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耀州瓷是我国古代名瓷.为了探讨不同时代耀州瓷的釉料来源和分类关系,用中子活化分析(NAA)技术测定古耀州瓷釉样品中29种元素的含量,将这批NAA数据进行散布分析,结果表明:唐代黑釉瓷和宋代兔毫釉瓷、酱釉瓷的原料成分比较接近,和唐代白釉瓷的原料成分相差较远.宋代青瓷的釉料来源和配方比较稳定,五代青瓷具有承前启后的作用.金代月白釉料成分和宋代青瓷釉料接近.唐三彩蓝釉料与其它耀州瓷釉料来源明显不同.  相似文献   

选取秦始皇陵1号坑兵马俑样品20个,3号坑兵马俑样品44个,秦陵附近黏土样品20个,耀州瓷胎样品2个,进行中子活化分析(NAA),测定每个样品中32种元素的质量含量.将这批NAA数据进行模糊聚类分析,得到动态聚类图.结果表明,1号坑和3号坑兵马俑原料来源不完全相同,但它们都与秦陵附近垆土关系密切,与秦陵附近黄土关系比较疏远,与耀州瓷胎的关系甚远.由此推断秦陵1号坑和3号坑兵马俑的原料可能取自秦陵附近的某些垆土层,烧制兵马俑的窑址可能也在秦始皇陵附近.  相似文献   

选取秦始皇陵兵马俑样品83个,秦始皇陵附近的粘土样品20个,耀州瓷胎样品2个,用中子活化分析(NAA)测量样品中32种微量元素的含量,将这些数据进行模糊聚类分析,得到动态聚类分析图.结果表明,一、二、三号坑的兵马俑样品各有相对的独立性,它们所用粘土不完全相同;兵马俑样品与秦始皇陵附近的垆土关系极为密切,与秦始皇陵附近的黄土关系不太密切,与耀州瓷胎无关.这说明兵马俑的原料可能取自骊山地区的某些垆土层,烧制兵马俑的窑址可能也在秦始皇陵附近.  相似文献   

秦始皇陵2,3号坑兵马俑原料来源和研制工程的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究秦始皇陵兵马俑的原料来源和烧制技术,选取63个秦始皇陵2,3号坑的兵马俑样品和20个秦陵附近的黏土样品,2个耀州瓷胎样品,进行中子活化分析(NAA),测定每个样品中32种微量元素的质量分数.将这批NAA数据进行模糊聚类分析,得到动态模糊聚类分析图.结果表明,2号坑和3号坑兵马俑原料来源不完全相同,但多数兵马俑样品与秦陵附近的垆土样品关系密切,其原料来源可能在秦陵附近,由此推断烧制2,3号坑兵马俑的窑址也可能在秦陵附近.还初步分析了2,3号坑兵马俑研制工程的历史背景和秦陵封土,2号坑夯土、回填土与附近黏土的关系.  相似文献   

In order to search for sources of the raw material of the Qin’s terracotta warriors and horses, we selected 20 samples of pottery warriors and pottery horses of the Qin’s Mausoleum from pit No. 1, 19 samples of pottery warriors and brick from pit No. 2, 20 samples of clays near the Qin’s Mausoleum and 2 samples of Yaozhou porcelain bodies. The 32 kinds of element content of each sample were measured by neutron activation analysis (NAA). These data were analyzed by fuzzy cluster analysis, the trend cluster analysis diagram was obtained. The results showed that samples of terracotta warriors and horses from pits No.1 and No. 2 were closely related to the loam layer near Qin’s Mausoleum, but their relations with the loess layers were not so close, and they were out of all relation to Yaozhou porcelain bodies. Thus, it could be deduced that the Li Mountain clay may be considered as the original place of the raw materials of the terracotta warriors and horses, the kiln sites might be located nearby the Qin’s Mausoleum.  相似文献   

选取陕西耀州瓷和杭州郊坛下南宋官瓷样品,用中子活化分析(NAA)测得各个样品中29种元素的含量,用多元统计分析(SPSS)中的主成分因子分析法对样品进行分类、研究,从而揭示出耀州瓷胎和南宋官瓷胎的原料产地彼此独立,各自有着较为集中、稳定的原料来源;耀州瓷釉和南宋官瓷釉的釉料配方明显不同,历代耀州青瓷釉的配方相近,但不同釉色的耀州瓷釉却有着迥然相异的原料配方.  相似文献   

运用中子活化分析(NAA)技术,测定耀州瓷釉中29种元素的质量含量,从中选取24种着色元素.通过对比分析,最后确定铁是耀州瓷的着色主元素,证明了考古界“耀州瓷以铁为着色主元素”的说法.  相似文献   

In order to search for sources of the raw material of the Qin's terracotta warriors and horses, we selected 20 samples of pottery warriors and pottery horses of the Qin's Mausoleum from pit No. 1, 19 samples of pottery warriors and brick from pit No. 2, 20 samples of clays near the Qin's Mausoleum and 2 samples of Yaozhou porcelain bodies. The 32 kinds of element content of each sample were measured by neutron activation analysis (NAA). These data were analyzed by fu zzy cluster analysis, the trend cluster analysis diagram was obtained. The results showed that samples of terracotta warriors and horses from pits No.1 and No. 2 were closely related to the loam layer near Qin's Mausoleum, but their relations with the loess layers were not so close, and they were out of all relation to Yaozhou porcelain bodies. Thus, it could be deduced that the Li Mountain clay may be considered as the original place of the raw materials of the terracotta warriors and horses, the kiln sites might be located nearby the Qin's Mausoleum.  相似文献   

