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从研究范式方面对复杂网络与社会网络研究进行比较.认为发生学视角的时间维度的分析与知识论域视觉的空间维度的分析相结合,可以提供历史与全面地认识事物的可能.首先分别从发生学及知识论域体系的视角,在比较中发现了复杂网络与社会网络研究范式的特点,然后以广州软件产业CEO社会网络与竞争关系复杂网络的研究为例,对这些特点做了具体的说明,最后进一步通过该产业的企业衍生社会网络与竞争关系复杂网络的联系,得出社会网络是产业竞争关系复杂网络的基础的结论.  相似文献   

关于大陆"社会网络"研究的iView分析及知识视图   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
相对于期刊文章需经历较长的评审过程, 学术会议报告和论文能反映领域研究的最新成果, 考察某领域的旗舰会议并对其跟踪有助于较快地把握研究脉络. 简要介绍iView分析这一定性综合集成技术基本原理后, 将 iView分析技术应用于中国社会网研究学会的年会"社会网与关系管理研讨会" 这一社会网领域在中国的代表性会议, 探测当前研究概况、主要议题、主要研究人员等, 进而考察系列研讨会所反映的该领域研究的地域特性、学科特性、时代特性及研究趋势. 如此展示支持快速准确勾画研究主题的知识视图的定性研究中智能信息技术的应用.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous community entails a number of social groups that adopt similar/different social norms. In such community, new individuals who join a new social group should be able to decide with which group they could assimilate based on their capabilities/values/manners. Otherwise, they would be penalized by other members in the group for violating some norms which they cannot comply.Using this approach, software agents would have better reasoning in simulating human society. In this paper, the authors propose a norms assimilation theory, in which a new agent attempts to assimilate with a social group's norms. This theory builds an approach to norm assimilation, analyzes the cases for an agent to decide to assimilate with a social group and develops a mathematical model to measure the assimilation cost and the agent's ability. The approach is developed based on the agent's internal belief about its ability and desire, and its external belief about the cost of assimilating with a number of social groups. The significance of this research is two-fold. Firstly, the study paves the way to future design of intelligent systems, i.e., software agents or robots, to closely mimic human social interactions.Secondly, the norm assimilation using agent-based system could be potentially utilized to simulate some social issues such as immigrants, new students, expatriate etc. The experiments that have been conducted demonstrate that an agent in the domain is able to calculate the assimilation cost and decide which social group to join.  相似文献   

社会安全事件发生之前通常要进行筹划、准备,并逐步成型,通过观察这一过程中参与者的行为和动作有可能识别正在酝酿的社会安全事件.一些社会安全事件的行动单独来看并不一定表现出异常特征,需要综合分析发现多个参与者行动相互关联后可能形成的事件.文章假设参与者在事件准备和形成过程中的部分行动是可以被观察到的,提出了基于规划识别的社会安全事件识别方法.首先构造了社会安全事件识别模型框架,描述了社会安全事件识别的领域知识和问题模型,进而采用plan recognition as planning (PRAP)规划识别方法,利用领域知识进行推理,动态地识别可能发生的社会安全事件.最后以人员聚集事件为例设计了实验算例,检验了方法的有效性.实验结果表明该方法能够准确识别参与者行动对应的社会安全事件,并且具备较强的提前识别能力,能够提高社会安全事件监测预警能力.  相似文献   

随着社会化商务时代的到来,交易型社区的发展越来越成为解决社会化商务中经济性与社会性矛盾的关键.但交易型社区与传统社交社区在成员角色和动机上的差异性也导致其网络演化的特殊性.本研究以国内最大的交易型网站(淘宝网)为平台,选取其中最活跃的圈子社区之一(共7902名会员,有效样本为6195名会员)为研究对象,分析交易型社区网络闭包机制相对于传统社交网络闭包机制的差异性.研究结果表明:(1)由于互惠关系的形成可能需要较高的交互成本并带来关系依赖和关系无效率的风险,交易型社区中成员会回避互惠关系的形成;(2)在一个主要由陌生人组成的交易型社区的模糊情境下,信息性社会影响起着主要作用,信息源的传播路径越多一方面加强了信息源的传染性,但另一方面也降低了该信息源的必要性而不利于其他成员与其构建关系;(3)交易型社区网络闭包(关系构建)的主要动力来源于成员间的相似性(选择性影响),具体表现在共同的社区好友和共同参与的社区活动上.  相似文献   

开展了网络信息体系联动的影响因素重要性等级评估问题研究。首先,描述了网络信息体系及其联动的概念,并从物理域、信息域、认知域和社会域4个方面提炼了网络信息体系联动的影响因素;然后,基于群决策理论,设计了联动影响因素重要度系数评估方法以及重要度等级映射方法,详细描述了评估方法中的领域专家群体意见一致性检验和权威度高且意见一致的领域专家子群体选取的方法步骤;最后,以典型案例仿真验证了所提出的网络信息体系联动的影响因素重要性等级评估方法的有效性和适用性。  相似文献   

