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Role of paternal and maternal genomes in mouse development   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
S C Barton  M A Surani  M L Norris 《Nature》1984,311(5984):374-376
There has been much speculation on whether mammalian eggs with two male pronuclei can develop normally. Eggs with two female pronuclei can sometimes develop as far as the 25-somite stage but with only very meagre extraembryonic tissues. We suggested that the genome undergoes specific imprinting during gametogenesis and that some paternal genes may be necessary for normal development of the extraembryonic tissues, in which only the maternal X chromosome remains active. However, the need for the maternal genome for development to term is not yet unequivocally established. The detailed study described here demonstrates that while between 40 and 50% of heterozygous reconstituted eggs with a male and a female pronucleus develop to term, none of the eggs with two male pronuclei does so. Furthermore, embryos in the latter case are very retarded, even though the trophoblast develops relatively well compared with embryos having two female pronuclei. Our combined results indicate that while the paternal genome is essential for the normal development of extraembryonic tissues, the maternal genome may be essential for some stages of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

文章研究单细胞的产毒铜绿微囊藻和斜生栅藻的组合对拟同形溞生长生殖的影响.结果表明:拟同形溞不能在纯铜绿微囊藻下生长生殖.随着斜生栅藻浓度的升高,拟同形溞的首次怀卵时间逐渐减少,而成熟体长逐渐增大.拟同形溞的首次产幼溞数、最大种群密度及最大种群增长率随着斜生栅藻浓度的增大而增大.最大种群密度和最大种群增长率均出现在2×106cells/mL的斜生栅藻浓度组,分别为302.7 ind.(200 mL)-1和0.213 d-1.在低的斜生栅藻浓度(1×105cells/mL)下,拟同形溞不产生卵鞍.在2×105~2×106cells/mL的斜生栅藻浓度下,拟同形溞产出较多的卵鞍,最大值(77.3 ind.)出现在1×106cells/mL的斜生栅藻浓度组.在较高的斜生栅藻浓度(1×106cells/mL和2×106cells/mL)下,含休眠卵的卵鞍数占总休眠卵数的比例明显高于较低的斜生栅藻浓度组(2×105cells/mL和4×105cells/mL).研究暗示,斜生栅藻浓度的增大可以减缓产毒单细胞铜绿微囊藻对拟同形溞的生长生殖的抑制作用,而卵鞍的产生和休眠卵的形成受其种群密度和铜绿微囊藻的共同影响.  相似文献   

Fournier D  Estoup A  Orivel J  Foucaud J  Jourdan H  Le Breton J  Keller L 《Nature》2005,435(7046):1230-1234
Sexual reproduction can lead to major conflicts between sexes and within genomes. Here we report an extreme case of such conflicts in the little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata. We found that sterile workers are produced by normal sexual reproduction, whereas daughter queens are invariably clonally produced. Because males usually develop from unfertilized maternal eggs in ants and other haplodiploid species, they normally achieve direct fitness only through diploid female offspring. Hence, although the clonal production of queens increases the queen's relatedness to reproductive daughters, it potentially reduces male reproductive success to zero. In an apparent response to this conflict between sexes, genetic analyses reveal that males reproduce clonally, most likely by eliminating the maternal half of the genome in diploid eggs. As a result, all sons have nuclear genomes identical to those of their father. The obligate clonal production of males and queens from individuals of the same sex effectively results in a complete separation of the male and female gene pools. These findings show that the haplodiploid sex-determination system provides grounds for the evolution of extraordinary genetic systems and new types of sexual conflict.  相似文献   

