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中国地面气温和降水变化未来情景的数值模拟分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用加拿大CCCM a模式,对中国地面气温和降水进行了模拟分析,结果表明:①CCCm a模式能较好地模拟中国区域地面气温的空间分布特征;②从A2和B2情景的预估结果来看,地面气温的增加在空间分布上是不均匀的,大体的情形是内陆增温大于海洋,北方增温大于南方。降水量总的变化趋势也是不断增加的,降水量的增加主要青海西藏一带,华南地区在21世纪末期降水量会有所减少;③模拟结果还表明,未来中国区域的地面温度是持续增加的,即使从1990年开始采用了减少温室气体排放的措施,其后的增温趋势依然很明显,直到21世纪中期,才能明显的看出采取减少温室气体排放的措施对缓解增温趋势的效果。  相似文献   

中国及世界风资源变化研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪以来.随着能源需求成倍增长,风能资源因其安全、清洁、丰富的特性已成为世界上增长最快的能源方式.有关风能资源可持续利用的近地层风和风能资源变化研究也逐渐开展起来.20世纪观测事实研究表明,①全球高纬度地区风速呈增大趋势,而中低纬度地区风速呈减小趋势变化;②中国近50年来年平均风速呈明显的减小趋势变化;⑨中国区域城市化发展、测站迁址及测风仪器的变更都对中国年平均风速的长期变化产生了一定影响,但都不是近50年来中国年平均风速呈显著减小趋势的主因;大气环流的变化才是造成中国年平均风速呈显著减小趋势的最可能原因.与风和风能资源预估相关的研究表明,21世纪由于人为温室气体排放增加和全球变暖,中国年平均和冬季平均风速和风功率密度将可能减小,夏季平均风速和风功率密度的变化不确定性较大.目前,利用气候模式模拟和预估近地层风速方面的研究才刚刚开始.今后还需要做大量和长时间的研究试验,才能得到更可靠的结论.  相似文献   

全球气候变化对中国自然灾害的可能影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着人口增多和社会经济的发展,全球CO2、CH4、N2O等气体的排放增加所引起的温室效应,预期本世纪的全球变暖较20世纪更为强烈.讨论了全球气候变化及其对中国自然灾害的可能影响.结果表明,本世纪全球气候进一步变暖将可能导致我国北方干旱趋势仍将延续.南方雨量增加特别是暴雨和台风的增加,会使洪涝灾害扩大加剧.沿海地区由于海平面上升,海岸带灾害主要是风暴潮呈现加剧趋势、农林病虫害、滑坡与泥石流、水土流失与土壤侵蚀灾害也将发展,唯寒冻灾害可能大幅度减轻.面对全球气候变化,我国政府及科学界应加强科学研究,积极参与国际合作,采取减轻、防范和适应措施,以减少经济损失.  相似文献   

江苏省植被动态演变规律及其与极端气候事件的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1982—2013年江苏省植被归一化指数(NDVI)和13个气象站的气温和降水数据,采用SPI标准化降水指数以及PDSI干旱指数模型,研究江苏省植被动态的演变规律及其与旱涝的关系。结果发现:①江苏全省平均的NDVI值整体呈缓慢上升趋势,但上升趋势不明显,其中苏北地区植被覆盖增加趋势明显,远高于全省平均水平,而苏南地区植被覆盖有减小趋势; ②江苏地区多年平均NDVI值有明显的季节变化,冬季的NDVI值为全年最低,春季NDVI值不断增加,到8月份达到最高,之后不断下降; ③极端干旱和洪涝对江苏省NDVI值有显著影响,干旱或洪涝年份的NDVI值明显小于正常年份,并且洪涝年份受影响更为明显。春季极端干旱对江苏省NDVI值影响较大,而夏季洪涝事件对江苏省NDVI的影响较大。  相似文献   

全球气候变化影响研究进展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
近百年来全球平均气温上升了0.55℃,全球平均降水理增加21mm。根据政府间气候变化专门委员会将来温室气体和气溶胶的排放构想,到了下个末全球平均地面气温将比1990年上升1-3.5℃,降水增加3%-15%《未来100年间全球气候变化对人类生存环境和社会经济发展将产生一系列的影响,已引起全球性的关注。  相似文献   

长江三角洲极端降水趋势及未来情景预估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观测资料显示,1951-2000年长江三角洲年降水和极端降水年际差异较大,但没有呈现显著线性变化趋势.利用ECHAM5/MPI-OM模式与实测降水数据比较发现,该模型能较好的模拟年降水和极端降水变化.2001-2050年,IPCC3种不同CO2排放情景下,年降水与极端降水变化并不一致,年降水都出现明显的下降趋势,但极端降水却增加显著,尤其中等排放情景下,2020s年代年降水量锐减,但极端降水迅速增加,说明未来长江三角洲洪涝和干旱发生的几率更高,极端气候造成的危害将更严重.  相似文献   

