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论城市生态公园的特点及建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王胜永  史册 《科技信息》2010,(6):372-372
随着人们生态意识的提高,生态公园的观念被人们所了解,却没有深刻的认识,本文主要介绍了生态公园的主要特点,并根据生态公园的概念和特点提出城市生态公园建设的建议。  相似文献   

对深圳市笔架山公园的自然景观进行调查,研究公园自然景观类型及特点,将其自然景观分为山体景观、平坦地区景观、水体景观3大类,在景观分区上划分为2大片区, 即: 郊野山地森林景区、传统园林休闲景区,包括6大景区.研究表明公园总体的景观多样性较高,山地景观、稀树草坪、山麓与草坪过渡区均具明显特色.其发展规划应是综合中国传统园林特点与西方自然风光特点.在此基础上对公园的景观规划提出了建设性意见.  相似文献   

海河公园是海河治理的一大组成部分。该公园应设计成能够突出西昌特色、具有生态效益、社会效益和经济效益的以人为本的可游可憩的城市园林。本文论述了设计者设计的海河公园方案的立意构思、分区布局、设计特点与手法等。  相似文献   

对深圳市笔架山公园的自然景观进行调查,研究公园自然景观类型及特点,将其自然景观分为山体景观、平坦地区景观、水体景观3大类,在景观分区上划分为2大片区,即:郊野山地森林景区、传统园林休闲景区,包括6大景区。研究表明公园总体的景观多样性较高,山地景观、稀树草坪、山麓与草坪过渡区均具明显特色。其发展规划应是综合中国传统园林特点与西方自然风光特点。在此基础上对公园的景观规划提出了建设性意见。  相似文献   

匈牙利首都布达佩斯近郊有一坐小巧的地图公园。该公园长31米、宽20米,确切说整个公园是个沙盘模型。在这里,匈牙利全国的的山脉、峡谷、平原、河流和城市都能从中找到自己的位置,国内主要的公路和铁路干线、主要建筑物和名胜古迹的模型也能在公园里找到。地图公园本身就象是一本好教材,只要来这里游玩一次,便可对匈牙利的自然、地理、文化和名胜有个基本的了解。地图公园建成并正式开放  相似文献   

公园建设是城市园林绿化主体,其造园的艺术性、合理性直接关系到公园的功能运用,本文结合矿区城市绿化特点,根据矿区城市绿化现状,对如何遵循造园艺术"小中见大"设计手法,合理布局,建造矿区微型公园,营造绿色煤城区城进行了探讨。  相似文献   

傅家庄公园综合改造规划设计,充分体现自然与人文的交融,达到景观与空间的多样性、实用性和艺术性,突出生态与环保的特点.  相似文献   

科普宣教及展示是湿地公园重要的功能之一,也是推动湿地公园系统保护和合理利用的重要手段和直接方式。由于湿地的特殊性,如何设计科学合理、特点鲜明、吸引力强的宣教展示系统,是当前湿地公园发展建设的一大难点~([1])。以南丰潭湖湿地公园为例,通过深入调查湿地公园的本底情况,提炼独具特色的湿地文化资源。同时,在该湿地公园内,坚持保护优先、人与湿地和谐共生、统筹兼顾的原则;并遵循优化湿地环境、保护修复湿地资源、维护湿地生物多样性、弘扬湿地文化的理念,以不同表现形式相结合的方式对湿地风景资源和人文资源进行宣教展示,以期为我国同类湿地公园的宣教系统建设提供参考。  相似文献   

山西省晋中市榆次区玉湖公园的种子植物呈现多样性的特点:公园内共有种子植物75种,隶属于33科、58属;公园内种子植物的生活型有草本、灌木和乔木3种,其中乔木种类最多;公园种子植物果实类型有12类,果实为蒴果的种类最多;公园内种子植物除有绿化的作用外,还有药用、观赏、作为工业原料等多种重要的经济用途.加强对公园内种子植物的保护和开发工作,需要大力开展科学研究工作,制定发展计划,根据地方资源建立特色产品,合理引进外来种.  相似文献   

适宜老年人的公园绿地规划设计以老年人的生理心理等需要为基础,从老年人的行为特点等出发,进行合理的适宜老年人的公园绿地规划设计,使其能满足老年人在生理与心理等方面的要求,提升老年群体生活质量。  相似文献   

There are numerous geometric objects stored in the spatial databases. An importance function in a spatial database is that users can browse the geometric objects as a map efficiently. Thus the spatial database should display the geometric objects users concern about swiftly onto the display window. This process includes two operations:retrieve data from database and then draw them onto screen. Accordingly, to improve the efficiency, we should try to reduce time of both retrieving object and displaying them. The former can be achieved with the aid of spatial index such as R-tree, the latter require to simplify the objects. Simplification means that objects are shown with sufficient but not with unnecessary detail which depend on the scale of browse. So the major problem is how to retrieve data at different detail level efficiently. This paper introduces the implementation of a multi-scale index in the spatial database SISP (Spatial Information Shared Platform) which is generalized from R-tree. The difference between the generalization and the R-tree lies on two facets: One is that every node and geometric object in the generalization is assigned with a importance value which denote the importance of them, and every vertex in the objects are assigned with a importance value,too. The importance value can be use to decide which data should be retrieve from disk in a query. The other difference is that geometric objects in the generalization are divided into one or more sub-blocks, and vertexes are total ordered by their importance value. With the help of the generalized R-tree, one can easily retrieve data at different detail levels.Some experiments are performed on real-life data to evaluate the performance of solutions that separately use normal spatial index and multi-scale spatial index. The results show that the solution using multi-scale index in SISP is satisfying.  相似文献   

