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通感作为一种修辞手法,在语言词汇层面的主要体现是通感式复合词.在选取典型语料的基础上,运用单、双因素方差分析法,深入分析通感式复合词的通感模式.量化统计结果显示,通感式复合词的通感模式主要包括:(1)视觉是通感引申过程中最大的源域;(2)听觉是通感引申过程中最大的目标域;(3)通感引申规律基本遵循"视觉→肤觉→味觉→嗅觉→听觉"的排列顺序,但是个别感觉之间存在双向引申关系,如视觉和肤觉之间存在大量的双向引申的例子;(4)各感觉作为通感引申源域的数量与感觉类形语素数量成正比,即含有形语素数量越多,成为最大源域的可能性就越大.  相似文献   

Beeli G  Esslen M  Jäncke L 《Nature》2005,434(7029):38
Synaesthesia is the involuntary physical experience of a cross-modal linkage--for example, hearing a tone (the inducing stimulus) evokes an additional sensation of seeing a colour (concurrent perception). Of the different types of synaesthesia, most have colour as the concurrent perception, with concurrent perceptions of smell or taste being rare. Here we describe the case of a musician who experiences different tastes in response to hearing different musical tone intervals, and who makes use of her synaesthetic sensations in the complex task of tone-interval identification. To our knowledge, this combination of inducing stimulus and concurrent perception has not been described before.  相似文献   

通感在诗歌中起着重要的作用,它具有强烈的主观色彩.个性特征鲜明,极富新意和独创性。中唐诗人李贺在诗歌创作中大量使用通感艺术手法,奇想联翩,构思精巧,体现出一种奇诡、冷艳和瘦硬的风格。本文探讨和分析了李贺诗歌中通感的基本形式,并从通感的角度分析了其诗歌中的艺术形象,从而体现了诗人独特的诗歌艺术魅力。  相似文献   

通感既是生理或心理现象又是语言或文化现象,在英汉语言词汇里通感语义现象随处可见,如何能够最忠实的将这一修辞现象翻译好,是一个值得探讨的问题。本文通过分析散文《雨前》和《荷塘月色》里的通感现象的翻译探讨了采用直译翻译的可能性,以及在某些特殊情况下,由于不同的文化影响,通感现象的一些约定俗成的翻译定式。  相似文献   

主要分析比喻的心理基础———联想和想象 ,对联想进行了分类 ,把它们分为接近联想、相似联想、对比联想和关系联想 ,并分别指出它们与比喻的关系。还讨论了更高层次的联想———想象 ,最后讨论了通感和通感式比喻 ,并简要介绍了格式塔心理学对比喻的解释 :比喻是力的作用模式 ,而一旦几个领域里的力的作用模式达到结构上的一致时 (异质同形 ) ,就可能激起我们的审美经验  相似文献   

W W Walthall  R K Murphey 《Nature》1984,311(5981):57-59
Many sensory systems are organized so that the afferent projection forms a topographic map of the sensory surface within the central nervous system (CNS). The information necessary to create such a map may be available to the neuronal cell body based on its position in the receptor array, and this 'positional information' is translated into an axonal arborization in the proper part of the CNS. To study how the location of a cell body within the sensory surface determines the termination pattern of its axon within the CNS, we have transplanted epidermis, containing identified sensory neurones, from a black cricket to a tan cricket. As we report here, when epidermis is transplanted to an unusual location in the receptor array, newly generated neurones are produced along the borders of the graft. These neurones arborize in locations that are appropriate neither to their new position nor to their original position in the array, but rather to a position somewhere in between. This is direct evidence for the idea that positional information guides the differentiation and ultimately the synaptic connections of insect sensory neurones.  相似文献   

