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中药制剂技术与中成药生产紧密联系,它是高职高专中医药教育中药类专业学生和技能型中药人才必备的专业知识组成部分,在中药制剂的生产和研究中具有重要地位和作用。文章探讨了中药制剂技术传统教育的优缺点,指出了中药制剂技术课堂教学适应现代科技发展的必经之路。  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代以来,运动医学就开始将传统中医药运用于消除因过度训练而产生的运动性疲劳,取得了一定的研究成果。研究就近年来中医药单复方消除运动性疲劳的研究进展进行讨论,其中单方中药如人参、淫羊藿、枸杞子、芦荟、黄芪、当归有着较好的抗疲劳、抗氧化等作用;而复方中药不同于单方中药,它充分利用了单药的药性以及单药间的药理相互作用。从目前研究现状来看,研究趋向复方研制,但其临床实验有待加强。  相似文献   

据悉,一个多国科学家研究小组近日称,他们找到了一种阻止艾滋病病毒破坏免疫系统的方法,通过移除病毒外膜中的胆固醇,即可有效阻止病毒对人体免疫系统的损害。这一研究成果对开发艾滋病疫苗具有重大意义。  相似文献   

对钨磷、钨硅、铝磷、钼硅四种Keggin结构杂多蓝进行了细胞毒性实验.抑制MT-4细胞增殖实验及抗艾滋病病毒活性实验.结果表明:Keggin结构杂多蓝配合物具有较低的细胞毒性及较强的抗艾滋病病毒活性,其中钨硅和钨磷两电子杂多蓝对由艾滋病病毒引起的细胞病变作用(CPE)具有较强的抑制活性,对CPE的半数抑制浓度(EC50)明显低于pM-19.  相似文献   

周立华 《科技潮》2007,(9):27-29
2006年初.河南中医学院艾滋病研究所的全体工作人员兴奋不已。因为他们在艾滋病方面的研究不断取得新的进展,相继得到国家相关部门的充分肯定和支持:先是收到国家中医药管理局下拨的10万元科研经费.用于与中华中医药学会艾滋病分会联合承担“中医,中西医结合艾滋病诊断标准,治疗指南及疗效评价标准”这一备受关注的研究项目;接着收到了国家科技部下发的通知.对河南中医学院艾滋病研究所,广州中医药大学邓铁涛研究所,北京歉益和中医药研究院在中医治疗艾滋病方面开展的探索性研究给予肯定,同意三单位联合申请深入开展艾滋病的临床研究。如今,中医药治疗艾滋病受到了国内外的广泛关注。因此.本刊特邀请河南中医学院艾滋病研究所副所长周立华撰写此文。[编者按]  相似文献   

廖波 《科技资讯》2005,(24):178-178
中药和天然药物药效物质(有效成分)研究是中药现代化的关键之一。数千年来,中药为中华民族的繁衍昌盛作出了巨大的贡献。中药的质量是其疗效的关键所在,长期以来,人们多是凭借经验,从药材的外观形态、气味以及一些简单的物理、化学现象来判断其真伪,虽然起到一定的作用,但常常有很大的主观性和片面性。当前,如何促进中药现代化,使中药研究建立能被国际认可和接受的客观、严格、科学的标准与规范,已成为中医药工作者必须认真思考的课题。  相似文献   

对钨磷、钨硅、钼磷、钼硅四种Keggin结构杂多蓝进行了细胞毒性实验,抑制MT-4细胞增殖试验及抗艾滋病毒活性实验,结果表明:Keggin结构杂多蓝配合物具有较低的细胞毒性及较强的抗艾滋病病毒活性。其中钨硅和钨磷两电子杂多蓝对由艾滋病病毒引起的细胞病变作用具有较强的抑制活性,对CPE的半数抑制浓度明显低于pM-19。  相似文献   

人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human Immunodeficiency Virus,简称HIV)是导致艾滋病的病原体。研究HIV的病原学是认识HIV的致病机理、寻找有效的抗病毒治疗的靶位、设计HIV疫苗和诊断方法并最终控制艾滋病的基础。自从1983年HIV被分离出以来,HIV的病原学研究取得了长足进展:阐明了HIV的形态、结构以及病毒各个组成部分的功能;了解了HIV的复制和生命周期,并对病毒复制的调控有了基本的认识;对HIV在体内的动态和变异规律有了深入的了解;在上述认识的基础上,对HIV的致病机理以及病毒与宿主细胞的相互作用进行了深入的研究并取得了良好的进展。但是,艾滋病的抗病毒治疗和特异性免疫预防还远没有解决。开展深入的艾滋病病原学和致病机理研究,进一步揭示病毒复制、调控和致病的分子机制,阐明病毒与宿主细胞的相互作用,是发展新型抗药物、设计有效的HIV疫苗的前提和保证。本文概括了HIV病原学研究领域的主要进展,并提出了今后研究的展望。  相似文献   

