜伏期为4年,女性为3年;化学需氧量导致居民4种消化道癌症死亡的潜伏期均为4年;氨氮排放量导致胃癌、肝癌、食管癌的死亡潜伏期均为1年,氨氮排放量导致男性结直肠肛门癌死亡的潜伏期为1年,女性为0年.  相似文献   

正癌症是严重威胁人类健康和社会发展的重大疾病。我国地域广大,自然地理环境和居民生活习惯各有特点,各地区癌症分布情况存在差异,因此,需要针对重点地区、重点人群采取有效的综合防治措施。20世纪70年代,全国肿瘤防治研究办公室首次绘制并出版了《中华人民共和国恶性肿瘤地图集》。30多年间,由于人口老龄化、环境和生活习惯的不断变化,我国癌症负  相似文献   

正目前,癌症发病率越来越高。根据世界卫生组织数据显示,预计到2020年前,全球癌症发病率将增加50%,即每年将新增1500万个癌症患者。不仅如此,全球范围内,癌症的死亡人数也在迅猛上升,近年来每年全球约800万人死于癌症,2007年全球共有760万人死于癌症,2030年可能会增至1320万人。值得关注的是,全球有20%的新发癌症病人在中国,24%的癌症死亡病人在中国。目前中国每死亡5人,即有1人是死于癌症;而在0~64岁人口中,每死亡4人,即有1人死于癌症,癌症呈现年轻化、发病率和死亡率"三线"走高的趋势。  相似文献   

胃癌是我国常见的恶性肿瘤之一,在死亡率或发病率方面均占恶性肿瘤的首位,与世界部分国家相比,属发病较高的国家。如我国浙江省岱山县胃癌死亡率为41.83/10万;杭州地区的萧山市胃癌死亡率为22.61/10万,占该市消化系统肿瘤死亡的61.31%。一般认为,胃癌发生的流行病学病因有两种假说:一是营养平衡失调;二是亚硝胺病因假说。为此笔者对杭州地区胃癌发病进行了一项营养流行病学调查,为胃癌的发病防治提供科学的依据。1 材料与方法1.1 研究对象:本次共调查了95对病例与对照,全部病例为1987—1989年3年肿瘤登记报告的现患  相似文献   

 肿瘤在历史长河中一直是比较罕见的疾病,但到20世纪30年代,首先在发达国家,随后在发展中国家,肿瘤开始步入常见病之列。近50多年来,中国肿瘤的发病率不断缓慢攀升,因癌症导致的死亡在所有居民死亡原因中已经占首位,而且已经超过全球平均水平,肿瘤防治成为中国面临的一项严峻任务。本文从中国肿瘤现状出发,综述肿瘤高发区研究、抗肿瘤新药研究、临床肿瘤学科发展、精准医学等方面的进展,并提出中国肿瘤防治工作的建议。  相似文献   

Cancer near nuclear installations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D Forman  P Cook-Mozaffari  S Darby  G Davey  I Stratton  R Doll  M Pike 《Nature》1987,329(6139):499-505
The OPCS report on cancer incidence and mortality in the vicinity of nuclear installations in England and Wales provides a mass of information that is so large that it should be possible to detect quite small changes in disease levels with considerable confidence. The data on cancer mortality are less subject to selective bias than the registration data on which incidence rates are based, and they provide the firmest grounds on which evidence of any effect can be obtained. These data show conclusively that there has been no general increase in cancer mortality in the vicinity of nuclear installations in a 22-year period beginning several years after the opening of the installations that have released the largest amounts of radionuclides to the environment. On the contrary, the mortality from cancer has tended to be lower in the LAAs in the vicinity of nuclear installations than in control LAAs selected for their presumed comparability with the former. This is unlikely to be due to a protective effect of ionizing radiation and suggests that, despite the efforts that were made to choose comparable control areas, there were non-installation differences between the populations relevant to the risk of dying from one or other type of cancer. Detailed examination of the few types of cancer that were relatively more common in the installation areas suggest that several of the differences were most likely to be due to chance, diagnostic artefacts or social factors rather than to any hazard specifically related to the installations. One disease provides a possible exception: namely, leukaemia in the age group 0-24 years. Two other diseases need further investigation, multiple myeloma and Hodgkin's disease in the older age group 25-74 years. The excess mortality rates recorded from these cancers were not large, and it has yet to be established that they are not due to general confounding by other environmental or socio-economic factors.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in humans and will on average affect up to one in eight women in their lifetime in the United States and Europe. The Women's Health Initiative and the Million Women Study have shown that hormone replacement therapy is associated with an increased risk of incident and fatal breast cancer. In particular, synthetic progesterone derivatives (progestins) such as medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), used in millions of women for hormone replacement therapy and contraceptives, markedly increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Here we show that the in vivo administration of MPA triggers massive induction of the key osteoclast differentiation factor RANKL (receptor activator of NF-κB ligand) in mammary-gland epithelial cells. Genetic inactivation of the RANKL receptor RANK in mammary-gland epithelial cells prevents MPA-induced epithelial proliferation, impairs expansion of the CD49f(hi) stem-cell-enriched population, and sensitizes these cells to DNA-damage-induced cell death. Deletion of RANK from the mammary epithelium results in a markedly decreased incidence and delayed onset of MPA-driven mammary cancer. These data show that the RANKL/RANK system controls the incidence and onset of progestin-driven breast cancer.  相似文献   

