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正2017年10月10~13日,关联物质国际学术会议在杭州召开。会议由浙江大学关联物质研究中心组织,中心主任Frank Steglich教授和袁辉球教授任会议共同主席。本次会议共邀请了近40位国内外一流专家学者作邀请报告,内容涵盖重费米子等强关联电子体系的多个方面,包括重费米子物理、非常规超导、量子相变、近藤体系中的拓扑量子态、量子磁性与自旋液体等。会议整个流程以强关联电子体系的不同研  相似文献   

不同于传统超导体,拓扑超导体是边缘态具有马约拉纳束缚态的新型量子体系,因其可承载"神秘"的马约拉纳费米子成为科学界尤其是凝聚态物理学界最受关注的前沿焦点之一。简要介绍了拓扑超导体和马约拉纳费米子的基本概念,总结和回顾了实现拓扑超导相和马约拉纳费米子的理论方案及近期观测马约拉纳费米子的代表性实验进展。  相似文献   

量子计算科学是近年来物理学领域最活跃的研究前沿之一,其开拓了与经典方式具有本质区别的全新的信息处理模式.量子计算研究的根本目标是建造基于量子力学基本原理的量子信息处理技术,能在许多复杂计算问题上大大超越经典计算性能的新型计算模式.量子计算需要一个良好的量子体系作为载体.基于自旋的量子体系由于其实用的可操作性,成为量子计算载体的优秀候选.自旋的所有量子性质表现在自旋的叠加态、自旋之间的纠缠和对自旋的量子测量上.基于系综的量子计算演示实验已经被多次实现,但是系综体系在可扩展性上有其原理上的缺陷.要实现可扩展的大规模室温固态量子信息处理和量子计算的突破,实现单量子态的寻址和读出是一个最重要的前提.在已经提出的单自旋固态量子计算载体中,比较突出的一类是基于金刚石中的氮-空位色心单电子自旋体系.金刚石中的氮-空位色心单电子自旋量子态可以在室温下初始化、操控与读出,成为室温量子计算机载体的优良候选者.我们首先回顾金刚石氮-空位色心单电子自旋体系作为量子计算机载体的重要进展;然后讨论了该体系在纳米尺度灵敏探测和成像方面的重要应用;最后,描述了此领域的前景.  相似文献   

自旋-声子耦合对正方晶格自旋-1/2反铁磁体的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在准自旋波理论框架内,应用正则变换方法讨论了有限温度下自旋-声子耦合相互作用对正方晶格自旋-1/2海森堡反铁磁体的影响.计算了系统的自旋-自旋关联函数.采用非绝热近似方法处理自旋-声子耦合相互作用.结果表明,通常的绝热近似处理方法所得的结果仅是此处结果的一种极限(ωph→0)情况.自旋-声子耦合相互作用可以削弱系统的拓扑长程序.在强自旋-声子耦合相互作用系统中可以建立某种量子自旋液体相  相似文献   

采用非平衡态格林函数方法,研究了一个三电极的平行双量子点结构中由局域Rashba型自旋轨道耦合诱导的自旋极化的电子输运.结果发现,当电子从"源"电极经量子点区到两个"漏"电极时,它能根据自身的自旋态选择终端,即自旋极化和自旋分离可在这一结构同时实现.同时发现,量子点内的库仑相互作用对该体系的自旋输运性质有重要影响,其中有额外电极与之耦合的量子点中的库仑相互作用的强度对自旋输运起主要调节作用.  相似文献   

从理论上研究了拓扑绝缘体量子点中的磁交换相互作用.在拓扑绝缘体量子点中,边缘态电子数可以通过量子点的尺寸和外加电场进行调控.当量子点中掺入单个磁离子并且边缘态填充奇数电子时,电子与单个磁离子之间的交换相互作用达到最大值;而边缘态填充偶数电子时,电子与单个磁离子之间的交换相互作用消失.当量子点中掺入2个磁离子时,电子与Mn离子的sp-d相互作用会出现奇偶振荡行为,Mn离子间的相互作用取决于Mn离子间距和量子点壳层中的电子数,表现出典型的Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida型间接交换机制.工作澄清了拓扑绝缘体量子点壳层结构对其磁性的影响,有助于人们设计基于拓扑绝缘体量子点的自旋电子学或量子信息器件.  相似文献   

在大自旋和强各向异性极限下,研究了拓扑相因子对双轴各向异性量子反铁磁链中宏观量子相干的影响.结果表明:有限温度下,在有限长度的量子反铁磁自旋链中,由于拓扑相因子的存在,简并Neel真空态之间隧穿幅的性质将取决于自旋是整数还是半整数.  相似文献   