海德格尔对荷尔德林诗歌的阐释,目的是进行诗与思的对话,归根结底还是探讨存在。诗与“在”的关系,是海氏诗学框架的核心内容,诗与“在”的关系又进一步引申为艺术与真理的关系,本从真理如何被遮蔽的问题入手,试图读解海德格尔诗学的内涵。艺术是无蔽的真理显明的一种方式,诗是危机的拯救,语言是存在的家园。海德格尔对诗与在的探讨最后又转入了对语言的探讨,无法走出语言的牢笼。只有在实践中,把艺术变成为社会变革的一个因素,才可以解放被传统理性压迫的力量,显现艺术的真理,确立艺术的价值。  相似文献   

采用基于地理坐标的镶嵌方法和剪切线的方法对两幅MODIS遥感影像做镶嵌时,在影像接缝处出现了黑色条带,条带值显示为-NaN或者0.主要针对这一现象介绍在IDL 7.0环境下编写的Delete_NaN程序和Delete_0程序的应用.该程序实现了消除黑色条带,并找回了丢失的数据,该程序运行速度快,操作简便,特别适用于MODIS遥感数据的影像镶嵌图.  相似文献   

Tennessee Williams is considered as one of the most important American playwrights since World War II.The Glass Menagerie is his first successful drama,which describes a tragic situation of family and means to say that Man is unable to change the miserable life,no matter whatever means he try,This essay focuses on the analysis of the arrangement of the four main characters:Laura.Amanda,Jim and Tom to reveal the theme.Laura is fragile.Amanda is brave.Jim is vital.Tom is sensible.And all of them develop and try the different means to struggle against life,but fail tragically.With the evidence,the paper comes to conclusion naturally that Man is unable to change the miserable life,and he dooms to fail.  相似文献   

Canonical Wnt/β-catenin pathway plays a central role in development, homeostasis, as well as tumorigenesis. The regulation of the pathway involves various and complicated mechanisms, including the extracellular, intracellular and endonuclear regulation. As the key component of the pathway, the Lefl/Tcfs-β-catenin complex is also the key target of regulation in the nucleus. In the current review, we are going to summarize the regulators in the nucleus which can modify the transcrip- tional activity of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway.  相似文献   

美国地缘环境解析及其对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 基于地缘环境理论,构建了地缘环境解析框架,从地理环境、地缘关系、地缘结构和地缘空间4个层次对美国地缘环境的动态变化进行了系统的解析。地理环境赋予美国有利的地理位置、优越的地理条件、绝对的地缘优势和拥有世界权力的可能。美国的地缘关系在其发展过程中呈现出对抗、竞争、合作、同盟等多种形式。地缘结构具有重要功能,倒三角结构、多极结构、两极结构、一超多强结构带给美国地缘政治、地缘经济、地缘文化等方面的地位、权力和利益,美国面对中国崛起的地缘理念结构亟需更新。美国主要的地缘空间横跨北美洲、亚洲及欧洲,可划分为腹地、核心地缘空间、海洋地缘空间和外围地缘支点。进入21世纪,美国的国内、国际环境正在发生深刻变化,其对外关系与地缘战略也呈现出新一轮的变动和调整,以适应新的地缘环境。中国在和平崛起过程中可以通过建设潜在的印度洋通道、构建互利共赢的“朋友圈”、制定自身发展的地缘战略等手段积极塑造自身的地缘环境,破解错综复杂的地缘环境问题,维护中国地缘安全。  相似文献   

As an American modern novelist who were famous in the literary world, Hemingway was not a person who always followed the trend but a sharp observer. At the same time, he was a tragedy maestro, he paid great attention on existence, fate and end-result. The dramatis personae's tragedy of his works was an extreme limit by all means tragedy on the meaning of fearless challenge that failed. The beauty of tragedy was not produced on the destruction of life, but now this kind of value was in the impact activity. They performed for the reader about the tragedy on challenging for the limit and the death.  相似文献   

We have developed an adiabatic connection to formulate the ground-state exchange-correlation energy in terms of pairing matrix linear fluctuations.This formulation of the exchange-correlation energy opens a new channel for density functional approximations based on the many-body perturbation theory.We illustrate the potential of such approaches with an approximation based on the particle-particle Random Phase Approximation(pp-RPA).This re-  相似文献   

采空区地表斜坡变形破坏类型及其运动机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了采空区地表斜坡变形和破坏的地质现象,类型及其运动机制,斜坡在采空区覆岩移动的环境下,岩体发生塌落、倾倒、拱屈、弯曲和滑动等。它们各有其成因,力学特点和运动机制,对评定采空区地表斜坡稳定性是不可少的。  相似文献   

信托财产是信托关系的基本要素,由于信托的特殊性,信托财产与传统民法的财产有很大区别,正确给信托财产定位,是信托业得以健康发展的核心问题。信托财产的特性在于其人格性,而这种人格性的赋予是以交易成本最小化为动因,尽管信托财产人格性设计对受益人的利益有偏袒,但从社会成本而言,其目的在于促使交易成本最小化,当然,对信托财产的人格性不能绝对化,由于利益平衡的需求,往往在特定情况下对信托财产予以人格否认。  相似文献   

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