Evidence for modality-specific meaning systems in the brain   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
R A McCarthy  E K Warrington 《Nature》1988,334(6181):428-430
Patients with cerebral lesions offer a unique opportunity to investigate the organization of meaning systems in the brain. Clinical neurologists have long been aware that knowledge of particular classes or categories of information may be selectively impaired in some cases and selectively spared in others. For example knowledge of letters, colours, objects, or people may be lost as a consequence of damage to the left hemisphere of the brain. Recently there has been quantitative evidence for even more specific impairment and preservation of particular classes of knowledge. More recently the evidence for knowledge of living things as compared with inanimate objects is particularly striking. Such observations have suggested that our semantic knowledge base is categorical in its organization. In this preliminary report, we describe a patient whose semantic knowledge deficit was not only category specific, but also modality specific. Although his knowledge of the visual world was almost entirely normal, his knowledge of living things (but not objects!) was gravely impaired when assessed in the verbal domain. These findings call into question the widely accepted view that the brain has a single all-purpose meaning store.  相似文献   

Tegler SC  Romanishin W 《Nature》2000,407(6807):979-981
Kuiper-belt objects (KBOs) are an ancient reservoir of comets beyond Neptune's orbit. Some of these objects were recently found to have the reddest optical colours in the Solar System, but the number of objects for which accurate colours were available was too small for any correlation to be discerned between colour and physical or dynamical properties, which might shed light on the origin of these objects. Here we report that all nine of the KBOs in our survey on near-circular (low-eccentricity) orbits with perihelion distances larger than 40 AU have extremely red surfaces, thereby connecting an observable property with a dynamical class. Of the objects with orbital eccentricities greater than 0.1, about half are also very red, while the rest have colours similar to the Sun, meaning that reflected sunlight is not strongly modified by the objects' surface properties. In addition, of the 13 'classical' KBOs (those with semimajor axis a approximately 45 AU and eccentricity e < 0.15), the ten that are very red are in orbits with small angles of inclination to the ecliptic, whereas the three with solar colours are all in high-inclination orbits. We suggest that these three 'grey' classical KBOs may be part of a dynamical group that is separate from the 'red' classical KBOs.  相似文献   

Two ordered representations of the body surface, S-I and S-II, have been described on the cortical surface of the brains of a variety of mammals; additional separate topographical maps have been found in the somatosensory cortex of the cat and monkey. Except for minor variations in the placement of the body parts, the basic somatotopy of the maps is remarkably consistent across species. As the reasons for this consistency and the minor variations are unclear, we examined the somatotopy of the bat, whose body plan has been modified extensively so that the forelimb can be used for flight. We report here that in both S-I and S-II of the grey-headed flying fox, not only is the representation of the distal forelimb displaced from its usual position on the map, but the digits are directed caudally instead of rostrally as they are in all other mammals studied. The variant somatotopy appears to reflect the postural differences between flying and walking mammals, supporting the notion that topographical maps may have functional significance apart from their point-to-point connections with the sensory periphery.  相似文献   

G T Finnerty  L S Roberts  B W Connors 《Nature》1999,400(6742):367-371
Many representations of sensory stimuli in the neocortex are arranged as topographic maps. These cortical maps are not fixed, but show experience-dependent plasticity. For instance, sensory deprivation causes the cortical area representing the deprived sensory input to shrink, and neighbouring spared representations to enlarge, in somatosensory, auditory or visual cortex. In adolescent and adult animals, changes in cortical maps are most noticeable in the supragranular layers at the junction of deprived and spared cortex. However, the cellular mechanisms of this experience-dependent plasticity are unclear. Long-term potentiation and depression have been implicated, but have not been proven to be necessary or sufficient for cortical map reorganization. Short-term synaptic dynamics have not been considered. We developed a brain slice preparation involving rat whisker barrel cortex in vitro. Here we report that sensory deprivation alters short-term synaptic dynamics in both vertical and horizontal excitatory pathways within the supragranular cortex. Moreover, modifications of horizontal pathways amplify changes in the vertical inputs. Our findings help to explain the functional cortical reorganization that follows persistent changes of sensory experience.  相似文献   