研究了具有自旋轨道耦合的冷原子费米气在外磁场作用下的物理性质.通过自洽求解Bogoliubove-de Gennes方程,发现了在不同磁场强度和粒子填充数下,体系分别存在拓扑超流态和Fulde-Ferrell-LarkinOvchinnikov超流态.当体系处于拓扑超流态时,存在零能Majorana费米子.  相似文献   

正"2月25日,国家科技部公布2015年度中国科学十大进展。实现单光子多自由度量子隐形传态、找到外尔费米子、发现东亚最早现代人化石等研究入选。"实现多自由度量子隐形传态——现实版"星际穿越"量子隐形传态在概念上非常类似于科幻小说中的"星际旅行",可以利用量子纠缠把量子态传输到遥远地点,而无需传输载体本身。中国科学技术大学的研究小组在国际上首次成功实现多自由度量子体系的隐形传态,成  相似文献   

自旋电子学是一门新兴的交叉学科,其中心主题就是对固体电子系统中电子的自旋自由度进行有效地操作和控制.量子点体系中的自旋效应近期受到了理论和实验较多的关注.本文着重介绍了自旋轨道耦合效应对量子点体系输运性质的影响,探讨了怎样利用自旋轨道耦合效应来实现对自旋的有效过滤和纯自旋流产生.基于四铁磁端双量子点体系中电子的交换相互作用机制,指出了一种可以显著提高从铁磁金属到半导体量子点自旋注入效率的新方法.  相似文献   

当不稳定量子系统被频繁地测量时,此系统的状态保持不变,量子芝诺效应就会发生.现实存在的量子系统由于与环境相耦合而不可避免地处于混合态.然而,人们对量子芝诺效应的研究基本上只针对纯态量子系统.故研究量子系统中混合态量子芝诺效应将更加具有实际意义.可以证明,量子系统中纯态和混合态均存在量子芝诺效应.  相似文献   

众所周知,当不稳定量子系统被频繁测量时,量子Zeno效应就会发生,此效应在量子信息和量子通信中具有重要意义.然而,以前人们所研究的量子Zeno效应多数是针对二能级系统.可以验证三能级系统里同样存在量子Zeno效应,这将对不同量子系统量子态跃迁的阻止和量子Zeno效应的理解带来帮助,同时,在此基础上拓展到高维系统,也证明此效应的存在.  相似文献   

研究了量子信息理论中无限维两体量子态的可分性鲁棒和纠缠鲁棒问题。利用无限维两体量子系统态的Concurrence纠缠度以及可分态的边缘态的概念,讨论了无限维两体量子态的可分性鲁棒和纠缠鲁棒的定义。得到了可分性鲁棒以及纠缠鲁棒的若干基本性质,推广了有限维两体量子态的相应结果,获得了无限维两体量子系统态的可分性鲁棒和纠缠鲁棒分别为零的等价条件。  相似文献   

Cirac JI  Zoller P 《Nature》2000,404(6778):579-581
Quantum computers require the storage of quantum information in a set of two-level systems (called qubits), the processing of this information using quantum gates and a means of final readout. So far, only a few systems have been identified as potentially viable quantum computer models--accurate quantum control of the coherent evolution is required in order to realize gate operations, while at the same time decoherence must be avoided. Examples include quantum optical systems (such as those utilizing trapped ions or neutral atoms, cavity quantum electrodynamics and nuclear magnetic resonance) and solid state systems (using nuclear spins, quantum dots and Josephson junctions). The most advanced candidates are the quantum optical and nuclear magnetic resonance systems, and we expect that they will allow quantum computing with about ten qubits within the next few years. This is still far from the numbers required for useful applications: for example, the factorization of a 200-digit number requires about 3,500 qubits, rising to 100,000 if error correction is implemented. Scalability of proposed quantum computer architectures to many qubits is thus of central importance. Here we propose a model for an ion trap quantum computer that combines scalability (a feature usually associated with solid state proposals) with the advantages of quantum optical systems (in particular, quantum control and long decoherence times).  相似文献   