1982年4月至1984年7月在广州中山大学校园内调查了竹林和荫蓬两种不同生境内白纹伊蚊卵、幼虫、蛹、成虫的季节消长。结果表明,未成熟期出现在2月上旬至12月中旬,5月末和9月末分别出现主、次两高峰,冬季12月中旬至2月上旬,幼虫仍有少量可存活过冬,但密度很低。12月下旬至1月末不见蛹,其它季节数量很少。成虫始见于3月下旬4月上旬,5月中、8至10月为取食高峰,12月至3月上旬不见成虫。成虫在秋季10月中、下旬开始产滞育卵,逐渐积累,并越冬。次年3月上旬大量滞育卵孵化。文中讨论了季节消长与环境因子的关系,并探讨了防治策略的问题。  相似文献   

休眠期是甲藻和硅藻抵御外界不利环境条件的一种有效的生理反应机制,也是许多赤潮藻生活史中的一个重要生活阶段.从生态分布、生态作用尤其是在赤潮生消过程中的作用等角度简述了海洋浮游甲藻和硅藻休眠期的生态学的研究情况,并对二者的生态学特征进行比较.甲藻孢囊和硅藻休止细胞在海洋沉积物中的丰度有明显差别,前者较后者具有更明显的季节性萌发能力.温度和光照是影响二者萌发的重要生态因子,温度是甲藻孢囊萌发不可或缺的因素,而光照是硅藻休止细胞萌发的触发因子.二者在种源策略和生态特征上的差异导致了不同的群落演替模式和引发藻华的机制.  相似文献   

When a female is sexually promiscuous, the ejaculates of different males compete for the fertilization of her eggs; the more sperm a male inseminates into a female, the more likely he is to fertilize her eggs. Because sperm production is limited and costly, theory predicts that males will strategically allocate sperm (1) according to female promiscuity, (2) saving some for copulations with new females, and (3) to females producing more and/or better offspring. Whether males allocate sperm in all of these ways is not known, particularly in birds where the collection of natural ejaculates only recently became possible. Here we demonstrate male sperm allocation of unprecedented sophistication in the fowl Gallus gallus. Males show status-dependent sperm investment in females according to the level of female promiscuity; they progressively reduce sperm investment in a particular female but, on encountering a new female, instantaneously increase their sperm investment; and they preferentially allocate sperm to females with large sexual ornaments signalling superior maternal investment. Our results indicate that female promiscuity leads to the evolution of sophisticated male sexual behaviour.  相似文献   

M A Surani  S C Barton  M L Norris 《Nature》1984,308(5959):548-550
It has been suggested that the failure of parthenogenetic mouse embryos to develop to term is primarily due to their aberrant cytoplasm and homozygosity leading to the expression of recessive lethal genes. The reported birth of homozygous gynogenetic (male pronucleus removed from egg after fertilization) mice and of animals following transplantation of nuclei from parthenogenetic embryos to enucleated fertilized eggs, is indicative of abnormal cytoplasm and not an abnormal genotype of the activated eggs. However, we and others have been unable to obtain such homozygous mice. We investigated this problem further by using reconstituted heterozygous eggs, with haploid parthenogenetic eggs as recipients for a male or female pronucleus. We report here that the eggs which receive a male pronucleus develop to term but those with two female pronuclei develop only poorly after implantation. Therefore, the cytoplasm of activated eggs is fully competent to support development to term but not if the genome is entirely of maternal origin. We propose that specific imprinting of the genome occurs during gametogenesis so that the presence of both a male and a female pronucleus is essential in an egg for full-term development. The paternal imprinting of the genome appears necessary for the normal development of the extraembryonic membranes and the trophoblast.  相似文献   

人类在自身生产过程中,粮食是最基本的需求,而粮食的生产与农业自然资源特别是土地资源的开发利用紧密相联,因而,人口—粮食—土地是一个复合生态经济系统。本文利用人—地关系的中环公式和灰色系统理论,对菏泽地区的人口增长和粮食生产进行了分析和探讨。结果表明,到下世纪初,菏泽地区的粮食生产也只能保持平衡状态,不能实现向盈余的根本转变。  相似文献   