Chemical analysis plays a significant role in the study of ancient ceramics[1,2]. Most ancient Chinese kilns used clays mined from the local areas and differences in the geochemistry and mineralogy of these raw materials may be expected. The chemical composition of ceramics may also be influenced by production techniques, such as processing by washing and mixing of different sorts of raw materials. These may also vary from kiln to kiln and even change over time. Thus the raw materials and pro…  相似文献   

福建德化是中国古代重要的瓷业生产区和外销瓷的重要产地之一.为了解德化地区不同窑口青花瓷的原料来源、成分和分类关系,用质子激发Χ射线荧光分析(PIXE)技术,测量了20个后所窑和十排格窑青花瓷样品的胎、釉化学组成,将这些数据进行模糊聚类分析,结果表明:两窑青花瓷的胎、釉原料来源接近,并且都经历了从发展到成熟的过程;两窑不同时期青花瓷透明釉样品的釉料来源或配方曾有过明显的变动.  相似文献   

翻译中的补偿就是用译入语语言形式补足在转换原文语言形式时造成的语义损失.补偿手段在唐宋诗词英译时常用.  相似文献   

对邢窑巩义窑白瓷化学组成的模糊聚类分析表明:邢窑不同时期细白釉瓷的胎料产地和配方有所不同;巩义窑唐代3个细白釉瓷的胎料产地和配方非常接近;邢窑巩义窑细白釉瓷胎的化学组成有些相似,但胎料产地不同.邢窑巩义窑粗白釉瓷胎的原料产地各自都比较集中,配方比较简单,化学组成有些相似,但不同窑口的胎料产地也有所不同.两窑窑工在制作工艺上曾有过交流.  相似文献   

The proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) is used to measure the chemical ingredients of seven main elements of each sample of celadon body from Qingliangsi kiln in Baofeng County and Zhanggongxiang kiln in Ruzhou City. The PIXIE data are then analyzed by fuzzy cluster method, and the trend cluster diagram is obtained to determine their relation of classification and provenance. The result shows that the producing area of raw material of Ru porcelain bodies is concentrated in Qingliangsi kiln, while that of celadon bodies is slightly scattered in Zhanggongxiang kiln. The raw material origin of Ru porcelain bodies from Qingliangsi kiln in Baofeng County is different from that of Zhang-gongxiang kiln in Ruzhou City. The materials of Ru Guan porcelain bodies and Ru Civil porcelain bodies in Qingliangsi kiln are basically the same.  相似文献   

古钧瓷和现代钧瓷的指纹元素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将 30个古钧瓷、现代钧瓷的釉和胎等样品进行中子活化分析 (NAA) ,测定每个样品中 36种元素的含量。从中选取 7种指纹元素 ,用指纹元素分析法分别研究了古钧瓷釉和胎的起源。结果表明 ,这批时间跨越6 0 0年 ,釉色迥异 ,出自众多不同窑口的古钧瓷有着长期、稳定、基本相同的原料来源。初步分析了古钧瓷与古汝瓷相近的起源关系。发现现代钧瓷少数与古钧瓷相似 ,而多数与古钧瓷疏远  相似文献   

选取天青、天蓝、月白色汝官瓷样品27个、钧官瓷样品25个,将这些样品进行质子激发Χ射线荧光分析(PIXE),测定每个样品的化学组分.将所有样品的7种主量化学组成数据进行模糊聚类分析,得到以下结果:对于所分析的样品,其中钧官瓷胎样品的原料产地比较集中,汝官瓷胎的原料产地稍分散一些;多数汝官瓷胎和钧官瓷胎样品的原料产地接近但不相同,个别汝官瓷胎和钧官瓷胎样品有混在一起的情况;汝官瓷釉和钧官瓷釉样品的原料产地和配方明显不同但关系不是很远.  相似文献   

中国古代陶瓷工业的铜呈色发展史经历了唐以前的低温氧化气氛下的铜绿釉到宋以后高温还原气氛下的铜红釉两大阶段。宋代河南禹州钧窑铜红釉的烧成是瓷釉铜呈色工艺达到成熟的表现,并且改变了以往只有青釉、白釉、黑釉等单色釉的单调局面,将中国的制瓷业带入到色彩斑斓的新时代,在中国陶瓷工艺史上具有里程碑式的意义,并对后世瓷器生产产生了广泛而深远的影响。  相似文献   

景教自唐太宗贞观九年(公元635年)传入长安,至唐武宗会昌五年(公元845年)因皇帝灭佛而同遭禁绝,在华传播长达二百多年。可是,景教在被禁之后,立刻就从中原大地上销声匿迹了,直到明代景教碑出土之后,学者们才逐步挖掘出它的传播历史。是什么原因致使景教在中华历史文化中被彻底湮没了将近八百年呢?文章拟从其传教策略上寻找一些答案。  相似文献   

土家族作为一个民族共同体 ,发育于秦汉魏晋 ,形成于唐宋年间 ,稳定于元明及清初 ,“改土归流”后进入同化发展期。其形成因素 ,除自然属性外 ,主要是政治因素。  相似文献   

钧瓷在唐代花瓷的基础上产生,北宋时期其工艺逐步成熟,金元时期钧窑系形成。经历了明代的衰落后,钧瓷在清代由仿制而逐渐复苏,新中国成立后获得新生并再铸辉煌。钧瓷的兴衰除了其自身特殊的工艺因素外,也受时代思想和审美意识的影响、政治因素的干预及经济因素的制约。  相似文献   

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