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人是有目的的存在物,人的活动是有目的的,人是什么样的同人的活动及其目的相一致。人有三种不同类型、不同层次的活动形式,体现出人的不同活动目的和存在状态。自在的本能活动是人的自然合目的性活动,它表现为人的自然生存状态;自为的生产劳动是人的功利性目的活动,它表现为人的社会存在状态;自由的审美游戏是人的超功利性目的活动,它表现为人的文化精神存在状态。审美状态是人活动的终极目的,文化精神存在是人的自我生成和实现状态。  相似文献   

近年来禽流感病毒疫情的发生给全球带来了重大威胁。对流感病毒蛋白,特别是流感病毒RNA聚合酶复合体的结构生物学研究对揭示病毒复制机制以及开展相关药物设计都具有重大意义。流感病毒RNA聚合酶是由PB1、PB2以及PA亚基组成的负责流感病毒的RNA合成以及维持病毒生命周期至关重要的分子机器。其中,PB1是该聚合酶的RNA合成亚基,PB2负责获取宿主mRNA用于病毒mRNA合成,而PA亚基功能则不清楚。本研究报道了来源于禽流感病毒RNA聚合酶PA亚基羧基端与PB1氨基端短肽复合体的三维晶体结构。该结构揭示了PA与PB1亚基相互作用方式,并分析了PA分子在RNA结合等方面的功能,对进一步研究PA功能以及开展针对聚合酶PA分子的药物设计具有十分重大的意义。  相似文献   

现代技术伦理规约的特性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
现代技术伦理规约既不仅仅是对技术主体的规约,也不仅仅是对技术客体的规约,而是对技术主体与技术客体相统一的动态过程的伦理规约,其本质是过程规约。过程规约具有过程性、层次性和或然性的特性。  相似文献   

动力之源--论科技创新对城市化的推动   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王骏 《自然辩证法研究》2004,20(11):74-78,82
本文论述了科技创新对于城市化进程的内在推动,指出科技创得大城市能够真正发挥其特有的社会效应,也使得技术化城市的实现成为可能.  相似文献   

a posteriori blockmodeling for graphs is proposed. The model assumes that the vertices of the graph are partitioned into two unknown blocks and that the probability of an edge between two vertices depends only on the blocks to which they belong. Statistical procedures are derived for estimating the probabilities of edges and for predicting the block structure from observations of the edge pattern only. ML estimators can be computed using the EM algorithm, but this strategy is practical only for small graphs. A Bayesian estimator, based on the Gibbs sampling, is proposed. This estimator is practical also for large graphs. When ML estimators are used, the block structure can be predicted based on predictive likelihood. When Gibbs sampling is used, the block structure can be predicted from posterior predictive probabilities. A side result is that when the number of vertices tends to infinity while the probabilities remain constant, the block structure can be recovered correctly with probability tending to 1.  相似文献   

A latent class probit model for analyzing pick any/N data   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
A latent class probit model is developed in which it is assumed that the binary data of a particular subject follow a finite mixture of multivariate Bermoulli distributions. An EM algorithm for fitting the model is described and a Monte Carlo procedure for testing the number of latent classes that is required for adequately describing the data is discussed. In the final section, an application of the latent class probit model to some intended purchase data for residential telecommunication devices is reported. Geert De Soete is supported as “Bevoegdverklaard Navorser” of the Belgian “Nationaal Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek.”  相似文献   

我国近代数学家徐献瑜教授,是我国计算数学的奠基人和开拓者,是我国第一个计算数学学科和第一个国家级计算中心的创建者之一,还是我国第一个"数学软件库"研制和建立的主持人。他是献身教育的早期海归,主要从事计算数学和计算技术等方面的研究和教学工作,从教70多年来,桃李满天下。在他培养的众多学生中,涌现出了王选、杨芙清等中国科学院院士9人。他热爱数学、崇尚数学的精神,淡泊名利、高洁睿智、达观超脱的优秀品质是我们宝贵的精神财富。  相似文献   

试论"自由时间"的双重内涵及两种价值趋向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从辨析鲍德里亚休闲及自由时间理论出发,通过对马克思相关文献的梳理和分析,揭示马克思所论“自由时间”实际上包括“从事较高级自由活动的时间”与“闲暇时间”两种,前者是“生产性的自由时间”,后者是“消费性的自由时间”。消费主义价值趋向片面强调“消费性自由时间(闲暇时间)”,而马克思“生产主义”价值观则还强调“生产性自由时间”及“自由生产”的重大人文价值。辨清“自由时间”的双重内涵。有利于新兴的休闲学学科的健康发展,同时也具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

茅以升积数十年对科学、技术、工程的本质和特征及其相互关系的探索,提出:科学为工程之母,工程泽被科学,两者相辅相成;科学是知,技术是行,知行在实践中合一;生产中来,生产中去,科学为生产服务,学科中来,学科中去,生产为科学服务等思想。茅以升上述工程科技思想时至今日仍不乏理论价值和现实意义,是工程哲学和中国近现代工程史研究的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

文章介绍了光学辐射计量的对象与任务,概述了国际的和国内的光辐射计量术语标准化的进展,以及该术语推广过程中面临的挑战。重点讨论了国家计量技术规范JJF1032-2005《光学辐射计量术语及定义》的一些命名原则,最后描述了编制技术规范的路线图。  相似文献   