开发了用于自动导引车辆的数字工位视觉识别系统.根据路面区域、导航线区域和数字工位区域的不同颜色特征,以彩色图像中的R分量(红色分量)为处理对象,利用红色分量在每一副采集图片的像素分布中寻找字符可能出现的区域;根据HIS颜色空间特征参数饱和度S和色调H,提取数字工位;快速校正后,利用字符的整体结构特征进行数字初步分类,优化字符特征区域的确定及统计办法,在改进的特征统计基础上进行数字的再辨识.现场实验表明,该系统可获得较好的识别效果(正确率达到98%),字符提取耗时16 ms,校正、识别总耗时47 ms,满足车辆数字工位识别实时性、准确性、鲁棒性的要求.  相似文献   

A spatially organized representation of colour in macaque cortical area V2   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Xiao Y  Wang Y  Felleman DJ 《Nature》2003,421(6922):535-539
Neurons responding selectively to different colours have been found in various cortical areas in macaque monkeys; however, little is known about whether and how the representation of colour is spatially organized in any cortical area. Cortical area V2 contains modules that respond preferentially to chromatic modulation, which are located in thin cytochrome oxidase stripes. Here we show that within and beyond these modules, gratings of different colours produce activations that peak at different locations. Optical recording of intrinsic signals revealed that the peak regions of the responses to different colours were spatially organized in the same order as colour stimuli are arranged in the DIN (German standard colour chart) colour system. Nearby regions represented colours of a similar hue. We found that the set of colour-specific regions formed 0.07-0.32-mm-wide and approximately 1.3-mm long bands that varied in shape from linear to nearly circular. Our finding suggests that thin stripes in V2 contain functional maps where the colour of a stimulus is represented by the location of its response activation peak.  相似文献   

设G是一个图,G的全着色是一个映射π:V(G)YE(G)C,使得相关联或相邻的元素着不同色;G的所有全着色中,使得色数的最小者,称为G的全色数,记为χT(G);得到了几个特殊图的全色数  相似文献   

To understand the evolution of galaxies, we need to know as accurately as possible how many galaxies were present in the Universe at different epochs. Galaxies in the young Universe have hitherto mainly been identified using their expected optical colours, but this leaves open the possibility that a significant population remains undetected because their colours are the result of a complex mix of stars, gas, dust or active galactic nuclei. Here we report the results of a flux-limited I-band survey of galaxies at look-back times of 9 to 12 billion years. We find 970 galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts between 1.4 and 5. This population is 1.6 to 6.2 times larger than previous estimates, with the difference increasing towards brighter magnitudes. Strong ultraviolet continua (in the rest frame of the galaxies) indicate vigorous star formation rates of more than 10-100 solar masses per year. As a consequence, the cosmic star formation rate representing the volume-averaged production of stars is higher than previously measured at redshifts of 3 to 4.  相似文献   

Regulation of lifespan by sensory perception in Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Apfeld J  Kenyon C 《Nature》1999,402(6763):804-809
Caenorhabditis elegans senses environmental signals through ciliated sensory neurons located primarily in sensory organs in the head and tail. Cilia function as sensory receptors, and mutants with defective sensory cilia have impaired sensory perception. Cilia are membrane-bound microtubule-based structures and in C. elegans are only found at the dendritic endings of sensory neurons. Here we show that mutations that cause defects in sensory cilia or their support cells, or in sensory signal transduction, extend lifespan. Our findings imply that sensory perception regulates the lifespan of this animal, and suggest that in nature, its lifespan may be regulated by environmental cues.  相似文献   