Englund D  Faraon A  Fushman I  Stoltz N  Petroff P  Vucković J 《Nature》2007,450(7171):857-861
Solid-state cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) systems offer a robust and scalable platform for quantum optics experiments and the development of quantum information processing devices. In particular, systems based on photonic crystal nanocavities and semiconductor quantum dots have seen rapid progress. Recent experiments have allowed the observation of weak and strong coupling regimes of interaction between the photonic crystal cavity and a single quantum dot in photoluminescence. In the weak coupling regime, the quantum dot radiative lifetime is modified; in the strong coupling regime, the coupled quantum dot also modifies the cavity spectrum. Several proposals for scalable quantum information networks and quantum computation rely on direct probing of the cavity-quantum dot coupling, by means of resonant light scattering from strongly or weakly coupled quantum dots. Such experiments have recently been performed in atomic systems and superconducting circuit QED systems, but not in solid-state quantum dot-cavity QED systems. Here we present experimental evidence that this interaction can be probed in solid-state systems, and show that, as expected from theory, the quantum dot strongly modifies the cavity transmission and reflection spectra. We show that when the quantum dot is coupled to the cavity, photons that are resonant with its transition are prohibited from entering the cavity. We observe this effect as the quantum dot is tuned through the cavity and the coupling strength between them changes. At high intensity of the probe beam, we observe rapid saturation of the transmission dip. These measurements provide both a method for probing the cavity-quantum dot system and a step towards the realization of quantum devices based on coherent light scattering and large optical nonlinearities from quantum dots in photonic crystal cavities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief review of some recent developments in quantum feedback networks and control.A quantum feedback network (QFN) is an interconnected system consisting of open quantum systems linked by free fields and/or direct physical couplings.Basic network constructs,including series connections as well as feedback loops,are discussed.The quantum feedback network theory provides a natural framework for analysis and design.Basic properties such as dissipation,stability,passivity and gain of open quantum systems are discussed.Control system design is also discussed,primarily in the context of open linear quantum stochastic systems.The issue of physical realizability is discussed,and explicit criteria for stability,positive real lemma,and bounded real lemma are presented.Finally for linear quantum systems,coherent H∞ and LQG control are described.  相似文献   

量子传感技术以光子、原子等量子系统为介质,利用量子效应可实现突破标准量子极限制约的超高精 度和灵敏度的物理量测量,为基于时空参量测量的传统导航定位授时技术体制的突破带来新的机遇。量子传感改变了导航系统中导航传感器的感知机理,能够实现高精度的时空参量观测,并利用量子系统的非经典特性,实现导航信息的安全可靠传输和探测,提升导航对抗能力。作为量子传感技术的主试验场,量子导航技术方兴未艾,新的导航参量量子传感技术和功能器件不断涌现,量测性能日新月异。在分析了不同量子传感技术和器件物理原理的基础上,探讨了量子导航技术的研究进展与发展方向,并展望了其未来发展趋势和组合导航方式。随着量子传感技术的进步,未来高精度、抗干扰的实用高性能量子导航系统将具有广阔应用前景。??  相似文献   

In relativistic quantum field theory, information propagation is bounded by the speed of light. No such limit exists in the non-relativistic case, although in real physical systems, short-range interactions may be expected to restrict the propagation of information to finite velocities. The question of how fast correlations can spread in quantum many-body systems has been long studied. The existence of a maximal velocity, known as the Lieb-Robinson bound, has been shown theoretically to exist in several interacting many-body systems (for example, spins on a lattice)--such systems can be regarded as exhibiting an effective light cone that bounds the propagation speed of correlations. The existence of such a 'speed of light' has profound implications for condensed matter physics and quantum information, but has not been observed experimentally. Here we report the time-resolved detection of propagating correlations in an interacting quantum many-body system. By quenching a one-dimensional quantum gas in an optical lattice, we reveal how quasiparticle pairs transport correlations with a finite velocity across the system, resulting in an effective light cone for the quantum dynamics. Our results open perspectives for understanding the relaxation of closed quantum systems far from equilibrium, and for engineering the efficient quantum channels necessary for fast quantum computations.  相似文献   

The control of quantum systems is of fundamental scientific interest and promises powerful applications and technologies. Impressive progress has been achieved in isolating quantum systems from the environment and coherently controlling their dynamics, as demonstrated by the creation and manipulation of entanglement in various physical systems. However, for open quantum systems, engineering the dynamics of many particles by a controlled coupling to an environment remains largely unexplored. Here we realize an experimental toolbox for simulating an open quantum system with up to five quantum bits (qubits). Using a quantum computing architecture with trapped ions, we combine multi-qubit gates with optical pumping to implement coherent operations and dissipative processes. We illustrate our ability to engineer the open-system dynamics through the dissipative preparation of entangled states, the simulation of coherent many-body spin interactions, and the quantum non-demolition measurement of multi-qubit observables. By adding controlled dissipation to coherent operations, this work offers novel prospects for open-system quantum simulation and computation.  相似文献   

A subdynamics theory framework for describing multi-coupled quantum computing systems is presented first. A general kinetic equation for the reduced system is given then, enabling a sufficient condition to be formulated for constructing a pure coherent quantum computing system. This reveals that using multi-coupled systems to perform quantum computing in Rigged Liouville Space opens the door to controlling or eliminating the intrinsic de-coherence of quantum computing systems. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (79970121) Biography: Liu Gui-Ping (1964-), male, Lecturer. Research direction: quantum networks.  相似文献   

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