对短额负蝗的饲养方法进行了研究,包括卵的获得、卵的越冬保存、卵化及室内外饲养。卵的越冬保存采用3种方法,(1)将卵保存于花盆土中,室温下越冬;(2)卵在室外土中越冬;(3)将卵保存在4℃的冷藏箱中越冬。于第二年3月中旬将卵转入25℃恒温箱中进行孵化,孵化率分别为99.2%、98.5%和92.1%。3种方法无明显区别。孵化后以天然饲料饲养。  相似文献   

滞育是昆虫能够在不利环境条件下生存主要依赖的生理机制之一.滞育终止是滞育过程的特殊阶段,理解滞育终止的调控机制对于农业生态管理具有重要意义.目前已经有大量研究报道了滞育终止过程会受到许多环境和遗传因子调控,但相关研究的概括总结并不多.本文首先介绍了环境因子对滞育结束的影响,即低温或冷却有助于温带地区昆虫滞育的解除.光周...  相似文献   

Agricultural sustainability and intensive production practices   总被引:121,自引:0,他引:121  
Tilman D  Cassman KG  Matson PA  Naylor R  Polasky S 《Nature》2002,418(6898):671-677
A doubling in global food demand projected for the next 50 years poses huge challenges for the sustainability both of food production and of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and the services they provide to society. Agriculturalists are the principal managers of global usable lands and will shape, perhaps irreversibly, the surface of the Earth in the coming decades. New incentives and policies for ensuring the sustainability of agriculture and ecosystem services will be crucial if we are to meet the demands of improving yields without compromising environmental integrity or public health.  相似文献   

轮虫与海产鱼类的苗种生产   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
轮虫是海产鱼类苗种的适宜开口饵料和优质食物,本文综述了轮虫有效应用于鱼类苗种生产应注意的几个问题,包括轮虫的大小、轮虫在水体中的分布和密度、轮虫的保障程度、轮虫是否易于消化和吸收以及轮虫的营养质量等的研究进展,指出开展轮虫的高密度低温保存技术和轮虫休眠卵的批量生产方法研究是轮虫有效应用于鱼类苗种生产的必然趋势。  相似文献   

【目的】探索拟松材线虫(Bursaphelenchus mucronatus)的繁殖能力,并对其胚胎发育过程中经历的重要阶段和卵的形态变化进行研究,了解胚胎发育和完成整个生活史所需时间,为进一步研究其生长发育并进行有效防控提供参考。【方法】分别挑取3组180条拟松材线虫雌成虫,观察记录雌虫在25 ℃条件下的产卵情况,每隔2 h统计每组线虫的累积产卵量,直至卵的数量基本不再增加。挑取尚未产卵的拟松材线虫雌虫于载玻片上,待其产卵后,将卵置于蔡司体视显微镜下观察。连续观察胚胎的发育过程并使用照片记录不同发育阶段胚胎的形态变化,记录卵发育至不同阶段所需时间。挑取约200个刚产下的拟松材线虫卵,在25 ℃条件下发育24 h后每隔4 h统计其总孵化率,直至孵化数不再增加,设置3组重复。将刚孵化的2龄幼虫接种于灰葡萄孢(Botrytis cinerea)上,分为3组,每组设置3个重复,分别在接种1、2、3 d后使用贝尔曼漏斗法收集线虫,计算混合龄线虫中每龄期线虫所占比例,计算拟松材线虫胚后发育及完成整个生活史所需时间。【结果】① 在拟松材线虫产卵能力方面,0~10 h拟松材线虫产卵总量增长较快,16 h后产卵量逐渐趋于稳定,28 h内雌虫平均累积产卵12粒/条。② 拟松材线虫的胚胎发育过程主要经历以下几个关键阶段:单胞期、双胞期、3胞期、4胞期、5胞期、8胞期、16胞期、囊胚期、利马豆期、蝌蚪期、蠕虫期、1龄幼虫(J1),至孵化为2龄幼虫(J2)时结束。③ 在胚胎发育前期,第1次卵裂发生的位置存在两种情况,即卵的1/2和1/3处。双胞发育至5胞时也存在两种不同的发育方式,一种是双胞不移动直接分裂成3胞并列排列,另外一种是细胞进行移动,3胞呈三角形排列。通过观察30个卵的第1次卵裂和100个卵双胞的发育过程发现,这些不同的发育方式均是普遍存在的。④ 在25 ℃条件下,拟松材线虫卵的累积孵化率随时间增加而增加,在32 h时达到最高(93.31%),随后逐渐趋于稳定。⑤ 在25 ℃条件下记录了拟松材线虫卵从单胞发育至各个阶段的时间,完成整个胚胎发育过程需要约28 h。2龄幼虫接种于灰葡萄孢3 d后即可获得新的2龄幼虫,因此拟松材线虫完成整个生活史只需要3 d。【结论】对拟松材线虫卵从单胞阶段直至孵化的整个胚胎发育过程进行观察发现,拟松材线虫完成胚胎发育大约需要28 h,完成整个生活史需要3 d。对拟松材线虫产卵能力和卵的孵化率进行统计,收集拟松材线虫卵和2龄幼虫的最佳时间分别为16 h和36 h。拟松材线虫胚胎发育前期,在第1次卵裂期以及由双胞期发育至5胞期的两个过程中均存在两种与同属线虫不同的发育方式。这种现象还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

