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Improvisation or transfer is the core of a course,based on the communicative approach. That is,the students are required to transfer what they learned in the textbook to real-life situation as far as possible. And in the present-day textbook of Middle School, the courses are organized in authentic everyday situations in which students can easily identify. So in the process of English teaching,it is very important for the teachers to set the language contexts correctly and flexibly.  相似文献   

黄佩君 《科技信息》2008,(3):152-154
This essay firstly has a brief review on three theoretical approaches:behaviourism,innatism and interactionism,and their relationship with language acquisition.Then it points out the significance of understanding the process oflanguage development in the practice of classroom teaching English as a foreign language.Furthermore,some constractive suggestions are put forward in order that English teachers may achieve more in their English teaching.  相似文献   

赵嘉 《科技信息》2008,(21):250-252
In this article, inclusion and inclusive education are described. With more and more attention on human right that every child can learn and have the same right to access to education, special education has become a new focus of the population. Inclusion as a significant field in special education shows equality, a basic principle of special education. However, in process of special instruction, there are still some myths (such as teachers who work with students identified as special instruction needed must master the special skills and a detailed knowledge of the child's knowledge; teachers need unending patience in special instruction; and every child's learning is completely different) that should be dispelled. In addition, some effective teaching methods that offer enlightenment for China's education are introduced in the field of special education, for an instance, non-categorical approach to teaching, curriculum adaptations, small group instruction, one to one instruction and improving students' self-estee  相似文献   

Emergency navigation with a large number of sensors can serve as a safety service in emergencies.Recent studies have focused on navigation protocols to safely guide people to exits while helping them avoid hazardous areas.However,those approaches are not applicable in all circumstances.Both the dynamics of the environment and the mobility of users are key challenges for the efficiency and effectiveness of navigation protocols.The concepts of navigability and reachability are used to evaluate three typical navigation approaches.A large number of simulation results show that these two indicators effectively identify the performance levels of navigation protocols in changing environments.  相似文献   

pronunciation teaching is considered as a basic course in English as a foreign language teaching in China. As we all know that English is a tool of communication between Chinese people and the people abroad,it is very important to have good pronunciation in order to communicate effectively. Though that good pronunciation is necessary for the mastery of a foreign language is accepted as axiomatic by most teachers, yet how the idea translates into the methodologies and techniques of the FEL classroom is still a question. This article will introduce as well as discuss some research findings and some approaches that we may find effective in pronunciation teaching.  相似文献   

苏为 《科技信息》2008,(9):281-281
Different approaches and methods through history play significant roles in foreign language teaching. This paper makes a comparison of four influential approaches and methods in terms of definition, advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to combine those approaches and methods to facilitate the development of foreign language teaching.  相似文献   

Blackboard academic suite is an excellent teaching software,Design of the principle of remote sensing network course based on it includes five kernel parts:course content construction,experimental process recurrence,interactive cooperation creation,exercises evaluation,course data evaluation and feedback.Teacher also should use some tactics to motivate students use blackboard academic suite,so as to improve students' learning interest and initiative,and teaching quality of the principle of remote sensing co...  相似文献   

马波 《科技信息》2008,(13):274-274
Of all the four skills listening, speaking, reading and writing, speaking seems to be the most important one. During the teaching process, there are so many difficuties in speaking that the students cannot solve. In the paper, it is mentioned some approaches to improve the speaking ability of the students, they are useful and efficient for teaching.  相似文献   

黄传华 《科技信息》2011,(9):214+181
Interest is an indispensable factor in foreign language learning.Students’ learning interest should be initially taken into account in English teaching-learning process in junior middle school.It’s necessary to carry out a research on the influence of English teaching in junior middle school on students’ learning interest.The thesis will give an investigation on English courses from the interesting and relationship.It’s necessary to carry out a research on the influence of English teaching in junior middle school on students’ learning interest.  相似文献   

How could we have a effective teaching?We,as teachers,always think about this question and always hope to have better experiences to supple- ment us.The art of teaching lies in the teaching of the teacher and the studying of the students.During this course, a teacher's quality will be re- garded as an important factor in the art of teaching which we have to think over and discuss.Of course,the factors of students will be undoubtedly tak- en into consideration because of their significance.HereⅠwould like to sunmaarize the following points to improve our teaching effect.  相似文献   