针对领域本体构建过程中获取概念间语义关系的困难, 提出了一种新的本体关系学习方法——概念特征词法, 支持自动化地构建领域概念间的关系集合. 该方法首先基于语境将领域概念表示为特征词向量模型, 然后通过计算向量的相似度来确定两个概念之间是否存在语义关系. 依据领域专家定义的金标准, 对概念特征词法的学习结果做了详细的性能分析. 结果表明: 相较于已有方法, 本文方法的准确率和召回率更令人满意. 概念特征词法可广泛应用于本体构建、文本挖掘和语义检索等领域.  相似文献   

履行社会责任对东道国社会政治风险具有显著的正向管制作用,但在东道国复杂多变的社会制度背景下,跨国企业可能因"负责过度"而招致非议,因"努力不足"而丧失深度合作机会.因此,履行社会责任的努力水平决策成为了跨国企业普遍关注的焦点难题.本文以履行社会责任为研究视角,以鼓励契约、抑制契约和一视同仁契约刻画东道国政府对跨国企业的不同合作策略,构建了跨国企业对外投资社会政治风险防控互惠微分博弈模型.研究发现,东道国的社会政治环境稳定程度显著影响双方收益和最优契约的选择路径.对跨国企业来说,当声誉衰减速度较小时,鼓励契约在短周期合作中最优,一视同仁契约在长周期合作中最优,完全抑制契约始终最差,但部分低作为跨国企业也可能对不完全抑制契约免疫.当声誉衰减速度较大时,鼓励契约始终最优;抑制契约始终最差,甚至还会侵蚀跨国企业原有资本.  相似文献   

生态主义对很多领域都产生了巨大影响,生态主义强调人和自然关系的和谐,这对建设社会主义和谐社会有很大的参考作用。生态心理学亦是发展迅速的一个心理学分支,强调心理与环境的共生。基于此,可以进一步认为,在生态主义背景下,不能只单独的研究人的心理或社会和谐问题,更要注意它们之间的相互联系,心理的发展与和谐离不开社会和谐,社会和谐的建构要以心理和谐为基础,心理和谐与社会和谐是相互促进、共同发展的。  相似文献   

Sustainable natural resource use requires that multiple actors reassess their situation in a systemic perspective. This can be conceptualised as a social learning process between actors from rural communities and the experts from outside organisations. A specifically designed workshop oriented towards a systemic view of natural resource use and the enhancement of mutual learning between local and external actors, provided the background for evaluating the potentials and constraints of intensified social learning processes. Case studies in rural communities in India, Bolivia, Peru and Mali showed that changes in the narratives of the participants of the workshop followed a similar temporal sequence relatively independently from their specific contexts. Social learning processes were found to be more likely to be successful if they 1) opened new space for communicative action, allowing for an intersubjective re-definition of the present situation, 2) contributed to rebalance the relationships between social capital and social, emotional and cognitive competencies within and between local and external actors.  相似文献   

针对实际通信信号具有时变、非平稳的特性,将时频分布引入通信信号调制类型识别,提出了新的品质优良的时频域识别特征和使用时频域特征的分层决策分类器。即以基于Wigner Ville分布(WVD)的一阶时间矩特征和基于Margenau Hill分布(MHD)的局部时频域特征作为分类特征向量,通过特征向量与判决阈值的逐层比较以实现通信信号调制分类。仿真结果表明,该方法在低信噪比下的识别性能明显优于基于单纯的时域特征或频域特征的传统方法。  相似文献   

The Similar Structures and Control Problems of Complex Systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 Introduction1 We consider the naturally evolving complex systems, such as biotic and social systems. In their evolving process, they always make up their weaknesses and develop their favorable factors. In such a way, their structures are gradually formed. In the structures of these systems, a feature is noteworthy, i.e., the local(partial) structure is similar to the global(overall). For social systems, for instance, in a country, the management organization of a province is similar to tha…  相似文献   

基于数据域描述的模糊临近支持向量机算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对传统支持向量机由于样本中存在孤立点或噪声而导致的过学习问题,通过分析模糊支持向量机和临近支持向量机的特点,借鉴它们的优点:模糊隶属度和临近超平面,提出了一种数据处理方法。该方法考虑了样本点到类中心的距离与样本对分类的贡献率的关系。这种改进使分类更为清晰和准确。结果表明:采用新的模糊隶属度模糊临近支持向量机算法有较高的识别率,但也耗费了较多的训练时间。  相似文献   

为解决通信辐射源识别中传统的人工特征提取方法鲁棒性不足和深度学习方法需要大量带标签目标域数据的问题,提出一种基于深度残差适配网络的通信辐射源个体识别方法.应用深度学习技术实现从源域到目标域上的迁移识别,只需要将带标签的源域数据和无标签的目标域数据进行训练.原始通信辐射源信号经过预处理后输入网络训练,将源域和目标域的分布...  相似文献   