分析了抗生素类药物盐酸环丙沙星对水中不同食物链水生生物包括小球藻、发光菌、大型蚤、孔雀鱼的影响,其急性毒性EC50或者LC50数值分别为20.61,63.27,135.15,365.00 mg·L-1。毒性作用规律结果显示,随着生物链等级的升高,生物对环丙沙星的耐受程度升高。将综合评价因子(PEC/PNEC)作为环境风险表征参数,对大连开发区污水处理厂排水及大连湾沿海养殖区中存在的盐酸环丙沙星进行风险分析,发现盐酸环丙沙星在沿海养殖区水域中的环境风险高于污水处理厂排水。小球藻的综合评价因子数值范围最大,可作为评价水体中盐酸环丙沙星残留风险等级的生物标志物。  相似文献   

Genetic selection for reproductive photoresponsiveness in deer mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C Desjardins  F H Bronson  J L Blank 《Nature》1986,322(6075):172-173
Seasonal breeding is common in mammals, particularly in habitats outside the tropics. Climate and availability of food are the ultimate factors that usually dictate the optimal time of year for a mammal to breed; however, day length (photoperiod) often serves as the proximal cue to signal the onset or cessation of seasonal reproduction. Some individuals in some populations of deer mice are reproductively responsive to photoperiod, while other individuals in the same population are not. As shown here, selection can dramatically alter the frequency of photoresponsiveness in a laboratory population in only two generations. To our knowledge this is the first demonstration of selection for reproductive photoresponsiveness in any mammal. By implication, some wild populations of deer mice must use multiple, genetic-based reproductive strategies, and the degree to which each such strategy is exhibited must be subject to rapid change in response to both seasonally and momentarily changing climatic and dietary conditions.  相似文献   

报道桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)幼虫取食经历对其成虫寄主产卵选择性的影响。用香蕉分别饲养1代和20代的幼虫,羽化后的成虫对6种水果有不同的产卵选择性,饲养20代的成虫在罩有香蕉的产卵杯上卵粒数最多,次之是芒果,差异显著。饲养1代的成虫在罩有芒果的产卵杯上卵粒数最多,其次是香蕉,差异不显著。从野外莲雾和黄皮落果中羽化出的成虫对水果种类的嗜好程度也有所不同,产于芒果的卵粒数多于产在香蕉的卵粒数且差异显著,产在莲雾的卵粒数最少,产于黄皮的卵粒数居第四位。幼虫的取食经历对成虫产卵时选择水果的部位和颜色也有影响,但其影响要小于对水果种类的选择。不同部位的选择结果显示香蕉肉的卵粒数多于香蕉皮,而芒果肉的卵粒数少于芒果皮。颜色选择试验结果显示,黄色杯上的卵粒数比绿色、红色、黑色杯的卵粒数多。  相似文献   