商丘职业技术学院软件技术教学团队在开发国家级精品课程《Java Web应用程序开发》过程中,提出1365教学模式,对软件技术专业如何开发基于工作过程的课程做出了改革和探索.阐述了1365教学模式的含义、设计和实施过程,以及1365教学模式的特点和有利于教学任务完成的优势.  相似文献   

高职课程的开发与设计应按照符合高等职业教育要求提出的基于"工作任务"的开发理念,以"岗位需求"为导向,以"实际工作任务"构建教学内容,按"工作过程"设计教学情境,将课程内容"任务化"、"项目化",形成以"学生为主体","教师为主导"的教、学、做一体化教学模式。  相似文献   

邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论课是马列理论课的重要组成部分,如何提高本课程的教学质量和水平,全面提高课程教学的实效性,用科学理论武装大学生,是本课程教师必须认真解决的重要问题。鉴于长期以来本课程教学实效性不令人满意的原因,就要增强邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论课程对大学生的吸引力、说服力和感染力,提高教学实效性,必须在原学习、理论联系实际、教学方法和教学手段、考试方法、社会实践、教学与科研的结合等方面进行改革和探索。  相似文献   

作为新课程的实施者,高中美术教师的知识结构和教育理念直接影响着教学的成效,关系着课程改革的顺利进行。高师美术院校是培养高中美术教育人才的摇篮,理应配合高中新课改精神,从教育理念、课程设置乃至教学模式等方面实施改革,以培养适应高中新课程特点的新型高中美术教育人才。  相似文献   

文章针对高职类院校"教学做一体化"教学模式展开讨论,分析了传统教学模式在本门专业课教学中的不足,并且提出了"一体化"教学模式应用到实际教学中遇到的问题,探索了其中的原因,作者结合自身在《单片机应用技术》课程中的教学实践,提出了改进的基于工作过程的"一体化"教学模式,在实际中取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

万事开头难,"上好夜大数学第一课"是夜大数学教学的重要环节,对后面的数学教学起着积极的作用。为此,本文指出了当前夜大数学教学工作中存在的一些问题,分析了产生这些问题的原因,并以概率论课程为例,对"上好夜大数学课"的方法进行了探讨,并具体展示了教师在第一次上课时的课前准备及课堂上的知识导入过程。实践证明,"上好夜大数学第一课"不仅有利于大幅度提高学生的出勤率,维持课堂纪律,也有利于调动学生发言的积极性,活跃课堂气氛。  相似文献   

结合“货币银行学”课程自身的特点和非金融类经济及管理专业课程教学的要求,对“货币银行学”课程的教学体系、教学内容、教学方法等方面的改革进行了思考,提出了一些建设性的建议。  相似文献   

结合四川省精品课程《工程经济》的建设经验,探索面向工科专业的经济类课程实践教学体系的模式。提出重塑课程体系、建立实践教学体系以及精品课程网站的一些方法和途径。通过《工程经济》精品课程的建设,形成了教学、研究与工程实践有机结合的立体化教学模式,促进了教学模式由知识传授型向能力训练型的转变,培养了学生的工程实践能力,促进了对学生的专业能力培养。  相似文献   

精品课程建设对教学质量和人才培养目标的实现起着举足轻重的作用。而“综合英语”课程建设是专业基础课程建设的中心。结合本校实际,制定切实可行的建设目标和任务:在师资队伍的建设上,一方面,为了更好完成人才培养的战略目标而提倡的擅长互动教学的、身兼班主任工作的教师担任主讲教师,另一方面,为了自身的发展,提出了“有科研意识”的教学之路;在教学方法的凝练上,提出了具有培养学生的实践和创新能力特色的任务型教学模式;培养学生在低年级良好的自主学习习惯。  相似文献   

该文介绍了我校信号与系统广东省精品课程的建设,讨论了以建设一流教材、一流教学内容、一流教师队伍、一流教学手段和一流教学管理的指导思想,构思了信号与系统课程立体化建设结构图和立体化教学结构图。  相似文献   

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