中药的疗效是中药治疗、预防、养生作用以中医药理论进行概括而形成的,是药物医疗作用在中医领域内的特殊表述形式,是经过中医药理论化了的作用。许多中药无论单用还是配伍组方,均可随着用量的大小、配伍的变化、炮制的不同和煎煮的各异。功效或有递增,或呈双向性。或表现出功能的多样性。  相似文献   

目前一般采用抽血检验法来诊断是否受到艾滋病病毒的感染。日本国立预防卫生研究所艾滋病研究中心的专家通过研究发现,检查唾液同样可确诊是否感染艾滋病病毒。  相似文献   

Schliekelman et al. have provided a model to quantify the speed at which HIV-resistance haplotypes can become enriched in a susceptible population through a delay in the onset of AIDS, permitting greater lifetime reproduction and the selection of AIDS-delaying haplotypes. But we question their conclusion that there could be a rapid evolution of resistance to AIDS onset in some African populations if the current HIV epidemic persists, as this depends on an untested assumption: that variant forms of the chemokine-receptor-5 (CCR5) gene impart selective advantages or disadvantages in Africa that are comparable to those reported for African Americans. Here we test this premise in a large Ugandan population, and find that CCR5 variants are not associated with HIV/AIDS disease risk in Africa--the origin and centre of the current AIDS pandemic. This gene may therefore not be subject to rapid evolutionary change as a result of the HIV epidemic in Africa.  相似文献   

New human retroviruses antigenically related to HIV and even more closely to STLV-III have been recently isolated from individuals from some West African countries. One of these viruses, HTLV-IVP, was reportedly isolated from lymphocytes of a healthy female prostitute. Another isolate, LAV-2FG, was obtained from an AIDS patient and third, SBL-6669, from an individual with lymphadenopathy. Current epidemiological studies indicate that some of these virus isolates cause immune deficiency whereas others may not or may be less efficient at inducing immune deficiency. Similarly, STLV-III apparently does not cause immune deficiency in its natural host, African green monkey. A novel feature of HIV is the possession of a gene termed tat, which is implicated in its pathobiology. We report here that, like HIV, HTLV-IVP, LAV-2FG (HIV-2) and SBL-6669, as well as STLV-IIIAGM possess the putative tat gene, irrespective of their pathogenic potential in vivo. Interestingly, HTLV-IVP/LAV-2FG long terminal repeat (LTR) is equally well transactivated by the HTLV-IVP/LAV-2FG and HTLV-IIIB tat function, HTLV-IIIB LTR responds better to its own tat function.  相似文献   

Because of the growing incidence of AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), the need for studies on animal models is urgent. Infection of chimpanzees with the retroviral agent of human AIDS, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), will have only limited usefulness because chimpanzees are in short supply and do not develop the disease. Among non-human primates, both type D retroviruses and lentiviruses can be responsible for immune deficiencies. The D-type retroviruses, although important pathogens in macaque monkey colonies, are not satisfactory as a model because they differ in genetic structure and pathophysiological properties from the human AIDS viruses. The simian lentivirus, previously referred to as simian T-cell lymphotropic virus type III (STLV-III), now termed simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) is related to HIV by the antigenicity of its proteins and in its main biological properties, such as cytopathic effect and tropism for CD4-bearing cells. Most importantly, SIV induces a disease with remarkable similarity to human AIDS in the common rhesus macaques, which therefore constitute the best animal model currently available. Natural or experimental infection of other monkeys such as African green monkeys or sooty mangabeys has not yet been associated with disease. Molecular approaches of the SIV system will be needed for biological studies and development of vaccines that could be tested in animals. We have cloned and sequenced the complete genome of SIV isolated from a naturally infected macaque that died of AIDS. This SIVMAC appears genetically close to the agent of AIDS in West Africa, HIV-2, but the divergence of the sequences of SIV and HIV-2 is greater than that previously observed between HIV-1 isolates.  相似文献   