为探索毛基体非吸收型休眠包囊的生命活动特征及其胞器的功能,本文应用电镜酶细胞化学方法检测了包囊游仆虫在不同生理状态下的胞器酶反应活性及其定位:(1)在营养细胞中的食物泡膜位置出现紧密排列的腺苷三磷酸酶反应颗粒,但在休眠细胞中酶反应颗粒则聚集在细胞表膜区;(2)营养期细胞中,酸性磷酸酶反应颗粒分布在处于不同消化时期的食物泡或自噬泡内,在休眠期细胞中酶反应颗粒定位在自噬泡周缘;(3)营养细胞的线粒体内膜有稀疏的琥珀酸脱氢酶反应颗粒,休眠细胞中在分散的线粒体内也有稀疏的酶反应颗粒,但反应活性比前者要弱得多.作者由所得结果推测,大部分情况下休眠细胞的酶反应活性较营养细胞的同种反应弱;不同类休眠细胞的生命活动中,其酶的功能和作用部位可能是不一样的;在休眠细胞中也发生着消化和营养利用的过程,也经历着线粒体的功能作用过程.  相似文献   

The identification and characterization of the phosphate preservation of the spherical microfossils in the Ediacaran Doushantuo time and the Early Cambrian has long been controversial.Modern artificial simulation experiments of phosphate animal eggs can provide scientific evidence to settle the aforementioned disputes.This experiment simulated environmental changes to observe the early morphological changes of the Bluntnose black bream eggs(Megalobrama amblycephala).It was found that the eggs can show a different morphology in the phosphate environment and that these eggs exhibited considerable morphological variations under different conditions.Thus,those eggs cannot be ascribed to the same species based only on the features.The experimental results are expected to provide a useful reference for the identification of phosphatized microfossils and provide a more empirical basis for their genesis.  相似文献   

Egg investment is influenced by male attractiveness in the mallard   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
Cunningham EJ  Russell AF 《Nature》2000,404(6773):74-77
Why females prefer to copulate with particular males is a contentious issue. Attention is currently focused on whether females choose males on the basis of their genetic quality, in order to produce more viable offspring. Support for this hypothesis in birds has come from studies showing that preferred males tend to father offspring of better condition or with increased survivorship. Before attributing greater offspring viability to a male's heritable genetic quality, however, it is important to discount effects arising from confounding sources, including maternal effects. This has generally been addressed by comparing offspring viability from two different breeding attempts by the same female: one when offspring are sired by a preferred male, and one when offspring are sired by a less preferred male. However, here we show that individual female mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) lay larger eggs after copulating with preferred males and smaller eggs after copulating with less preferred males. As a result, females produced offspring of better body condition when paired with preferred males. After controlling for these differences in maternal investment, we found no effect of paternity on offspring condition. This shows that differences between half-sibs cannot always be attributed to paternal or maternal genetic effects.  相似文献   

在试验室条件下观察了中华革蜱、长角血蜱在不同光周期及温度下各虫态发育历期的变化.试验结果表明:不同光周期对这2种硬蜱卵孵化期、幼虫和若虫吸血期、蜕化期无显著影响.2种硬蜱的卵、幼虫及若虫期均无滞育现象.摄食前长日照处理,可诱导中华革蜱雌虫发生饱食过程延迟的滞育.其光周期反应属短日照反应型.长角血蜱在不同处理下均无滞育发生.温度对这2种硬蜱雌虫的发育有一定影响.在非滞育状态下,恒温处理的雌虫吸血期、产卵前期及产卵期一般较变温处理的雌虫时间短.  相似文献   

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