Classifiers serve as tools for classifying data into classes. They directly or indirectly take a distribution of data points around a given query point into account. To express the distribution of points from the viewpoint of distances from a given point, a probability distribution mapping function is introduced here. The approximation of this function in a form of a suitable power of the distance is presented. How to state this power—the distribution mapping exponent—is described. This exponent is used for probability density estimation in high-dimensional spaces and for classification. A close relation of the exponent to a singularity exponent is discussed. It is also shown that this classifier exhibits better behavior (classification accuracy) than other kinds of classifiers for some tasks.  相似文献   

军事术语作为军事领域通用的规范化的标准用语,是军队组织开展各项军事活动的基础语言,是各级指战员深入了解和掌握军事事物、实现认知统一和密切协同的基本保证。建设信息化军队,打赢信息化战争,率先实现军事术语管理信息化是明智之举。  相似文献   

工程决策:一个值得关注的哲学问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一般以为,工程决策是多种方案的选择问题,这种观点至少是不全面的。我们认为,工程决策的核心不是技术问题而是价值问题,工程决策的价值就是工程决策所追求的目标,是私人利益还是社会利益。  相似文献   

Well established methods are available for identifying a specimen from a known set of taxa by applying either a single set of tests, or a hierarchical sequence of single tests. These are relevant respectively when the cost of the tests or the time required for identification is most important. Often, however, a mixed strategy is required which aims to reduce the cost of identification while avoiding taking too much time. Methods are derived for constructing efficient identification schemes which involve the sequential use of batches of tests. Also, the special case is considered where an initial batch of tests is used, followed by a second batch whose composition depends on the results observed for the initial batch.  相似文献   

城镇化是现代化的重要标志,但并不是所有的城镇化都是有利于现代化发展的。符合空间正义的城镇化,才有利于人类进步和现代化发展。政府具有保障空间正义的责任。以恰当的公共政策引导和控制城镇化,是政府促进城镇化走向空间正义的基本路径。走向空间正义,城镇化公共政策本身也必须符合正义原则。健全良好的公共政策机制,形成正义的城镇化公共政策,促进城镇化走向空间正义,是中国特色城镇化道路的必然选择。  相似文献   

和算解伏题是关于多元高次联立方程组求解问题,因其在世界数学史上首次导入了行列式算法而向为学术界所重视。文章从数学机械化这一视角对其提出新的认识,重新讨论和算解伏题的消元理论问题,认为和算解伏题是中算代数化几何与以元天术为核心的代数演算的机械化数学传统的后续发展,关孝和给出了多元高次方程组消元的一般性程序,从而构筑了和算后期计算几何发达的基础,比诸行列式理论,解伏题的数学机械化思想的价值更为重要。  相似文献   

关于"闲暇"与"休闲"两个概念的对话录   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
闲暇与休闲是两个不同的概念,但它们相互依存,互为条件。无“闲”,何谈“休”。但此“闲”更指一种心态和心境。闲暇,是一种以时间形态存在的社会资源,其价值重大。休闲,是使人“成为人”过程中的重要舞台,是人的本体论意义之所在,是一种生活实践和生命体验,是人生的一种智慧,是人类美丽的精神家园,也是促进文明与社会进步最有效的途径。  相似文献   

哲学关注环境问题,要以哲学意义上的环境概念为基点进行讨论。即如何确定“中心事物”和“有关的周围事物”。对此的不同确定导致“生态中心主义”与“人类中心主义”的原则分歧。但分歧的双方都聚焦于同一个对象:生态系统中有自主意识的生命体——人类及其活动。哲学关注的环境是人类作为主体在其中活动和发生影响的环境。哲学关注环境的目的:一是探讨作为环境的存在本质上“是什么”的问题,二是讨论自主活动的人类对于环境所担负的责任伦理问题。可以尝试哲学原有的经验实证方法、理性预设方法和现象学方法的综合来提供一种具有系统性的哲学框架以构建一种环境哲学的方法论体系。  相似文献   

An EM algorithm for fitting mixtures of autoregressions of low order is constructed and the properties of the estimators are explored on simulated and real datasets. The mixture model incorporates a component with an improper density, which is intended for outliers. The model is proposed as an alternative to the search for the order of a single-component autoregression. The methods can be adapted to other patterns of dependence in panel data. An application to the monthly records of income of the outlets of a retail company is presented.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis of phylogenetic data   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The spectral analysis of sequence and distance data is a new approach to phylogenetic analysis. For two-state character sequences, the character values at a given site split the set of taxa into two subsets, a bipartition of the taxa set. The vector which counts the relative numbers of each of these bipartitions over all sites is called a sequence spectrum. Applying a transformation called a Hadamard conjugation, the sequence spectrum is transformed to the conjugate spectrum. This conjugation corrects for unobserved changes in the data, independently from the choice of phylogenetic tree. For any given phylogenetic tree with edge weights (probabilities of state change), we define a corresponding tree spectrum. The selection of a weighted phylogenetic tree from the given sequence data is made by matching the conjugate spectrum with a tree spectrum. We develop an optimality selection procedure using a least squares best fit, to find the phylogenetic tree whose tree spectrum most closely matches the conjugate spectrum. An inferred sequence spectrum can be derived from the selected tree spectrum using the inverse Hadamard conjugation to allow a comparison with the original sequence spectrum. A possible adaptation for the analysis of four-state character sequences with unequal frequencies is considered. A corresponding spectral analysis for distance data is also introduced. These analyses are illustrated with biological examples for both distance and sequence data. Spectral analysis using the Fast Hadamard transform allows optimal trees to be found for at least 20 taxa and perhaps for up to 30 taxa. The development presented here is self contained, although some mathematical proofs available elsewhere have been omitted. The analysis of sequence data is based on methods reported earlier, but the terminology and the application to distance data are new.  相似文献   

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