食管癌是人类常见的消化道恶性肿瘤之一,近年来全球食管癌的发病率和死亡率呈上升趋势.我国是食管癌的高发地区,食管癌发病率和死亡率均居世界之首.迄今,食管癌的确切病因尚未完全阐明.建立稳定的、与临床食管癌生物学特性相似的、理想的食管癌动物模型,为研究食管癌的发生、发展、转移机制及其对药物的应答反应等提供了可靠的研究基础,同时有助于抗食管癌药物的筛选和制定合理的临床治疗方案.综合近年来食管癌动物模型的发展,食管癌动物模型的种类,建立模型的方法以及模型评价的进展作了研究介绍.  相似文献   

 肺癌是中国发病率及死亡率最高的恶性肿瘤。肿瘤细胞在驱动基因的作用下持续生长,并对该驱动基因的抑制剂具有高敏感性。近年来,针对驱动基因的检测技术不断发展,相应的驱动基因靶向药物也层出不穷。本文主要从中国肺癌的驱动基因、驱动基因的检测及针对驱动基因的靶向治疗3 个方面进行综述,并展望中国肺癌驱动基因的应用前景。  相似文献   

 冠心病是一种最为常见的心血管疾病,近年来在中国的发病率与死亡率逐年升高,准确诊断和及时治疗是有效降低冠心病死亡率的主要措施。通过引入模糊系统的理论,在传统BP神经网络结构中加入了模糊层与模糊规则计算层,建立了T-S模糊神经网络模型。使用该模型对采集于克利夫兰诊所的297组数据进行分析预测,与传统BP神经网络预测结果对比显示,T-S模糊神经网络模型的平均准确率为82.93%,而传统BP神经网络的平均准确率为75.56%,表明T-S模糊神经网络模型在冠心病的智能诊断中具有较高的预测准确率。  相似文献   

乳腺癌是严重影响妇女身心健康甚至危及生命的最常见肿瘤之一,发病率占各种恶性肿瘤的7%~10%.乳腺癌通常发生于乳房腺上皮组织,绝经期前后的妇女发病率较高.男性乳腺癌罕见,仅占乳腺癌患者的1%~2%.整合素是细胞表面受体的主要家族,介导细胞和细胞外基质的黏附,介导细胞间的相互作用.整合素在生物体内广泛表达,在许多生命活动中发挥着关键的作用.整合素与癌症进程密切相关,在转移性肿瘤中某些整合素高表达,并与蛋白水解酶相互作用,导致基底膜降解.整合素通过重塑细胞外基质在肿瘤的迁移和侵袭中起着重要作用.综述了以整合素为靶点治疗乳腺癌的新进展.  相似文献   

There are several kinds of epigenetic networks in the human body including the cell differentiation epigenetic network(DiEN) and the host adaptation epigenetic network(AdEN).DiEN networks are static and cell/tissue-specific.AdEN networks are variable and dependent upon environmental factors.DiEN and AdEN alterations can respectively serve as biomarkers for different kinds of diseases.Cancer is a consequence of accumulated pathophysiological adaptations of tissue stem cells to exposure of environmental carcinogens.Cancer cells are de-differentiated cells that obtain the capacity of unrestricted proliferation,local invasion,and distant migration/metastasis.Both DiEN and AdEN changes can be observed in cancer tissues.Alterations of DNA methylation are the most stable epigenetic modifications and can be sensitively detected in a small cell population.These advantages make DNA methylation the optimal biomarkers for detection of initiated cells in precancerous lesions and metastasis stem cells in cancer tissues.It has been proven that p16 methylation can be used as a diagnostic biomarker to determine malignant potential of epithelium dysplasia in many organs including the stomach.In a large-scale validation study on the DNA methylome of gastric carcinomas(GC),the methylation status of more than 90 CpG islands has been analyzed by DHPLC.Furthermore,GFRA1 demethylation and methylation of SRF and ZNF382 are frequent events during gastric carcinogenesis and consistently correlate to GC metastasis and overall survival of GC patients from China,Japan,and Korea,respectively.In a population study,it has been demonstrated that gradual increasing of plasma miR-211 and other miRNA levels may be an early risk predictor for GC development.  相似文献   

Understanding of the mechanism of colorectal carcinogenesis has been gaining momentum for some years on account of its high incidence and impact on the lives of individuals affected. Different genetic abnormalities have been found in colorectal cancers from different sites. For example, proximal colon cancer is usually related to the nucleotide instability pathway, as microsatellite instability (MSI). However, distal colon cancer is usually associated with specific chromosomal instability (CIN). The development of cancer at the rectum, though similar to that at the colon, displays its own unique features. These differences might be partially attributed to different embryological development and physiological circumstances. Environmental factors such as diet and alcohol intake also differ in their role in the development of tumors in the three segments, proximal colon, distal colon, and rectum. “Proximal shift” of colon cancer has been known for some time, and survival rates of colorectal cancer are higher when rectal cancers are excluded, both of which emphasize the three different segments of colorectal cancer and their different properties. Meanwhile, colonic and rectal cancers are distinctive therapeutic entities. The concept of three entities of colorectal cancer may be important in designing clinical trails or therapeutic strategies. However, the dispute about the inconsistency of data concerning the site-specific mechanism of colorectal carcinoma does exist, and more evidence about molecular events of carcinogenesis and targeted therapy needs to be collected to definitely confirm the conception.  相似文献   

对南京癌友康复协会1011名会员所患恶性肿瘤(下简称癌症)部位、性别、患病年龄、生存时间、职业和治疗康复方法,以及对18名死亡会员作了统计分析,显示出该协会成员的基本状况,在一定程度上反映了南京地区癌症患者的特征  相似文献   

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