选取长江上游罗渡溪站以上集水区为研究区,采用距平分析法、Mann-Kendall趋势检验法分析流域内代表气象站历史降水和气温变化趋势,发现年降水量无明显增减趋势,气温自20世纪90年代以来呈波动上升趋势;采用4种气候模式A1B排放情景气候数据驱动VIC水文模型,发现各模式预估月尺度径流和极端高流量变化情势较不一致,洪水风险可能增加也可能减小,各模式均一致性地预估了年最小连续7日流量呈现减少的趋势,研究区可能存在较明显的干旱化趋势,干旱风险增大.  相似文献   

论温室效应对中国社会经济发展的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大气中日益增多的温室气体将使中国的气候产生显著的变化。利用大气环流气候模式进行的模拟试验揭示:如果大气中温室气体的含量以目前的增长率持续增长,与目前的气候相比较,在21世纪中期,中国的年均气温增加4.6℃,年均降水增加7%,中国旱涝发生的概率增大。因日益增加的温室效应而造成的气候变化将对中国社会、经济的发展产生巨大的影响,如农业问题、生态系统影响问题、华北缺水问题、西北沙漠化问题、黄河治理问题、沿海建设问题。  相似文献   

张真 《科学观察》2011,(6):62-65
随着世界人口的增长和经济的发展,森林生态系统迅速而直接地受到土地利用变化的影响.科技界已普遍认同温室气体的排放是导致全球平均气温升高(1970年至今已升高0.5℃)的主要原因,并改变了世界的水循环(IPCC,2007a).即使最保守的情况,未来全球平均气温也将升高约2~4℃,将使一些地区明显干旱(Christensen...  相似文献   

采用陕甘宁地区41个县市1951-2000年的降水及气温资料,分析了20世纪50年代以来陕甘宁地区气温、降水的变化趋势及厄尔尼诺、拉尼娜事件与干旱的关系.结果显示,陕甘宁地区降水与气温存在明显的负相关性,厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜事件与干旱的发生有一定的相关性.  相似文献   

Droughts and floods are the two most costly climate disasters over China. However, our ability to predict droughts and floods is limited by poor understanding of the atmospheric response to long memory climate drivers such as sea surface temperature and soil moisture. In this study, we investigate soil moisture feedbacks on summer droughts and floods over eastern China for the 1998 and 1999 cases using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model simulations. Soil moisture climatology, derived from a 20-year-long control run, is used to replace soil moisture evolution in uncoupled simulations for 1998 and 1999 summers. Eastern China experienced severe floods during the summer of 1998, while 1999 summer is characterized by a “southern flood and northern drought” pattern. The WRF model generally simulates relatively well the droughts and floods in the two summers. It is found that land-atmosphere coupling contributes substantially to both droughts and floods over northern China while it plays a relatively small role in precipitation anomalies over southern China. Our findings suggest that soil moisture memory help contribute skill to seasonal prediction of droughts and floods over northern China.  相似文献   

Climate change in the 21st century over China is simulated using the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Regional Climate Model version 3 (RegCM3). The model is one-way nested within the global model CCSR/NIES/FRCGC MIROC3.2_hires (Center for Climate System Research/National Institute for Environmental Studies/Frontier Research Center for Global Change/Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate). A 150-year (1951-2100) transient simulation is conducted at 25 km grid spacing, under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (IPCC SRES) A1B scenario. Simulations of present climate conditions in China by RegCM3 are compared against observations to assess model performance. Results show that RegCM3 reproduces the observed spatial structure of surface air temperature and precipitation well. Changes in mean temperature and precipitation in December-January-February (DJF) and June-July-August (JJA) during the middle and end of the 21st century are analyzed. Significant future warming is simulated by RegCM3. This warming becomes greater with time, and increased warming is simulated at high latitude and high altitude (Tibetan Plateau) areas. In the middle of the 21st century in DJF, a general increase of precipitation is found in most areas, except over the Tibetan Plateau. Precipitation changes in JJA show an increase over northwest China and a decrease over the Tibetan Plateau. There is a mixture of positive and negative changes in eastern China. The change pattern at the end of the century is generally consistent with that in mid century, except in some small areas, and the magnitude of change is usually larger. In addition, the simulation is compared with a previous simulation of the RegCM3 driven by a different global model, to address uncertainties of the projected climate change in China.  相似文献   

中国是一个水旱灾害发生频繁的国家.季风气候是水旱灾害多发和分布广泛的主要原因;独特的阶梯状地形地貌也加剧我国空间上降水的不均匀,导致了西北多干旱、南方多雨涝的格局,进而会影响我国次一级的灾害发生.全球变暖和周边海气振荡周期变化导致的气候异常加剧我国降水量分布的时空差异,是引发各级水旱灾害的主要胁迫因子.  相似文献   