Serine phosphorylation-independent downregulation of cell-surface CD4 by nef   总被引:88,自引:0,他引:88  
J V Garcia  A D Miller 《Nature》1991,350(6318):508-511
A decline in the T-cell population usually marks the onset of progressive immunological disease in individuals infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Because CD4+ cells help to coordinate efficient immune responses, some of the defects in the immune function in advanced cases of AIDS may be explained by the disappearance of these cells. Therefore, an understanding of the mechanisms used by HIV to induce the reduction of CD4+ cells is important. Here we use a Moloney murine leukaemia virus-based retroviral vector in order to express the nef gene of HIV-1 in three lymphocytic cell lines expressing CD4. In all cases we find that cell-surface CD4 expression is inversely related to nef expression. However, nef does not alter steady-state levels of CD4 RNA or CD4 protein. Also, nef can downregulate a CD4 triple mutant (Ser----Ala) that is neither phosphorylated nor down-regulated by phorbol esters, indicating that nef is acting by a different mechanism.  相似文献   

艾滋病的抗病毒治疗与我国的免费治疗现状   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
艾滋病在全球范围内已造成了超过2000万人的死亡,尽管目前还没有可以治愈艾滋病的方法,但高效抗逆转录病毒疗法的出现和广泛使用,已成功地将艾滋病转变为一种可治疗的慢性传染病。我国政府对艾滋病问题高度关注,逐步推进艾滋病的医疗救治工作。在阐述艾滋病治疗的基础上,结合治疗特点重点介绍了我国艾滋病免费治疗的历史回顾、现状进展、问题困难和方向计划。  相似文献   

Patients with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and AIDS-related conditions are known to have abnormalities of T cell subpopulations, including a decreased helper/inducer (bearing the CD4 antigen) to suppressor/cytotoxic (bearing the CD8 antigen) T cell ratio and decreased absolute numbers of T cells with the CD4+ phenotype. Infection of T cells with a retrovirus, termed human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), is thought to be important in these abnormalities. HIV infection alone does not adequately explain the CD4+ T-cell abnormalities seen in AIDS, however, and the nature of T-cell destruction in this disease remains poorly characterized. Here we describe an AIDS-related serum autoantibody that reacts with an antigen of relative molecular mass 18,000 (Mr 18K) restricted to lectin-stimulated or HIV-infected CD4+ T cells. The antibody also suppresses proliferation of CD4+ T cells in vitro and induces cytotoxicity of these cells in the presence of complement. Its role in the development of AIDS merits attention.  相似文献   

随着全球艾滋病疫情的发展,艾滋病问题已不仅是医学问题,艾滋病问题影响到与人类相关的各个方面。艾滋病影响范围的扩大,使多学科的研究人员介入艾滋病问题的研究。文章以云南省艾滋病人口群体特征为基础,分析不同人口结构特点下艾滋病的预防控制对策,对于从人口学角度出发,有针对性地开展艾滋病防治具有指导作用。  相似文献   

在预防和控制艾滋病的工作中,通过健康教育促使人们改变其态度和行为是最根本的干预策略,而培训是健康教育的重要组成部分。作者认为预防艾滋病健康教育培训班是通过向人们提供基本知识,帮助人们建立健康信念,改变人们对某些问题的负性态度,增强人们的防病意识和能力,减少对HIV感染者和AIDS病人的歧视等方面来预防艾滋病的。这样的培训特点强调人们的参与,强调人们能将所学知识应用于实践。但由于我国传统教学方式的原因,很多培训者还不了解参与性教学法,还不能有效地在培训活动中使用这种方法。本文作者总结了自身的实践经验,在文章中介绍了参与性教学法的基本特点和基本做法,并给了一些培训班能够使用的实例,供从事艾滋病健康教育的的同仁们参考  相似文献   

目的:通过分析艾滋病自愿咨询检测(voluntary counseling and testing,VCT)资料,更好地发挥VCT在AIDS防治工作中的作用;通过初筛血清HIV抗体,了解咨询者中HIV阳性检出率,同时动态观察HIV感染者的细胞免疫功能,为科学治疗AIDS提供参考依据。方法:利用SPSS15.0软件分析求询者的个人资料;用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测求询者血清中HIV抗体,阳性者用蛋白印迹法(WB)确认,用流式细胞仪技术及时检测感染者的CD+4-T淋巴细胞。结果:三年间,有843例自愿提供个人信息并检测了血清HIV-抗体。共检出27例HIV-抗体阳性者,阳性率为3.2%,有AIDS症状者6例,CD+4小于200个/ul者5例。结论:VCT已成为高危人群获取关于AIDS防治的准确信息的可靠渠道。同时也是HIV感染者检测细胞免疫功能和病程进展最便利的求诊途径。  相似文献   

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