为了减少对授权用户的干扰和降低认知用户之间的竞争,保证认知无线电系统正常通信,采用可靠性理论描述一个信道是否能够被认知用户所使用及被连续使用一段时间的概率。从空间、时域和频域3个方面联合起来研究频谱分配,仿真结果表明,三维算法的传输数据量和系统的总吞吐量的值优于贪婪算法和二维算法,有助于减少认知用户对授权用户的干扰和降低认知用户之间的竞争,表明所提算法的有效性。  相似文献   

This research examines the micro-level correlation between traditional marketing actions(TV ads and public relations) and pre-release consumers' social learning about videogame consoles(Wii and PS3, launched in 2006). We evaluate consumers' learning processes via the perusal of information in online communities using "pageview" data for multiple websites from a clickstream panel as indicators. We propose a bivariate Bayesian learning model combined with complementary purchase choices.The proposed model enables simpler estimation of parameters and allows to accommodate detailed information about interactions between social and personal learning processes. From the results, we find empirical evidence that companies' traditional marketing actions have a greater impact on social learning than on regular personal learning during the pre-launch period. When consumers make purchase decisions, their social beliefs about product quality are weighed at least three times more heavily than their personal beliefs. Counterfactual simulations suggest that by optimizing marketing actions,firms can stimulate consumers' learning and promote increased product engagement.  相似文献   

理性行为理论认为,意愿是行为的有效预测变量;但企业社会责任相关研究表明,消费者的购买意愿与购买行为之间存在着巨大的差距。为了探究消费者响应企业社会责任行为对购买意愿的影响,并进而对购买行为的影响,以及购买意愿与购买行为之间的差距,构建了一个包含企业社会责任、购买意愿、购买行为、主动性人格与效能感的研究框架,通过情景化的自我报告问卷调查方法对研究框架进行了检验。研究结果表明:① 消费者一般会积极响应企业社会责任行为,其购买意愿部分中介企业社会责任与实际购买行为之间的关系;② 消费者由企业社会责任产生的购买意愿与购买行为之间存在较大的差距,企业社会责任可以解释25%的购买意愿,却只能解释20%的购买行为;③ 消费者主动性人格或效能感水平较高时,购买意愿对企业社会责任与购买行为之间关系的中介作用更强,可以有效减小伦理消费的意向-行为差距。  相似文献   

本文研究公共停车场和私营停车场之间的定价博弈问题.考虑早高峰出行模式,出行者可以选择小汽车或者轨道交通出行.小汽车出行用户在到达目的时,需考虑停车问题(选用公共停车场或私营停车场).本文首先采用交通流的瓶颈模型分析出行模式与两类停车场定价、各自停车位数量的关系.在此基础上,建立了政府决策者(公共停车场)与私人效益最大化追求者(私营停车场)参与的NASH博弈模型,探讨NASH平衡条件下的两类停车场的最优收费模式.同时,比较了两类停车场共存的博弈竞价机制与单一私营停车场供应的社会效益.研究结果表明,以最小化社会总成本为目标,政府决策者是否实施停车补贴,将取决于公用停车场停车位数量.政府决策者可以通过调整公共停车位的数量和收费水平,使得交通系统性能趋于系统最优.  相似文献   

One paradox of modern society is the widespread use of highly complex mechanisms of economic and social self-regulation which produce a large number of unintended and often undesirable side-effects. Human conceptual systems (theories, policies, and mental models which support our thinking) are good enough to keep the self-regulatory mechanisms in operation; yet they are not good enough to prevent and control the undesirable contingencies. Systems thinking, and complexity science are growing in their usefulness for understanding our social systems as well as our conceptual systems. The present paper examines and explains this paradox by combining the ideas from the burgeoning science of conceptual systems and Niklas Luhmann’s social systems theory. Drawing on Luhmann’s argument that social systems build up their internal complexity by disregarding the complexity of the environment, we propose to differentiate between those conceptual systems that reflect the intra-systemic complexity of simpler systems and those that reflect the intra-systemic complexity of sub-systems in combination with systems of systems to include the environmental complexity. Thus it comes about that the former conceptual systems, exemplified by physics, are much more effective and successful than the latter ones, often corresponding to social sciences. The chasm between the qualities of these systems can be overcome by using the tools of Integrative Propositional Analysis.  相似文献   

任何一个仿真系统中,概念建模是首要的也是最关键的环节。针对EATI(实体、行动、任务、交互)和EBI(实体、行为、交互)概念建模框架在社会域概念描述方面的不足,为体现大规模社会民众群体行为的涌现性特征,将实体和行为有机结合起来用主体Agent进行描述,并采用复杂网络的有关研究成果建立Agent之间的社会结构——社会关系网络,以及突出强调环境对行为的影响和制约作用,用智能环境的思想来简化行为描述的复杂度,提出了大规模社会群体行为建模的Agent、社会关系网络、智能环境(Agent Relation Environment:ARE)概念建模框架,给出了该框架所涉及的一系列概念的定义,并对框架的内容和特点进行了较为详细的阐释和探讨。  相似文献   

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