华南春旱特征及其与水汽输送的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用1979-2005年华南47个基准站降水资料及由NCAR/NCEP II再分析资料计算所得的水汽输送通量资料,对华南春季降水特征及其与水汽输送的关系进行研究,结果表明:华南春季降水可以110.5°E为界划分为两个区域,以东区域为华南I区,以西区域为华南II区。I区降水具有显著的下降趋势,即干旱趋势显著;而II区降水下降趋势要弱得多,未超过信度检验。此外,I区降水在1994年发生突变,由多雨期突然跃变到干旱期。华南春季水汽主要来源于南海和西太平洋,并经中南半岛转向输送到华南,当南海中北部的偏南水汽输送偏弱(强)时,I区降水偏少(多),I区偏旱(涝),当南海西南部-中南半岛南部的偏南水汽输送偏弱(强)时,II区降水偏少(多),II区偏旱(涝)。  相似文献   

Based on a consecutive simulation of the 21st century conducted by RegCM3, changes in climate extremes over China are investigated, following abasic validation of the model performances in simulating present climate. The model is one-way nested within the global model of CCSR/NIES/FRCGC MIROC3.2_hires. A total of 150-years (1951-2100) transient simulation is carried out at 25 km grid spacing under the IPCC SRES A1B scenario. The indices of the extremesincludes SU (summer days), FD (frost days), GSL (growing season length) for temperature, SDII (simple daily intensity index), R10 (no. of days with precipitation 10 mm/d), and CDD (consecutive dry days) for precipitation. Results show that the model can reproduce both the spatial distribution and the values of the present day annual mean temperature and precipitationwell, and it also shows good performances in simulating the extreme indices. Following the significant warming, the indices of SU and GSL for warm events will increase while the indices of FD for cold events will decrease over China. Heavy precipitation events as measured by SDII and R10 show an general increase over the region, except the decrease ofR10 in the Northeast and central Tibetan Plateau andless change or decrease of it along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Decrease of drynessas measured by CDD over northern part of China while increase of it over the Tibetan Plateau, Sichuan Basin and other places in southern China are simulated by the model. This leads to the less change of the regional mean CDD in the time series in the 21st century unlike the other indices, which show clear trend of change following the time evolution.  相似文献   

Based on a database of 106 annually resolved tree-ring chronologies and 244 Palmer Drought Severity Index(PDSI)grid data,we attempted to reconstruct gridded spatial drought patterns in each year over the past four centuries in the arid,semiarid,and semihumid East Asia.The results showed that these regions mainly experienced drought events during the periods from AD 1601 to AD 1652,AD 1680 to AD 1718,AD 1779 to AD 1791,AD 1807 to AD 1824,AD 1846 to AD 1885,and AD 1961 to AD 1999.In the middle of the 16th century,severe droughts occurred mainly in North China;during the period from AD 1876 to AD 1878,droughts occurred in most parts of northern China;and from the 1920s to 1940s,catastrophic drought events spread across almost all of northern China and Mongolia.These historical drought events caused severe ecological and environmental problems and substantially affected the development of human society.In these regions,temperature and summer monsoon precipitation are the main factors influencing drought events.In western areas,PDSI and temperature exhibit a close relationship,whereas in eastern areas,summer monsoon rainfall is the dominant factor influencing variations in PDSI.  相似文献   

利用东北区1751~2000年旱涝灾害资料,分析了该区近250年来旱涝灾害演变的特征.根据气象因素和旱涝灾害的关系,引入了转移概率、太阳黑子相对数和厄尔尼诺方法,导出了未来旱涝灾害预报的方法和公式,对该区2001~2010年旱涝灾害趋势作了预测.结果显示,20世纪东北区旱涝灾害较以前都有所加重,尤其是干旱灾害.2001~2010年东北区会出现2次以上的干旱和1~2次的洪涝灾害,且2007年左右是发生洪涝灾害的危险期.该项研究为东北区实际防灾、减灾工作提供了参考.  相似文献   

2003年东亚夏季风活动的特点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用2003年国家气象中心提供的再分析资料以及台站降水资料,诊断分析了2003我国东部地区汛期降水和东亚夏季风的活动特点,并对二者之间的联系进行讨论。结果表明:(1)2003年南海夏季风于5月第5候在南海南部建立。6月第1候全面爆发,比常年偏晚,南海夏季风强度也比常年偏弱;(2)该年夏季,副热带高压的一个显著特点是强度强、位置偏西,其中从6月下旬至7月中旬,副热带高压的位置稳定少变,其北脊线位25oN附近,且副高位置偏西,这导致了长江以南的犬部分地区高温少雨。这个阶段副热带高压西侧的南风气流将南海地区的水汽源源不断地输送到淮河流域,是淮河流域强降水过程水汽主要来源。  相似文献   

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