Freeth T  Jones A  Steele JM  Bitsakis Y 《Nature》2008,454(7204):614-617
Previous research on the Antikythera Mechanism established a highly complex ancient Greek geared mechanism with front and back output dials. The upper back dial is a 19-year calendar, based on the Metonic cycle, arranged as a five-turn spiral. The lower back dial is a Saros eclipse-prediction dial, arranged as a four-turn spiral of 223 lunar months, with glyphs indicating eclipse predictions. Here we add surprising findings concerning these back dials. Though no month names on the Metonic calendar were previously known, we have now identified all 12 months, which are unexpectedly of Corinthian origin. The Corinthian colonies of northwestern Greece or Syracuse in Sicily are leading contenders-the latter suggesting a heritage going back to Archimedes. Calendars with excluded days to regulate month lengths, described in a first century bc source, have hitherto been dismissed as implausible. We demonstrate their existence in the Antikythera calendar, and in the process establish why the Metonic dial has five turns. The upper subsidiary dial is not a 76-year Callippic dial as previously thought, but follows the four-year cycle of the Olympiad and its associated Panhellenic Games. Newly identified index letters in each glyph on the Saros dial show that a previous reconstruction needs modification. We explore models for generating the unusual glyph distribution, and show how the eclipse times appear to be contradictory. We explain the four turns of the Saros dial in terms of the full moon cycle and the Exeligmos dial as indicating a necessary correction to the predicted eclipse times. The new results on the Metonic calendar, Olympiad dial and eclipse prediction link the cycles of human institutions with the celestial cycles embedded in the Mechanism's gearwork.  相似文献   

The massive star that underwent a collapse of its core to produce supernova (SN)1993J was subsequently identified as a non-variable red supergiant star in images of the galaxy M81 taken before explosion. It showed an excess in ultraviolet and B-band colours, suggesting either the presence of a hot, massive companion star or that it was embedded in an unresolved young stellar association. The spectra of SN1993J underwent a remarkable transformation from the signature of a hydrogen-rich type II supernova to one of a helium-rich (hydrogen-deficient) type Ib. The spectral and photometric peculiarities were best explained by models in which the 13-20 solar mass supergiant had lost almost its entire hydrogen envelope to a close binary companion, producing a 'type IIb' supernova, but the hypothetical massive companion stars for this class of supernovae have so far eluded discovery. Here we report photometric and spectroscopic observations of SN1993J ten years after the explosion. At the position of the fading supernova we detect the unambiguous signature of a massive star: the binary companion to the progenitor.  相似文献   

Effective camouflage renders a target indistinguishable from irrelevant background objects. Two interrelated but logically distinct mechanisms for this are background pattern matching (crypsis) and disruptive coloration: in the former, the animal's colours are a random sample of the background; in the latter, bold contrasting colours on the animal's periphery break up its outline. The latter has long been proposed as an explanation for some apparently conspicuous coloration in animals, and is standard textbook material. Surprisingly, only one quantitative test of the theory exists, and one experimental test of its effectiveness against non-human predators. Here we test two key predictions: that patterns on the body's outline should be particularly effective in promoting concealment and that highly contrasting colours should enhance this disruptive effect. Artificial moth-like targets were exposed to bird predation in the field, with the experimental colour patterns on the 'wings' and a dead mealworm as the edible 'body'. Survival analysis supported the predictions, indicating that disruptive coloration is an effective means of camouflage, above and beyond background pattern matching.  相似文献   

Volatile general anaesthetics activate a novel neuronal K+ current   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
N P Franks  W R Lieb 《Nature》1988,333(6174):662-664
Although it is still controversial whether the primary target sites underlying general anaesthesia are proteins or lipids, it is generally thought that the ultimate targets are ion channels in nerve membranes. One approach to finding these targets is to study the effects of general anaesthetics on identified neurons, where differential effects on neuronal activity can be pursued to the molecular level. Here we report that amongst a group of apparently identical molluscan neurons having endogenous firing activity, a single cell displays an unusual sensitivity to volatile agents (which, at surgical levels, completely inhibit its activity). We further show that this sensitivity is due to a novel anaesthetic-activated K+ current, which is found in the sensitive cell but not in the surrounding insensitive cells. This K+ conductance is not appreciably voltage-gated and persists for as long as the anaesthetic is present. The response to anaesthetics is completely reversible and saturates at low anaesthetic partial pressures: the half-maximal response for halothane occurs at 0.0063 atm, close to its minimum alveolar concentration (0.0075 atm) in man.  相似文献   

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